Chapter V

Up to this moment he had simply stood looking at her, and even now, as she beats upon the wall with her fists and desperately calls for succor, he makes no effort to silence her. . When, breathless and exhausted, the first furor of her efforts to secure the protection which would never come had died down, he said:

"Calm yourself my little beauty. There is no use yelling. Nobody can hear you. This room was fixed especially for noisy little girls."

Eva stares at him wide eyed with terror, and he continues:

"It isn't going to hurt! Be nice, and I'll make you a pretty little present! Look . . . and thinking to awaken her cupidity, he withdraws a roll of currency from his pocket. But ah, not all the money in the world would have impressed Eva in this moment. Trembling like a frightened dove in a trapper's hands, she thinks of nothing but the security of her little room in Paris. She stares at him uncomprehendingly, and again raises her arms to beat upon the wall.

"Come! Come!" exclaims the man, nbw beginning to show annoyance, and at the same mo-

ment he lunges toward her.

Eva shrieks, slips from his grasp, and starts toward the other side of the room. The covering she had draped around her body trails on the floor about her feet. She steps on it in her flight, trips, and falls on her hands and knees. In the confusion, the treacherous folds fall open, revealing her round' white thighs, and naked bottom. Galvanized to action by the sight, her persecutor moves swiftly and before she can get to her feet, lifts her, kicking, struggling and screaming, in his arms. Carrying her across the room he sits down on the edge of the bed, and holding her on his knees, strips the sheet from her clasp and throws it aside.

"Now, little wild cat, kick and squeal till you get tired !"

Eva's frantic efforts to liberate herself from his clutch avail her nothing; he subjects her as easily as though she were a babe in arms. Nevertheless, she continues to struggle until her strength is exhausted. Finally, she relaxes. Her eyes close, and from beneath their lashes, big tears emerge, and trickle slowly down over her cheeks.

"Now you're coming to your senses. There is no use fighting. You'll like it after you've had it once I"

Gloatingly, he passes a hand over her firm little breasts, and down over the smooth surface of her stomach and thighs. Eva remains motionless in his arms, apparently in a state of apathetic surrender. But suddenly she becomes aware of a profane hand insinuating itself between her legs. Again she comes to life, and with renewed energy endeavors to defend the sanctity of this most intimate part of her body. A homeless effort, for the man, his passions aroused by the sight and contact of her naked body rudely restrains her, and imprisoning her two wrists in one hand, forces his knee between her legs to separate them. Having accomplished this, he places his free hand squarely over her cunt.

Eva lies in his arms, rigid, frozen, her eyes wide and staring. The hand of her tormentor begins to move back and forth. He is rubbing and squeezing her genitals-genitals which never before had known the contact of a male hand. And now, a coarse finger in inserted between the scarlet folds. After a momentary exploration it is withdrawn. A smile of satisfaction crosses his face. The madame has not deceived him. The entrance to Eva's vagina is sealed so tightly that scarcely his finger tip can be introduced within the tiny aperture.

The man-tiger is mentally licking his chops in anticipate of the feast he is about to enjoy. He lays her upon the bed, and begins to divest

himself of his clothing. Coat and vest are laid aside, shoes are unfastened, and removed. He strips off his shirt, trousers, underwear. His hairy formidable body is now in complete nudity. An enormous cock, foreskin draws back, and head exposed, projects in rigid, menacing erection.

Eva, unwinking, pertified, her face a frozen mask of terror, seems to see without comprehending. He advances toward the bed. She recoils to his touch and throws herself to the opposite side of the bed, moaning:

"No! No! No!"

He seizes her in his arms. There is a confusion of kicking legs and naked forms. Eva is making a last and final effort to save herself from the ignominious violation.

Her strength is not equal to the task. In a last gesture to protect her sexual flower from the enemy, she manages to twist about under her assailant, and lies upon her stomach, face down, legs tightly locked together. The man, aroused to a fury of lubricity by her desperate resistance, mercilessly pulls her legs apart, and places himself on his knees between them. The last defenses are going down. He slips his hand under her abdomen, lifting her so that her bottom is projected upward. Eva clutches at the iron frame of the bed, then, as her grasp is torn

away, at the mattress, the coverings . . . but her strength is gone. Her body yields. Her face is buried in the bed coverings, but her hips, supported by the arm under them are elevated in the air and between the cheeks of her bottom something hard, rigid and hot in prodding, searching … he is going to put it in her from behind, dog fashion.

