She was in the car with them, seated in the back with two of them while the other two were in the front. They drove off in a great rush and she was suddenly wary. Did she know any of them? She knew one of the boys sitting beside her. She sat between the two boys in the back and the boy on her left was in one of her classes. His name was Jerry something. She had no idea who the others were, but they were certainly from the high school and they all seemed to know her.

The boys on either side of her were giggling now as the two boys in the front joked about her. She was uneasy. The boys were pressing against her thighs because the car wasn't that big and there was hardly any room for three in the back.

Then Jerry, the boy she knew, asked her what she was doing out so late. "It's not safe out there, Miss Carlson."

Helen nodded. "I had to leave a party unexpectedly. It's very nice of you boys to drive me home."

They all giggled at that. Jerry teased her about the party. "A wild party, Miss Carlson?"

"Just an ordinary party, Jerry."

When he pressed her further about the party, she told him not to pry. Then suddenly she felt his hand on her thigh. At first she couldn't believe it. But his hand was there, all right. She stiffened and pushed it away.

Jerry giggled and immediately put his hand back. Then the boy on the other side did the same to the other thigh.

She groaned and tried pushing their hands away, but the hands kept coming back. "Listen, what's going on?"

"Nothing's going on, Miss Carlson."

"Keep your hands to yourself! I don't want you getting fresh."

Jerry giggled, reached into his pocket and suddenly a wicked looking knife appeared in his hand.

Helen trembled when she saw it. She realized now she was in trouble. She watched the knife with horror as he touched the point of it to her thigh.

"Don't do that!" she cried. She cringed, then threatened him with the police. "You don't want that, do you, Jerry?"

She was helpless as he kept the point of the knife pressed against her thigh with one hand. Then he moved the other hand to one of her tits. He covered the globe of her tit with his hand and squeezed it through her blouse.

A great shudder went through her. "Jerry, you're raping me!"

"Bullshit, I'm just feeling your tit."

He continued squeezing her tit, his hand opening and closing and slowly rotating. She was in a panic. She begged him to stop but he ignored her. He paid no attention to her. Then he told the boy on the other side of her to feel her tit also.

The other boy did it. Now she had each boy covering one of her tits with a hand. The teen in the passenger seat in front turned around and laughed when he saw what was going on. "Has she got nice tits?"

"You know it, man!"

She was helpless. She realized she couldn't do anything, not while they held a knife on her. She wouldn't be the first teacher stabbed by one of the students. But somehow this seemed different than an ordinary assault. They seemed more determined, more sure of themselves, as if they knew exactly what they were doing.

Then she noticed they weren't driving toward her house at all. "Please tell me where you're taking me."

But they wouldn't say. Now she understood she was being kidnapped and the idea frightened the hell out of her. It was something that happened to other people, not to her. She couldn't imagine it happening to her.

They finally arrived somewhere. So far the boys in the back had done nothing more than squeeze her tits. Now she was afraid of what might follow. Jerry still had the knife on her. They made her climb out of the car and she found herself in front of a large house. As far as she could make out, they were somewhere on the edge of town. She went along when one of them took her arm. She walked up the front steps with them as they led her into the front door of the house.

She was in the living room. The boys stood around her, snickering her. They seemed to be waiting for someone to appear. She trembled as one of the boys reached out and stroked her ass. He laughed when she pulled away from him. She was very frightened now. She tried to guess if they would really harm her, but she couldn't tell.

Then finally the door opened and someone appeared. A tall blonde woman wearing a mask over the upper part of her face walked in. She was followed by a large evil-looking man, barechested, muscular, a man built like a wrestler.

The woman told the boys to wait outside. When the boys left, the woman smiled at Helen and said Helen could call her Eva. She introduced the big man beside her as Felix. "And we'll call you Helen, if you don't mind. That's your name, isn't it? Helen Carlson?"

Helen began complaining about the kidnapping, about the way the boys had mistreated her. She demanded to know where she was. She demanded to be released immediately. But Eva chuckled and calmly told Helen to shut up.

"Don't talk at all, not unless I ask you to," Eva said. She threatened punishment. She hinted that Felix would be quite willing to punish Helen if Helen misbehaved. Helen was terrified and she became meek. Eva smiled and said that was much better. "I'm happy to see you're not stupid."

The blonde walked round Helen to look at her.

When she faced Helen again, she calmly told Helen to strip. "Everything off and quickly."

Helen was paralyzed. She just stood there trembling. Eva frowned and said they could easily make her do anything they wanted. To demonstrate her power over Helen, the blonde pulled out a long thin dagger and used the point of it to cut away the top button of Helen's blouse.

