Dick's letters

It will no doubt gratify my readers to hear something of my old friend Dick. During this period, I received several letters from him acquainting me with the progress he made in his studies and describing various love adventures, which he narrated in glowing terms and with great particularity of detail.

I will therefore interrupt the course of my story by introducing a brief account of these proceedings, not however in the disconnected way in which he wrote them but placed together in the form of a continuous narrative.

After arranging his college matters, he went about looking for suitable lodgings. The ones he selected were kept by a widow named Mrs Bond, and what chiefly influenced him in making the selection, was, as he told me, that the hall door was opened by a pretty clean-looking girl called Polly, with a bright smiling face, and about seventeen years of age.

So finding the situation good, the rooms comfortable, the rent moderate, the landlady agreeable and, above all, that Polly was to wait upon him, he at once agreed to the terms and his traps brought from the hotel.

He soon learned also that Mrs Bond had two daughters; the elder, Mary, was a quiet ladylike girl who played and sang well, and was nineteen years of age; the younger, Jemima, more generally called Jim, was a lassie of thirteen, still attending school, but when at home, full of fun and up to every kind of lark. Dick, being large hearted and ambitious of making conquests, determined on going in for the whole three, and even the mother herself, who was of the fat, fair and forty school, was not excluded from the range of his far-reaching desires. He therefore laid himself out to please them all by every means in his power. In doing so he tried to adapt himself to the tastes and ideas of each; to the widow, he was affable and good, and all that was proper and becoming; he sang and played with Mary, listened to her music and performance; he romped with Jim, and filled her pocket with goodies and sweets; while on Polly, he lavished his warmest look and most insinuating speeches, backed up with a crafty present now and again.

But for some time Polly, who had a great idea of the proprieties of life, resisted all his overtures and kept him at arm's length.

He then bethought himself of his medical resources. He knew there were certain drugs which exercised powerful on the genital organs. He therefore searched the college library, and through his knowledge of Latin ascertained from the learned works stored up there the names and qualities of the drugs he was in search of, while his position as a student enabled him to obtain the drugs themselves.

Thus armed, he commenced a series of cunning assaults on the innocence of the unsuspecting Polly. Now Polly herself, it must be admitted, rather laid herself open to these attempts; for she had the common but evil habit of sipping and tasting the wine and sweets which Dick kept in his cupboard. He found this out, and gladly utilised the knowledge for his purpose, but although he commenced dosing his wine bottle and jam mug, it was bur for some time without any apparent effect, for though the wine and jam certainly suffered in his absence, she still resisted his advances and seemed proof against al his allurements.

Yet he persevered, and one evening, when Mrs Bond and her daughters were out taking tea with a neighbour, he determined on making a more decided attempt. He usually took a tumbler of rum toddy after his late dinner, and when Polly brought in the hot water, he mixed a glass for her, which he pressed her to accept; I need not say, it was both strong and well-dosed. Polly had been that day more jovially inclined than usual, and Dick had made her a nice present; she did not like to refuse. She took the glass and began to sip it, still standing however at a respectful distance.

After a little chaffing about her sweethearts, and her own good looks, Dick prevailed on her to sit by him on the sofa. The toddy now began to tell; her eyes brightened, her bosom rose and fell, as if some tumultuous emotion was stirring her within, an Dick perceived the crisis of victory was approaching; his hand went around her waist and he pressed her in his arms.

He kissed her cheek, he kissed her lips. She feeble struggled to free herself from his encircling grasp. Her imagination became inflamed as his toyings became bolder. First the treasures of her virgin bosom were explored and brought to light. As he waxed warmer she grew more languid and yielding. She vainly strove to stay the rapid progress of his roving hand as he lifted her snowy smock and exposed to view her beautifully rounded fleshy thighs and the rich tuft of auburn hair which nestled in the voluptuous angle at their junction.