He lifts her bottom a bit higher and presses his hairy legs closer to the white flesh. The hand under her stomach is feeling and groping. He is endeavoring to place the head of his cock in the stragetic spot.

"No! No! No!"

"Oh! You're hurting me!"

"Oh, don't! Please don't!"

And her exclamations rise to a shriek of anguish, indicated on the screen in script, beginning with small letters, which increase in size, terminating in immense figures which cover half the screen.

He has found the entrance and has forced the lock. Withdrawing the arm which has previously supported her he clutches her by the hips with both hands. With the shrieking girl now impaled, he begins the motions of copulation. His thighs recede from her bottom, and several inches of his cock are visible. He shoves it back in again pulling her bottom toward him

a,t the same time forcing her to reciprocate his movements. And so, alternately pulling and pushing at the girl's bottom, he consumates the violation. At the conclusion we see him straining and puffing as he brutally forces the instrument of torture entirely wthin Eva's tender flesh. She hangs limp and motionless in his grasp, and when he releases her after the final culminating trusts she sinks N back unconscious upon the bed, and the screen is darkened.

The spectators, impressed by the terrible realism of the representation, whisper hushed commentaries. The cheer is again illuminated, and before us, bowing and smiling, we see Eva, the madame, the villian, and the false theatrical agent. They disappear one by one, leaving Eva until the last. Smiling, she raises h^r dress waist high. There are no undergarments to obstruct the view. With her dress elevated fan-wise on either side of her, she undulates her hips with circular, rolling movements, projecting her genitals outward voluptuously. Then she drops her skirt, kisses her fingers to us daintily, and disappears.

We arose to take our departure, and as we did so, the Russian girl whispered: "Come and see me tomorrow afternoon!" and at the same time a diminutive card inscribed with

her name and address was slipped into my fingers.

I went.

And as a result of this visit, an invitation was extended to me to pass the fortnight as a guest in the beautiful little villa overlooking the river Seine, occupied by Irma, the Russian girl.

The invitation, tendered for a fortnight, was extended over a period of three months and constituted for me a species of scholarship and post graduate course in all the arts vices and aberrations of love. Before I had been with her a week I discovered that in comparison to Irma I was the veriest novice. There were depths of sensualism, psychic effects, mental aphrodisiacs, the like of which I had never dreamed.

The girl had taken a fancy to me-and proposed to "educate" me in accordance with her own theories, ideas and fancies. She was of strong will and dominating character, accustomed to indulge every whim, and to gratify every desire. Her religion, her very life, was sensuality. The villa was adorned with paintings, photographs and statuary of an erotic nature, veritable gems of lewd art. It was a treasure house of pornographic literature such as I had never laid eyes on. Histories, novels, biographies, and even transcripts of testimony in judicial cases involving celeorated sexual crimes. She possessed a collection of strange and curious devices designed for the provocation, or gratification of lust. In fact there was enough material here to have stocked a regular museum of erotic art, artifices and literature.

The uses to which some of these objects were destined were obvious while others constituted for me, complete mysteries. Irma, encouraging me to try to guess their uses, laughed heartily at my conjectures.

In contrast to this antiquity, I was intiated in the mysteries of some far more modern inventions-one of which was nothing more or less than the well known electric vibrator, or massage machine, such as may be found in any well equipped barber shop. Often indeed, had 1 enjoyed the refreshing sensation of a facial massage without suspecting the hidden potentialities of this apparatus. The rubber vacuum cup, vibrating under the impulse of an electric motor, placed over a woman's clitoris, or on a man's cock, will produce orgasm in less than thirty seconds if the vibration is not interrupted. And as if this were not enough an attachment has been provided by some genius, which may be substituted in female use for the vacuum cup. This attachment, available in five, six, seven, and eight inch lengths, is made of pliable rubber in shape and exact appearance, a replica of the masculine organ. In use, a condom is slipped over it for sanitary purposes. The effect upon a woman of this artifice is fulminating, and if orgasm is to be delayed, the vibration must be discontinued at short intervals.