Now Helen realized how helpless she was. She began unbuttoning her blouse. She slowly stripped as the two of them watched her. She was determined not to cry. She was determined to maintain her dignity. She told herself that eventually she would be rescued and these people would be punished.

She stripped everything off, including her shoes and pantyhose, and she stood there shivering and naked in front of them.

"Cold?" Eva said. Her tone was mocking.

Helen could see the lust in Felix's eyes as he looked at her. She was unable to see Eva's eyes because of the mask.

Eva smiled at Helen and said Helen was attractive. She told Helen to turn around slowly to show herself from all sides.

Helen did it. She could feel their eyes on her. She heard Eva say something to Felix and suddenly Felix grabbed Helen's arm and led her away. Eva followed them. Helen was in a daze, her arm hurting from Felix's incredibly strong grip. She stumbled near the door. She was taken to a nearby room and forced inside by Felix. Eva came in and closed the door behind her.

The center of the room contained a tall post with metal rings attached to it in various places. Helen was helpless as Felix now tied her up. Her wrists were bound behind her back. Then he put a ball-gag in her mouth. He pulled at the manacles that held her wrists and attached them to the post.

Eva watched it with a smile. Then the blonde went to a drawer in a cabinet against a wall and she returned with a small box. "It will be better for you if you learn them quickly."

The blonde opened the small box and brought something out. She took hold of one of Helen's tits, and while Helen watched with terror stricken eyes, Eva fixed a large clamp on Helen's nipple.

Then the blonde did the other nipple with another clamp.

Now Eva adjusted the clamps, tightened them until Helen moaned.

When Eva heard the moan she was pleased.

She explained to Helen that the clamps could be tightened in a precise way. She smiled at Helen and dropped a hand down to finger Helen's cuntbush.

"I want you to piss," Eva said. "I'll tighten the clamps step by step until you do it."

She said if Helen refused to piss her nipples would be permanently damaged. She said Helen could easily stop the pain just by pissing.

Helen was mortified. A shudder ran through as she glanced at Felix. He had such lust in his eyes. He was standing there waiting to see her in agony.

Eva screwed down each clamp just a bit. The pain was already bad. Helen resisted. She couldn't bear the thought of pissing in front of them.

Then Eva tightened the clamps again. And again. She smiled at Helen as she did it. "I know you're feeling it."

Finally it was too much for Helen and she let go. She started pissing. Eva stood back and chuckled as the piss ran down Helen's legs. The blonde was pleased.

"Yes, that's fine." Eva patted Helen's face.

Eva loosened the clamps and removed them. She looked closely at Helen's nipples and said the skin wasn't broken. "It's not that bad. I think you gave in just in time."

Then Eva, amused herself by pulling at Helen's nipples, stretching them out from her tits. Helen made a moaning sound because her nipples were now extremely sensitive and Eva was hurting them.

Eva laughed and finally released Helen's tits. She pulled the ball-gag out of Helen's mouth and explained that Helen was never to disobey her or anyone who worked for her.

Helen could see Eva's eyes now. The eyes were pale blue and empty. Helen was completely mesmerized by the woman and in tenor of being hurt again. She knew she would obey Eva. She could feel the strange power Eva had over her.

Then Eva said something to Felix. The big man grunted and came to Helen. He adjusted the attachments to the post and then pushed her down on her knees. When he stepped back, Eva nodded at him. He walked to the door and left the room, then in a moment he was back with the four boys that had brought Helen to the house.

Helen twisted at the manacles that held her wrists. She hated having the boys see her like this. Somehow it was worse when the boys looked at her. But she was afraid to complain. She was afraid Eva would hurt her again.

Eva smiled as she looked at the boys. She said they should have a reward for bringing Helen to her. She said if they liked they could use Helen's mouth. "But quickly, please. Fuck her mouth and do it quickly!"

Helen was horrified. The boys snickered as they brought their cocks out. Helen's eyes were wide as she gazed at them. Four young cocks dangled in front of her. Two of the boys already had hard-ons. The other two soon rose up even as she watched them.

The first boy to approach Helen was Jerry. He stood over her, smiled down at her with his cock in his hand. "Hi, Miss Carlson. Just open those pretty lips so I can get it in."

In a daze, she opened her mouth. He pushed forward, his cock sliding between her lips and over her tongue to push at her palate. He grunted with pleasure as he slowly pulled back. Then he pushed forward again, his cock stuffing her mouth as he began fucking her face.

