1 San Quentin News, San Quentin, Calif., November 28, 1957.

2 Ibid.

3 Theatre Arts, New York, July, 1958.

4 Ibid.

5 San Quentin News, November 28, 1957.

6 Albert Camus. Le Mythe de Sisyphe. Paris: Gallimard, 1942. P. 18.

7 Eugene Ionesco. Dans les armes de la ville. Cahiers de la Compagnie Madeleine Renaud — Jean-Louis Barrault, Paris, No. 20, October 1957.


1 Samuel Beckett. Murphy. N.Y., Grove Press, no date. P. 269.

2 Beckett, Proust. N.Y., Grove Press, no date. P. 57.

3 Beckett, quoted by Harold Hobson. Samuel Beckett, dramatist of the year. International Theatre Annual. No. 1. London. John Calder, 1956.

4 Peggy Guggenheim. Confessions of Art Addict. London, Andre Deutsch, 1960. P. 50.

5 Beckett. Dante… Bruno. Vico… Joyce. In: Our Exagmination round his Factification for Incamination of Work in Progress. Paris, Shakespeare Co., 1929. P. 13.

6 Letters of James Joyce. Ed. Stuart Gilbert. London, Faber Faber,

1957. Pp. 280–281.

7 Proust. P. 46.

8 Ibid. P. 47.

9 Beckett. More Pricks than Kicks. London, Chatto Windus, 1934. P. 43.

10 Richard Ellmann. James Joyce. New York, Oxford University Press, 1959. P. 661.

11 Ibidem. P. 662.

12 Guggenheim. Op. cit. P. 50.

13 Ibid.

14 More Pricks than Kicks. P. 32.

15 Guggenheim. Op. cit. P. 50.

16 Niklaus Gessner. Die Unzulanglichkeit der Sprache. Zurich, Juris Verlag, 1957. P. 32.

17 Letter from Herbert Blau to members of San Francisko Actors’ Workshop, dated London, October 28, 1959.

18 Claude Mauriak. L’Litterature Contemporaine. Paris, Albin Michel,

1958. P. 83.

19 Alan Schneider. Waiting for Beckett. Chelsea Review, New York, Autumn, 1958.

20 Beckett. Waiting for Godot. London, Faber Faber, 1959. P. 41.

21 Ibid, P. 37.

22 Ibid. P. 34.

23 Gessner. Op. Cit. P. 37.

24 Waiting for Godot. P. 33.

25 Eric Bentley. What is Theatre? Boston, Beacon Press, 1956. P. 158.

26 Бальзак О. Собр. соч. в 15-ти томах. Т.14. М., ГИХЛ, 1955. С. 589. Пер. Е. Гунста.

27 Proust. Р. 2, 3.

28 Ibid. Р. 4, 5.

29 Ibid. Р. 13.

30 Waiting for Godot. P. 48.

31 Ibid. P. 88.

32 Ibid. P. 32.

33 Ibid. P. 89.

34 Ibid. P. 91.

35 Beckett. En Attendant Godot. Paris, Les Editions de Minuit, 1952. P. 30.

36 Waiting for Godot. P. 18.

37 Beckett, quoted by Harold Hobson, op. cit., and Alan Schneider, op. cit.

38 Waiting for Godot. P. 11.

39 Ibid. P. 12, 13.

40 Ibid.

41 Ibid. P. 31.

42 Ibid. P. 73, 74.

43 Ibid. P. 83, 84.

44 Ibid. P. 42.

45 Ibid. P. 10.

46 Ibid. P. 18.

47 Ibid. P. 20.

48 Ibid. P. 80.

49 Ibid. P. 34.

50 Eva Metman. Reflections on Samuel Beckett’s plays. Journal of Analytical Psychology. London, January, 1960. P. 51.

51 Waiting for Godot. P. 91.

52 Proust. P. 8 (курсив М.Э.).

53 Ibid. P. 9

54 Waiting for Godot. P. 64.

55 Ibid. P. 62, 63.

56 Jean-Paul Sartre. L’Etre etNeant. Paris, Gallimard, 1943. P. 111.

57 Beckett. Watt. Paris, Olympia Press, 1958. P. 144–145.

58 Ibid. P. 146.

59 Beckett. Endgame. N.Y., Grove Press, 1958. P. 43.

60 Ibid. P. 38.

61 Ibid. P. 14.

62 Ibid. P. 68.

63 Ibid. P. 75.

64 Ibid. P. 13.

65 Ibid. P. 56.

66 Ibid. P. 69.

68 Ibid. P. 79.

69 Ibid. P. 81.

70 Nicolai Evreinov. The Theatre of the Soul. Monodrama. Trans. M. Potapenko and C. St. John. London, 1915.

71 Endgame. P. 44.

72 Ibid. P. 1.

73 Lionel Abel. Joyce the father, Beckett the son. The New Leader. N.Y., December 14, 1959.

74 Endgame. P. 78.

75 Beckett. Fin de Partie. Paris, Les Editions de Minuit, 1957. P. 103–105.

76 Endgame. P. 79.

77 Beckett. Malone Dies. In: Molloy. Malone Dies. The Unnamable. London, John Calder, 1959. P. 193.

78 Murphy. P. 246.

79 Methman. Op. cit. P. 58.

80 Beckett. Act Without Words. In: Krapp’s Last Tape and Other Dramatic Pieces. N.Y., Grove Press, 1960.

81 Endgame. P. 57.

82 Beckett. All That Fall. In: Krapp’s Last Tape. P. 53.

83 Ibid. P. 74.

84 Ibid. P. 88.

85 Ibid. Beckett. Krapp’s Last Tape. In: Op. cit. P. 25.

86 Ibid. P. 28.

87 Beckett. Embers. In: Krapp’s Last Tape. P. 115.

88 Ibid. P. 121.

89 Ibid. P. 111.

90 Beckett. Molloy. In: Molloy / Malone Dies. The Unnamable. P. 50.

91 Beckett. Murphy. P. 40.

92 Beckett. Molloy. P. 28.

93 Beckett. The Unnamable. In: Molloy / Malone Dies. The Unnamable. P. 316.

94 Beckett. Endgame. P. 32, 33.

95 Beckett. Waiting for Godot. P. 61.

96 Becket. Endgame. P. 70.

97 Beckett. Molloy. P. 64.


1 Arthur Adamov. L’Aveu. Paris, Editions du Sagittaire, 1946. P. 19.

2 Ibid. P. 23.

3 Ibid. P. 25, 26.

4 Ibid. P. 28.

5 Ibid. P. 42.

6 Ibid. P. 45.

7 Ibid. P. 45.

8 Adamov. The endless humiliation. Evergreen Review, N.Y., II, 8,

1959. P. 64–95.

9 L’Aveu. P. 69; The endless humiliation. P. 75.

10 Carl Gustav Jung. Le Moi et L’lnconscient. Trans. Adamov. Paris, 1938.

11 L’Aveu. P. 57; The endless humiliation. P. 67.

12 L’Aveu. P. 58; The endless humiliation. P. 67.

13 L’Aveu. P. 106.

14 Ibid. P. 110.

15 Ibid. P. 114.

16 Ibid. P. 115.

17 Adamov. Une fin et un commencement. L’ Heure Nouvelle. No. II. Paris, Editions du Sagittare, 1946. P. 17.

18 Adamov. Assignation. L’Heure Nouvelle. No. I. P. 3.

19 Ibid., footnote. P. 6.

20 Une Fin et un commencement. P. 16.

21 Le Refus. L’Heure Nouvelle, No. II, footnote. P. 6.

22 Ibid.

23 Adamov. Theatre II. Paris, Gallimard, 1955. Note Preliminaire. P. 8.

24 Ibid.

25 Ibid. P. 9.

26 Adamov. La Parodie. L’Invasion. Paris, Chariot, 1950. P. 22.

27 L’Aveu. P.85; The endless humiliation. P. 85.

28 Adamov. Theatre I. Paris, Gallimard, 1953. P. 86.

29 Ibid. P. 94.

30 La Parodie. L’Invasion. P. 16.

31 Ibid.

32 Adamov. In: Carlos Lynes, Jr. Adamov or le “sens litteral” in the theatre. Yale French Studies, No.14, Winter 1954, 1955.

33 Theatre I. P. 107.

34 La Parodie. L’Invasion. P. 22.

35 Ibid. P. 23.

36 Theatre II. P. 11.

37 Ibid. P. 12.

38 Ibid. P. 13.

39 Ibid. P. 12

40 Maurice Regnaut. Arthur Adamov et le sens du fetichisme. Cahiers Renaud-Barrault. Paris. Nos. 22, 23. May, 1958.

41 Theatre II. P. 14.

42 Adamov. As We Were. Trans. R. Howard. Evergreen Review, I, 4,


43 Theatre II. P. 15.

44 Ibid. P. 15.

45 Ibid. P. 17.

46 Theatre I. P. 136.

47 Qui Stes-vous Arthur Adamov? Cite Panorama. (Programme bulletin of Planchon’s Theatre de la Cit6), Villeurbanne, No. 9, 1960.

48 Theatre de Societe. Scenes d’Actualite. Paris, Les Editeurs Francais Reunis, 1958.


1 Kenneth Tynan. Ionesco, man of destiny? The Observer, London, June 22, 1958.

2 Ionesco. The playwright’s role. The Observer, June 29, 1958.

3 Ibid.

4 Ibid.

5 Tynan. Ionesco and the phantom. The Observer, July 6, 1958.

6 Ionesco. Le coeur n’est pas sur la main. Cahiers des Saisons. Paris, No. 15, Winter 1959.

7 Ibid.

8 Ionesco. Lorsque j’ecris… Cahiers des Saisons. Paris, No. 15.

9 Ionesco. Experience du theatre. Nouvelle Revue Fran^aiose, Paris, Febriary 1, 1958. P. 253.

10 Ionesco. Printemps 1939. Les debris du souvenir. Pages de jounal. Cahiers Renaud-Barrault, No. 29, 1960. P. 104.

11 Ibid. P. 108.

12 Lorsque j’ecris…

13 Printemps 1939. Op. cit. P.98.

14 Ibid. P. 103.

15 Experience du theatre. Op. cit. P. 247.

16 Ibid. P. 253.

17 Lutembi. Contribution a une etude des sources de la Cantatrice Chauve. Cahiers du College de Pataphysique, 8–9, 1953.

18 Ionesco. La tragedie du langage. Spectacles, Paris, No. 2, July,


19 Ibid.

20 Ibid.

21 Nicolas Bataille. La bataille de la Cantatrice. Cahiers des Saisons, No. 15.

22 Experience du theatre. Op. cit. P. 258.

23 Ibid. P. 258, 259.

24 The Observer, July 14, 1958.

25 Experience du theatre. Op. cit.. P. 268.

26 Ionesco. The world of Ionesco. International Theatre Annual. No. 2. London, Calder, 1957.

27 Ionesco. The tragedy of language. The Tulane Drama Review, Spring, 1960.

28 Ionesco. Le point du depart. Cahiers des Quatre Saisons. Paris, No. 1. August 1955.

29 Ionesco. Preface to Les Possddes, adapted from Dostoevski by Akakia Viala and Nicolas Bataille. Paris, Editions Emile-Paul, 1959.

30 Ibid.

31 Ibid.

32 Jacques Lemarchand. Preface to Ionesco. Theatre I. Paris, 1954.

33 Touchard P. A. La loi du theatre. Cahiers des Saisons, No. 15.

34 Letter from Ionesco to Sylvain Dhomme, quoted by F. Towamicki. Des Chaises vides… a Broadway. Spectacles, Paris, No. 2, July, 1958.

