"Boy," Danny said. "You sure showed that old man a nice time."
Marilyn shuddered. She didn't want to think about the old man. She wanted to get home as quickly as she could and forget about the night. After it happened, she was always sorry she behaved as she did but she couldn't help it while it was happening.
It seemed like the boys had a hold on her she couldn't refuse. Any boys. It didn't matter if they were fat, gangly, ugly, or handsome, all they had to do was ask.
She didn't want to believe that she was a nympho. She had heard about nymphos. But it wasn't just sex with her. It was being needed. It was being close to someone who didn't care that she wasn't the most beautiful girl who had ever lived.
"Hey," Billy said. "Slow down, will you. You want us to be caught for speeding."
"Hell," Danny said. "There's not any cops on this road."
He was wrong. Almost before he had spoken there was a flashing blue light behind them.
"Oh shit," Billy said. "I told you to slow down."
Marilyn was really frightened. What would her mother say if she was caught with two drunk boys when she was supposed to be at school swim practice? Marilyn closed her eyes. She could already hear her mother's voice.
"What the hell were you thinking of?" her mother would ask. "Two drunk boys. Don't you know the reputation a girl could get? Don't you know how it's going to make us look as parents?"
"Pull it over," Billy said. "You know, we can't run from him. They'll have another car at the city."
"I can get away," Danny said. "I've gotten away before. I know an old road."
"Goddamn," Billy said.
He cursed because Danny had suddenly turned the car off the road onto an old dirt road. Marilyn felt her heart pounding. She had never gone this fast in a car before. There were great clouds of dust swirling behind them but she could still see the blue light.
"Goddamn," Billy said again. "Slow this thing down."
"I can get away," Danny said. "I can."
Danny pressed the gas to the floor and nearly lost control around the next curve. Marilyn was silent. She was hoping that Danny would indeed escape from the policeman. But tonight it wasn't to be.
There was a second police car parked in the road just around the next curve.
"Goddamn," Billy said, for the third time.
Danny braked the car and it went sideways in the dirt road. There was no place to go. The other police car also went sideways, blocking any attempt to get back in the direction they had come.
A fat policeman came walking around the car. Marilyn felt a shiver of fear as she looked at him. He looked like something evil with his fat gut hanging over his shiny leather belt. His big gun was swinging by his side. He had a broad grin on his face but even that looked evil.
"Well," he said. "Didn't work this time, did it?"
"No sir," Danny said.
"Get out of the car," he said. "All of you slide out the driver's side."
Danny got out first and then Marilyn. She tried to keep her skirt down but she thought she saw a flicker of interest in the fat policeman's eyes over the bare thigh that she did show.
"Everybody," the officer said.
Billy got out last. He looked a little afraid, not at all the cocksure young man anymore, Danny was also pale.
A young police officer walked up from the other car. He carried a shotgun in his hands. He was a big man with curling blond hair. He didn't look friendly.
"Back up against the car, there," the fat policeman said. "I want to have a look at you."
All three of them backed against the car. The police car's headlights seemed to be burning big holes in Marilyn's skin.
"Well," the policeman said. "Three little mice. You been drinking, boy?"
He stared at Billy.
"No sir," Billy said.
The fat officer smiled. He turned to the younger man and handed the younger man his gun. He then took Billy by the arm and walked him to the rear of the car. Neither Danny or Marilyn could see what was happening.
"Shit," they heard Billy exclaim.
There was silence for a moment and then the officer came back without Billy. He took his gun back from the younger officer.
"You been drinking, boy?" he asked Danny. "Yes sir," Danny said quickly.
"That's better," the officer said. "I like right answers."
For the first time he turned his attention to Marilyn. He put one pudgy hand under her chin and lifted her face to the light.
"I know you," he said. "You're on my daughter's swim team."
Marilyn almost gagged from his breath. It smelled of cheap wine. He had been drinking. She tried to see the resemblance to any of the girls on the swim team. She couldn't. He was too fat and ugly.
He released her.
"My name's Officer Drew," he said. "I want you to remember me."
Drew! The name hit Marilyn like a hard blow. He was Leslie's father. God, couldn't he have been anyone else's father beside Leslie's?
"You know why I want to be remembered?" Officer Drew asked.
"No sir," Danny answered.
"Because I don't like kids who run from me," Officer Drew answered. "And I don't like kids who drink. I don't like many kids."
"Yes sir," Danny said.
The young officer had put up his shotgun and now he was searching the car. Billy came around the comer. He looked in pain. He was clutching his stomach and his face was a sickly white.
"You'll be all right, son," he said kindly. "Must have been something you ate."
"Yes sir," Billy agreed.
"Hey, Drew," the young officer said. "Look what I found."
The young officer came around the car with Marilyn's panties. She almost fainted. She remembered that Billy had put them in the dash.
"Panties," Drew observed. "Now which one of you wears these?"
