“The EOE?” repeated Andros, looking to Erin.
“The National Bands of Greece,” she explained. “It’s a new resistance force of some two hundred Greek partisans, or andartes, drawn from both the left-wing National Popular Liberation Army and the right-wing republican National Democratic Army. We consider the National Bands to be the most elite unit within the Greek Resistance. These andartes are the commandos who will go after the text once you’ve provided us with its location. That’s if you haven’t already stolen the text itself. They also, we hope, will go on to coordinate the competing resistance groups in the Peloponnese. Their cooperation is vital to the success of any Allied invasion.”
Andros nodded. “But what happens to us?”
“Your mission will be accomplished,” said Prestwick. “A submarine will pick you up the night after you arrive at the secret base. I’ll be on that submarine. Together we’ll arrive in Alexandria and then join the Greek royal family and government in exile in Cairo until Greece is liberated.”
“Which, from what you’ve told me,” said Andros, “could be within weeks.”