When Karen woke up the next morning, it was to a day of bright sunshine. She could hear birds chirping in the trees, and already there were children screaming and laughing.

After her eyes were open, she lay in the bed, stretching and yawning. She felt very good, better than she had in a long time. Smiling, she wondered what Devon was doing this morning. She hoped he would visit her today. He was such a precious little child, she thought, slipping her legs over the edge of the bed.

Standing, still naked, she lifted her arms above her head and stretched again. Her tall, slim, curvy body felt vitally alive, every nerve vibrant. She went to the tiny stove and put coffee on, then showered in the small, cramped shower. There was a satisfied throbbing in her cunt, and her tits still tingled. As she moved about the tiny motor home, she caressed herself, humming with happiness.

Since Karen had discovered this strong desire for young boys, this was the first time she had been completely satisfied with one. Always before the boy had been shy, bashful to the point that he was almost passive. She wanted a boy like Devon – young, not much hair on his balls, yet with a desire as strong as hers, and uninhibited. Devon was certainly that, she thought, with a smile of affection.

She dressed in a bikini, planning to swim a bit before noon. She sat in the small dining area and drank coffee, smoking her cigarette. Karen allowed herself one cigarette a day, and that was when she had coffee in the morning. As she smoked, she recalled the things Devon had said last night. "Teacher cunt," he had called her. Karen giggled like a naughty child.

"Yes," she said aloud, "I am a teacher cunt, aren't I?"

A shiver of delight ran through her. She could imagine the joy and happiness Devon must have felt fucking her, having her suck his cock off. Most boys, Karen felt, had erotic fantasies of fucking one of their teachers at some time or other. She just hoped he wouldn't brag to his little friends about it.

Then a thought shook her. Devon had said his father was the chairman of the school board. That could be very bad for her, she thought, if Stan Holmes should ever hear what she was doing with his son. For a moment she considered dropping the whole thing, packing up and leaving the campground. She thought of never seeing Devon again, having him transferred from her class if possible. Stan had said Devon would be one of her students come September, hadn't he? God, that could become sticky!

Going outside, she looked at the water and saw a number of children already in it. Glancing toward the Holmes' motor home, she saw the family sitting at a table, having breakfast. Susan waved, and Karen lifted her hand in greeting. Stan motioned for her to join them.

"Good morning," she said as she approached. She noticed that Stan was looking at her almost naked body with unconcealed admiration.

"That's a lovely suit," Susan said. "You look good in white, Karen. Your dark hair sets it off perfectly."

"Thank you," Karen replied, accepting a cup of coffee from Stan.

Pamie scooted over on a bench to make room for her, and she sat down. They chatted like old friends as they had coffee. It was not long before Karen felt the warm thigh of Pamie pressing against hers. It could easily have been accidental, but Karen didn't think it was. She kept her eyes averted from the sweet little thing, but her body was shivering. She recalled the bikini Pamie was wearing the night before, how it revealed her precious little body.

Today, Pamie was wearing a bright-red bikini. It was not much bigger then the one last eight. A sideways glance at those delicious little tits told Karen they would be fantastic to touch, kiss, and maybe suck on.

She felt the thigh exerting pressure against hers, and before she knew what she was doing, Karen returned the pressure. She continued talking with Susan and Stan as though nothing was happening, yet her cunt was bubbling crazily. The warmth of that smooth, creamy thigh against hers was making her mind reel.

Suddenly Karen's breath stuck in her throat. Pamie had placed her palm halfway up Karen's thigh.

Karen shot a sideways glance at the little girl, who didn't so much as look up at her. She sat there in innocence, her eyes sparkling, but otherwise pretending as though nothing were happening. Karen felt the hand move on her thigh, caressing it. The palm was hot, excitingly so. The hand moved higher on her thigh, and Karen considered getting up and leaving. Just as she made up her mind, those inquisitive little fingers crawled high on her thigh, slipped between Karen's legs and began to boldly explore along the crotch of her bikini.

Karen wanted to leave immediately, but she knew if she stood up, her legs would be like rubber. She was afraid she would fall… afraid to get up and go… afraid to sit there.

