This novel was written while commuting between Arizona, New York, and Istanbul. My gratitude goes to numerous Armenian and Turkish families who have welcomed me, hosted me in their houses, cooked for me, and shared their personal stories with me, despite the difficulty of remembering a painful past. I am particularly indebted to Armenian and Turkish grandmothers, who have an almost natural ability to transcend the very boundaries that nationalists on each side take for granted.
Much gratitude to Marly Rusoff and Michael Radulescu, my literary agents and dear friends, for their matchless support, work, and amity. Thank you to Paul Slovak for his editorial guidance, faith, and encouragement. Thanks to Muge Gocek, Anne Betteridge, Andrew Wedel, and Diane Higgins for their generous contribution.
Between the Turkish edition and the English edition of this novel in 2006, I was put on trial for "denigrating Turkishness" under Article 301 of the Turkish Penal Code. The charges that were brought against me were due to the words that some of the Armeman characters spoke in the novel; I could have been given up to a three-year prison sentence, but the charges were eventually dropped. During this time, I have been fortunate enough to receive enormous support from so many people, friends, and strangers alike, of such different nationalities and religions. I owe them more than I can say.
And finally, as ever, I thank Eyup, for his patience and love… for just being himself…