Paul was reading a copy of Broadcast magazine with his feet up on the desk when the door opened. It was Laura. ‘Carolyn’s here for a word,’ she said.

Day jolted as if he’d been stung. ‘Carolyn?’

Laura grimaced. ‘Sorry. Jenny, I mean. Jenny’s here.’

Day swung his legs off his desk as Jenny walked in to his office. ‘Darling, everything okay with the boys in blue?’

‘Grey more than blue,’ said Jenny. ‘They were asking about Carolyn, obviously. It reminded me that she’d left me a message over the weekend.’ She handed him her phone. ‘Have a listen for yourself.’

Day listened to the message on Jenny’s phone, and then gave it back to her. ‘At least we know she’s okay,’ he said. ‘But it would be nice if she’d told us where she was.’

Jenny sighed. ‘You haven’t got a cigarette, have you?’

‘I gave up years ago.’

‘I’m betting you’ve got a pack in your desk drawer though,’ said Jenny.

Day laughed and opened the top drawer, took out a pack of Rothmans and a cheap disposable lighter and gave them to her.

‘Told you.’ She laughed and lit one.

‘You know you can’t smoke inside,’ said Day. ‘I don’t know what the law is Down Under but in these parts it’s a hanging offence.’

‘I’ll plead ignorance,’ she said, and took a long pull on the cigarette.

‘Anyway, when did you start smoking?’ asked Day.

Jenny blew a tight plume of smoke up at the ceiling. ‘Since you made me a soap opera star,’ she said.

‘You’re becoming more and more like your sister, you know that?’

‘You say that like it’s a bad thing,’ laughed Jenny.

‘Just be careful,’ said Day. ‘I don’t want you going missing, not until we’ve wrapped up this episode, anyway.’

‘Then what?’

‘What do you mean?’ asked Day.

‘What happens to Diana Bourne? Will she be written out?’

‘That’s not going to happen,’ said Day. ‘The network loves the character.’

‘Even when I’m playing Diana?’

Day laughed. ‘To be honest. I think they prefer it with you playing the part.’

‘Well I’m only temporary, you know that,’ said Jenny. ‘As soon as she’s back, I’m off.’

One of the runners popped her head around the door. ‘They need Miss Castle on set, right now,’ she said.

‘You’ve been summoned,’ said Day. ‘I’ll see you at lunch. They’ve got Chicken Kiev on the menu, always one of my favorites.’

‘Thanks, Paul,’ said Jenny.

‘For what?’

‘For everything.’ She blew him a kiss as she headed out after the runner.