With her face so innocent, Pamie stroked her fingertips along Karen's crotch. Karen could hardly breathe. She felt her face grow warm, and wondered if she were blushing.

The hand forced its way between her thighs, and Karen resisted at first. But the feeling was so good, so beautiful, her thighs opened slowly. She felt the hot little hand cup her cunt, pressing, squeezing. Her pussy throbbed madly, and Karen was certain she would come at any moment if Pamie kept it up.

Her coffee forgotten, Karen tried hard to listen to what Susan and Stan were saying. She thought they were telling her about their home, but words were lost. She was smiling, but it was a forced smile. She had her chin cupped in one hand, trying had to be interested in what was said. But all she was conscious of was that hot little hand on her twat. She could feel the wetness of her pussy, soaking the crotch of her bikini. She hoped desperately it would not show when she stood up if she could stand up.

Now and then, despite all her efforts to remain still, Karen's ass writhed against the bench. She heard a soft giggle come from Pamie, and shot a quick glance at the girl. But Pamie was paying no visible attention to her. She sat there with her warm thigh pressed against Karen's, her right hand cupping her cunt, as she toyed with her ponytail with her left. Karen's heart was pounding, and she wondered what would happen if she came. She knew she would moan at the least. Sometimes when she came, she cried out. She hoped this would not be one of those times.

She did not get a chance to find out.

As suddenly as that little hand had begun to touch her, it was gone. Karen had a sudden empty sensation between her thighs. Her pussy was still pulsating nicely, the lips swollen and her clit quite enlarged. She managed to relax a bit, and when Pamie got up and began to race off to the water, she watched, feeling relief, but also a bit sad, too.

She watched Pamie's tight, compact ass bunch and flex as she trotted away, her slim thighs flashing in the sun. "You have a beautiful daughter," Karen said, her voice husky, but controlled.

"She is beautiful, isn't she?" Susan replied, looking after her daughter. "Both our children are the sweetest any parents could ask for. No trouble out of those two. However, they are a bit unusual."

Karen looked at Susan. "Unusual?"

"Well, maybe not unusual," Stan said. "They seem to have certain, welt, characteristics that are lacking in other children their ages."

"I haven't noticed," Karen said. "They seem quite bright."

"Bright they are!" Susan laughed. "Geniuses, really."

"Who's a genius?" Devon asked, coming from the motor home. He had slept late, and Karen knew why. She saw he was wearing a pair of cut-offs like his father, his young muscles rippling.

"Certainly not you, lazy bones," Susan laughed. "I don't see how you can sleep so late."

"Well," Karen said, getting to her feet while she still had some strength. "I left a sink of dirty dishes."

"Oh, don't go," Susan said. "After all, we're camping. A few dirty dishes won't matter here."

"I can't stand dirty dishes," Karen said. "Not that I'm obsessive. I just like things to be clean and neat."

As she left, she could feel Stan's eyes on her ass. Karen's walk had a natural sway to her hips, but she found herself unable to make her hips swing a bit more with Stan looking at her. She knew she had a good ass, a downright lovely ass, and she enjoyed being looked at. But this was the first time she had enjoyed a grown man looking at her, and Karen wondered if her sexual inclinations were starting to change toward grown men after all these years.

Her cunt continued to throb as she washed up the few dishes. She had never met such a bold little child in her life. But then she remembered how bold she had been at that age. Only difference was, Karen had been bold with boys. This was the first time a girl bad ever touched her pussy, and Karen found it enjoyable. She remembered what she had felt the night before, looking at Pamie. She also had felt that strange sexual sensation this morning with the Holmes family.

Just as she finished the dishes, there was a soft knock on her door. Karen opened it to find Pamie standing there. For a moment Karen couldn't speak. Pamie, standing on the ground, was looking up, directly between Karen's thighs at her crotch.

"You're nice, Karen," Pamie said. "I thought I'd come visit with you."

"That's sweet of you, Pamie," Karen said, trembling as she stepped back to let the little girl enter.

