To Edgar Allan Poe A true literary genius


Other Books in the Cattarina Mystery Series

The Tell-Tail Heart

To the River - Rescue by the Schuylkill

Adult / YA books by Monica Shaughnessy

Season of Lies

Universal Forces

The Trash Collector (Short Story)

Children's books by Monica Shaughnessy

Doom & Gloom

The Easter Hound


Acknowledgements & Foreword

This book is a complete work of fiction. However, it does reference historical figures. Whenever possible, the story remains true to the facts surrounding their lives. Edgar Allan Poe did, indeed, own a tortoiseshell cat named Cattarina. While I can only guess she was his muse, I feel rather confident in this assertion as cats provide an immeasurable amount of inspiration to modern writers. If you would like to learn more about his life, several excellent biographies exist. I hope you enjoy my little daydream; life is wonderfully dreary under Mr. Poe's spell.