With muttered entreaties, she begged him not to take advantage of her weakness, but the feeble lamb might as well ask pity from its devourer; not that Dick felt at all like a devourer, he was conscious only of being impetuously driven on by his all-subduing passion. He pushed her back by his weight, and gently but firmly separated her closely pressed thighs. Then he got the first view of her charm of delight. The pouting lips seemed throbbing with desire. As he parted the soft, moist folds with his fingers, they felt hotter than those of any cunt he had ever touched. He pressed his middle finger up the tightfitting passage, and he felt a kind of living suction inside, as if some vital force was acting on the incoming digit. She gasped, while tears trickled down her blushing cheeks. He kissed them off, and while doing so released his fiery charger, and placed his ruddy crest within the projecting ridges of her cunt, now burning for enjoyment of the unknown but much desire pleasure.

He plunged in, not without difficulty to himself and pain to her; but she was so terribly excited, and so eager for the coming joy, that she heaved madly against him; and between the two opposing forces his stiff prick rushed at one bound into the soft warm bed so ready for its reception. A shiver of delight passed through her languid frame. Her overstrained muscles relaxed their tension, and all the feeling of her body seemed centred in the region of love as she breathed out, 'Oh, Mr Dick! It is too much, you will have your will of me at last! Oh, yes, I will be good to you, it is delicious, oh!'

Dick quickly spent, and after reposing for a few moments in her now loving arms, recommenced his cunt-stirring, soul-thrilling movements and in the midst of warm kisses and gentle love-murmurs finished his second course.

From that evening, Polly was all his own, and at night when everyone had retired, and all the house was still, she used to creep into his room and pass the happy hours in his fond embrace.

Under Dick's tuition, she acquired a practical acquaintance with the various ways of fucking, and all the favourite modes of producing sexual excitement. She seemed to take special delight in using lascivious terms and expressions; she talked freely of his prick, bollocks and spunk; to please him she held open her cunt for his inspection, then squatting down, she willingly piddled before him, and said: 'Now you must piddle for me, and I'll hold the chamber and let you piddle through my fingers; then she sucked his prick; in short, she made use of every device to inflame his passion and gratify his lust.

Dick had soon to discontinue his stimulating drugs, for he felt that otherwise he would be consumed in the volcano he had himself ignited and stirred up.

Moreover, Dick loved variety and desired fresh conquests. He therefore put forth all his powers of persuasion to induce Polly to aid him in his efforts to gain the favours of the two sisters.

Polly was not naturally of a jealous disposition, and being very much under his influence, and exceedingly fond of the sport herself, she readily entered into his view.

Fortune too favoured him in a most unexpected manner, Jim hurt her leg climbing a tree, and a tumour formed on the inside of her thigh. Mrs Bond consulted Dick, and allowed him to examine Jim in her presence.

He lanced the tumour and ordered a poultice, and said she would require both rest and care.

The tumour was very near her little cunny and although her mother tried to keep it covered, Dick managed to get a good peep at the smooth little chink while he pretended not to see it at all.

The poultice was to be changed every day, and the tumour reopened; so each morning, Dick, with the mother's help, performed the operation. After a few times, the mother, observing how delicately he discharged his duty, uncovered her without scruple before him, and Jim opened her legs to give him more room to examine her. But one morning Mrs Bond had to go out, and she sent Polly to tell Dick to visit her daughter as usual.

Jim always enjoyed his visits, and liked to feel his hand moving about her as he was so skilful and tender in his touches; and though he often pressed the poultice to the ridges of her modest little slit, she was quite unconscious of his object, and much enjoyed his caressing touch.

So, on this occasion, her face lighted up with pleasure when she saw him enter her room. She lay back and held up her clothes while he examined her, and when he asked her to open her legs more, she spread them out as widely as she could.

Dick now feasted his eyes on her budding charms as he gave directions to Polly about preparing the poultice. He gently passed his hand over the fat smooth lips, and with the tip of his finger rubbed lightly up and down the warm cleft.

