The prosecution’s case was moving toward its climax. Haviland brought his DNA specialist to the stand, who took two hours to give the jury a primer on DNA analysis and make sure every one of them knew that it was irrefutable. The blood on my shoes was Brian’s. Scientifically proven. Beyond any reasonable doubt. Terry barely asked any questions on cross; there was nothing to be said.
Haviland’s final witness was Officer Emilio Morales, the detective with the New Jersey State Police who had led the investigation. Haviland walked him through the reasons why he had concluded I was the murderer, which meant the jury got to hear a summary of all the evidence against me, laid out by a well-spoken and honest-looking cop.
They covered my apparent motive for the murder—that Brian had taken a shot at my wife—and all of the physical evidence that linked me to the crime.
“Was Mr. Kelley able to provide an alibi for four o’clock AM on December third, the time when Brian Vanderhall was murdered?” Haviland asked.
“No. He claimed to have been home asleep at the time, but no witnesses have been able to confirm that,” Morales said.
“Was there any more evidence that Mr. Kelley murdered Mr. Vanderhall?”
“At the murder scene, we have Mr. Kelley’s fingerprints and shoeprints,” Morales said, ticking them off on his fingers. “He was arrested with the murder weapon in his possession, GSR on his hands, blood on his shoes, and driving the victim’s stolen car. What more evidence do you need?”
Haviland said he was done and sat down. Terry cleared his throat and took the lectern for cross-examination.
“Mr. Morales, my client lives with four other people: his wife, Elena; and his children, Claire, Alessandra, and Sean. Why were they not able to confirm his alibi?”
“Mr. Kelley’s family has not been seen since his arrest.”
Terry pretended astonishment. “Did you look for them?”
“Certainly we looked for them,” Morales snapped. “After all that talk about them being dead when Kelley was arrested, we thought maybe he’d murdered them, too.”
“So, you asked family members?”
“We asked family members, coworkers, neighbors, friends. We put out an alert for them. Either they changed their identities and went somewhere far away, or they’re dead. Personally, I would guess the latter.”
“But you never found their bodies.”
“Did it ever occur to you that what my client told you about them might be true?”
“What, that he found the bodies in his house, and then they vanished into thin air before anyone else saw them? I don’t know where you’re living, sir, but on this planet, bodies don’t just up and disappear.”
“We’ll see about that,” Terry said. “No further questions.”
“Mr. Haviland?” the judge said.
“Your Honor, I am finished with this witness as well,” Haviland said with a self-satisfied smile. “In fact, I have no more witnesses to bring. The prosecution rests.”