Amongst other novelties of a more or less artistic nature, or untilitarian purposes, all designed to excite or gratify the passions, was a series of phonograph discs. One of these records oralized and reproduced in sound the courting, seduction and deflowing of a young girl by her sweetheart. Indiscreetly, she accompanies him to his room, "to see some pictures" he wishes to show her. Indignant at the nature of the pictures she reprimands him for his temerity, but under his coaxing and blandishments, she relents, and through tire medium of words sounds exclamations, protests, all faithfully reproduced, even to the creaking of bedsprings, as she finally submits to his embraces, we participate in the invisible romance, exactly as though, veiled by a curtain from our sight, it were transpiring in the same room with us. Another, of a still more emotional nature, a rendition so true to life as to cause one to wonder whether a real rape had been consumated to effect it, oralized an assault upon the person of a young maid by a wandering vagrant. As he makes his way thru a lonely wood we can hear him soliloquizing to himself

and lamenting the fact that he hasn't sufficient money to compensate female companionship, after having undergone a prolonged interval of enforced chastity in the provincial workhouse. At -this point he spies a country maid, whose path, fortunately or unfortunately accordng to the viewpoint across his own. He detains her and endeavors to secure her complaisance with false promises of generous reimbursement. The terrified maid declines his proposition, whereupon he seizes her and to the accompaniment of shrieks, sobs and supplications on her part and lustful observations on his, he tears off her clothing, and rapes her.

Yes, Irma's hobby in life was sensualism. She had two favorite theories. One of these was that in order to hold a man's erotic fancy, he should rarely be permitted to attain orgasm in intercourse. Her reasoning was not altogether er-ronous, for it must be confessed that the masculine interest diminishes with satiety. The woman who can excite a man's emotions, and maintain them in a state of excitation, without permitting him complete gratification will not quickly lose her hold on him, but the difficulty is to find subjects who will submit to such machinations, for as is evident such a system requires the co-operation of the gentleman.

I was to a limited extent versed in the practise

and knew the advantages of holding back until my partner had reached the limits of her orgastic powess, but Irma carried the theory still further, sustaining in effect that even after the female was completely satiated ejaculation or orgasm should be avoided by the male, thereby maintaining an unsatisfied sexual urge which tend to fan, instead of extinguish, the fingers of passion. She showed me some very interesting articles on this subject but while I agreed with her in theory it seemed to me an impossible proceedure in actual practise. Nevertheless, I had no objection to lending myself to a few experiments along this line.

Irma initiated me in many intriguing aspects of psychic effects and though she frequently had to scold me for "letting go" when under strict orders not to do so, I must admit, that in following her ideas I enjoyed some of the most delicious hours of my life. And yet I realized that the effects over by considerable length of time, of the sustained, and prolonged excitation would be enervating in the extreme, and beyond the average man's physical capacity to withstand.

Irma was an ardent enthusiast of variation, but had a strong predilection for "frenching" and I passed hours at a time, with my mouth over her clitoris while the intimate caress was

compensated with her own warm lips encircling my cock. She was an adept in the use of those subtile, perfumed preparations for intimate feminine use and not once did I place my mouth on her cunt without finding it fragrantly scented. Ordinarily, she did not permit me to ejaculate in her mouth, her customary proceedure being to terminate the love bout when she preceived that I was unable to withstand the caress any longer. And more than once, after I had brought her several times in succession, and had myself arrived at the ultimate stage of my powers of resistance, she disengaged herself from my clasp, and went to sleep while I, with my cock still vibrating expectantly, was obliged to forego the satisfaction. It peeved me mightily at first, but after a while I found that, as a stimulant to increase and intensify the passions, this method was superlative. Girls, it's a wonderful system, and if you have the will power and the determination to hold a man to it you can keep him dangling from your apron strings indefinitely. We men are curiously ungrateful, creatures, and the more liberally you treat us, the quicker we are satiated. It's not the female who generously surrenders herself to a man's every whim and fancy, who can long hold him, but rather, the calculating, understanding female, who knows how to keep him in a continuous state of

sex hunger. And the hungrier he's kept the firmer the anchor.