35 J. Anouilh. Du chapitre des Chaises, Figaro, Paris, April 23, 1956.

36 Ionesco. Victims of Duty. In: Plays, vol. II, London, Calder; N.Y., Grove Press, 1958. P. 119.

37 Ibid. P. 158, 159.

38 Ibid. P. 162.

39 Ibid. P. 159.

40 Sartre. L’Etre et le Neant. Paris: Gallimard, 1943. P. 60.

41 Ibid. P. 85.

42 S. Doubrovsky. Le rire d’Eugene Ionesco. Nouvelle Revue Franijaise. Febriary, 1960.

43 Ibid.

44 Le point du depart.

45 Ibid.

46 Ionesco. Theatre I. Paris: Arcanes. 1953. Trans. Sasha Moorsom. The Motor Show. In: 3 Arts Quarterly. London, No. 2, Summer, 1960.

47 Ionesco. La Jeune Fille a Marier. In: Theatre II. Trans. Donald Watson. In: Plays, vol. III. London, Calder; N.Y., Grove Press, 1960. P. 158.

48 Ionesco. Le Maitre. In: Theatre II. Trans. Derek Prouse. The Leader. In: Plays, vol. IV. London, Calder; N.Y., Grove Press, 1960.

49 Ionesco. Interview. L’Express. January 28, 1960.

50 Ionesco. Amcdee. Trans. Donald Watson. In: Plays, vol. II. London, Calder: N.E., Grove Press, 1958. P. 8.

51 Ibid. P. 48.

52 Ibid. P. 52, 53.

53 Ibid. P. 62.

54 lonesko. Oriflamme. Nouvelle Revue Francaise, Febriary, 1954.

55 Ibid.

56 Ionesco. Le Tableau. Dossiers Acenonctes du College de Pata- physique, No.l, 1958. P. 44.

57 Ibid. P. 5.

58 Ibid.

59 Eugene Ionesco ouvre le feu. World Theatre, Paris, VIII, 3, Autumn, 1960.

60 Ionesco. Pages de journal. Nouvelle Revue Frangese, February, 1960.

61 Eugene Ionesco ouvre le feu.

62 Ionesco. Improvisation. Trans. Donald Watson. In: Plays, vol. III. London, Calder; N.Y., Grove Press, 1960. P. 112, 113

63 Ibid. P. 113, 114.

64 Ibid. P. 149, 150.

65 Theatre Populaire, Paris, No. 17, March 1, 1956. P. 77.

66 Sam White. Paris Newsletter. Evening Standard, London, May 24,


67 Ionesco. Impromptu pour la Duchesse de Windsor. Manuscript. P. 6, 7.

68 Trans. Stanley Read. Evergreen Review, I, 3, 1957.

69 The Killer. Op. cit. P. 9.

70 New York Times, April 3, 1960.

71 Cahiers du College de Pataphysique, Dossier 7, 1959.

72 Ionesco. Interview with Claude Sarraute. Le Mond, Janiary 17, 1960.

73 The Times. London, April 29, 1960.

74 Cahiers du College de Pataphysique, Dossiers 10,11, 1960.

75 Cahiers du College de Pataphysique, Dossier 7, 1959; also in: L’Avant-Scene, December 15, 1959. Trans. Donald Allen, Foursome, Evergreen Review, No. 13, May, June, 1960.

76 Printems 1939. Op.cit. P. 98.

77 Preface to Les Possedes.

78 Experience du theatre. Op. cit P. 268.

79 Ionesco. La demistification par l’humour noir. L’Avant-Scene. February 15, 1959.

80 Experience du theatre. Op. cit. P. 270.

81 The world of Ionesco.

82 Interview in L’Express. January 28, 1960.

83 Ibid.

84 Ionesco. Theatre et anti-theatre. Cahiers des Saisons, No. 2, October, 1955.

85 Pages de journal. Op.cit. P. 231.

86 Experience du theatre. Op. cit. P. 262.

87 Ibid.

88 Ibid.

89 Ibid. P. 260.

90 La demystification par l’humour noir.

91 Alain Bosquet. Le theatre d’Eugene Ionesco, ou les 36 recettes du comique. Combat, Paris, Febriary 17, 1955.

92 Ехрёпепсе du theatre. Op. cit. P.264.

93 Ionesco, quoted by Towamicki. Spectacles.


1 Jean Genet. Journal du Voleur. Paris, Gallimard, 1949. P. 282.

2 Ibid. P. 47.

3 Ibid. P. 48.

4 Ibid. P. 92.

5 Ibid. P. 131.

6 Sartre. Saint Genet, Comddien et Martyr. Paris, Gallimard, 1952. P. 397.

7 Ibid. P. 421.

8 Journal du Voleur. P. 283.

9 Saint Genet. P. 501.

10 Journal du Voleur. P. 47.

11 Ibid. P. 93.

12 Genet. Deathwatch. In: The Maids-Deathwatch. Trans. Bernard Frechtman. N.Y., Grove Press, 1954. P. 128.

13 Ibid. P. 103, 104.

14 The Maids. P. 61.

15 Ibid. P. 86.

16 Genet. Notre-Dame-des-Fleurs. In: (Euvres Completes. Vol. II. Paris, Gallimard, 1951. P. 119.

17 Genet. Letter to Pauvert. In: Genet. Les Bonnes — L’Atelier d'Alberto Giacometti. Decines [Isere], L’Arbalete, 1958. P. 145, 146.

18 Ibid. P. 147.

19 Saint Genet. P. 9.

20 Sartre. Introduction to The Maids-Deathwatch. P. 30.

21 Genet. Letter to Pauvert. P. 144.

22 Ibid.

23 Ibid. P. 142.

24 The News Chronicle. London, April 23, 1957.

25 The News Chronicle. London, April 24, 1957.

26 The New Statesman. London, May 4, 1957.

27 Ibid.

28 Ibid.

29 Picture Post. London, May 11, 1957.

30 Genet. The Blacks. Trans. Bernard Frechtman. N.Y., Grove Press,

1960. P. 11.

31 Ibid. P. 39.

32 Ibid. P. 127.

33 Ibid. P. 22.

34 Ibid. P. 10.

35 Ibid. P. 47.

36 Ibid. P. 44.

37 Saint Genet. P. 535.

38 Ibid. P. 388.


1 Harold Pinter. Interview with Kenneth Tynan. BBC, Home Service,

28 October 1960.

2 Pinter. Interview with Hallam Tennyson. BBC, General Overseas Service, 7 August 1960.

3 Pinter. Interview with Tynan.

4 Pinter. The Room. In: The Birthday Party and Other Plays. London, Methuen, 1960. P. 102.

5 Ibid. P. 103.

6 Ibid. P. 118.

7 Pinter. The Dumb Waiter. In: The Birthday Party and Other Plays. P. 150.

8 Ibid.

9 Ibid. P. 23.

10 Ibid. P. 54, 55.

11 Pinter. Interview with Tynan.

12 Pinter. Interview with Tennyson.

13 Ibid.

14 Ibid.

15 Programme note for performance of The Room and The Dumb Waiter. Royal Court Theatre, London, March 1960.

16 Pinter. Interview with Tynan.

17 Pinter. A Slight Ache. In: Tomorrow, Oxford. No. 4, 1960. Also in: A Slight Ache and Other Plays. London, Methuen, 1961.

18 Pinter. The Caretaker. London, Methuen, 1960. P. 77.

19 Pinter. Interview with Tynan.

20 Sunday Times, London, 14 August, 1960.

21 The Caretaker. P. 63.

21 Ibid. P. 25.

22 Ibid. P. 60.

23 Pinter. The Dwarfs. In: A Slight Ache and Other Plays. London, Methuen, 1961. P. 116.

24 Ibid. P. 99.

25 Ibid. P. 111.

26 Pinter. Interview with Tynan.

27 Ibid.


1 Jean Tardieu. Theatre de Chambre. Paris, Gallimard, 1955. P. 10.

2 Ibid. P. 14.

3 Ibid. P. 23.

4 Tardieu. Theatre II. Poemes a Jouer. Paris, Gallimard, 1960. P. 163.

5 Ibid. P. 240–241.

6 Ibid.

7 Boris Vian. Les Batisseurs d'Empire. Paris, L'Arche, 1959. P. 8.

8 Dino Buzzati. Un Caso Clinico. Milan, Mondadori, 1953. P. 182.

9 Ezio d'Errico. La Foresta. In: II Dramma, Turin, no. 278, November.

1959. P. 9.

10 See Pallottino. The Etruscans. Penguin Books, 1953. P. 246.

11 Manuel de Pedrolo. Cruma. In: Premi Joan Santamaria 1957. Barcelona, Editorial Nereida, 1958. P. 14.

12 De Pedrolo. Homes i No. In: Quadems de Teatre A.D.B. Barselona, No.2, 1960. P. 24.

13 Fernando Arrabal. Theatre. Paris, Julliard, 1958. P. 13, 14.

14 Ibid. P. 152.

15 Max Frisch. Biedermann und die Brandstifter. Berlin and Frankfurt, Suhrkamp, 1958. P. 78.

16 Ibid. P. 20.

17 Wolfgang Hildesheimer. Erlanger Rede iiber das absurde Theater. Akzentle, Munich, No. 6, 1960.

18 Ibid.

19 Gunter Grass. Die Bosen Koche. Stage ms. P. 101.

20 N. F. Simpson. A Resounding Tinkle. In: New English Dramatists 2. Penguin Books, 1960. P. 81.

21 A Resounding Tinkle (short version). In: The Hole and Other Plays and Sketches. London, Faber and Faber, 1964. P. 88.

22 A Resounding Tinkle. In: New English Dramatists 2, P. 99.

23 Ibid. P. 100.

24 Ibid.

25 Ibid. P. 130.

26 Ibid. P. 140.

27 Simpson, quoted by Penelope Gilliatt. Schoolmaster from Battersea. Manchester Guardian, 14 April 1960.

28 Simpson, quoted in Daily Mail, 25 February 1960.

29 A Resounding Tinkle (short version). P. 87, 88.

30 Simpson. The Hole and Other Plays and Sketches. P. 11.

31 Simpson. Interview BBC. General Overseas Service, 6 March 1960.

32 Simpson. One Way Pendulum. London, Faber and Faber, 1960. P. 50.


1 William Hazlitt. The Indian Jugglers. Table Talk. London and New York, Everyman’s Library. P. 78.

2 Friedrich Nietzsche. Die Geburt der Tragodie. In: Werke, vol. 1, ed. Schlechta. Munich, Hanser, 1955. P. 94.

3 Hermann Reich. Der Mimus. Vol. 1. Berlin, 1903. P. 459.

4 Ibid.

5 Ibid. P. 595, 596.

6 E. Tietze-Conrat. Dwarfs and Jesters in Art. London, Phaidon, 1957. P. 7.

7 Joseph Gregor. Weltgeschichte des Theaters. Vienna, Phaidon, 1933. P. 212.

8 Max Beerbohm. Around Theatres. London, Rupert Hart-Davis, 1953. P. 350.

9 Quoted by Colin Mclnnes. Spectator. London, 23 December 1960.

10 Ionesco. The Chairs. P. 115.

11 Time. N.Y., 12 December 1960.

12 Johann Nestroy. Judith und Holofemes, scene 3. Sammliche Werke, vol. IV, ed. Brukner and Rommel. Vienna, Schroll. P. 167.

13 Georg Buchner. Leonce und Lena. Act II, scene 2.

14 Freud. Der Witz und seine Beziehung zum Unbewussten (1905), paperback edition. Frankfurt, Fisher, 1958. P. 101.

15 Robert Benayoun. Anthologie du Nonsense. Paris, Pauvert, 1957. P. 36.

16 Richard Corbet. Epilogus incerti authoris. In: Comic and Curious Verse, ed. J. M. Cohen. Pehguin Books, 1952. P. 217.

17 Elizabeth Sewell. The Field of Nonsense. London, Chatto and Windus, 1952. P. 128.

18 Christian Morgenstern. Der Lattenzaun. Trans. R.F.C. Hull. In: More Comic and Curious Verse. Ed. J. M. Cohen. Penguin Books, 1956. P. 49.

