Spring had given way to summer and the temperature in the city was climbing. The cold clammy air that filled the narrow alleys and streets was replaced by a smothering heat that steadily increased the stench of rubbish and sewage. The rains of spring had passed and few torrents gushed down the streets to wash away the filth. Flies and mosquitoes swirled in the still air and added to the discomfort of Rome’s inhabitants.

At the same time the temperature of the people was also rising. Since Caesar’s meeting with Clodius, hardly a day had passed without news of a clash between Milo’s and Clodius’s gangs, often escalating into full-scale riots in the district surrounding the Forum and spilling over into the very heart of the Forum itself. Hundreds had been beaten or stabbed and many had died, each death provoking further rage and revenge attacks. Marcus had witnessed a few riots when he escorted Caesar and his men to the Senate House. In normal times, Festus explained to Marcus, the procession was to display the influence of the politician at its head. Now a small band of tough men walked in front of Caesar, clearing the way and looking for danger, while the rest of his followers were there for protection.

Marcus wore his thick leather skullcap to protect his head. It was uncomfortable and made his head sweat in the close heat of the city’s streets, but Festus insisted he keep it on, joking that it was there to protect ‘Caesar’s investment’. He also carried a dagger tucked into the wide belt under his cloak, and a stout club slipped up his sleeve, ready to drop into his hand the instant it was needed. So far no one had dared attack the consul or his entourage. But Marcus didn’t think that would last much longer. As the procession crossed the Forum, insults were hurled at Caesar from the safety of the crowd. Soon, Marcus feared, the insults would be accompanied by lumps of filth, or rotten vegetables, then stones and bricks, before order disintegrated into a bloody struggle amid the screams of those running away.

On this particular day, an ominous mood permeated the Senate House as Marcus and Lupus watched Caesar take his seat. A group of senators clustered about Cato, muttering in low tones as they waited for proceedings to begin. Not until the benches of the Senate were almost filled did Caesar nod to the chief clerk. The man stepped forward, cracking his staff on the flagstone floor to command silence.

‘In the name of the consul, Gaius Julius Caesar, the daily proceedings of the Senate are declared open. The consul invites the first item of business for the day.’

At once Cato was on his feet, his arm raised, a scroll held high. ‘I have a Bill to present!’

Cato saw the weary look in Caesar’s face as he gestured towards Cato. ‘Proceed.’

Cato nodded, then paused to stare around the chamber, building up a tense air of expectation. Before he could speak, Caesar coughed and addressed the house first.

‘If you don’t mind, my dear Cato, we don’t have all day for your theatrical tricks. Please spit it out.’

At the ripple of light laughter around the Senate, Marcus turned to Lupus with a questioning look. ‘What’s so funny?’

‘Our master has ruffled Cato’s feathers,’ Lupus smiled. ‘Actors are the lowest of the low in Rome. For a snob like Cato that’s a painful comparison. Look at him! The man’s furious.’

Marcus saw that Cato’s brows had knitted together in a deep frown as he glared at the consul. He waited until the last of the laughter had died away before speaking in a bitter tone.

‘I shall come to the point. Caesar has requested that he shall be given command over our Celtic provinces this side of the Alps when his consulship comes to an end. It would be a fair reward for a consul as obviously capable as Caesar. He has already proved himself as a fine commander in Spain and I am certain he would be most effective in countering the threats to our interests in Gaul. However. .’ Cato paused and waited for complete silence before he continued. ‘However, we have more pressing need of Caesar’s military skills. You all know of the continuing raids on isolated villas and farming estates by large bands of brigands hiding in the hills and mountains down the spine of Italia. Many of these bands comprise the remnants of the rebel army of Spartacus — runaway slaves who continue to terrorize their masters, and defy the authority of Rome. While they live, the spirit of Spartacus himself lives on!’ Cato jabbed a finger into the air. ‘Even now, there are reports that a new leader has emerged. Some scoundrel by the name of Brixus. .’

Marcus felt an icy shiver ripple down his spine. Could this be the same Brixus he had known at the gladiator school? He had told Marcus he’d fight slavery until his dying breath, and urged Marcus to join him. ‘Until the last supporters of Spartacus are eliminated, we face the very real prospect of a new revolt flaring up in our faces!’ Cato exclaimed. ‘The consequences of this will be even more dire than was the case in the previous uprising. To that end, I move that the Senate reassign Caesar to hunt down and eliminate every last rebel and brigand operating in Italia. Only then can decent Romans afford to sleep at night, untroubled by fears of being murdered in their beds by those who still follow in the footsteps of Spartacus.’

Cato sat down abruptly and folded his arms as his followers cheered loudly. Marcus saw the smirk on Cato’s face and turned his gaze to Caesar who was sitting quite still on his ornate chair, glaring at his political opponent. Despite his stillness, Marcus could see that the blood had drained from his master’s face and the tightly clenched jaw confirmed the rage seething within. Marcus understood his master’s anger. Far from letting him continue to build his military reputation, Cato was attempting to divert Caesar into policing the troubled countryside. If Caesar’s enemies didn’t succeed through the Senate, what would they resort to? Marcus and Lupus had heard the threats from Portia’s kidnappers — Caesar’s life was in danger, and Cato had just upped the stakes.