Pamie brushed past Karen, and again Karen shivered with desire. She looked at the little girl. Pamie was shorter than her brother, making her head level with Karen's tits. As Pamie walked toward the front of the motor home, Karen gazed at the fine, swelling ass. The bikini, as last night, had been pulled into the crack, and both those caressable ass cheeks were exposed. The white flesh was an erotic contrast to the creamy tan of her slender thighs, and Karen felt her cunt twitch.

Pamie sat in the seat next to the driver's chair. She swiveled it around, slumped her little ass forward, and spread her thighs wide. She looked at Karen with huge, impish eyes. Karen stared between those slim thighs, and was startled to see golden, curly hairs sticking from the tight crotch.

"Did you like what I did, Karen?" Pamie asked in a soft voice.

"Like what?" Karen asked, knowing what Pamie was referring to.

"When I felt you up."

Karen gasped, one hand at her throat. She stared at Pamie, surprised at the bluntness.

Pamie giggled. "Sure you liked it! Otherwise you would have made me stop."

"Pamie, I don't think…"

"You're hot," Pamie giggled again. She ran her small hand down her flat little stomach and unabashedly began to rub at her crotch. "I could tell. You got real wet when I felt you up."

"Pamie, I'm not going to…"

"Want me to tell?"

Fear clutched Karen. "Tell? Tell what?"

"You know."

"I have no idea what you're talking about, Pamie," Karen said, her voice shaky. "I think you should leave. What if your parents knew of this?"

"What if they knew about you and Devon?" Pamie countered, sliding a finger under her crotchband.

More golden curls were revealed, as well as one sweet cuntlip. Karen's legs trembled, and she felt her own pussy responding to this display of open masturbation.

"What about me and Devon?" Karen asked, her face blushing hotly. "There isn't anything…"

"You fucked him," Pamie said. "You fucked my brother and you don't want anyone to know about it."

"I did not fu…" Karen's face was bright red now. She wondered how Pamie could know about that. She stumbled to the bed and dropped upon it weakly.

"You did too!" Pamie insisted. "I know."

Karen had been caught, and she knew it. Even if Pamie had no firsthand knowledge, she could make trouble for her if she said such a thing. Karen thought frantically, wondering how she had gotten herself into this predicament.

"You gotta do it with me," Pamie was saying. "If you don't, well…"

"Pamie, please," Karen pleaded. But her eyes were fixed upon what Pamie was doing. The little girl had pulled the crotch of her bikini to one side, revealing her little snatch without embarrassment. Karen saw the sparse, golden curls, and her tongue licked over her lips. She could see the glistening tip of Pamie's tiny clit, and her own became rigid with desire.

"Do you like my pussy, Karen?" Pamie asked, her voice lower. "I've been told I have a pretty little pussy."

"Who told you that?"

"Oh, just people," Pamie replied mysteriously.

She was rubbing at her clit with one finger, her other hand moving up and down the inside of one thigh. Karen realized Pamie was very pretty, very cuddly, very innocent-looking. And that innocent appearance, along with playing with her cunt, was what made the little girl so downright appealing.

Watching Pamie, Karen became so aroused she forgot her fear, forgot the threat of exposure. Her dark eyes gleamed hotly as she looked at Pamie. Her tongue moved about her lips suggestively. She had not known one of her hands was cupping a tit until she squeezed it. Pamie smiled knowlingly at Karen, then stood up. She came to Karen and moved between Karen's knees. She took Karen's face in her hands, then kissed her on the mouth. And then, with a soft moan, Karen had her arms about the small girl, holding her tightly against her trembling body.

When Pamie removed the top of her bikini, exposing her tits, Karen could only sit there and wait, breathlessly. She was being seduced by a child barely in her teens, and all she could do was sit there and allow it to happen. It was the way she had been at that age, only Karen had seduced boys.

Pamie leaned back to look at Karen's tits, and made mewling sounds of delight. "Oh, you have nice big tits, Karen! I love big tits."

Her small, hot hands fondled Karen's tits, and Karen began to moan and make small whimpering sounds. She could not stop the child, could do nothing but sit there and let Pamie do as she wanted with her.

Pamie leaned down and, while Karen sat there trembling, began to suck on one hard nipple, playing with the other tit. Karen's mind reeled and her body grew hotter by the second. The little mouth on her tit was hot and wet, and it was obvious to Karen that this precocious little beauty had sucked on a tit many times before. Pamie sucked Karen's tits not so much with an expert manner, but more in a wanton, eager, hungry way.

