I would like to thank the MacArthur Foundation, the Guggenheim Foundation, the American Academy of Arts and Letters, and Syracuse University for their generous support during the writing of this book.

I would also like to thank:

Esther Newberg, for her tireless guidance and friendship these last sixteen years, during which she has given me the great gift of making me feel that all I had to do was write as well as I could, and she would take care of the rest, which she has, with incredible discernment and energy.

Deborah Treisman, for the masterful editing she does on my work for The New Yorker, the generous and gracious way in which she does it, and the expansive effect her opinions always have on my work.

Andy Ward, for his friendship, wise counsel, and faith in me, and for the happy influence of his constantly positive outlook — in Dubai, Nepal, Africa, Mexico, Fresno, and as we worked together on this book.

Caitlin and Alena: watching you all these years has taught me that goodness is not only possible, it is our natural state.

Paula: everything worthwhile I’ve done over the past twenty-five years has been inspired, selflessly supported, and lovingly informed by your kindness, your advice, and your undying faith. Thank you one million times. Somewhere in my youth or childhood, I must have done something really freaking good.