She felt the thrilling effect of his knowing touches, and with a flushing face, said: 'That was very nice, Mr Dick; it quite removes the pain.'

'Yes, dear, that is what I am trying to do, the nerves here are very sensitive and this friction stills the pain.'

When Polly came with the poultice, she was not a little surprised to see Jim lying back with her thighs wide apart, her eyes closed and her face flushed with pleasure, while Dick leaned over her with one hand under her bottom and the other busily engaged in frigging the rosy slit of the projecting cunt.

'See, Polly, I have almost cured Miss Jemima by rubbing this sweet little mouth; she quite enjoys my touching her here, don't you, Jim?'

'Yes, Mr Dick, it feels very nice, and has quite lulled the pain!'

'It is such a pretty little mouth, too; I would so like to kiss it; might I, Jim?'

'Oh, no, Mr Dick, you surely would not kiss me there — nobody would do that.'

'Yes, there is somebody that would, and somebody that will,' and raising her plump little bottom with his hand, he pressed his mouth between the pouting lips and took a long sucking kiss. Jim's face glowed with pleasurable excitement, and turning to Polly, she asked: 'Did you ever know such a thing?'

'Yes, indeed, Miss Jemima, I have heard it said that when men are very fond of us they like to kiss us there.'

Meanwhile dick sucked her clitoris, and frigged her with his tongue and he soon felt the thrill of pleasure agitate her frame.

She breathed fast and hard, and then lay back with her eyes closed.

When she recovered, he kissed her mouth and said, 'You are a sweet little pet, Jim, and as I have relieved the pain, I will put on the poultice and leave you to rest.'

She smiled and said: 'Thanks, Mr Dick, you have given me great ease, and you are very kind.'

Dick then motioned Polly to accompany him, and when they were out of hearing, she laughed and said: 'You are a terrible man, Mr Dick, you seem to get your way with us all.'

'Well, I have made a fair beginning,' he said, 'and I must leave the rest in your hands. She will be sure to question you, and you know to lead her on — return to her now, and tell me about all that passes.'

When Polly and I were next alone, she told me that when she went back to Jim, she at once began: 'Well, Polly, isn't Dicksie' (a pet name they had for me among themselves) 'a funny man! I can't to think what made him kiss me between my legs but, do you know, it felt so very nice I don't think I could refuse him if he asked me again.'

'Of course you would not, he is very fond of you and that's why he kissed you there.'

'But, Polly, it made me feel so hot and the heat is there still.'

'Let me see,' said Polly, and she lifted her skirt, Jim leaned back and opened her thighs and Polly softly and tenderly frigged the little love slit, and went on: 'This is the part of us woman that men are always thinking of, and longing to see and feel, and do something else to, tool'

'Why what else could they do?" 'Do you know what they have themselves?'

'No, Polly, how could I?'

'Ah you do, every girl knows; you have surely seen little boys' cocks?'

'Oh, yes, is that what you mean? I thought you meant something big.'

'And so I do; when little boys grow they become big cocks.'

'And what have big cocks got to do with us, that's what I want to know?'

'Just this: they are made to go into us here, and that's why this little crevice is like a mouth, and when you grow older hair will come there like a man's moustache.'

'How funny! I never thought of that; you are older that I, have you a moustache there? Show it to me, Polly, there's a good girl.' Polly allowed her to lift her dress as she stood by her side; then Jim put one hand behind her bottom and drew her nearer, while she pushed the other between her legs to open them, and exclaimed: 'Oh, my! So you have! And so bushy and soft! And such thick lips! And so hot inside!

And so large! I declare, two — three fingers go in easily; was a big cock every pushed into you, Polly?'

'Ah, Miss Jim, that's not fair, what would you think of me if I told you?'

'I would think you the kindest and best natured girl in the world; tell me, Polly, you may trust me, and I will be so very fond of you.'

'Well, miss, I may as well confess that I have enjoyed that pleasure, and you'll not find many girls of my age that haven't; and whether they have or not, or whatever they may say, they all wish for it; even you, Miss Jemima, young as you are, seem quite ready; see how far I can push my finger into this soft opening and it does not appear to hurt you.'

