Chapter Forty-Two

Flood-Waters Subside

TOGETHER WITH Mr Thornton, Bony walked down the veranda steps to the garden. They walked slowly, Bony with bent head, the squatter with head held high, unashamed of the sorrow that welled from his heart and shadowed his fine face. Coming to a garden seat, the half-caste caught his companion by the sleeve and urged him to be seated.

He spoke softly, a world of sympathy in his voice, and told the story he had read from the closed dressing room door, the half-burned candle, the grease spots on the sheet, and beside them the marks of Ralph’s tears… For a while, when he ceased speaking, there was silence. Then:

“What do you intend doing regarding my wife’s confession that she killed King Henry?” inquired Thornton with forced calmness.

“Nothing-nothing whatever,” Bony replied. “As I have said before, I think, I am a detective, not a policeman. Sinclair willingly paid the price. The law is satisfied. The police are satisfied. Knowles will take no action against Dugdale or Blair and McIntosh. The case is finished. Besides, I would find it utterly impossible to tarnish the character of so great a woman as was the Little Lady. If she, and not the poor Empress Josephine, had been the beloved of the Emperor Napoleon, today the nations of the earth would be a peaceful and prosperous World Federation.

“You are a fortunate man in having been her husband. Remember that. It will ease your load. I myself have been fortunate in having known her. I leave Barrakee less vain, less sure of myself, a better man than when I came. Good-bye! My car is coming.”

The two rose to their feet and shook hands. Thornton tried to smile and, unsuccessful, sank down on the seat. Bony looked back once when crossing the lawn, and then, seeing Kate descending the veranda steps, swept off his hat and said gravely:

“I leave your uncle on the seat yonder, Miss Flinders. He needs your consolation and sympathy-he needs your love. Presently, when this tragedy has been dimmed by time, remember that you and he have now and always the respectful regard and sympathy of-Bony.”

She stood watching him pass out of the garden and climb into the car that waited to take him to the train at Bourke. At that moment she almost loved this strange being, with his understanding, gentle smile. And then, forgetting him, she ran to heruncle, and, seating herself beside him, slipped an arm about the broad shoulders, drew the greying head down to hers, and whispered:

“Uncle dear, do not grieve so much. We have lost them, but we still have sweet memories of them to cherish always.”


It was the first Tuesday in October, and the shearing had cut out very early that morning. The company that had contracted to shear Mr Thornton’s sheep was well satisfied, as it usually was with the Barrakee operations; for there was not and never had been any labour trouble. The last of the men had been paid off, the last lorry had gone with its load of men, and because the day was warm Kate and the squatter were lunching on the veranda of the homestead.

Time, the healer of all sorrow, was at work on these two whom the falling flood had left high and dry upon the hill of Eternal Hope. The girl noted with joy that the lines of grief on the rugged face of her uncle were disappearing one by one, and sometimes he laughed gently in the old amused way, thereby brightening her eyes and swelling her heart.

“We shall be hard at work for another fortnight getting the sheep settled into their summer paddocks,” he was telling her. “Now that the water is falling rapidly the river paddocks are becoming very dangerous, there are so many places where the sheep can get bogged. But when the work is finished, dear, we’ll take a long holiday to Sydney, and a trip to New Zealand thrown in. How will that do?”

Looking into her glorious eyes, he was not surprised to see the coming and going of a shadow. It was momentary, and was followed by a gleam of happy expectation.

“Wouldn’t you like that?” he asked.

“Why, of course, Uncle. It will be lovely.”

Leaning across the small table he took her hands affectionately in his, saying:

“No secrets, now! You would like to go on that holiday, and yet you wouldn’t. Why? You have been a rock to which I have clung, let me now be a rock to which you can cling.”

He saw her eyes grow misty, and then her head drooped, and on his hand splashed a large tear.

“Do you love Frank very, very much?” he asked her softly.

A moment passed before she raised her face and regarded him with brimming eyes.

“How did you come to find out?” she whispered.

“Because the flood left me with a keener vision to see the troubles of others. Don’t be downcast, Katie. I have seen the trouble lying behind your eyes, lying behind his eyes, too. We will talk of this again. Will you have afternoon tea ready at three o’clock? I have an important business visitor calling this afternoon.”

“Why, of course,” she agreed, smiling bravely. “I hope he will be nice.”

“M’yes. Not a bad sort of a fellow. In fact, when I met him a few weeks ago, he impressed me very much. Well, I must get along to the office. There is a tremendous amount of work waiting for me.”

They left the lunch table together, and arm in arm strolled to the garden gates, where he embraced her with gallant tenderness before going on to the office. There he seated himself at his table and wrote letters for an hour.

“Find out if Blair has come in, will you, Mortimore?” he said over his shoulder to the bookkeeper.

“Certainly, Mr Thornton,” replied the old man, who then, taking a pith helmet from a peg, went out. The squatter smiled softly, and turning to the telephone, rang up Thurlow Lake and was answered by Mrs Watts.

“Has Dugdale left yet, Mrs Watts?” he asked.

“Yes. Oh yes! He had a cup of tea about eight o’clock,” she said. “Told us he had a rough crossing of the Paroo, on account of the mud.”

“What time did he leave?”

“About half past eight. Certainly not later than a quarter to nine.”

“Very well. Thanks! I’ll ring up Cattle Tank.”

A minute later he was speaking to Flash Harry.

