" YOUR FATHER IS MILLIONS of dollars in debt, Troy," Bob McDonough said. "He thinks you're his ticket out."

Troy remembered the man at G Money's card table who had referred to Troy as his dad's "ticket." He looked from Bob McDonough to his mom and back before he said, "That's not trouble with the law. People have money trouble. That's not a crime."

Bob McDonough shook his head slowly. "No, it's not, but when the fund he managed started to melt away, he took money from some very bad and dangerous people. He took the money that came from criminal activities and put it into legitimate real estate deals. It's called money laundering."

"Why? What are you talking about, laundering?" Troy asked.

"The money he got was dirty," Bob McDonough said, glancing at Troy's mom. "Money from drugs, gambling, extortion. Like I said, criminal activity."

"Even if it's true," Troy said, panic beginning to flood his mind, "he didn't do any of that stuff. No way. Never."

"No, he didn't," Troy's mom said, her voice soft, "but even taking that money the way he did and using it for those people is a crime. Troy?"

Troy opened his mouth but was too afraid to ask what, so nothing came out.

His mom looked at Bob McDonough, who nodded and said, "Your father is looking at about ten years in jail, Troy."