19 Morgenstern. Das Butterbrotpapier. Trans. A. E. Eitzen. Das Mondschaft. Wiesbaden, Insel, 1953. P. 19.

20 Morgenstern. Das Grosse Lalula. Alle Galgenlieder. Wiesbaden, Insel, 1950. P. 23.

21 Mircea Eliade. Myths, Dreams and Mysteries. London, Harvill Press, 1960. P. 27.

22 Ionesco. Lorsque j’ecrid. Cahiers des Saisons, Paris, no.15, Winter

1959. P. 211.

23 August Strindberg. A Dream Play. In: Six Plays of Strindberg. Trans. Sylvia Sprigge. N.Y., Doubleday Anchor Books, 1955. P. 193.

24 James Joys. Ulysses in Nighttown. Adapted by Marjorie Barkentin under supervision of Padraic Colum; first perf. New York, 5 June 1958 (N.Y., Random House Modem Library Paperbacks, 1958. Also Bloomsday, another dramatization of Ulysses, by Alan MacClelland.

25 Ionesco. Dans les armes de la ville. Cahiers de la Compagnie Madeleine Renaud — Jean-Louis Barrault. Paris, No. 20, October 1957. P. 4.

26 Quoted by Andre Franck. II у a dixans… Cahiers de la Compagnie Madeleine Renaud-Jean-Louis Barrault. No. 20, October 1957. P. 35.

27 Stephane Mallarme. Richard Wagner, reverie d’un poete frangais. In: CEuvres. Paris, Pleiade, 1945. P. 544–545

28 Alfred Jarry. Questions de theatre. In: Ubu Roi. Lausanne, Henri Kaeser, 1948. P. 158.

29 Arthur Symons. Studies in Seven Arts. Quoted in Roger Shattuck. The Banquet Years. London, Faber and Faber, 1959. P. 161.

30 W. B. Yeats. Autobiographies. London, Macmillan, 1955. P. 348, 349.

31 Mallarme. Undated letter to Jarry. In: Mallarme. Propos sur la Poesie. Ed. H. Mondor, quoted in J. Robichez. Le Symbolisme au Theatre. Paris, L’Arche, 1957. P. 359, 360.

32 Henri Gheon. L’Art du Theatre. Montreal, Editions Serge, 1944. P. 149.

33 Jarry. Gestes et Opinions du Docteur Faustroll. Paris, Fasquelle,

1955. P. 32. Trans. In: Evergreen Review, N.Y., no. 13, 1960. P. 131

34 Guillaume Apollinaire. Preface to Les Mamelles de Tiresias. In: CEuvres Poetiques. Paris, Pleiade, 1956. P. 865, 866.

35 Ibid. P. 868.

36 Ibid. P. 882.

37 Shattuck. Op. cit. P. 161.

38 Hugo Ball. Dada Tagebuch. In: Arp/Huelsenbeck/Tzara. Die Geburt des Dada. Zurich, Arche, 1957. P. 117.

39 Ibid. P. 139.

40 Oskar Kokoschka. Sphinx und Strohmann. In: Schriften 1907–1955. Munich, Albert Langen, 1956. P. 167.

41 Tristan Tzara. Chronique Zurichoise. In: Die Geburt des Dada. P. 173.

42 Georges Ribemont-Dessaignes. Deja Jadis. Paris, Julliard, 1958.

43 Tzara. Premiere Aventure Celeste de M. Antipyrine. Collection Dada. Ziirich, 1916. Extract in Tzara. Morceaux Choisis. Paris, Bordas, 1947.

44 Ribemont-Dessaignes. Op.cit. P. 73.

45 Tzara. Le Coeur a Gaz. Paris, GLM, 1946. P. 8.

46 Ribemont-Dessaignes. L’Empereur de Chine, suivi de Le Serin Muet. Paris, Sans Pareil, Collection Dada, 1971. P. 127.

47 Yvan Goll. Autobiographical Note. In: K. Pinthus. Menschhe- itsdammerung. Berlin, Rowohlt, 1920. P. 292.

48 Goll. Preface to Die Unsterblichen. In: Dichtungen. Neuwied, Luchterhand, 1960. P. 64.

49 Ibid. P. 64, 65.

50 Ibid. P. 65.

51 Goll. Methusalem. In: Schrei und Bekenntnis. Ed. K. Otten. Neuwied, Luchterhand, 1959. P. 426, 427.

52 Bertolt Brechr. In Dickicht der Stadte. In: Stiicke I. Frankfurt, Suhrkamp, 1953. P. 291, 292.

53 Roger Vitrac. Les Mystferes de Г Amour. In: Theatre II. Paris, Gallimard, 1948. P. 56.

54 Vitrac. Victor, ou Les Enfants au Pouvoir. In: Theatre I. Paris, Gallimard, 1946. P. 90.

55 Antonin Artaud. The Theatre and its Double. Trans. Mary Caroline Richards. N.Y., Grove Press, 1958. P. 7.

56 Ibid. P. 42.

57 Ibid. P. 85.

58 Ibid. P. 28.

59 Ibid. P. 93.

60 Ibid. P. 37.

61 Ibid. P. 71.

62 Ibid. P. 73.

63 Ibid. P. 78.

64 Ibid. P. 110, 111.

65 Ionesco. Pour Cocteau. Cahiers des Saisons. No. 12, October 1957.

66 J. H. Sainmont, H. Robillot,A. Templenul. Introduction to J. Torma. Le Betrou. Paris. College de Pataphysique, year 83 of the pataphysical era

1956. P. 14.

67 Torma. Euphorismes. Paris, 1926. P. 37.

68 Ibid. P. 39.

69 Ibid.

70 Beckett/Georges Duthuit/Jacques Putman. Bram van Velde. N.Y., Grove Press, 1960.

71 R. Penrose. Picasso: His Life and Work. London, Gollancz, 1955. P. 335.

Bentley E. Notes to him. In: From the Modem Repertoire, series II. Indian University Press, 1957. P. 478.

73 E. E. Cummings, quoted by Bentley. Op. cit. P. 487.


1 Nietzsche. Also Sprach Zarathustra. In: Werke, vol. II. Munich, Hanser, 1955. P. 279.

2 Camus. Le Mythe de Sisyphe. Paris, Gallimard, 1942. P. 29.

3 George Steiner. The retreat from the word. I, Listener, London,

14 July 196o.

4 Ibid. II, op. cit., 21 July 1960.

5 Ludwig Wittgenstein. Philosophical Investigations. I. Oxford, Blackwell, 1958. P. 48, 48-e.

6 Ionesco. Ni un dieu, ni un demon. Cahiers de la Compagnie Madeleine Renaud — Jean-Louis Barrault, Paris, nos. 22, 23, May 1958. P. 131.

7 Eva Metman. Reflections on Samuel Beckett’s plays. Journal of Analitical Psychology. London, Janiary 1960. P. 43.

8 Ibid.

9 Jung. Ulysses. Quoted by Metman. Op. cit. P. 53.

10 Ionesco. Experience du theatre. Nouvelle Revue Frangaise. Paris, 1. February 1958. P. 226.

11 Le Mythe de Sisyphe. P. 94.

12 Lao-tzu, quoted in Aldous Huxley. The Perennial Philosophy. London, Chatto and Windus, 1946. P. 33.

13 St. John of the Cross, quoted in Huxley. Op. cit.

14 Meister Eckhart, quoted, in Huxley. Op. cit.

15 Ionesco, quoted in Towanicki. Spectacles, Paris, No. 2, July 1958.




Thiatre, 4 vok, Paris: Gallimard, vol. I, 1953, vol. П, 1955, voL Ш, 1966, vol. IV, 1968.

Vol. I contains: La Parodie, L’Invasion, La Grande et la Petite Manxuvre, Le Projesseur Taranne, Tous Contre Tous. (Le Pro- fesseur Taranne tram, by A. Bermel in Four Modem French Comedies, New York: Capricorn Press, i960; by Peter Meyer in Absurd Drama, Harmondsworth: Penguin Boob, 1965)

Vol. П contains: Le Sens de la Marche, Les Retrouvailles, Le Ping- Pong. (Le Ping-Pong trans. by Richard Howard, New York: Grove Press, 1959)

Vol. Ш contains: Paolo Paoli, La Politique des Restes, Sainte Europe Vol. IV contains: M. le MSdtrt, Le Printemps '71

Separately published plays

La Parodie, L’Invasion, pricidies d’une lettre d’Andri Gide, et de tfmoign- ages de Rent Char, Jacques Privert, Henri Thomas, Jacques Lemar- chand,Jean Vilar, Roger Blin, Paris: Chariot, 1950 Paolo Paoli, Paris: Gallimard 1957 (English trans. by Geoffrey Brereton, London: Calder, 1959)

Les Ames Mortes, d’aprh le роете de Nicolas Gogol, Paris: Gallimard,


Comme Nous AvonsEM, Paris: Nouvelle Revue Franfaise, March 1953 (trans. by Richard Howard, As We Were, New York: Evergreen Review, I, 4, 1957)

Theatre de Sociiti. Seines d'Actualiti, Paris: Les Editeurs Franpiis Reunis, 1958, contains three short sketches by Adamov: IntimiU, Je ne Sub pas Francois, La Complainte du Ridicule.

En Fiacre (radio play), unpublished ms., 1939 Le Printemps ’71, Paris: Gallimard, 1961

Si ГЁ1ё Revenait, Paris: Gallimard, 1970



L’Aveu, Paris: Sagittaire, 1946 (one section of this autobiographical confession tram, by Richard Howard, ‘The endless humiliation New York: Evergreen Review, П, 8, 1959)

'Assignation', Paris: L’Heure Nouvelle, no. П, 1945 ‘Le Rejus’, Paris: L’Heure Nouvelle, no. П, 1946 Auguste Strindberg, Dramaturge, Paris: VArche, 1955

* Thiatre, argent et politique’, Paris: Thitre Populaire, no. 17, 1956 ‘Parce que je I’ai beaucoup aimi. (on Artaud), Paris: Cahiers de la Compagnie M. Renaud — J.-L Barrault, nos. 22-3, May 1958 Anthologie de la Commune (ed. Adamov), Paris: Editions Sodales, 1959 Id et Maintenant (collected essays), Paris: Gallimard, 1964 L’Homme et I’Enfant (diaries), Paris: Gallimard, 1968 Je … Ils (reissue of L’Aveu and new memoirs), Paris: Gallimard,



rilke, LeLivre de la Pauvretdet de la Mart, Algiers: 1941 buchner, Thitre Complet, trans. by Adamov and Marthe Robert dostoevsky, Crime et ChStiment JUNG, Le Moi et Tlnconsdent, Paris: 1938 GOGOL, Les Ames Mortes, Lausanne: La Guilde du Livre chekhov, L’Esprit des Bois, Paris: Gallimard (in the series ‘Le Manteau d’Arlequin’) chekhov, Thtre, Paris: Club Franpiis da Livre Strindberg, Le Pelican, Paris: ThiStre Populaire, no. 17,1956 Strindberg, Pbe, Paris: VArche, 1958 kleist, La Cruche Cassie, Paris: Thiatre Populaire, no. 6,1954 Gorki, ThiStre, Paris: L’Arche


gaudy, RENi, Arthur Adamov, Paris: Stock, 1971 lynes, carlos, jr, ‘Adamov or “le sens httdral” in the theatre’, Yak French Studies, no. 14, Winter 1954-5 regnaut, maurice, ‘Arthur Adamov et le sens du fitichisme', Paris: Cahiers de la Compagnie M. Renaud — J.-L. Barrault, nos. 22-3, May



ALBEE, EDWARD The Zoo Story (written 1958), New York: Evergreen Review, no. 12, March-April i960; also in Absurd Drama, Harmondsworth: Penguin Boob, 1965 The American Dream, A play, New York: Coward-McCann, 1961; London: Cape, 1962; also in New American Drama, Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1966 The Zoo Story, The Sandbox, The Death of Bessie Smith, published in one volume, New York: Co war d-McCann, i960 Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolfi A play, New York: Atheneum, 1963; London: Cape, 1964; Harmondsworth: Penguin Books,


Tiny Alice, London: Cape, 1966 A Delicate Balance, London: Cape, 1968

Box and Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung, New York: Atheneum, 1969 All Over, New York, Atheneum, 1971 Seascape, London: Cape, 1976


bigsby, c. w. e., Albee, Edinburgh: Oliver Boyd. 1969 cohn, ruby, Edward Albee, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1969

kbrjean, LILIANS, Albee, Paris: Seghers, 1971 kerjean, lilianb, Le Thtre d’Edward Albee, Paris: lCttnrfafoA,


ARRABAL, FERNANDO ThiStre, Paris: Christian Bourgois, 12 vols.