'It does hurt a little, Polly, but still I like it; you may go; oh that's nice — would a big cock feel nicer than that?'

'Twenty times nicer, dear, it is so smooth and soft and has such a pretty round head and slips in and out so deliciously that it would make you just tremble with delight; oh, if it was here in place of my finger, how pleased you would be.'

'I think I would Polly; has Dicksie one of these nice big cocks?' she asked with a knowing look.

Polly blushed and turned away her face: 'Ah! Miss Jemima, how curious you are: of course he has, but he does not call it by that name.'

'How does he call it? I am so fond of you Polly for telling me these things, and I want to know everything; what does he call it, Polly?'

'He calls it his prick, miss; I am sure he would very well to show it to you, and let you feel it too, if you ask him.'

'I would not ask him for the world; prick… prick, I remember seeing that word chalked on a gate. But I did not know what it meant, and there was another word just below it which seemed to belong to it — cunt; what does that mean?'

'Why, that's the name of this little mouth here.'

'Is that what Dicksie calls it?'

'Yes, dear, the very thing, but now I must go, I have told you enough for this time.'

Dick praised Polly's tact and cleverness, and having satisfied her with an extra-loving embrace said: 'Now, Polly, all we need is an opportunity to complete the work you have helped commence.'

That opportunity soon occurred. Mrs Bond was again invited out to tea, and as Jim was unable to accompany her mother and sister, she obtained leave to ask Dick to come and sit with her in the evening.

Dick readily accepted the invitation, and made himself as agreeable as he could. When Polly had removed the tea things, Jim asked her to remain and keep them company. Then came that happy 'tide in the affairs of men, which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune.'

Jim and Dick reclined together on the sofa, while Polly sat on a stool before them. Dick remarked that Jim must now be almost quite well, as he had not to lance her for several days but 'let me see again to make sure', and he raised her dress to look.

'I am ashamed, Mr Dick, at your seeing me so often uncovered.'

'You need not feel ashamed, for you are beautifully made; and this is the sweetest little mouth I ever saw or kissed,' and slipping off the sofa he pushed in between her legs and frigged her with his tongue. Her excitement was now evident, for she spread her thighs and pushed forward her cunt.

Dick felt that now she was ready for the climax itself; so he looked up and asked if she liked the feel of his tongue in her love-chink — 'this dew little cunt, I mean'.

Jim blushed, and murmured that nothing could be nicer.

'Oh, yes, there is something that would be nicer, is there not, Polly?'

'Indeed there is, Miss Jim, let me show it to you,' and opening his trousers at the front, she drew out his fine standing prick.

'Look at it, dear, put your hand on it — feel how firm and stiff it is!' Jim smiled, and looked at it with admiring eyes; she let Polly close her fingers around it, and under her direction, she frigged it up and down.

'Now, dear, lean back and push your bottom to the edge, and Dicksie will rub the nice soft head of his prick between the lips of your longing cunt, and then you will know what pleasure means — so — isn't that nice?' and holding the prick in her hand, she rubbed its head up and down in the moist furrow. 'Now let him push it in; it will feel so good!'

'Oh, Polly, it is hurting me — take it out — take it out.'

'No, I won't; you can bear it until it gets in, then it will hurt you no more — that's a brave girl — push, heave — there, it is in! now fuck away.' Polly rubbed her cunt on Dick's bottom, and joined in every push, and getting greatly excited as she felt the last quick probes, cried: 'Prick!

Cunt! Bollocks! Fuck, fuck!'

How Dick proceeded with the others, and his final success, must be left for the following chapter. Suffice it to say that these letters were all read to the old governor, and were a source of the greatest delight to him. He sent many kind messages to Dick, and a special promise that if he came to Trinidad after he had completed his college course he would obtain for him a government appointment and otherwise forward him in his profession.