She hadn't ever had it like this. Oh, she'd sucked a prick now and then when she'd had a bit too much to drink or the man was particularly insistent. Just a little bit of sucking around the knob, mostly to tease them. But this was very different. The boy was fucking her, fucking her face it was true, but still fucking her. It was Jerry who was in control.

She was completely passive, her mouth open to be fucked by his sliding cock. He hit the back of her throat at times and she thought she would gag but she didn't. Then she felt him speeding up. She looked up and saw that he was watching her mouth. He was watching his cock as he fucked her face. They were all watching it, of course. All the eyes were on her, on the boy's pink prick as it slid in and out of her rounded lips.

Jerry suddenly groaned and started spurting in her mouth. No warning. She felt the flood of hot jism on her tongue. He fucked her mouth more forcefully, deliberately pumping out his spunk. He had so much of it, so much hot jism, it was almost like sucking a running faucet. Then finally he was finished and he groaned as he pulled his prick out of her mouth.

She swallowed everything down. She closed her eyes and swallowed it. A shiver ran through her as the slimy stuff slid down her throat.

Jerry was immediately replaced by another boy. This one had a larger cock and it was very stiff. He forced his prick inside her mouth, rammed it against her tonsils and giggled at the way she gagged. He grunted as he started fucking her mouth.

Helen recognized him as the boy who had been driving the car. She tried to close her mind to what was happening to her. Maybe if she pretended they weren't real they would all somehow vanish. But the cock in her mouth was too real to be denied. It was the prick of a man rather than the prick of a boy.

The only grown man in the room was Felix, and now Helen wondered if she would have to suck him also. She told herself she'd throw up if she had to. Or faint. It would be better to faint, to simply lose consciousness. She couldn't possibly suck the prick of that brutish-looking man. Sucking the boys was bad enough. God, how she hated them. And the boy she was sucking now wasn't too clean. She could smell his cock and balls as he fucked her mouth. She kept her eyes closed and prayed he would finish soon.

Then he was there, humping at her face, swearing at her as he shot off in her mouth. His balls kept slapping at her chin as he blew his wad on her tongue. His spunk was hot and thick and she thought there was more of it than Jerry had given her. She continued swallowing until the last of it came out of his pisshole, and then, when he finally pulled away, she shuddered as she rolled her tongue over her lips.

Two more. She was almost numb now. She opened her mouth automatically to take the third boy. He fucked her face and came quickly. Then the fourth and last boy did the same. Four loads of jism down her throat.

Eva was amused as she sent the boys away. She taunted Helen about it. She said Helen had looked as though she enjoyed it. She said she couldn't blame Helen for liking it because it was nice to suck off boys that age. Helen sobbed and said she didn't like it, she hated it. She begged Eva to release her.

Of course Eva refused.

"And what about girls," Eva said with a laugh. She pulled up the front of her dress to expose her blonde cuntbush. She wore beige nylons with elastic tops, no panties, nothing above the nylons but her cuntbush and belly. She gathered her dress at her waist and said she wanted Helen to suck her pussy now. She said watching Helen with the boys had turned her on. "You can suck everything out. Do a good job and I won't make you do Felix."

The blonde moved forward to get her crotch over Helen's mouth. She ordered Helen to suck her cunt. Helen shuddered with revulsion as she did it. She sucked the woman's slimy pussy. She had never done such a thing before and she couldn't believe what was happening to her.

Eva humped against Helen's face, fucking Helen's mouth with her cunt, rolling her hips around and pushing forward to get more pressure on her cunt. Finally Eva quivered and seemed to have an orgasm. The blonde stepped back and turned around. She still had her dress at her hips and her ass was completely bare. She chuckled as she backed her ass against Helen's face. She ordered Helen to lick her asshole.

"Get it wet, sweetie. Get it wet and suck it." Helen was too frightened to disobey. She did what the blonde wanted. She tongued Eva's asshole.

Glancing out of the corner of her eye, Helen could see that Felix had his cock out of his pants. His prick was enormous. He was jerking off as he watched them. Then he suddenly grunted and wad after wad of jism shot out of his pisshole. His load came out in force, spurting at least three feet from the tip of his cock to splatter the floor.

Eva finally pulled her ass away from Helen's mouth. She told Helen that she would be driven home now. The blonde smiled at Helen and crossed the middle finger and forefinger of one hand over the middle finger and forefinger of the other hand.

"This is the sign of the Double Cross," Eva said.

She explained that Helen would be called upon again when she was presented with the sign. She said that when Helen was called, she was to go with whoever called her. She said from this moment on Helen belonged to the Order of the Double Cross.

"As one of our slaves," Eva said. "Maybe someday you'll be something else, but now you're one of our slaves."