VoL I contains: Oraison, Les Deux Bourreaux, Fando et Lis, Le Cimetihe des Voitures VoL П contains: Guernica, Le Labyrinthe, Le Tricycle, Pique-nique en Campagne, La Bicyclette du Condamni VoL Ш contains: Le Grand CMmonial, Cirimonie pom un Not Assassini

VoL IV contains: Le Couronnement, Concert dans un CEuf VoL V (Theatre Panique) contains: ThiStre Panique, L’Architecte et L’Empeteur d’Assyrie



VoL VI contains: Le Jardin des Dilices, BestialiU trotique, Une Tortue Nommie Dostoievski VoL VII (Theatre de guerilla) contains: Et Us Passbent des Menottes aux Fleurs, L’Attrore Rouge et Noire Vol. VTn (Deux opas paniques) contains: Ars Amandi, Dieu TenU par les Mathbnatiques Vol. IX contains: Le Ciel et la Merde, La Grande Revue du XXe Stick

VoL X contains: Bella Ciao, La Guerre de Mille Arts VoL XIcontains: Ld Tour de Babel, La Marche Royak, Une Orange sur к Mont de Vfaus, La Gloire en Images Vol. ХП contains: Vole-moi un Petit Millard, Le Pastaga des Loups ou Ouverture Orang-Outan, Punk et Punk et CoUgram Plays not included in the collected Theatre: Sur к Fil, Jeunes Bar- bares d’Aujourd’hui


Gille, Bernard, Fernando Arrabal, Paris: Seghers, 1970 morrissbtt, ann, ‘Dialogue with Arrabal’, New York: Evergreen Review, no. ij, November-December i960 schiirbs, alaih, Entretiens avec Arrabal, Paris: Pierre Belfond, 1969 sbrreau, Genevieve, ‘Un nouveau style comique: Arrabal’, Paris: Les Lettres Nouvelks, no. 65, November 1958 (trans. New York: Evergreen Review, no. 15, November-December i960)


En Attendant Godot, Paris: Editions de Minuit, 195a (trans. by author, Waiting for Godot — U.S. edition, New York: Grove Press, 1954; English edition, London: Faber Faber, 1955)

Fin de Partie, suivi de Acte Sans Paroles, Paris: Editions de Minuit, 1957 (trans. by author, Endgame, followed by Act Without Words — U.S. edition, New York: Grove Press, 1958; English edition, London: Faber Faber, 1958)

All That Fall, London: Faber Faber, 1957 [U.S. edition, see below]


Krapp’s Last Tape and Embers, London: Faber Faber, 19J9 Krapp’s Last Tape and Other Dramatic Pieces, New York: Grove Press, i960, contains Krapp’s Last Tape, All That Fall, Embers, Act Without Words I, Act Without Words II Happy Days, New York: Grove Press, 1961 (trans. by author, Oh les Beaux Jours, Paris: Editions de Minuit, 1963)

Play and Two Short Pieces for Radio, London: Faber Faber, 1964, contains: Play, Words and Music, Cascando (trans. by author) Comidie et Actes Divers, Paris: Editions de Minuit, 1966, contains: Comidie (Play trans. by author); Va et Vient, Dramaticule (Come and Go trans. by author); Cascando, Piice radiophoniquepour musique et voix; Paroles et Musique, Piece radiophonique (Words and Music trans. by author); Dis Joe, Piece pour la tiUvision (Eh Joe trans. by author); Acte Sans Paroles II, pour deux personnages et un aiguillon (Act Without Words II trans. by author)

Come and Go (English original) first published in Samuel Beckett, Aus einem aufgegebenen Werk und kurze Spiele (a collection of short prose works and plays in the original language and German trans.), Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1966 (no. 145 in ‘Edition Suhrkamp'); separate publication, London: Calder Boyars, 1967 Eh Joe and Other Writings, London: Faber Faber, 1967, contains Eh Joe, Act Without Words II, Film Breath and Other Shorts, London: Faber Faber, 1971, contains: Breath, Come and Go, Act Without Words I, Act Without Words II, From an Abandoned Work Not I, London: Faber Faber, 197З Footfalls, London: Faber Faber, 1976 That Time, London: Faber Faber, 1976

End and Odds. Plays and Sketches, London: Faber Faber, 1977. contains: Not I, That Time, Footfalls, Ghost Trio,… but the clouds …, Theatre I, Theatre II, Radio I, Radio II Film. Complete Scenario; Illustrations; Production shots, New York: Grove Press, 1969


More Pricks than Kicks, London: Chatto Windus, 1934; one story, ‘Dante and the lobster’, New York: Evergreen Review, I, I


Murphy, London: Roudedge, 1938; new edition, New York: Grove Press, n.d.

Watt, Paris: Olympia Press, 1958 Molby, Paris: Editions de Minuit, 1951 Malone Meurt, Paris: Editions de Minuit, 1951 L’Innommable, Paris: Editions de Minuit, 1953 Three Novels, London: Calder, 1959. contains: Molloy, trans. by Patrick Bowles, Malone Dies and The Uniumable, trans. by author Nouvelles et Textes pour Riot, Paris: Editions de Minuit, 1955 (a story trans. by Richard Seaver and author, ‘The end’, New York: Evergreen Review, no. 15, November-December i960)

Text for Nothing I, trans. by author, New York: Evergreen Review, no. 9, Summer 1959 From an Abandoned Work, London: Faber Faber, 1957; New York: Evergreen Review, I, 3, 1957 Comment C’Est, Paris: Editions de Minuit, 1961 (trans. by author, How It Is, New York: Grove Press, 1964; London: Calder, 1964); an extract from an earlier version of this novel, ‘L’image’, London: X, no. 1, November 1959 (another extract trans. by author, ‘From an unabandoned work’, New York: Evergreen Review, no.

14, September-October i960)

Imagination Morte Imaginez, Paris: Editions de Minuit, 196J (trans.

by author, Imagination Dead Imagine, London: Calder, 1965) assez, Paris: Editions de Minuit, 1966 bing, Paris: Editions de Minuit, 1966

No's Knife, Collected Shorter Prose 1947–1966, London: Calder Boyars, 1967, contains: Stories, Texts fir Nothing, From an Abandoned Work, Enough, Imagination Dead Imagine, Ping Premier Amour, Paris: Editions de Minuit, 1970 Le Dipeupleur, Paris: Editions de Minuit, 1970 (trans. by author, The Lost Ones, London: Calder Boyars, 1972)


Whoroscope, Paris: The Hours Press, 1930 Echo’s Bones, Paris: Europe Press, 1935 ‘ Trois poemes’, Paris: Cahiers des Saisons, no. 2, October 1955 Poems in English, London: Calder, 1961


Gedichte (bilingual edition of Echo’s Bones followed by other poems in English and French, with German parallel translation), Wiesbaden: Limes, 1959


Proust, London: Chatto Windus, 1931 (Dolphin series); reprinted New York: Grove Press, n.d.

Proust, Three Dialogues, London: Calder, 1965 ‘Dante … Bruno. Vico … Joyce’, in Our Exagmination round his Factification for Incamination of Work in Progress, Paris: Shakespeare

Co., 1929 Bram van Velde, New York: Grove Press, i960


abel, lionel, ‘Joyce the father, Beckett the son’, New York: The New Leader, 14 December 1959 BENXLBY, eric, What is Theatre? Boston: Beacon Press, 1956 calder, john (ed.), Beckett at Sixty (essays by 24 contributors), London: Calder Boyars, 1967 COE, richard n., Beckett, Edinburgh and London: Oliver Boyd, 1964 (in the series ‘ Writers and Critics’) cohn, ruby, Samuel Beckett: The Comic Gamut, New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 1962

Back to Beckett, Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University Press,


— (ed.), Samuel Beckett. A Collection of Criticism, New York:

McGraw-Hill, 1975

Play Beckett, Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press,


ellman, richard, James Joyce, New York and London: Oxford University Press, 1959 esslin, martin, ‘Samuel Beckett’, in The Novelist as Philosopher, ed. John Cruickshank, London: Oxford University Press, 1962 esslin, martin (ed.), Samuel Beckett, A Collection of Critical Essays, Englewood Clifis, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1965 (in the series ‘Twentieth-Century Views ’) pederman, Raymond, Journey to Chaos, Samuel Beckett’s Early


Fiction, Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press,


federman, Raymond and FLETCHER, john, Samuel Beckett: His Work and His Critics, An Essay in Bibliography, Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1970 fletcher, john, T "he Novels of Samuel Beckett, London: Cbatto Windus, 1964

Samuel Beckett’s Art, London: Cbatto Windus, 1967

fletcher, john and SPURLiNG, john, Beckett. A Study of his Plays, London: Eyre Methuen, 1972


Walter, A Student’s Guide to the Plays of Samuel Beckett, London: Faber Faber, 1978 friedman, M. j. (ed.), Samuel Beckett, Paris: Minard, 1964 (‘Configuration Critique’ no. 8) gessner, n., Die Unzulanglidikeit der Sprache, Zurich: Juris, 1957 ‘Godot gets around’, New York: Theatre Arts, July 1958 guggenheim, peggy, out of this century, the informal memoirs of peggy guggenheim, New York: the dials press, 1946

Confessions of an Art Addict, London: Andrd Deutsch, i960

harvey, lawrencb в., Samuel Beckett. Poet and Critic, Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1970 hobson, harold, ‘Samuel Beckett, dramatist of the year’, International Theatre Annual, no. 1, London: Calder, 1956 jacobsen, josbphinb and muller, william r., The Testament of Samuel Beckett, New York: Hill Wang, 1964 janvier, ludovic, Pour Samuel Beckett, Paris: Editions de Minuit,


JOYCE, JAMES, Letters (ed. Stuart Gilbert), London: Faber Faber, 1957

KENNER, HUGH, Samuel Beckett, A Critical Study, New York: Grove Press, 1961; London: Calder, 1962

The Stoic Comedians: Flaubert, Joyce and Beckett, London: W. H.