He looked at the three faces and the broad grin came back to his face.
"These yours, young lady?" he asked. "These your panties?"
"Why don't you leave her alone?" Danny asked him. Danny was furious but he was also afraid. The words had been choked out of him.
"Take us to jail," he said. "Or write a ticket or do what you have to, but leave her alone."
Marilyn was thankful for his interference. She didn't want to answer the question about the panties. The broad grin left Officer Drew's face.
His arm shot out and caught Danny by the throat. He lifted him and shook him like a master might shake a disobedient puppy.
Danny was white faced when Officer Drew released him.
"You shut the hell up," he said. "I'll let you know when I want you to talk."
Danny may have still been mad but the courage had been shook out of him. He was quiet as Officer Drew turned his attention back to Marilyn. "Are these yours?" he asked pleasantly. "Of course not," Marilyn said.
"You're lying," he said. "Why are you lying to me?"
"I'm not," Marilyn said. "I'm not."
Marilyn could see the big blond policeman behind Officer Drew smiling and licking his lips. He was enjoying this. Officer Drew turned back to Danny.
"Are these hers?" he asked Danny.
Danny gave Marilyn a frightened look. He didn't know how to answer. His throat was suddenly dry. He knew Officer Drew was capable of hurting him very badly. He didn't know what he'd done to Billy but Billy was not standing straight yet.
"I asked you a question," Officer Drew said. "I'm waiting for an answer."
"No," Danny said weakly.
Officer Drew made the motion of handing his to the blond officer. Danny caught his ann.
"No," he said. "They're hers. They're hers. Don't take me back there."
Marilyn couldn't blame him. Danny was afraid.
"I thought so," Officer Drew said. "Now, what was so hard about telling the truth?"
Officer Drew placed his fat hands on his hips and he began to march back and forth in front of them. He seemed deep in thought.
"Now what am I going to do with them?" he asked the other police officer.
"Put them in jail," the officer said.
"Now that wouldn't be right," Officer Drew said. "They're not really all that drunk."
"Maybe not," the officer said.
"You've learned your lesson, boy," he said, stopping in front of Billy. "Haven't you?"
"Yes sir," Billy said.
"And you?" he asked Danny.
"Yes sir," Danny said.
"You're not going to run from us anymore," Officer Drew said.
"No sir," Danny said.
"I thought not," Officer Drew said. "Okay. You take your sick friend there and take him home. We'll take care of the girl."
"Oh no," Marilyn said. "Danny, you can't leave me here with them."
"That's not…" Danny started.
He was stopped when Officer Drew balled a fist up and smashed him lightly in the mouth. Even a light blow from Officer Drew's fat hand was enough to knock Danny to the ground.
"Now get up and wipe your mouth off, boy," Officer Drew said. "Then take your friend and get your ass out of here."
Danny got up slowly. His eyes were hotly furious but there was nothing he could do. The blond officer looked as if he wanted Danny to do something. Danny helped Billy into the car. Billy was still white with pain.
"Danny," Marilyn whispered.
"I'm sorry, Marilyn," Danny said. "I really am."
"Get your ass out of here," Officer Drew said. Danny got into the car and started it. He carefully edged his car around the police car and then took off down the road. Marilyn watched his car disappear with a growing apprehension.
She was afraid they were going to take her home to her mother and tell her mother everything, but one look at their faces told her she had more to be afraid of than just her mother.
"What would you say, Alan," Officer Drew said, "is the kind of girl who rides around with two boys with her panties off."
"I'd say she wasn't much good," the other officer said.
"I'd say that," Officer Drew agreed.
"In fact," the other said, "I'd say she was close to being a whore."
"Very close," Officer Drew agreed.
He put his pudgy fingers against her chin again and brutally lifted her head. He glared into her eyes. His face was inches from her and she had never been so afraid in her life.
"I'm glad my daughter is not like you," Officer Drew said. "She's a good girl. I don't like her having a tramp for a friend."
"I'm not a tramp," Marilyn said.
He squeezed her chin.
"I know what you are," he said. "A girl taking her panties off for the boys. Did both of them fuck you?"
He kept squeezing her chin until it began to hurt. Again his foul breath caused her to choke. Things were made worse by her knowing that it was Leslie's father who was doing this to her. "I asked you a question," he said. "They're not my panties," she insisted.
He released her. He was breathing harder and a new look had come to his eyes. She saw his searching eyes go down her body and she shivered. She realized what he wanted and she knew there was no way to stop him.
"Please don't hurt me," she whispered.
"I won't hurt you," he said kindly, "but you're going to have to do anything I say."
"Yes," she said.
She was afraid of the fat policeman. Afraid because of what he had done to Billy and what he was capable of doing to her. She knew that he wanted her and that he would have her. He was at that point where, if she resisted further, he would take her by force.
"Are those your panties?" he asked.
"Yes sir," she admitted.