Karen's hands moved around the small girl, and they slipped down that smooth back, down to caress over the small, tantalizing swell of her pretty ass. Pamie moaned as Karen's hands squeezed her little ass, and she began to sway as she sucked on a nipple, her tongue fluttering to and fro.

Pamie's ass was hot in Karen's hands, and each cheek just filled her palms perfectly. She squeezed and kneaded Pamie's ass, breathing hard as the girl sucked her nipples, going from one to the other. Finally Pamie pulled her hot mouth away. She dropped to her knees before Karen, and untied the strings at her hips. The bikini fell away, exposing Karen's hairy cunt.

"Ooooo, Karen!" Pamie squealed with delight. "You're so hairy! Ohhh, I love it when a cunt is this hairy! One of these days I'll have a lot of hair on my pussy, too."

Pamie ran her hands along the insides of Karen's thighs, moved her fingertips into the soft hair. She played with the dark curls for a while, then slipped one hand down to rub Karen's swollen, clit. Karen writhed her ass on the bed, staring with hot eyes down at what the girl was doing to her.

Pamie worked a finger into Karen's cunt, and began to thrust it in and out. "Did you like fucking my brother?" Pamie asked as she fingerfucked Karen. "He's a hot little bastard, isn't he?"

Karen was continually surprised by Pamie. She was very much like her brother, using the same language, haring the same erotic desires.

"Did you suck his cock off?" Pamie asked, her finger stabbing faster into Karen's cunt. "Did you like having his hard cock in your cunt and mouth, Karen?"

Karen realized Pamie did know about her and Devon, and wondered if Pamie had managed to peek in the motor home last night. As Pamie fingerfucked her, Karen's ass was writhing hotly on the bed, her legs wide apart. She scooted her ass to the very edge, and Pamie sat down on the floor beteen her stretched legs, her face close to that hairy cunt as she plunged her finger in and out.

Karen was again surprised when she watched Pamie begin to lick at the soft, sensitive inside of one thigh. Pamie shoved her free hand beneath Karen's ass and cupped a cheek, clutching it tightly as she ran her tongue up and down the shivering thigh.

"I wanna lick your cunt, Karen," Pamie said in an excited voice. "I wanna taste your pussy. It's so hairy and wet and hot! Ooooo, I love to lick a hairy cunt!"

Karen wanted to reply, but words wouldn't come. She watched as Pamie ran her tongue up her thigh, swirled it into her cunt hair, then began to lick at her exposed clit in a delightful manner. Karen could feel Pamie's hot breath against her pussy, and she trembled again. She was leaning back now, braced by her elbows, staring hotly down her naked body, watching this little child suck and lick her twat.

"Oh, God!" she mumbled thickly. "Oh… oh, Pamie! Pamie… please, be…"

Pamie giggled as she licked at the puffy lips of Karen's match. Then she shoved her little face hard into Karen's crotch, her tongue deep inside her slippery twat. Pamie stabbed her tongue in and out, licking, closing her lips about Karen's throbbing pussy. Both her hands cupped Karen's ass now, squeezing as she licked and sucked. Her bright-blue eyes flashed hotly up past Karen's quivering tits. Pamie's eyes twinkled with mischievous, erotic delight.

"Ohhhh, baby!" Karen groaned, humping her crotch up and down now. "Ohh, sweet, sweet, baby!"

Pamie pulled her mouth an inch or so away. "Do you like this?" she asked.

"Oh, baby. I love it!" Karen gasped. "I love it very much!"

"I can make you come this way," Pamie giggled. "I wanna make you come. You taste good, and I love to lick a pussy as hairy as yours."

"Eat me, darling," Karen whispered, no longer frightened. Her passion had overcome her fear by now. "Eat my pussy, Pamie! Oh, you sweet darling! Lick my cunt for me, baby! I want to come… come badly!"

"Want me to tonguefuck you?"

"Yes, yes!" Karen groaned. "God, yes!"