One of Irma's charms lay in the uncertainty of her determinations. I never knew from one moment to another what was coming next.

Surprising revelations as to how young maids comport themselves in boarding schools!

The lightness with which this kind of play was looked upon may be judged from the following : An English girl named Mercy, daughter of a wealthy British importer of tobacco, received naughty pictures and novels by post from a girl in Paris. One day, between the pages of a novel received from this source, she found a "french letter" or condom. This interesting but under the circumstances entirely useless gift was passed,from hand to hand amid general laughter* A few nights later, another girl, a lively little French mademoiselle upon turning back the sheets of her couch preparatory to retiring, found between them a banana of ample dimensions over which the rubber condom had been stretched.

Brandishing the rubber clad banana in her hand, she announced that she was going to "get" the girl she suspected of perpetrating the joke. Accompanied by several of her friends Rosita slipped into the dormitory where the object of the intended assault was just getting into bed.

Waving the banana in the girl's face she exclaimed :

"Just for this, I'm going to fuck you!"

"You're not going to fuck me!" was the defiant answer,

A tussle began, which, because of the determined resistance of the prospective victim, might indeed have been lost by the French girl, had not her friends reluctant to be defrauded of the spectacle, come to her assistance. Between them they straddled the protesting, one out upon the bed, and held her while the little mademoiselle made good her threat.

"And I was one of the girls that held her legs!" added Irma, laughing at the recollection.

She entertained me with various anecdotes of her experiences with girls and women and seemed amused at my surprise at the ease with which she aparently found females willing to participate in such adventures. When she stated that there was an unlimited supply of them from the age of ten upward, my amazement gave way to incredulity. I could scarcely give credit to tl^e assertion and yet before many hours had passed I was afforded an opportunity to judge for myself. For the following afternoon while driving leisurely about she pointed toward a group of small girls carrying baskets of violets, and smilingly referred to our. conver-

sation of the previous evening. Often enough had I observed these pert little youngsters, and had been annoyed more than once by their persistent efforts to sell me flowers but their extreme youth made it seem to me improbable that aside from selling violets, they had other professions.

"Do you mean to tell me that those little girls … ?" I exclaimed, incredulously.

"Every last one of them," she replied, "I'll get one to come to the house, if you want me to."

"Get one!"

"Allright! Wait till I see one I like!"

Ordering the coachman to circle the block we again approached the same group and we came alongside of them Irma motioned the driver to stop and leaning from the window she called to one of the youngsters, a bright eyed, piquant faced child of twelve or thirteen. The little girl rushed up to her expectantly, and extended tray containing a quantity of violets in little bunches. Irma selected one eyeing the child attentively the meanwhile, and gave her a small coin. Then, removing a card from her purse,* she pressed it the child's hand and whispered:

"Come and see me to-night at seven o'clock, darling!"

The girl glaced quickly at Irma, then at the address on the card, then at me, back again at

Irma, nodded her head, and backed away. "Of course, she'll come," replied Irma, dryly. And, as punctually on the hour as though she had been waiting outside for the crock to strike seven before presenting herself, the child was at the door. She wore a fresher dress, and with all the. inmate, and natural coquetry of a born Parisienne she had made infantile efforts to beautify herself. *

Irma took her hand and led her inside.

If she was impressed by the luxurious, and exotic surroundings she did not show it although she gazed with interest at the little statues, pictures, and paintings with which the room was adorned.

"What is your name, darling?"

"Lucille, at your service, Mademoiselle."

"How old are you, Lucille?"

'Twelve years, Mademoiselle."

"Who do you live with?"

"With my mama, and my sister."

"How old is your sister?"

"Ten, Mademoiselle.

"Does she sell flowers, too?"

"Yes, Mademoiselle."

"Can you stay all night?"

"Certainment! If you desire, Mademoiselle."