Allen, 1964

kern, edith, ‘Drama stripped for inaction: Beckett’s Godot’, Yale French Studies, no. 14, Winter 1954-5 levy, alan, ‘The long wait for Godot’, New York: Theatre Arts, August 1956


мarissel, andre, Beckett, Paris: Editions Universitaires, 1963 mauriac, Claude, La Litthature Contemporaine, Paris: Albin Michel, 1958

melese, pierre, Beckett, Paris: Seghers, 1966 (in the series ‘Thtre de Tous les Temps’) mercier, vivian, BeckettIBeckett, New York: Oxford University Press, 1977

- ‘Messenger of Gloom’ (profile), London: Observer, 9 November


metman, eva, ‘Reflections on Samuel Beckett’s plays’, London: Journal of Analytical Psychology, January i960

San Quentin News, San Quentin, Cal., vol. XVII, no. 24, 28

November 1957

schneider, alan, ‘Waiting for Beckett’, New York: Chelsea Review, Autumn 1958 SCHOELL, konrad, Das Theater Samuel Becketts, Munich: Wilhelm Fink, 1967

scott, nathan a, Samuel Beckett, London: Bowes Bowes, 1^65 (in the series ‘Studies in Modern European Thought and Literature’)


Un Caso Clinico, Commedia in 2 tempi e 13 quadri, Milan: Mondadori, 1953 (no. 85 in the series ‘La Medusa degli Italiani’)

Un Verne al Ministero, Turin: II Dramma, no. 283


La Foresta, Turin: II Dramma, no. 278 1Tempo di Cavalette, Turin: II Dramma, no. 261

II Formicaio, stage ms.


trilling, ossia, ‘Ezio d’Errico — a new Pirandello?’, London: Theatre World, April 1958



Biedemumn und die Brandstifter, Berlin and Frankfurt: Suhrkamp,

1958. This is the stage version, based on an earlier radio play, Herr Biedemumn und die Brandstifier, first broadcast by Bayrischer Rundfunk, Munich, 1953; published Hamburg: Hans Bredow Institut, sixth edition, 1959. (Stage version trans. by Michael Bullock, The Fire Raisers, in Three Plays, London: Methuen, 1962)


bXnziger, hans, Frisch und Diirrenmatt, Berne: Francke, i960 ziskoven, Wilhelm, ‘Max Frisch’, in Zur Interpretation des modemen Dramas (ed Rolf Geissler), Frankfurt: Diesterweg, i960 These two exhaustive studies also contain bibliographical data on Frisch’s numerous other plays which do not fall into the category of the Theatre of the Absurd.


The Connection (with Introduction by Kenneth Tynan), New York: Grove Press, i960 The Apple, New York: Grove Press, 1961


Haute Surveillance, Paris: Gallimard, 1949 (trans. by B. Frechtman, Deathwatch, in The Maids/Deathwatch, New York: Grove Press, 1954; English edition, Deathwatch, London: Faber Faber, 1961) Les Bonnes, D6cines: L’Arbalfcte, 1948; a new edition, Les Bonnes, Les deux versions pricidies d’une lettre de Г auteur, containing the first version (as performed at the Аёпбе in 1946) and the revised version (as performed at the Theatre de la Huchette in 1954); the second version also reprinted in Les Bonnes-L’Atelier d’Alberto Giacometti, Dines: L’Arbalfete, 1958, further containing ‘L’enfant criminel’


Die Bosen Koche, in Modemes deutsches Theater I, Neuwied: Luchterhand, 1961 Onkel, Onkel, Berlin: Wagenbach, 1965 Nodi zehn Minuten bis Buffalo, stage ms.

Zweiunddreissig Zahtte, Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1963 Hochwasser, stage ms.

Die Plebejer proben den Aufstand, Neuwied: Luchterhand, 1966

English translations

Four Plays, trans. Ralph Manhcim, London: Seeker Warburg, 1968, contains: Still Ten Minutes to Buffalo; Uncle, Uncle; The Flood; The Wicked Cooks.

The Plebeians Rehearse the Uprising, A German Tragedy, trans. by Ralph Manhcim, London: Seeker Warburg, 1967


Die Vorziige der WindUhner (poems and prose sketches), Neuwied: Luchterhand, 1956 Die Blechtrommel (novel), Neuwied: Luchterhand, 1959 (trans. by Ralph Manheim, The Tin Drum, London: Seeker Warburg, 1962*, Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1965)

Gleisdreieck (poems), Neuwied: Luchterhand, i960 Katz und Maus (novel), Neuwied: Luchterhand, 1961 (trans. by Ralph Manheim, Cat and Mouse, London: Seeker Warburg, 1963; Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1966)

Hundejahre (novel), Neuwied: Luchterhand, 1963 (trans. by Ralph Manheim, Dog Years, Lbndon: Seeker Warburg, 1965; Harr mondsworth: Penguin Books 1969)

Ausgefiagt (poems), Neuwied: Luchterhand, 1967 Selected Poems, trans. by Michael Hamburger and Christopher Middleton, have been published by Seeker Warburg, 1966; Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1969 Der Butt (novel) Neuwied: Luchterhand, 1977 (trans. by Ralph Manheim, The Flounder, London: Seeker Warburg, 1978)


Die Bosen KSche, in Modemes deutsches Theater I, Neuwied: Luchterhand, 1961 Onkel, Onkel, Berlin: Wagenbach, 1965 Nock zehn Minuten bis Buffalo, stage ms.

Zweiunddreissig Zahne, Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1963 Hochwasser, stage ms.

Die Plebejer proben den AufsUmd, Neuwied: Luchterhand, 1966

English translations

Four Plays, trans. Ralph Manheim, London: Seeker Warburg, 1968, contains: Still Ten Minutes to Buffalo; Uncle, Uncle; The Flood; The Wicked Cooks.

The Plebeians Rehearse the Uprising, A German Tragedy, trans. by Ralph Manheim, London: Seeker Warburg, 1967


Die Vorziige der Wmdahner (poems and prose sketches), Neuwied: Luchterhand, 1956 Die Blechtrommel (novel), Neuwied: Luchterhand, 1959 (trans. by Ralph Manheim, The Tin Drum, London: Seeker Warburg, 1962; Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 196s)

Gleisdreieck (poems), Neuwied: Luchterhand, i960 Katz und Mans (novel), Neuwied: Luchterhand, 1961 (trans. by Ralph Manheim, Cat and Mouse, London: Seeker Warburg, 1963; Harajondsworth: Penguin Books, 1966)

Hmdejahre (novel), Neuwied: Luchterhand, 1963 (trans. by Ralph Manheim, Dog Years, London: Seeker Warburg, 1965; Harr mondsworth: Penguin Books 1969)

Ausgфagt (poems), Neuwied: Luchterhand, 1967 Selected Poems, trans. by Michael Hamburger and Christopher Middleton, have been published by Seeker Warburg, 1966; Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1969 Der Butt (novel) Neuwied: Luchterhand, 1977 (trans. by Ralph Manheim, The Flounder, London: Seeker Warburg, 15)78)


tank, kurth lothar, Gunter Grass, Berlin: Colloquium, 1963


Protokoly (collected writings, including the two plays The Garden Party and The Memorandum), Prague: Mlada Fronta, 1966 (The Memorandum, trans. by Vera Blackwell, London: Cape, 1967)


Spiele in denen es dunkel wird, Pfullingen: Neske, 1958, contains: Pastorale oder Die Zeit fiir Kakao, Landschaft mit Figuren, Die Uhren. Hildesheimer’s radio plays include: Das Ende kommt nie, Begegnung im Balleanexpress, Prinzessin Turandot (stage version, Der Drachenthron), An den Ufem der Plotinitza, Das Atelieifest, Die Bartschedelidee, Herm Walsers Raben.

OTHER WRITINGSS ‘Erlanger Rede iiber das absurde Theater’, Munich: Akzente, no. 6, i960



[for collected editions see p. 452]

La Cantatrice Chauve (written 1948, first performance 1950), in Thidtre I [Arcanes]; also in Thidtre I [Gallimard] (trans. by Donald M. Allen, The Bald Soprano, in Plays, vol. I [New York: Grove Press]; trans. by Donald Watson, The Bald Prima Donna, in Plays, vol. I [London: Calder])

LaLefon (written 1950, first performance 1951), in Theatre I [Arcanes]; also in ThiStre I [Gallimard] (trans. The Lesson, by Donald M.


Allen in Plays, voL I [New Yode: Grove Press]; by Donald Watson in Plays, voL I [London: Calder], and in Penguin Plays, 1962) Jacques, ou La Soumission (written 1950, first performance 1955), in Thidtre I [Ar canes]; also in TheStre I [Gallimard] (trans. by Donald M. Allen, Jack or the Submission, in Plays, voL I [New York: Grove Press]; trans. by Donald Watson, Jacques or Obedience, in Plays, voL I [London: Calder])

Les Chaises (written 1951, first performance 1952), in Thidtre I [Gallimard] (trans., The Chairs, by Donald M. Allen in Plays, vol.

I [New York: Grove Press]; by Donald Watson in Plays, vol. I [London: Calder], and in Penguin Plays, 1962)

Le Salon de Г Automobile (first performance 1953), in Thidtre I [Arcanes]; also in Thidtre TV (trans. by Sasha Moorsom, The Motor Show, London: 3 Arts Quarterly, no. 2, Summer i960)

L’Avenir est dans les CEufs ou П faut de tout pour fake un monde (written 1951, first performance 1937)» m Thidtre II (trans. by Derek Prouse, The Future is in Eggs or It takes all sorts to make a world, in Plays, voLIV)

Vktimes du Devoir (written 1932, first performance 1953), in Thidtre I [Gallimard] (trans. by Donald Watson, Victims of Duty, in Plays, voL IQ

Amtdk ou Comment s’en dAarrasser (written 1953, first performance 1934), in Thidtre I [Gallimard] (trans. by Donald Watson, Amidei or How to get rid of it, in Plays, vol. II, and in Absurd Drama, Har- mondsworth: Penguin Books, 1963)

Le Nouveau Locataire (written 1933, first performance 1933), pi Thidtre

II (trans. by Donald Watson, The New Tenant, in Plays, voL II) Les Grandes Chaleurs (first performance 1953), based on a play by

Caragiale, unpublished La Jeune Fille i Marier (first performance 1953), in Thidtre II (trans.

by Donald Watson, Maid to Marry, in Plays, voL III)

Le Maitre (first performance 1953), in Thidtre II (trans. by Derek Prouse, The Leader, in Plays, vol. IV)

Le Connaissez-Vous? (first performance I9J3). unpublished La Niice-Epou*e (first performance 1933), unpublished Le Rhume Onirique (first performance 1953), unpublished Le Tableau (first performance 1955), Dossiers Acinonites de College de Pataphysique, no. 1, 1958; also in Thidtre III (trans. by Donald


Watson, The Picture, broadcast in B.B.C. Third Programme, и March 1957; in Plays, vol. VII)

L'Impromptu de ГAlma ou Le Camilion du Berger (written 1955, first performance 1956), in Thidtre II (trans. by Donald Watson, Improvisation or The Shepherd's Chameleon, in Plays, vol. Ill) Impromptu pour la Duchesse de Windsor (written 1957, first performance

1957), unpublished (trans. by Donald Watson, unpublished)

Tueur Sans Gages (written 1937, first performance 1959), in Thidtre II (trans. by Donald Watson, The Killer, in Plays, voL IIQ [Le] Rhinocbos [the definite article on the tide page is an error by the publishers] (written 1938, first performance 1959), Paris: Gallimard, 1959 (in the series ‘Le Manteau d’Arlequin’); also in Thidtre III (trans. by Derek Prouse, Rhinoceros, in Plays, vol. IV, and in Penguin Plays, 1962)

Seine h Quatre (written 1939, first performance 1959), Cahiers du College de Pataphysique, Dossier 7, 1959; also Paris: Avant-Sckne no. 210,

15 December 1959; also in Thidtre III (trans. by Donald M. Allen, Foursome, New York: Evergreen Review, no. 13, May-June i960) Apprendre i Marcher, Ballet (first performance i960), in Thidtre IV Les Salutations (opening scene of an as yet uncompleted play, Scene a Sept), Paris: LesLettres Francises, no. 805, 31 December i960; also in Thidtre III

Le Roi se Moot (written 1962, first performance 1962), Paris: Gallimard, 1963; also in Thidtre IV (trans. by Donald Watson, Exit the King, in Plays, vol. V)

Le Piiton de Г Air (written 1962, first performance 1963), in Thidtre

III (trans. by Donald Watson, A Stroll in the Air, in Plays, voL VI) Dilire et Deux… h tant qu on veut (written 1962, first performed 1962), in Thidtre III (trans. by Donald Watson, Frenzy for Two, in Plays, vol. VI)

La Soif et la Faim (written 1965, first performance 1966), in Thidtre IV (trans. by Donald Watson, Hunger and Thirst, in Plays, voL VII) Jeux de Massacre, Paris: Gallimard 1970 Macbett, Paris: Gallimard, 1972