The clerk rapped his staff for silence. Caesar paused a moment before standing to reply.

‘Senator Cato’s proposal comes as something of a surprise, since the area of my responsibilities when I step down as consul has already been defined. I shall have to consult with the clerks to see if there is a precedent for such a change. The house will adjourn while I investigate the matter.’

Cato was instantly on his feet again. ‘There is a precedent. I checked. All that remains is to put it to the vote.’

His supporters shouted their support until the clerk rapped his rod again, and turned to Caesar.

‘I will look into it myself, and the Senate will resume its consideration of the motion this afternoon.’

The consul’s words were greeted with howls of protest from Cato and his supporters, but he ignored them as the clerks packed up their writing materials. Caesar left the chamber and climbed the stairs to join Lupus and Marcus, watching from the public gallery. When he reached them, his words were harsh and clipped. Marcus hadn’t seen his master this serious before. He almost didn’t recognize the emotion on his face. But then he realized — Caesar was afraid.

‘Lupus, go outside and find Festus. Tell him to ready his men and wait outside the Senate House. He is to do what he can to delay any senators from slipping away before I can teach Cato a lesson. Then get yourself home, before the trouble starts.’

‘Yes, master!’ Lupus bowed his head and scurried away as Caesar turned to Marcus. ‘I want you to find Clodius. He’s most likely to be at the Blue Dolphin Inn, at the far end of the Forum. Do you know it?’

‘Yes, master. I went there once with Festus.’

‘Good. Then tell Clodius to have his men gather outside the Senate as soon as possible. I want Cato and every one of his supporters to know they have stepped over the line. I’ll make sure I leave before Clodius’s thugs arrive. Tell Clodius to keep an eye out for Milo’s gangs. There are bound to be some nearby, waiting for an order to come to Cato’s aid.’

Marcus glanced round to make sure they weren’t overheard, then lowered his voice. ‘What do you want Clodius to do, master?’

Caesar closed his eyes an instant as he replied, ‘Tell him to go in hard. They can do anything, short of killing anyone. Understood?’

‘Yes, master.’

‘Then go.’ Caesar turned swiftly and made his way back down the stairs to join the huddle of senators who supported him, as well as Pompeius and Crassus. Marcus saw that they looked anxious. But Caesar approached them with a wide smile and open arms, exuding calm and confidence.

Marcus pushed through the crowd in the gallery and left the Senate. He hurried through the Forum towards the edge of the Subura district. When he reached the inns lining the road to the Forum, he saw groups of tough-looking men sitting on the benches outside, while others squatted against the cracked plaster of the walls. Marcus made to enter the courtyard of the largest inn, the Blue Dolphin, but a huge man with a thick stave barred his way.

‘What’s your business here?’ he growled.

‘I’m on Caesar’s business. I need to speak to Clodius.’

The man eyed him warily, then nodded. ‘Follow me.’

He led the way down a narrow passage into the courtyard. Marcus instantly recognized Clodius at the head of a long table with burly-looking men on either side. They were dressed somewhat more finely than the men in the street and many had gold bracelets and chains round their necks. Some were scarred, and they had the broken noses of men brought up to use their fists. Marcus realized these must be the leaders of the street gangs that Clodius had recruited.

‘This one claims he’s been sent by Caesar.’ The man jerked his thumb at Marcus.

Clodius looked up and nodded. ‘It’s all right, I know him.’

The guard nodded and turned away. Marcus took a deep breath and moistened his lips.

‘My master needs you and your men at once.’


‘At the Forum. Cato is trying to force Caesar to campaign against the brigands next year. Caesar’s furious. He wants you to rough up Cato’s supporters. Make sure they understand what will happen if they vote with Cato when the Senate is reconvened later today. ’

Clodius nodded. ‘Did Caesar give any specific instructions?’

Marcus lowered his voice and spoke deliberately. ‘Anything short of murder.’

Clodius raised his eyebrows. ‘I see.’

He stood up and looked down the table at the cruel faces of the gang leaders. ‘You heard the boy. Gather your men. Make for the Senate and let’s show Milo and his political cronies that the gangs from the Subura are the real power in Rome!’

As the men scrambled up from their benches and hurried out into the street to summon their gangs, Clodius turned to Marcus. ‘You’d better stay with me until this is over. Might as well have every fighting man I can find at my side. That is, if you have the stomach for it, young Marcus.’

Marcus drew himself up to his full height. ‘I’m ready.’

‘Courage is one thing. The right tools for the job are quite another. Are you armed?’

Marcus let the club slip down his tunic sleeve, caught it in his hand and held it up.

Clodius smiled. ‘Hope you know how to use it.’

‘I do, master. Besides, that’s not all I have.’ Marcus quickly switched the club into his left hand and reached with his right to pull out one of the throwing knives. There was a blur of movement, a sharp crack, and Clodius looked down the table to the chair at the far end. The knife was stuck fast in the chair back, its handle quivering.

He chuckled, then patted Marcus on the shoulder. ‘You’ll do nicely. Let’s go.’