"Very well, Lucille. The first thing we are going to do is to take a nice bath in the pool

together. Then we'll have dinner and afterward we'll have a fine time. You can sleep here and go home tomorrow."

"As you please, Mademoiselle." was the courteous answer.

Placing an arm abut the child, Irma took her to the big bedroom, and while I lounged in the doorway, an interested spectator, the two undressed. When Lucille's garments were removed down to her little panties, she glanced uncertainly toward me, but Irma reasured her.

"Never mind him, darling. He's a nice man." Off came the small garment, and Lucille was naked in the presence of her hosts. like them, this child was immature. Only the hint of a round swell surmounted with tiny nipples marked the budding breasts. No shadow of hair was visible on the elevated prominence above her little cleft. Here again after many years, I saw another fat lipped, naked little "V" witli its vertical incision and cute little dimple.

Irma herself was now disrobed, and before my sight was a vision in contrasts of female nudity, in the bold nakedness of childhood, thQ other. in the full bloom of enchanting feminine maturity.

With soap, perfumes, and towels, followed by me, they proceeded to the tiled pool, and soon immersed in the limpid waters. After fifteen or

twenty minutes of splashing and laughter, during which Lucille was diplomaticly rubbed, scrubbed, and sponged, they emerged, and after drying themselves Irma perfumed and powdered the child's body, dried her hair, and dressed her in a pajama suit which, though large, was pressed into emergency duty. Then she brushed and arranged Lucille's hair, tying it with a pink ribbon and finally, with her own toilet accessories, she first powdered, then touched up the juvenile cheeks with rouge. With a lip-stick she traced a dainty Cupid's bow upon the little mouth. The deft touches produced a complete transformation and I could harly restrain an exclamation of amazement at what water, soap, powder, perfume, lip-stick and rouge could do to a ragged younster.

During dinner I could scarcely take my eyes off of her, so incredible was the transition. She, except for brief replies to our questions, ate in silence. The mother, from what we were able to gather, was or had been a prostitute, Lucille and the younger sister referred to being the fruit of transcient amours, fathers unknown. Now they lived entirely upon what revenue was derived from the sale of flowers, and on what "rich ladies" gave Lucille and her little sister.

My curiosity as to what proceedure such children followed to please the "rich ladies" was un-

bounded. After dinner was concluded we went into the lounging room and here, after a few minutes, Irma left us, telling me that I might "play" with Lucille, but not to "hurt" her.

As soon as we were alone I took her upon my lap, where she sat passively while I loosened the belt of her pajamas. Slipping a finger between the lips of her cleft, I made discreet exploration. Her maiden head was intact and technically at least, she was a virgin.

Irma returned, drapped in a kimona. She lay down on the big, plush covered sofa and called Lucille to her. The girl lay down by her, clasping her arms about the recumbent form and their lips united in an amorous kiss. From this on Lucille calmly took the initiative. She continued to caress her older companion and finally slipping one of her soft little hands inside the breast of the kimona, she exposed Irma's bubbies, and applied her lips to the nipples of each in turn. With close attention I watched this tender play, while Irma lay still surrendering herself to the child's ministrations. Young as she was, she had acquired, or possibly it had been born in her, a skill and artfulness beyond description. Her caresses were as light and soft as the touch of a feather. While I watched I began to get a better comprehension of certain things which had formerly mystified me.

Like a humming bird flitting from flower to flower, the moist, red lips were being applied first to one, and then to the other, of Irma's snowy breasts. I saw the nipples stiffen out, and erect themselves as the provocative caress reacted magically upon them. Lucille clasped her lips over one of them and raised her head. The nipple slipped back with an elastic little jerk when released. She moistened the nipples with saliva, then twirled them between her fingertips, until under the tantalizing manipulation, Irma began to twitch and tremble.

Beneath the kimona, which still draped her lower limbs, her thighs slowly separated themselves. As though waiting for some such indication the girl instantly threw the garment open, slipped one of her knees between Irma's thighs, bringing it up in close contact with her cleft. In this position, crouched over the naked body of her friend she hesitated glancing toward me as though doubtful as to whether she should proceed.

"Hurry up, darling!" gasped Irma.