VHomme aux Valises suivi de Ce Formidable Bordel, Paris: Gallimard, 1973 (trans. adapted by Israel Horovitz, Man with Bags, New York: Grove Press, 1977)


Collected editions

Thidtre I, Paris: Arcanes, 1953 (in the series ‘Locus Soltis’), contains: La СапШгке Chauve, La Lefon, Jacques ou La Soumission, Le Salon de Г Automobile

[A second volume of the above edition, announced as being in preparation in 1953, did not appear. It was to contain: Les Chaises, Victimes du Devoir, La Niice-Epouse, La Jeune Fille h Marier]

ThMltre I, Paris: Gallimard, 1954, contains: Preface by Jacques Lemarchand, La Cantatrice Chauve, La Legon, Jacques, ou La Sou- mission, Les Chaises, Victimes du Devoir, Amidii ThMtre II, Paris: Gallimard, 1958, contains: L'Impromptu de TAlma, Tueur Sans Gages, Le Nouveau Locataire, L'Avenir est dans les CBufs, Le Maitre, La Jeune Fille A Marier ThMltre III, Paris: Gallimard. 1963, contains: Rhinoceros, Le Ptiton de Г Air, Dilire i Deux, Le Tableau, Scene h Quatre, Les Salutations, La Colire

Thitre IV, Paris: Gallimard, 1966, contains: Le Roi se Meurt, La Soif et la Faim, La Laame, Le Salon de Г Automobile, L’CEuf Dur, Le Jeune Homme i Marier, Apprendre i Marcher ThiHtre V, Paris: Gallimard, 1974, contains: Jeux de Massacre, Mac- belt. La Vase, Exercices de conversation et de diction Francoises pour itudiants Ambicains

English translations

[Ionesco’s plays have been published by Grove Press, New York, and John Calder, London. The first volume of these editions differs; the others are identical]

Vol. I [U.S. edition], trans. by Donald M. Allen, contains: The Bald Soprano, The Lesson, Jack or The Submission, The Chairs Vol. I [English edition], trans. by Donald Watson, contains: The Lesson, The Chairs, The Bald Prima Donna, Jacques or Obedience Vol. II, trans. by Donald Watson, contains: AmitUe or How to get rid of it. The New Tenant, Victims of Duty Vol. Ill, trans. by Donald Watson, contains: The Killer, Improvisation or The Shepherd’s Chameleon, Maid to Marry



Vol. IV, trans. by Derek Prouse, contains: Rhinoceros, The Leader, The Future is in Eggs Vol. V, trans. by Donald Watson, contains: Exit the King, The Motor Show, Foursome

Vol. VI, trans. by Donald Watson, contains: A Stroll in the Air, Frenzy for Two

Vol. VII, trans. by Donald Watson, contains: Hunger and Thirst, The Picture, Greetings, Anger Vol. VIII, trans. by Donald Watson, contains: Here Comes a Chopper (Jeux de massacre), The Oversight (La Lacune), The Foot of the Wall Vol. IX, trans. by Donald Watson, contains: Macbett, The Mire, Learning to Walk

Vol. X, trans. by Donald Watson, contains: Oh What a Bloody Circus, The Hardboiled Egg


Une Victime du Devoir (written 1952), Paris: Medium, January 1955; Paris: Cahiers des Saisons, no. 24, Winter 1961 [basis of Victimes de Devoir]

Oriflamme, Paris: Nouvelle Revue Franfais, February 1964 [basis of AmddSe] (trans., Flying High, New York: Mademoiselle, 1957)

La Photo du Colonel, Paris: Nouvelle Revue Frangaise, November 1955 [basis of Tueur Sans Gages] (trans. by Stanley Read, The Photograph of the Colonel, Evergreen Review, I, 3, 1957)

Rhinoceros, Paris: LesLettres Nouvelles, September 1957; Paris: Cahiers de la Compagnie M. Renaud — J.-L. Barrault, no. 29, February i960 (trans. by Donald M. Allen, New York: Mademoiselle, March i960) La Photo du Colonel, RJcits (collected short stories), Paris: Gallimard, 1962

The ColoneFs Photograph (collected stories in English), trans. by Jean Stewart and John Russell, London: Faber Faber, 1967 Le Solitaire. Roman, Paris: Mercure de France, 1973


‘L’invraisemblable, Гinsolite, mon univers…’, Paris: Arts, 14 August I9J3; also Paris: Cahiers des Saisons, no. 15, Winter 1959, under the title 'Je n’ai jamais riussi…’


'Le point du depart', Paris: Cahiers des Quatre Saisons, do. i, August

1955 [this periodical changed its tide to Cahiers des Saisons from no. 2, October 1955] (trans. by L.C. Pronko, New York: Theatre Arts, June 1958; by Donald Watson in Plays, vol. I [London: Calder])

Thiitre et anti-thidtre’, Paris: Cahiers des Saisons, no. 2, October 1955 (trans. by L. C. Pronko, New York: Theatre Arts, June 1958)

‘Mes piices ne pritendent pas sauver le monde', Paris: L'Express, 15–16 October 1955 LMes critiques et moi’, Paris: Arts, 22 February 1956 ‘Gammes’ (nonsense aphorisms), Paris: Cahiers des Saisons, no. 7, September 1956

‘There is no avant-garde theatre’, trans. by Richard Howard, New York: Evergreen Review, I, 4,1957 ‘The world of Ionesco’, International Theatre Annual, no. 2, ed. Harold Hobson, London: Calder, 1957; Tulane Drama Review, October 19S8

‘Olympie’ (prose poem), Paris: Cahiers des Saisons, no. 10, April-May


‘Pour Cocteau', Paris: Cahiers des Saisons, no. 12, October 1957 ‘The theatre’, talk on Б.В.С. Third Programme, July 1957 [an early version oЈ‘Experience du thi tre — see below]

‘Dans les ames de la ville' (on Kafka), Paris: Cahiers de la Compagnie M. Renaud — J.-L Barrault, no. 20, October 1957 ‘Qu’est-ce que Г avant-garde en 1958?', Paris: Les Lettres Francoises, itf April 1958; also Paris: Cahiers des Saisons, no. 15, Winter 1959, under the tide ‘Lorsque j’icris — '

‘Experience du thidtre’, Paris: Nouvelle Revue Fran$aise, February 1958 (trans. by L. C. Pronko, ‘Discovering the theatre’, Tulane Drama Review, September 1959)

'Ni un dieu ni un dimon’ (on Artaud), Paris: Cahiers de la Compagnie M. Renaud-J.-L Barrault, nos. 22-3, May 1958 ‘Reality in depth’, London: Encore, May-June 1958 ‘The playwright’s role’, London: Observer, 29 June 1958 (The entire controversy with Kenneth Tynan is reproduced as ‘Controverse londonienne' in Cahiers des Saisons, no. 15, Winter 1959)

‘La tragidie du langage’, Paris: Spectacles, no. 2, July 1958 (trans. by Jack Unclank, ‘The tragedy of language*, Tulane Drama Review, Spring i960)


‘Preface' to Les Possidis, adapted from the novel by Dostoevsky by Akakia Viala and Nicolas Bataille, Paris: Emile-Paul,


‘Le cceur nest pas sur la main’ (reply to Kenneth Tynan not published by the Observer), Paris: Cahiers des Saisons, no. 15, Winter 1959 ‘Naissance de La Cantatrice’, Paris: Cahiers des Saisons, no. 15, Winter 1959

‘La demystification par Г humour noir’, Paris: Avant-Scene, 15 February


‘Eugbie Ionesco ouvre le feu’ (with parallel English translation), Paris: World Theatre, voL VIII, no. 3, Autumn 1959 Interview with Claude Sarraute, Paris: Le Monde, 17 January i960 Interview with himself, Paris: France-Ohservateur, 21 January i960;

reprinted Cahiers du College de Pataphysique, Dossiers 10–11, i960 Interview, Paris: L’Express, 28 January i960 ‘Pages de journal’, Paris: Nouvelle Revue Franfaise, February i960 'Printemps 1939. Les dSris du souvenir. Pages de journal’, Cahiers de la Compagnie M. Renaud — J.-L. Barrault, no. 29, February i960 ‘Propos sur mem thidtre et sur les propos des autres’, Brussels: L’ VII, no. 3. i960

‘Le Rhinocos i New York’, Paris: Arts, February 1961 ‘Some recollections of Brancusi’, trans. by John Russell, London Magazine, April 1961 Notes et Contre-notes (collected critical writings), Paris: Gallimard, 1962 (trans. by Donald Watson, Notes and Counter-Notes, London: Calder, 1965)

Journal en miettes, Paris: Mercure de France, 1967 Present passi, Passi prisent, Paris: Mercure de France, 1968 Dicouvertes, Geneva: Skira, 1969 Antidotes, Paris: Gallimard, 1977


Das Abenteuer Ionesco. Beitrage zum Theater von Heute (with contributions by Ionesco, A. Schulze Vellinghausen and Rudolf Sellner), Zurich: Verlag H. R. Stauffacher, 1958 Anouilh, jban, ‘Du chapitre des Chaises’, Paris: Le Figaro, 23 April



bataille, NicotAS, ‘La bataille de La Cantatrice’, Paris: Cahiers des Saisons, no. ij, Winter 1969 benmusa, siMONiB, Eugene Ionesco, Paris: Seghers, 1956 (in the series ‘Theatre de Tous les Temps) bentlby, eric, ‘llonesco, playwright of the fifties’, New York: Columbia Daily Spectator, 11 March 1958 BONNEfOY, claude, Entretiens avec Eugene Ionesco, Paris: Belfond,


bosquet, alain, ‘Le thidtre d’Eugbte Ionesco, ou les 36 recettes du comique’, Paris: Combat, 17 February 1955 coe, richard, Iomesco, Edinburgh and London: Oliver Boyd, 1961 (no. 5 in the series ‘Writers Critics’) doubro vsky, sebge, ‘Ionesco and the comedy of the absurd’, Yale French Studies, no. 23, Summer 1959; also Paris: Nouvelle Revue Franfaise, February i960, under the title ‘Le rire d’Eugbu Ionesco’ duvignaud, jean, ‘La dirision', Paris: Cahiers de la Compagnie M.

Renaud — J.-L. Barrault, no. 29, February i960 francueil, berniard, ‘Digression automobile Dilectus quemad- modum jilius unictomiunt (review of Rhinocbos), Cahiers du College de Pataphysique, Dossiers 10–11,1960 laubrbaux, r., ‘Situation de Ionesco’, Paris: Thidtre d’Aujourd’hui, January-February 1959 laubreaux, r. (ed.), Les Critiques de notre temps et Ionesco, Paris: Gamier, 1973

lerminier, geor ges, * CUs pour Ionesco’, Paris: Thidtre d’Aujourd’ hui, September-October 1957 lutbmbi, ‘Contribution ck une itude de La Cantatrice Chauve’, Cahiers du College de Pataphysique, nos. 8–9,1953 marcel, gabriel, 'La crise du thidtre et le cripuscule de Fhumanisme’, Paris: Revue Thfdtrale, no. 39 robbe-grillet, alaiw, ‘Notes’, Paris: Critique, January 1953 roud, richard, ‘The opposite of sameness’, London '.Encore,June- July 1957

saroyan, william, ‘Ionesco’, New York: Theatre Arts, July 1958 saurel, ben6e, ‘ Ionesco ou Les blandices de la culpabiliti’, Paris: Les Temps Modemes, no. CIII, 1954 ‘A school of vigilance’, London: The Times Literary Supplement, 4 March i960


senart, philippe, Ionesco, Paris: Editions Universitaires, 1964 tobi, saint, Eugbte Ionesco ou La Recherche du paradis perdu, Paris: Gallimard, 1973

TOUCHARD, p. A., ‘La loi du thidtre’, Paris: Cahiers des Saisons, no.

