In the months after the events recounted here, the following occurred:
Christopher Langley and the Widow Zimmerman were wed, in a ceremony attended with great pleasure by Captain Delaney. The happy newlyweds moved to Sarasota, Florida.
Calvin Case, with the assistance of a professional writer, produced a book called “Basic Climbing Techniques.” It had a modest but encouraging sale, and seems on its way to becoming a manual of Alpinism. Case is currently working on a second book: “The World’s Ten Toughest Climbs.”
Anthony (Tony) Montfort rejoined his parents in Europe. The whereabouts of Valenter is presently unknown.
Charles Lipsky became involved in a criminal ring forging welfare checks and is currently being held for trial.
Samuel and Florence Morton opened the first of a chain of “health clubs” featuring mixed nude swimming. They are under indictment for “maintaining a public nuisance,” but are free on bail pending trial.
Former Deputy Commissioner Broughton was defeated in the primary to select his party’s candidate for mayor of New York City. He is attempting to form a new political party based on the promise of “law and order.”
Former Lt. Marty Dorfman passed the examination for captain, and was appointed Legal Officer of the Patrol Division.
Lt. Jeri Fernandez, Sergeant MacDonald, and Detective Blankenship received commendations.
Reporter Thomas Handry, apparently giving up hopes of becoming a poet, has been reassigned to his newspaper’s Washington Bureau.
Dr. Sanford Ferguson was killed in an automobile accident early one morning when returning to his home from a visit to his mistress.
Deputy Mayor Alinski is still Deputy Mayor. Former Inspector Johnson and former Deputy Inspector Thorsen have both been promoted one rank.
Captain Edward X. Delaney was jumped to Inspector and made Chief of the Detective Division. About a month after the death of Daniel Blank, Barbara Delaney died from Proteus infection. After a year’s period of mourning, Inspector Delaney married the former Monica Gilbert, Mrs. Delaney is pregnant.