Associated Press news story, 15 July
“Escalation of the Persian Gulf War continued today when Iranian aircraft attacked two oil tanks just outside the territorial waters of Bahrain. A ship of Dutch registry was reported sunk early this morning shortly after leaving port. At this time there are no report of survivors. The second ship, registered in Panama, was inbound to Bahrain when it was attacked by two Iranian warplanes. Casualties are reported to be high.”
Television news story, 22 July
“Despite condemnation by the UN, Western European nations, Japan, and the US, Iran has pledged to continue attacks on any vessel that enters the Persian Gulf, now declared a war zone by that country. Outside the Straits of Hormuz, entrance to the Persian Gulf, the number of tankers sitting at anchor, waiting for a break in the deadlock, continues to grow. The ships’ owners and their captains feel that this deadlock will not last long. As one ship’s captain stated, ‘They have tried this before and have always backed off. They need us too much to keep this up for long.’”
State Department press release, 26 July
“The attack by Iranian war planes on commercial vessels in the international waters of the Indian Ocean yesterday is a threat to the security of the free world. The United States and the free world cannot allow such acts of deliberate terrorism to go unpunished. While the United States continues to pursue all available means to resolve this issue peacefully, military options are being considered.”
Department of Defense press release, 27 July
“The destroyer USS Charles Logan, while on patrol in international waters off the Straits of Hormuz, was rammed, then fired upon by a Soviet Cruiser of the Gorki class this morning. US forces returned fire. Damage and casualties on either side are not known at this time.”
TASS news release, 28 July
“A meeting of the Warsaw Pact ministers ended today with a pledge to stand together in the face of threats and increased war preparations on the part of the United States. Representatives from Poland, the German Democratic Republic, Hungary, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, and the Soviet Union released a joint statement pledging to meet American aggression against any member state with retaliation in kind.”
White House press release, 28 July
“In view of the current crisis, the President has issued an order federalizing 100,000 Army Reserve and National Guard personnel. Personnel and units affected have been notified and are reporting to their mobilization stations.”
Vatican press release, 29 July
“A request on the part of the Holy Father to travel to Moscow to talk to the Soviet premier in an attempt to find a peaceful solution to the current crisis was denied. The Holy Father calls for both sides to remember their responsibility to their people and to the world as he again offered his services in any future negotiations.”
BBC news release, 30 July
“A stormy session between the French president and the Soviet foreign minister in Paris today ended when the Soviet foreign minister warned the French president that the national interests of France would best be served if that nation did not involve itself in the current crisis between the Soviet Union and the United States. In a statement immediately after the meeting, the president announced that France would stand by her treaties and do her part to defend Europe against aggression from any quarter. The president went on to announce that the French military forces, with the exception of its strategic nuclear forces, would actively cooperate with other NATO nations during the current crisis.”
Television news story, 1 Aug
“We interrupt this program for a special announcement. Unconfirmed reports from Brussels, headquarters for NATO, state that the NATO nations have ordered their armed forces to mobilize and commence deployment to wartime positions along the border separating East and West Germany. While there is no official word from Washington concerning this, announcement of an address to the nation by the president at seven o’clock this morning, followed by a joint press conference by the secretaries of State and Defense seems to add credibility to these reports.”