15, Winter 1959

- ‘ Un nouveau favuliste’, Paris: Cahiers de laCompagnieM. Renaud-

J.-L. Barrault, no. 29, February i960 towarnicki, f., 'DesChaises vides… Broadway’, Paris: Spectacles, no. 2, July 1958

vernois, paul, La Dynamique thiatrale d’Eugene Ionesco, Paris: Klingsieck, 1972


Oh Dad, Poor Dad, Mamma’s Hung You in the Closet and I’m Feeling

So Sad. A pseudo-classical tragifarce in a bastard French tradition, New York: Hill Wang, i960; London: Methuen, 1961


The original texts of Mrozek’s plays can be found in the monthly journal Dialog, published in Warsaw, passim 1958-67.

A collection in german

Stiicke, voL I, Berlin: Henssel, 1963, contains: Die Polizei, Aufhoher See, Striptease, Karol, Das Martyrium des Peter Obey, Racket Baby, Der Hirsch

Stiicke, vol. П, Berlin: Henssel, 1965, contains: Eine wundersame Nacht, Zabawa, Tango


Six Plays, trans. by Nicholas Bethell, London: Cape, 1967, contains: The Police, The Martyrdom of Peter Ohey, Out at Sea, Charlie, The Party, Enchanted Night Tango, trans. by Nicholas Bethell, London: Cape, 1968


PEDROLO, MANUEL DE Cruma, in Premi Joan Santamaria 1957, Barcelona: Editorial Nereida,


Homes i No, Barcelona: Quadems de Teatre A.DЈ., no. 2, i960

PINGET, ROBERT Lettre Morte, Paris: Editions de Minuit, 1959

La Manivelle, Piice radiophonique (with parallel trans. by Samuel Beckett, The Old Tune), Paris: Editions de Minuit, i960 Id ou Ailleurs, suivi de Architruc et de L’Hypothese, Paris: Editions de Minuit, 1961


The Birthday Party and Other Plays, London: Methuen, i960, contains: The Room, The Dumb Waiter, The Birthday Party. The Dumb Waiter also in Penguin New English Dramatists 2 and Penguin Plays, Har- mondsworth: Penguin Books, 1961 and 1964 The Caretaker, London: Methuen i960

A Slight Ache and Other Plays, London: Methuen, 1961, contains: A Slight Ache, A Night Out, The Dwarfs, and some revue sketches The Collection and The Lover, London: Methuen, 1963 The Homecoming, London: Methuen, 1965

Tea Party and Other Plays, London: Methuen, 1967, contains the three television plays Tea Party, The Basement, Night School Landscape and Silence, London: Methuen, 1969 Old Times, London: Methuen, 1971 Five Screen Plays, London: Methuen, 1971 No Man’s Land, London: Eyre Methuen, 1975 Poems and Prose, London: Eyre Methuen, 1978 The Proust Screenplay, London: Eyre Methuen, 1978 Betrayal, London: Eyre Methuen, 1978


dukore, Bernard f., Where Laughter Stops. Pinter’s Tragicomedy, Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1976 esslin, martin, Pinter. A Study of his Plays, 3rd expanded edition, London: Eyre Methuen, 1977 ganz, Arthur, (ed.), Pinter. A Collection of Critical Essays, in the series ‘Twentieth-Century Views’, Englewood СШБ, N.J.: Prenticc-Hall, 1972 hinchcliffe, Arnold P., Harold Pinter, New York: Twayne, 1967 imhof, rddiger, Pinter. A Bibliography, 2nd revised edition, London: TQ Publications, 1976 kerr, Walter, Harold Pinter, New York: Columbia University Press, 1967



A Resounding Tinkle, in The Observer Plays (anthology of prize- winning entries in a playwriting competition), London: Faber Faber, 1958; also in New English Dramatists 2, Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, i960, and in Penguin Plays 1, 1964; shorter stage version as performed at the Royal Court Theatre, London, 1 December 19J7, in The Hole and Other Plays and Sketches, London: Faber Faber, 1964 One Way Pendulum, A farce in a new dimension, London: Faber Faber, i960

The Hole and Other Plays and Sketches, London: Faber Faber, 1964, contains: The Hole, A Resounding Tinkle (shorter version), The Form, Gladly Otherwise, Oh, One Blast and Have Done The Cresta Run, London: Faber Faber, 1966

OTHBR WRITINGS The Overcoat (short story), London: Man About Town, December i960




Thidtre de Chambre I, Gallimard, 1955, contains: Qui Est Li? La Politesse Inutile, Le Sacre de la Nuit, Le Meuhle, La Serrure, Le Guichet, Monsieur Moi, Faust et Yorick, La Sonate et les Trois Messieurs ou Comment Parler Musique, La Sociiti d' Apollon ou Comment Parler des Arts, Oswald et Zenaide ou Les Apartis, Ce Que Parler Veut Dire ou Le Patois des Families, II у Avait Foule au Manoir ou Les Monologues, Eux Seuls le Savent, Un Geste pour un Autre, Conversa- tion-Sinfonietta

Theatre II: Pobnes Ajouer, Paris: Gallimard, i960, contains: L’AJS.C. de Notre Vie, Rhythme a Trois Temps ou Le Temple de Sigeste, Une Voix Sans Personne, Les Temps du Verbe ou Le Pouvoir de la Parole, Les Amants du Mitro, Tonnerre Sans Orage ou Les Dieux Inutiles

Thidtre III: Une Soiree en Province, Paris: Gallimard, 1975, contains: Une Soirie en Province ou le mot et le cri, Cinq Divertissements, Candide, Livrets d’operas de chambre


jacottet, philippe, 'Note A propos de Jean Tardieu’, Paris: Nouvelle Revue Franfaise, July i960


For a full bibliography of Vian’s numerous writings, sec Cahiers du

College de Pataphysique, Dossier 12, i960


L’Equarrissage pour Tous (also containing extracts from notices of the performance, ‘ Salut i Boris Vian ’ by Cocteau, and a second short play, Le Dernier des Metiers, Saynetes pour Patronages), Paris: Toutain, 1950; L’Equarrissage pour Tous reprinted in Paris Theatre, no. 66,1952

Les Bdtisseurs d’Empire ou Le Schmurz, Cahiers du College de Pataphysique, Dossier 6,1959; Paris: VArche, 19J9 (in the series ‘Collection du R6pertoire du TNP’)


Thidtre, Paris: Pauvert, 1965, contains: Les Bdtisseurs eTEmpire, Le GoAter des Giniraux, L’Equarrissage pour Tous


Cahiers du Collige de Pataphysique, Dossier 12, i960, contains critical and biographical studies


General Works

barnes, hazel, The Literature of Possibility, Lincoln, Nebraska: University Press, 1959 beigbeder, marc, Le Theatre en France depuis la Liberation, Paris: Bordas, 1959

bergeaud, jean, Je choisis … mon thidtre. Encyclopidie du Thidtre Contemporain, Paris: Odilis, 1956 bergson, henri, Le Rire. Essai sur la Signification du Comique, in CEuvres, Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1959 boisdeffre, pierre de, Une Histoire Vivante de la Literature d’Aujourd’hui, Paris: Le Livre Contemporain camus, albert, Le Mythe de Sisyphe, Paris: Gallimard, 1942 cruickshank, john, Albert Camus and the Literature of Revolt, London and New York: Oxford University Press, 1959 Dictionnaire des Hommes de ThiStre Francois Contemporains (tome I: Directeurs, Animateurs, Historiens, Critiques), Paris: Librairie Thtrale, 1957

eco, umberto, 'L'CEuvre ouverte ou La poitique de Г inditermination’, Paris: Nouvelle Revue Franfaise, July and August i960 evreinov, nikolai, The Theatre of the Soul, Monodrama, trans. by M. Potapenko and C. St John, London, 191 j fowlie, Wallace, Dionysus in Paris. A Guide to Contemporary French Theatre, New York: Meridian, i960; London: Gollancz,


freud, sigmund, Der Witz und seine Beziehung zum Unbewussten (1905), paperback reprint, Frankfurt: S. Fischer, 1958


GREGOR, JOSEPH, Weltgeschichte des Theaters, Vienna: Phaidon, 1932 grossvogel, david, The Selfconscious Stage in Modem French Drama, New York: Columbia University Press, 1958 huxley, aldous (ed.), The Perennial Philosophy, London: Chatto

Windus, 1946

mallarm6, st^phane, Crayonni au Thidtre, in CEuvres Completes, Paris: Plade, 1945 nietzsche, Die Geburt der Tragodie and Also sprach Zarathustra, in Werke, ed. Schlechta, Munich: Hanser, vok. I and П, 195j pound, ezra, Literary Essays, ed. T. S. Eliot, London: Faber Faber, 1954

sartre, jean-paul, L’Etre et le Niant, Paris: Gallimard, 1943 steiner, george, ‘The retreat from the word’, London: Listener,

14 and 21 July i960 Suzuki, D., Manual of Zen Buddhism, London: Rider, 1950 Thidtre Populaire, ‘Du cSti de Г avant-garde’ (special number on the avant-garde theatre), no. 18, May 1956 Wittgenstein, ludwig, Philosophical Investigations, Oxford: Blackwell, 1958

Pure Thbatre, Clowning, Commedia dell’Arte, Music Hall, etc.

beerbohm, max, ‘Dan Leno’, in Around Theatres, London: Hart- Davis, 1953

buchner, GEORG, Werke undBriefe, Leipzig: Insel, 1958

Woyzeck, trans. by John Holmstrom, in Three German Plays,

Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1963 CRICHTON, kyle, The Marx Brothers, London: Heinemann, 1951 disher, willson, Clowns and Pantomimes, London: Constable, 1925 #9632;

grabbe, Christian dietrich, Werke, ed. Wukadinowic, 2 vols., Berlin: Bong, n.d. hazlitt, william, ‘The Indian jugglers’, Table Talk, London and New York: Everyman’s Library holzer, rudolf, Die Wiener Vorstadtbiihnen, Vienna: 1951 lea, к. м., Italian Popular Comedy. A Study in the Commedia delГArte, London: Oxford University Press, 1934


macinnes, colin, ‘Wherefore does he why?’ (on Dan Leno), London: Spectator, 23 December i960 mckechnie, samuel, Popular Entertainment through the Ag(s, London: Sampson Low, n.d. nestroy, johann, Samtliche Werke, ed. Bruckner and Rommel, Vienna: Schroll, 15 vok, 1924-30. raimund, Ferdinand, Werke, ed. Castle, Leipzig: Hesse Becker, n.d.

reich, Hermann, Der Mimus, voL I (in two tomes) [no further volumes appeared], Berlin: Weidmann, 1903 tietzb-conrat, e., Du /аф and Jesters in Art, London: Phaidon,


wood, j. hickory, Dan Leno, London: Methuen, 1905

Nonsense Poetry and Nonsense Plays

belloc, hilaire, Cautionary Verses, London: Duckworth, 1940 benayoon, r., Anthologie du Nonsense, Paris: Pauvert, 1957 breton, andrЈ, Anthologie de Г Humour Noir, Paris: Sagittaire, 1950 busch, wilhelm, Samtliche Werke, Gutersloh: Bertelsmann, 2 vok., n.d.

carroll, lewis, Complete Works, London: Nonesuch; New York: Random House, 1939 Cohen, j. м., Comic and Curious Verse, Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1952

cohen, j. м., More Comic and Curious Verse, Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1956 flaubert, gustavb, Dictionnaire des idies Refues (augmented with newly discovered entries), Paris: Aubier, 1951 lardner, ring Nonsense Plays

The Tridget of Griva, unpublished (extract in eldbr [see below]) Dinner Bridge, New York: New Republic, 20 July 1927; also in First and Last, New York: Scribner, 1934 I Gaspiri (The Upholsterers), Chicago Literary Times, 15 February 1924; also in What of It? New York: Scribner, 1925 Clemo-Uti/The Water Lilies, in What (fit? New York: Scribner, 1925


Cora or Fun at the Spa, New York: Vanity Fair, June 1925 Quadroon. A Play in Four Pelts which May All Be Attended in One Day or Missed in a Group, The New Yorker, 19 December 1931 AbenddiAnniNouveau, New York: The Morning Telegraph, 1928 OnLardner

elder, donald, Ring Lardner, New York: Doubleday, 1956 lear, edward, The Complete Nonsense of Edward Lear, ed. Holbrook Jackson, London: Faber Faber, 1947 morgenstern, Christian, Alle Galgenlieder, Wiesbaden: Insel, 1950

Das Mondschaf, Deutsch und englisch (English versions by A. E.