"And you let both those boys fuck you?" he asked.
"Yes sir," she answered.
His hard eyes were filled with lust. He grabbed her by the arm and walked her to the front of his car. The lights were shining brightly and he could see her better there. His fat hands touched her legs.
"Nice legs," he said. "I guess you get them strong from swimming."
"Yes," she said.
His hands slowly crept up her legs until he was touching her thighs. His pudgy fingers caused her to shudder but she knew she didn't dare turn away. She didn't want to make this man angry.
He forced his mouth to hers and his fat lips caused her stomach to turn. She forced herself not to turn her head away as he slobbered over her. He pulled away.
"Sit on the car," he said.
She sat on the front of the police car and opened her legs. He was staring at her pussy and licking his lips.
"Shit," he said. "A pussy like that is wasted on those boys."
"Have her undo her blouse," the other police officer said. "I want to see her titties."
"You heard him," Officer Drew said.
She reached to the top of her blouse, with her legs still open for their hungry eyes, and she undid her blouse. She reached behind her back and unsnapped her bra and took it off.
Her naked titties were freed. The young officer licked his lips and came close to her. He placed his warm hand flat against her left titty.
"Beautiful," he said. "Goddamn beautiful."
"All right," Officer Drew whispered. "Get off the car and bend over. I want your cunt."
Marilyn got off the car and bent over so that her naked titties were pressed against tile hood. The engine was hot but she paid no attention to that. She heard him unzip his trousers.
"You hot little cunt," he said. "You should have stayed at home tonight."
She closed her eyes as she felt his large cock-head pressed against her pussy. He had not taken off anything. His gun still swung by his side. He leaned across her so that his fat gut pressed against the back of her legs.
"Feel this," he said.
His hips gave a savage push and he tore into her cunt. She wasn't juicy and it hurt. He didn't give her time to protest. He brought his cock out and then gave her another of his hard strokes.
"Shit," Officer Drew cried. "She's a tight little cunt. She's tighter than hell."
He pressed himself against her harder and his pudgy fingers came around her body to cup her titties. This fuck wasn't any fun for Marilyn. It was kind of sickening. He grunted like a pig each time he drove his big cock into her.
"Fucking whore," Officer Drew said. "Fucking pig whore, I'll teach you to fuck around, I'll give you a little lesson in fucking."
It wasn't like he was fucking her, it was more like he was beating her with his cock, savagely tearing into her cunt with deep vicious strokes. It was actually worse than a beating.
"Goddamn," he moaned. "Goddamn, I'm going to come."
She hoped that he would come and get it over with.
But he wasn't going to be that easy. Instead of pumping his jism into her cunt he released her. She turned her head and looked at him, surprised.
"That's not where I'm going to shoot it," he said.
He grabbed her by the head and jerked her off the car. He made her go down to her knees in the dusty road. His fat cock was inches from her face.
"Eat it, bitch," he said. "I want you to swallow my cum."
He pressed her face into his crotch and she opened her mouth. His cock slid easily down her throat. He grabbed her hair and began slamming her face against him.
"Ahhh," he said. "I'm going to shoot it, baby! I'm going to shoot it right down your mouth! Swallow it, baby! Don't you spill a drop!"
He slammed his cock deep in her throat and then his cock-head exploded in a geyser of hot, thick liquid. She was forced to swallow it and to swallow the spurts after that. She gagged at first, but then she found the rhythm of his spurting.
He didn't release her head until every drop had emptied down her throat. He released her head and wiped his fat cock with a handful of her blonde hair.
"Pretty good cocksucker," he said. "Your turn, Alan."
Marilyn had forgotten about the other officer. Alan came close to her and he lifted her up by her hair. He dragged her to the police car and pushed her into the back seat.
"Spread your legs, bitch," he said. "Because I'm going to have some of your cunt."
The young officer didn't bother to undress either. He unzipped his trousers and pulled out his long, thick pole. He was on top of her almost before Marilyn got a chance to catch her breath.
He slammed his pole into her and she felt it go deeper than any cock had ever gone. He was long but he wasn't very thick. He fucked like a little boy, panting and gasping, as he smashed his savage sword into her.
"Move your ass," he said. "Move your fucking ass!"
It was almost impossible to move in the back seat but she tried. It didn't take very much movement to make him come. She heard him grunt and then his pole erupted in a wad of thick jism.
He was finished almost before he had gotten started. He caressed her titty and then got out of the car. He wiped his cock on her panties, which he still had in his fingers.
"How was she?" Officer Drew asked.
"Good," he said. "Fucking tight."
"It's getting late," Officer Drew said. "Let's take her home."
They allowed her to get dressed and then the young blond officer drove her home. He allowed her to get out just before her house so that none of the neighbors would notice her being taken home in a police car.
"I'll see you again," the young officer promised.
Marilyn shivered. She hoped not. God, she hoped not.