It would be easier to thank all of the people who have contributed to my success by writing “thanks, everyone,” because there have been so many people that have blessed my life that I am positive I’ll leave out at least one or two. To those I do forget-my deepest apologies.

I’d like to thank Maureen Sullivan, who is quite possibly the smartest woman on the planet, and whom I am blessed to be edited by. Also, Michael Bourret, who isn’t just brilliant, but funny and insightful too-qualities that make him the best literary agent that any author could ever have. To everyone at Dutton-you are amazing people and the magic that you perform stuns me every time I am witness to it.

Jackie Kessler-you are the best friend a gal could have, and I’d happily face hellfire with you (besides… you have the map). Dawn Vanniman-I love you, sis! Kylie McAuliffe-a most loyal Minion and fangtastic contest winner. And, once again, thanks to Paul, Jacob, and Alexandria -you are my everything. I am absolutely amazed by your support, your dedication, and your unfailing belief in me. Without you, none of this would be possible.

Most importantly, thanks must go to my Minion Horde, of which you have just become a part by picking up this book. Without you, my Minion, I am nothing, and Vlad is but a piece of fiction. In your hands, he becomes real. Thank you, from both of us.