“Seen Mr Dugdale today, Harry?”

“I’m seeing him now, Mr Thornton. He’s coming along the track from the Washaways,” replied the man who only took off his hat when he went to bed.

“Then ask him to wait till I get there with the car, will you?”


The station-owner put down the receiver and turned to Fred Blair, who had just come in.

“Good day, Fred. How’s the Three Mile Creek?”

“Better. Only three sheep bogged,” Blair reported.

“Ah! Then I suppose you’llbe wanting to go for a walk-about and spend that sweep money, eh?”

The little man’s blue eyes danced. “Yaas,” he drawled.“But not all of it. Not by a long shot. I’m thinking ofgitting married and buying a fruit farm down near Adelaide.”

“A fruit farm?”

“A fruit farm. It’s a sin for a man like me wot knows all about sheepbein ’ obliged to go in for fruit wot I don’t know nothing about.”

“Humph! Would your wife be prepared to live in the bush, say at Eucla Station, where Dugdale now is?”

“Of course,” Blair said simply.

“Well, I don’t know for sure, Blair, but I think Dugdale will be taking a job here that I am offering him. Only last week I saw the chairman of the Land Board and asked him if he would consent to Dugdale giving up the lease of Eucla in your favour, and he said that he would.”

Blair gazed at the squatter with growing wonder in his blue eyes.

“I like you, Fred,” Thornton admitted frankly. “You’ve stuck by me when the flood pushed me hard, and every man was urgently needed, and when you had plenty of money. I shall be seeing Dugdale this afternoon, and I will inform you about the transfer for certain this evening. I thought that you could take over Dugdale’s sheep and improvements, for which I shall pay him cash. You can pay me how you like.”

Blair found a speck of dust in his right eye which he removed by the simple method of drawing a bony, hairy forearm across the optic. Yet his voice was quite steady when he said:

“Excuse me bolting, but I’ve got to write a letter to me tart.”

And Blair bolted, because he felt another speck of dust in his other eye.

At half past two the same afternoon Dugdale sat beside Thornton, whilst the car hurtled towards Barrakee over country covered with waving grasses a yard high. They had been discussing sheep and wool, when the squatter said abruptly:

“I have asked you to Barrakee to put to you a certain question, Dug. It is this. Do you love my niece?”

Although he kept his eyes on the track, Mr Thornton knew that Dugdale looked at him for one second with strained intensity. Then, very softly, came the answer:

“God alone knows how much, and for how long.”

A minute passed in silence. Then, from Thornton:

“I am glad of that, Dug. You will find her waiting for you. I believe you will make her a good husband, and because of my loss I don’t want to lose her altogether. Would you stay at Barrakee if I made you my partner?”

“Yes.” Dugdale’s voice was very low.

“Thank you,” Thornton said as though the younger man were conferring a favour. “I thought, perhaps, you would be willing to give up Eucla. I could buy your stock and improvements and sell them on terms to Fred Blair. The Land Board agrees to the transfer of the lease.”

“I am quite agreeable, Mr Thornton.”

“Would you object greatly to calling me Father or Dad?”

“No. I’vebeen wanting to do it for years, Dad.”

And then the squatter’s eyes were lifted from the track and looked into Dugdale’s face with genuine affection.


Martha, wearing a pink blouse and sky-blue print dress, her feet unencumbered by hateful, unnatural footwear, rolled ponderously along the veranda, and set upon the small table the afternoon tea-tray. Kate Flinders smiled into the ugly yet lovable old face, and helped the gin to move the table a little way along the veranda to where the vines cast a heavy shade.

“Visitorcome tree minutes ago, Missy Katie,” Martha informed the Darling of the Darling. “Minetinkit him plurry nice man. Lor -here hecome!”

The huge woman rolled off towards her kitchen, and turning, Kate saw Dugdale through the vine leaves nearly running towards the veranda steps. Her heart almost stopped its beating, then raced with sledgehammer strokes.

And when he stood before her, when his eyes became accustomed to the shadows, he saw her lovely-face lit with wonder, with yearning, with love unmasked. And without a word between them, he took her in his trembling arms, and heard her sigh rapturously before his lips found hers.


Billabong-Inland pool

Billy, Billycan-Bush teapot



Brownie-Bush cake, no eggs or butter

Buck-Aboriginal man

Bushed-Lost in the bush

Clay-pan-Hollow in clay soil, sometimes holding water

Damper-Bush bread

Dingo-Wild bush dog

Dinkum-Honest, proper, correct

Galah-Rose-breasted cockatoo

Gin-Aboriginal woman, lubra

Goodo-All right

Humpy-Bush hut, whirlie

Jackeroo-Station apprentice


Kirras-Boomerang for throwing

Kookaburra-‘Laughingjackass’, bird whose cry resembles laughter

Lubra-Aboriginal woman, young gin

Murrawirrie-Boomerang for striking

Outlaw-Unbroken or vicious horse



Snifter-A drink (Alcoholic)

Squatter-Station owner

Station-Large cattle or sheep farm, ranch


Swag-Bushman’s roll, bundle, or pack, containing necessaries

Tart-Girl, sweetheart


Waddy-War-club, walking stick

Walkabout-Togo walkabout is to go on tramp, holiday, etc.

Whirlie-Bush hut, humpy

Wongium-Throwingboomerang that returns to theThrower

Wowzer-Religious fanatic, killjoy