Pamie giggled again as she pressed her mouth against Karen's wet, slipery twat. Karen began to grind her pussy furiously into the little face, holding the back of Pamie's head as if she might pull away again.

"Oooooh, eat me!" Karen whimpered, thrashing her hips about. "Suck my cunt, baby! Ohhhh, what a wonderful tongue you have! Fuck me, Pamie! Fuck my cunt with your tongue!"

Pamie's eyes sparkled up at her as she licked in a frenzy now. She had her lips over the whole of Karen's pussy, sucking even as her tongue flew everywhere. Her hot little hands dug harshly into Karen's naked ass, her fingers digging between the cheeks.

Pamie's tongue darted in and out of Karen's slippery snatch, tasting and licking. Her lips nibbled and sucked, and Karen felt her orgasm building into a gigantic explosion somewhere deep inside her pussy. The feeling was fantastic, and her hips flew in tight circles as she rubbed and pound her pussy into Pamie's face. That delicious little tongue felt like a tiny cock fucking her, Karen thought, her eyes smoldering and unfocused as she looked down her naked body into the hot eyes of the girl.

"Ooooo, sweet, sweet!" Karen whimpered, thrashing about insanely. "Ohhh, baby, baby! You're so sweet, so fucking sweet! Eat me… suck my cunt! Oooo, darling! What a cunt licker you are! Fuck my pussy! Tongue-fuck me hot cunt!"

Pamie giggled against Karen's bushy twat, stabbing her tongue furiously, sensing that Karen was on the very brink of a shattering orgasm.

"Ohhh! There! There!" Karen wailed, humping her pussy hard against Pamie's face. "I'm coming! Oh, God… you're making me come, darling!"

Pamie's tongue stabbed harder into the spasming pussy, her lips tight against it. Then Karen slumped her ass down, exhausted, her naked tits heaving as she struggled for air. She lay with her ass over the edge of the bed, legs still wide apart. Pamie sat there, gazing at the visibly throbbing cuntlips, licking at her smeared lips.

"My turn!" she squealed, jumping to her feet excitedly. "You gotta lick my pussy now, Karen!"

Karen turned her head and saw Pamie climb onto the bed next to her. She rolled over and stroked those sweet little tits. Pamie pulled her halter to her neck, baring her tits. Karen gazed at them, seeing the small mounds with tiny, pink nipples, rigid in desire. She dropped her mouth to one, sucking in the whole tit. Pamie squirmed beneath her face, wiggling and squealing with delight.

Somehow, Pamie managed to get on her hands and knees, her lovely little ass in the air, waving sweetly. Karen was behind the little girl, gazing at that smooth ass. The bikini was still captured between the cheeks, and Karen's hot, eager lips pressed against them. She kissed and licked Pamie's delicious little ass for a long time, caressing her hands up and down those slim thighs. Karen's mind was tumbling crazily at what she was doing. Never had she kissed another girl on the ass before. But then, she had never been sucked by another girl, either. She found Pamie's flesh sweet and smooth, lovable. Her tongue licked every inch of Pamie's little ass, and when Pamie shoved her bikini bottom down, Karen helped her get it over her feet. Again Pamie was on her hands and knees, that sweet, pretty ass wiggling tan tantalizingly into the air.

Karen saw the way her pretty pussy, with that sparse golden hair, pooched between her thighs, and suddenly she wanted to lick that cunt more than anything in the world.

"God, baby," she breathed hotly, feeling Pamie's wet snatch. "It is a pretty little cunt! So sweet… so beautiful!"

"Taste it, Karen," Pamie urged, wiggling her ass in unashamed invitation. "Taste my cunt!"

"Oh, I will!" Karen grunted.

She shoved her face down, kissing the backs of Pamie's smooth thighs, running her tongue up and down the flesh as Pamie had done to her. She licked Pamie's ass, circling that pooching cunt. Finally, taking a deep breath, Karen ran the flat surface of her tongue up and down the puffy little pussylips. She thought she would burst with the exquisite thrills that shot through her as she tasted the sweetness of this little pussy. She had gone wild sucking Devon's young cock off, and she was going just as wild with her mouth pressed against this wet, tight cunt.

