“Ladies’ day, my ass,” Mike said.
He and Mercer were standing at the base of the pediment, as soaking wet as I was. Each of us was holding on to some decoration on the enormous statue. I was too shaken to try to climb down and into the terminal again. I didn’t trust my own footing.
“Here’s what’s going to happen,” Mercer said. “I’m going to step back inside, through the clock.”
“Please don’t. You’re the only one who keeps me calm.”
“I won’t leave you until Emergency Services sets up out here. Mike and I-”
“Sorry, but Mike makes me too nervous.”
“What?” Mike said. “Stick with me, kid. I’m going to break into that Shake Shack and make you a great big chocolate-”
“Don’t tell me what you’re going to do. Get me down off this roof now.”
“They’ve got rappel ropes and a harness, Alex,” Mercer said.
“Are you crazy? I’m not rappelling anywhere.”
“Just a precaution. I told them you’d feel more secure that way.”
“I almost died. Nothing’s going to make me feel secure tonight.”
“How about if I put some brandy in the shake?” Mike asked.
“Stop talking to me. Mercer’s trying to explain what I have to do.”
“You don’t have to do anything,” Mercer said. “You know these guys are the best.”
Emergency Service cops talked jumpers off bridges and saved people trapped in elevators. They plunged into the Hudson River after boats overturned and dragged folks out of burning cars. I had seen dozens of rescues on the news, but I still didn’t want to be their next guinea pig.
“I must have to do something. That’s what scares me. I’m tired and wet and cold and terrified.”
“You can just stand where you are,” Mercer said. “They’ll wrap you up and take you in. They’ll carry you.”
“With my luck the ropes will break.”
“They hold water buffalo, Coop,” Mike said. “You’ll be fine.”
“Please make him wait inside.”
Mercer waved a hand at Mike.
“You’d have a quicker time of it,” Mike said, “if you got one of those animal tranquilizer darts. She’ll be easier to move if she’s not croaking at you.”
Mike disappeared through the large circle on the clock face. Mercer stroked my shoulder and counted the minutes with me until the Emergency Service cops reached my side.