Dramatis Personae

* indicates fictitious character

*Sir Thomas Kydd, captain of HMS Tyger, a.k.a. Tom Cutlass

*Nicholas Renzi, Earl of Farndon, friend and former confidential secretary

Tyger, ship’s company

*Bowden, second lieutenant

*Bray, first lieutenant

*Brice, third lieutenant

*Clinton, captain, Royal Marines

*Darby, gunner

*Dillon, Kydd’s confidential secretary

*Doud, quartermaster’s mate

*Gilpin, midshipman

*Halgren, coxswain

*Harman, purser

*Herne, boatswain

*Joyce, sailing master

*Leckie, able seaman

*Maynard, master’s mate

*Rowan, midshipman

*Stirk, gunner’s mate

*Teague, midshipman

*Tysoe, Kydd’s valet


*Applebys, Combe Tavy caretakers

Barrett, captain, Africa

*Bazely, captain, Fenella

Bille, commodore, Danish Navy

*Bissen, firebrand Danish poet

Bruun, Danish gunboat captain

Canning, British foreign secretary

Castlereagh, British secretary of state for war

*Cecilia, Kydd’s sister and Countess of Farndon

Cronstedt, admiral, commandant of Sveaborg fortress

Dumaresq, flagship captain, Victory

Faltherre d’Ahrenheim, adjutant general of Sweden

*Garland, captain, Snipe

Graves, captain, Brunswick

Gustav IV Adolf, King of Sweden

Hood, rear admiral

Jagerhorn, colonel, vice commander of Sveaborg fortress

Jessen, captain, Prinds Christian Frederik

Jorgensen, self-styled King of Iceland

Keats, rear admiral

Khanykov, Russian Grand Admiral

Krieger, gunboat leader, Danish Navy

*Kydd, Walter and Fanny, Kydd’s parents

Lagerhjelm, Swedish colonel

Martin, captain, Implacable

*Mason, captain, Riposte

Moore, lieutenant general, commander of the Northern Expedition

Mulgrave, first lord of the Admiralty

Nauckhoff, Swedish admiral

Oakley, secretary of the legation

Parker, captain, Stately

Perceval, British chancellor of the exchequer

*Perrot, boatswain of the Guildford Naval Academy

*Persephone, Kydd’s wife

Portland, British prime minister

Puget, captain, Goliath

Rosen, governor of Gothenburg

Russell, admiral, commander of the North Sea Squadron

Saumarez, vice admiral, commander-in-chief of the Baltic Fleet

Saunders, captain, Tribune

*Stromsson, captain, Krigare

Swenson, Danish gunboat captain

Thornton, envoy to the Swedish king

Trampe, count, Danish governor of Iceland

Upton, captain, Sybille

Van Suchtelen, Russian commander

Willemoes, first lieutenant, Prinds Christian Frederik

Wood, lieutenant