Pamie wiggled her pussy and ass against Karen's face, mewling with delight. "Lick it, Karen! Lick my twat for me! Oooo, I love being sucked and licked this way!"

Karen's tongue lapped up and down the tight snatch, and before she knew what she was doing, she was running her tongue from the clit up over the lips and over that puckered little asshole. She held Pamie's hips as she kissed and sucked, her mouth pushed into that delicious wetness. Pamie had placed her head on the mattress, her hands clawing at the sheets, with her ass high in the air. She was whimpering and moaning with the intensity of what Karen was doing. The sounds fueled Karen's actions, sent her mind soaring with passion.

"Stick your tongue up my cunt, Karen!" Pamie wailed in passion. "Stick your tongue up my pussy and fuck me with it! Please, hurry and fuck me! Tongue-fuck my pussy, please! Ohhh, it feels like I'm gonna come!"

Karen's tongue slithered into Pamie's tight pussy. She was surprised at the beat, at the wetness, at the sheer loveliness of it. She had expected Pamie's young twat to be tight, and it was. It clung to her tongue like a wet vise.

"I'm gonna… gonna come!" Pamie squealed, thrusting her ass against Karen's face. "Ohhh, there! Feel me… feel my pussy coming!"

Karen could feel her coming. The little cunt tightened and flexed around her tongue, almost as though it were sucking on it. Karen had her nose pressed against the tight asshole, and she could hardly breathe but she didn't want to pull away while Pamie was coming. She could feel the sweetness of the pussy sucking at her tongue, and it made her own cunt convulse. Pamie squealed and thrashed about, but Karen kept her mouth pressed to that hot pussy. Pamie came strongly, and as soon as that one was over, she entered into another equally strong orgasm. Karen realized the little girl was having one come after the other, and she thrust her tongue in and out furiously until Pamie slumped to the bed, her naked little ass quivering.

"Ooohhh, Karen!" Pamie murmured, her eyes closed, a smile of delighted-satisfaction on her lovely young face. "That was soooo Goddamn good! Oh, you suck my pussy so good! Golly, it's gonna be fun knowing you!"

Karen got up and went to the small refrigerator and removed two soft drinks. As Pamie sat cross-legged on the bed, with Karen on the edge, they sipped at the drinks. Karen gazed at the exquisite beauty of the little girl, at her small, but surprisingly well-shaped tits. Pamie's nipples, she noted, were so pale pink in color, they almost faded into the whiteness of her flesh. She lowered her eyes to the young pussy, and saw the golden hairs might as well not have been there. They were so sparse, they were almost insignificant. It was almost like looking at a shaved cunt.

"What did you mean," Karen said slowly, "about me and your brother, Pamie? What do you know about us?"

"I know you fucked him," she giggled. "I know you sucked his cock off, too."

"But how?" Karen insisted. "Did you peek at us?"

"I'm not gonna tell," Pamie said, giggling again. "I just know you did, that's all."

Karen felt some of her fear returning now that the heat of passion had been abated. If Pamie knew, then someone else could know it, too. Did they make make that much noise? she wondered. Anyone could have been outside her motor home, listening to them. Was that how Pamie found out?

They finished the soft drinks, and she watched as Pamie put her bikini back on. Her eyes widened a bit as she saw Pamie pull the back of the bikini into the crack of her ass, the way it had been before. Pamie did it without being conscious of it, as though she did it all the time, wanting the cheeks of her little ass exposed. She's a little tease, Karen thought. But no, she wasn't a tease at all. She might show her little body off, tease with it, but she would come across, too. Then Karen laughed to herself. She knew she was the same way, and had no right passing judgment on Pamie for exposing her body this way. They could have been cut from the same mold when it came to sex, she realized.

"You wanna go swimming with us?" Pamie asked after she had her bikini on.


"Me and Devon," Pamie said, her blue eyes flashing.

For a moment Karen was ready, then she changed her mind, "Maybe this afternoon, Pamie."

"We'll count on you," Pamie said, then left Karen in the motor home.

Karen found her thoughts confusing. She had managed to seduce Devon with no trouble at all. He had turned out to be what she had been searching for in a young boy all her life. Then, this morning, his sister came along and seduced her.

It was strange, very strange.