W. Eitzen), Wiesbaden: Insel, 1953 opie, iona and peter, The Oxford Dictionary of Nursery Rhymes, London: Oxford University Press, 1951

The Lore and Language of Schoolchildren, London: Oxford

University Press, 1959 ringelnatz, joachim, Kinder-Verwirr-Buck, Berlin: Rowohlt, 1931

Tumgedichte, Munich: Kurt Wolff, 1923

KutteUDaddeldu, Berlin: Rowohlt, 1930

sewell, в., The Field of Nonsense, London: Chatto Windus, 1952

Dream Plays and Allegories

bidermann, jaeob, Cenodoxus der Doktor von Paris, in Deutsche Dichtung des Barock, ed. Edgar Hederer, Munich: Hanser, n.d. CAlder6n de la barca, pedro, Autos Sacramentales, voL III of Obras Completas, Madrid: Aguilar, 1945-52 eliade, mircea, Myths, Dreams and Mysteries, London: Harvill,


gregor, Joseph, Das Spanische Welttheater, Vienna: Reichner, 1937 holberg, Comoediemt, ed. Bull, Kristiania: 1922-j honig, edwin, Dark Conceit. The Making of Allegory, Chicago: Northwestern University Press, 1959; London: Faber Faber,


JOYCE, james, Stage adaptations of Ulysses

Ulysses in Nighttown, adapted by Maijorie Barkentin under the


supervision of Padraic Colum, New York: Random House, Modem Library Paperbacks, 1958 Bloomsday, adapted by Alan MacClelland KAFKA, franz, Der Grujhvacher (dramatic fragment), in Beschreibung eines Kampfes, New York: Schocken, 1946 Kafka, Franz, adapted by gidb, andr6 and barrault, jban- louis, Le Proch, Paris: Gallimard, 1947 Franz Kafka du Procfcs au Chateau, special number of Cahiers de la Compagnie M. Renaud-J.-L. Barrault, no. 20, October 1957 lope de vbga, Obras Escogidas, 3 vols., Madrid: Aguilar, 1952-5, contains Lope’s principal Autos sacramentales madach, imre, Az Ember Tragidiija, Budapest: Franklin, n-d. Strindberg, august, Samlade Skrifier, 55 vols., Stockholm: Bonnier, 1911-21

A Dream Play and The Ghost Sonata, in Six Plays of Strindberg,

trans. by E. Sprigge, New York: Doubleday (Anchor Books), 1955

Dadaism, Surrealism, Pataphysicians, and their Forerunners and Followers


Les Mamelles de Tirdsias/Couleur du Temps, in CEuvres Poitiques, Paris: Pltiade, 1956 ARAGON, LOUIS L’Amoire it Glace un Beau Soir and Au Pied du Mur, in Le Libertinage, Paris: Gallimard, 1924 with brbton, andrЈ, Le Trisor des Jisuites, Brussels: Variitis, June 1929


CEuvres Completes, vols. I–XIV, Paris: Gallimard, 1956-^78 [further volumes in preparation]

Le TMAtre et son Double, Paris: Gallimard, 1938 (trans. by C. Richards, The Theatre and its Double, New York: Grove Press,


Lettres el Jean-Louis Barrault (with a study of Artaud’s theatre by Paul Arnold), Paris: Bordas, 1952 Arnold, PAUL study of Artaud’s theatre in Lettres A Jean- Louis Barrault [see above]


Antonin Artaud et le Thidtre de Notre Temps, Paris: special issue of Cahiers de la Compagnie M. Renaud — J.-L. Barrault, nos. 22-3, May 1958 Antonin Artaud ou La Santi des Pontes, Jarnac: special number of La Tour du Feu, December 1959 bsslin, martin, Antonin Artaud, London: Fontana, 1976


Das Dichterische Werk, Band I, Munich: Piper, 1956


Stiicke, 14 vols., Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1954-67 COCTEAU, JBAN Les Mariis de la Tour Eiffel, in Theatre I, Paris: Gallimard, 1948 Parade and Le Bceuf surle Toit, in Nouveau Thidtre de Poche, Monaco: Editions du Rocher, i960 Orphie, Paris: Stock, 1927 Le Sang d’un Poite (film), Paris: Marin, 1948


him in From the Modem Repertoire, Series Two, ed. Eric Bentley, Indiana University Press, 1957 bentley, eric, Notes to him, ibid. norman, Charles, The Magic Maker, New York: Macmillan, 1958


arp/huelsenbbck/tzara, Die Geburt des Dada, Zurich: Arche, 1957

mehring, walter, Berlin Dada, Zurich: Arche, 1959 huelsenbeck, richard, Mit Witz, Licht und Griitze, Wiesbaden: Limes, 1957 daumal, renЈ and gilbert-lecomte, roger, Petit Thidtre, Paris: College de Pataphysique, 1957


La Place de TEtoile, Antipobne, Rodez: Collection Humour, 1945 Domaine Publique (collected poems), Paris: Gallimard, 1953

berger, pierre, Robert Desnos (essay on Desnos with anthology of his work), Paris: Seghers, i960 (no. 16 in the series ‘Pofetes d’Aujourd’hui’)

Expressionismus. Literatur und Kunst, 1910–1923 (catalogue of an exhibition at the Schiller Museum, Marbach, West Germany, 8


May-31 October 1961, ed. B. Zeller, containing a very full bibliography of Expressionism, with biographical notes on all important authors), Marbach: i960


The Vegetable or From President to Postman, New York: Scribner, 1923 mizener, Arthur, This Side of Paradise, London: Eyre Spottiswoode, 1951


Dichtungen, ed. Claire Goll, Neuwied: Luchterhand, i960, reprints Die Chaplinade, Die Unsterblichen, Zwei Uberdramen (1. Der Unsterbliche, 2. Der TJngestorbene), Melusine Methusalem, in Schrei und Bekenntnis. Expressionistisches Theater (anthology of Expressionist plays), ed. K. Otten, Neuwied: Luchterhand, 1959 romains, jules/brion, marcel/carmody, f./exner, r., Yuan Goll (anthology and critical essays), Paris: Seghers,

1956 (no. 50 in the series ‘PoStes d’Aujourd’hui *)


The Marriage, trans. by Louis Iribame, London: Calder Boyars, 1970

Princess Ivona, trans. by Krystyna Griffith and Catherine Robins, London: Calder Boyars, 1969 Operetta, trans. by Louis Iribame, London: Calder Boyars, 1971


CEuvres Completes, Monte Carlo and Lausanne: 1948 Ubu Roi, Ubu Enchaini, Paralipombies d’LJbu, Questions de Thidtre, Les Minutes de Sable Memorial, Cisar-Antichrist, Poisies, L'Autre Alceste, Lausanne: Henri Kaeser, 1948 (colllection of all Ubuesque writings)

Tout Ubu (another collection of Ubuesque writings), Paris: Le Livre de Poche, 1962 Ubu Roi, trans. by Barbara Wright, in Four Modem French Comedies, New York: Capricorn Books, 1961 Ubu, Version pour la seine (acting edition of Ubu Roi and Ubu Enchaini adapted for performance as one play at the Theatre Nadonale Populaire), Paris: L’Arche, 1958 Gestes et Opinions du Docteur Faustroll, Paris: Fasquelle, 1955 (trans., New York: Evergreen Review, no. 13, i960, p. 131)



KOKOSCHKA, OSKAR Schrijten 1907–1955, Munich: Langen, 1956


CEuvres Completes, Paris: Corti, 1946


Obras Completas, Madrid: Aguilar, 1955

NADEAU, MAURICE Histoire du Surrialisme, Paris: Editions du Seuil, 1945 PICASSO, PABLO Le Disir Attrapi par la Queue, Paris: Messages П, 1944;also, in book form, Paris: Gallimard, 1949 (no. 23 of the collection ‘Metamorphoses’) (trans. by B. Frechtman, Desire Caught by the Tail, London: Rider, 1950) penrose, roland, Picasso, His Life and Work, London: Gollancz, 1955 pinthus, kurth Menschheitsdammerung (one of the first anthologies of Expressionist poetry), Berlin: Rowohlt, 1920; reissue (with new introduction and bibliographical material), Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1959


Les Pelicans, Piice en deux actes, in CEuvres Completes, vol. I, Paris: Club des Libraires de France, 1959

RIBEMONT-DESSAIGNES, GEORGES Thidtre, Paris: Gallimard, 1966 Diji Jadis (memoirs), Paris: Julliard, 1958


Le Symbolisme au Thidtre, Lugni — Роё et les Dibuts de FCEuvre, Paris: L’Arche, 1957


L’Etoile au Front, Paris: Lemerre, 1925 La Poussibe de Soleils, Paris: Lemerre, 1927

rousselot, jean, Raymond Roussel et la Toute-Puissance du Langage, Paris: La Tour St Jacques, March-April 1957 heppenstall, rayner, Raymond Roussel, a critical guide, London: Calder Boyars, 1966


SALACROU, ABMAND Surrealist playlets Pieces Lire: Les Trente TombesdeJudas, Histoire de Cirque, Paris: Les CEuvres Libres, no. 173, October i960


The Banquet Years (containing outstanding studies of Apollinaire and Jarry), London: Faber Faber, 1959


The Writer in Extremis: Expressionism in Twentieth-Century German Literature, Stanford University Press, 1959


Four Saints in Three Acts, New York: Random House, 1934 Geography and Plays, Boston: Four Seas, 1922 Doctor Faustus Lights the Lights

In Savoy or Yes Is for a Very Young Man, London: Pushkin Press, 1946


Coupures, Tragidie, sum de Lauma Lamer, Paris: Рёгои, 1926 Euphorismes, no publisher indicated, 1926

Le Bhrou, Drome en IVactes, Paris: College de Pataphysique, 1956 Hommage h Torma (biographical, bibliographical, and critical studies by various hands), Cahiers du College de Pataphysique, no. 7,1952

TZARA, TRISTAN La Premibe Aventure Cileste de M. Antipyrine, Zurich: Collection Dada, 1916

La Deuxibne Aventure Cileste de M. Antipyrine, Paris: RЈverbЈre, 1938

Le Cceur Gaz, Paris: GLM, 1946 La Fruite, Paris: Gallimard, 1947

valle-inclAn, ram6n del Martes de Camaval, Esperpentos, in Opera Omnia, vol. 24, Madrid: Editorial Rua Nueva, 1943, contains: Las Galas del Difunto, Los Cuemos de Don Friolera, La Hija del Capitan VITRAC, ROGER

Thidtre, 4 vols., Paris: Gallimard, 1946, 1964


Dramaty, 2 vols. ed. Konstanty Puzyna, Warsaw: Panstwowy Instytut Wydawniczy, 1962 Plays available in English are contained in:

The Madman and the Nun and Other Plays, trans. and ed. by Daniel C. Gerould and C. S. Durer, Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1968, contains: The Madman and the Nun, The Water Hen, The Crazy Locomotive, The Mother, They, The Shoemakers and Tropical Madness. Four Plays, trans. by Daniel and Eleanor Gerould, New York: Winter House, 1972, contains: The Pragmatists, Mr Price or: Tropical Madness, Gyubal Wahazar, Metaphysics of a Two-Headed Calf YEATS, w. в.

Autobiographies, London: Macmillan, 1955
