Chapter Twenty-three
Kyrie Merriwether

Cody. She forced herself to remember his name. Not exactly the sort of guy she normally noticed, but he was nice enough and he was here to meet Joe Bronx and maybe, just maybe, that meant she had made a friend. Okay, a friend trying to undress her at every opportunity, but she was pretty sure he didn’t actually have x-ray vision and at least he wasn’t actually groping.

She needed a friend in the worst possible way. The last few days, ever since she blacked out on the way to a slumber party, had sucked.

Now she was here, standing in front of the room she’d been told to go to and waiting with a kid-Cody-who looked like he was one loud noise away from rabbiting his way all the way back to wherever home was.

The door opened after her first knock, and the guy standing inside the threshold made her catch her breath. Dark hair, dark blue eyes, a serious tan, and a nice suit. He looked the same age again, but with rugged features and dimples. She loved dimples on a guy.

No, enough. Whatever he’s doing here, he isn’t exactly boyfriend material.

“Hi. I’m looking for Joe? Joe Bronx?”

The guy looked back at her and his face grew stormy for a second. “He’s not here. But I guess he will be soon.”

The boy that was with her in the hallway looked at both of them. “I’m Cody. I was told he’d be here. He’s supposed to have answers for me.”

“I’m Hunter. Come on in. Whatever he’s got in mind, we’ll know soon enough.”

He stepped out of the way, and as they entered the large room, they saw the others already there, sitting down. A dark-haired girl with deep dark eyes and a stance that said she took shit from exactly no one. Kyrie guessed she outweighed the girl by a good fifteen pounds-which was saying something because she wasn’t exactly fat-but she had no doubt the other girl would kick the crap out of her as soon as look at her.

There was a boy, too. Another boy. Dark haired, again, with an olive complexion and clothes that were obviously high end. He was cute, but like the girl, he looked angry. His posture was perfect. She knew guys like him from the military academy down the road. They were all about discipline. He had that same stance, that same look.

Hunter pointed to the girl and then to the boy. “This is Tina Carlotti, and this is Gene Rothstein.” They both nodded as he pointed to them. “I’m Hunter.”

“Cody Laurel,” the one who’d come up with her volunteered.

“I’m Kyrie Merriwether.” She shrugged. “Anyone know what the hell is going on around here?”

Hunter shook his head. “We’re all waiting. I guess Joe Bronx is the guy that’s been messing with me for a while. Sounds like the same guy. He’s promising answers to questions. So far he hasn’t offered very many to me.” The bitterness in his voice was impossible to miss.

Cody looked around the room and settled himself on one of the plush chairs. “What kind of answers?”

“What’s been happening to us, mostly. From what Hunter and Tina here have told me, we’re all having blackouts.” Gene’s voice had a soft New York accent. He stood up, and Kyrie was taken aback. He was taller than she’d thought when he was sitting down. Cute, but a little awkward.

Kyrie nodded. “I’ve been having a lot of them.” She fought back the tears that wanted to slip from her eyes. “I was in Seattle, and then I was in Nebraska and now I’m in Boston and I don’t know how I got here.” She looked away and got herself under control with several deep, shuddery breaths. She didn’t like crying and sure as hell not in front of people she didn’t even know.

“Yeah.” Cody again. He stood back up, a bundle of nervous energy. “I took a bus here. My mom and dad were ready to have me committed after I woke up in a jail cell.”

“No shit?” Tina spoke, her words clipped and spoken fast. She sounded like a gangster in a bad mob movie. Kyrie looked the girl over again. Hard. That was the only word that came to mind about the other girl.

Before anyone else could speak, the phone rang.

Hunter answered it and listened to the voice on the other end for a moment, his face puzzled. When the call was ended, he shrugged.

“We have a car waiting for us downstairs. We’re supposed to go somewhere else.”

“Bullshit.” Cody shook his head. “This better be the last stop. I’m already gonna get grounded for life.”

Hunter looked at him for a second and then shrugged. “Don’t look at me, man. I don’t have a clue.”

Tina walked past them, waving a dismissive hand. “I ain’t gonna sit here all day waiting. Let’s just get to wherever we’re supposed to be and get this over with.” Without another word she was in the hallway and heading for the elevators. Kyrie looked at the others for a few heartbeats and then followed.

The others were soon joining them.

Kyrie looked at Tina and the other girl looked back. “Wanna get a boy in action, you have to show him the way, that’s all.” Kyrie had no idea exactly what the other girl meant by that, but she smiled anyway. Despite everything, she was already starting to like the smaller girl.
