
It had been four months since the last volume, I am really happy to see everyone again! I am the author, Maruyama Kugane.

How do you find ? It would be my honor if you find it great.

First, I spent about a month drafting my work. I then submitted it to my editors for editing. Using this volume as an example, I completed the story around mid-January.

Next, after the draft has been proofread, it returns to me for further adjustments. Including the author’s proofreading, it takes a month and a half for the work to be finished, and the volume is done.

With the repeated submission of drafts and edits, the amount of time spent on is… roughly three months.

From the time the work is finished until publishing, there is about a month of leisure time. I will divide this month by four, and spend some time updating my web novel.

My work in my company is simple and I can go home early, that’s why I can manage to complete my draft. For those who work until very late, they will need to cut down on their sleeping time. They won’t even have a leisurely month like this, it must be hard on them.

… But for authors who publish a book every three months, how do they manage? I wish someone could tell me.

Next, I would like to express my gratitude.

So-Bin-sama, everyone in Chord Design Studio, Dapo-sama, F-tan-sama. If not for your help, I would not had been able to finish this work, I am thankful for your help.

Honey, thank you for your retort, I will edit right away.

And the readers who purchase this book, thank you very much. If you have any comments or suggestions… you can send a postcard to me (I am sorry, but you will need to bear the postage cost). For readers on the internet, you can do so directly on the web site, I will be very grateful.

Next volume… I plan to write about the Lizardmen for the whole volume. I will be very happy if you continue to give me your support.

Well then, see you next time.

March 2013, Maruyama Kugane
