"Joey! My God! What… what are you doing here?" Carol gasped, terrified at being discovered finger-fucking her exposed cunt so obscenely.

"Me? Uh…I…I just came over 'cause I

wanted to take a swim," the boy gasped, shocked terribly by the sight of Miss Chambers in such a wantonly displayed state.

"Swim? Yes… go ahead," Carol said vacantly, her eyes glassy, her hand over her lovely mouth.

She tried desperately to cover her exposed cunt without being too obvious about it. She knew perfectly well that the boy had seen her naked, gushing cunt and the nasty thing she was doing with it. Of course she had no idea how much the young lad knew about sex, but she was sure that he had discovered jacking off by now, especially since he had two eighteen-year-old brothers. She supposed that he knew or had guessed something about female masturbation, too.

When she thought of the things she had been moaning about him, she almost passed out on the spot. Had he heard her moaning his name? What could he possibly think and feel about her? She was terrified.

Without a word she jumped up and ran into the house, closing the patio door behind her. She left the boy standing there by the pool, still staring at the empty chaise in which she had been playing with her pink-lipped pussy only moments before. He continued to stand staring for a long time, apparently unable to move from the spot.

Carol hid her face in her hands and cried for a few moments. She almost screamed. Then she realized that she had to regain her composure. She would be lost if she allowed the incident to develop into anything greater. She had to be calm and she had to let Joey know that whatever he saw

or heard was of yew little importance. It would be business as usual.

With that goal in mind, she wiped the tears from her eyes and sauntered out onto the patio, finding the boy riveted to the place where she had left him. He seemed afraid to raise his eyes from the chaise, afraid to even acknowledge the luscious woman's presence. She walked over to him and put her gentle hand on his naked shoulder. She felt his young flesh shrink in fear when she touched him. She thought he would jump out of his skin. His eyes shot to hers and then down to the ground, as if he were afraid to even look at her after what he had seen and heard.

"Well, Joey," she said. "I suppose you know what I was doing. There's no point in hiding it. Now do you think there's any reason to make a big thing out of it?" she asked firmly.

"My God, Miss Chambers!" the boy almost cried. "I didn't! I didn't see anything! Really I didn't!"

"Come now, Joey, let's not be silly about this. I was playing with my cunt. You know what a cunt is and you know perfectly well that people like to play with themselves. That goes for women as much as for men like you," she said, refusing to let the fear in her show through in her voice.

"But I didn't see anything!" the boy cried, acting as if he wanted to run away.

"Of course you did! Don't be ridiculous! The point is that you are not to mention what you saw to anyone. Do you understand?" she asked sharply.

"Yeah. I mean… I guess I do. But.." he stammered.

"And as for what you heard-" she said, interrupted instantly by the boy.

"I didn't hear anything!" he said in a squeaky voice Nil of embarrassment and fear.

"Of course you did, Joey!" she said harshly, making him face her, putting her hand under his chin and forcing his boyishly handsome face upward, forcing his glittering blue eyes to look into hers.

She almost regretted facing the boy now. She felt what seemed like an electric shock through her body when she looked into his clear glittering eyes. She was suddenly seized by a lust so powerful that she could not resist it. She knew that she had to fuck the boy, now or later, but she had to fuck him. It might have been the lingering lust of her recently interrupted diddling that excited her so wildly. Or perhaps it was the way the boy looked at her, a pleading look, a look of tenderness, a look of willingness, too, willingness wrapped up in fear but willingness nonetheless. Whatever the source of her lust, she knew that it was destined to overpower her, destined to enmesh her and her boy in a net of passion, a net from which there would be no escape.

Carol knew in an instant that the boy suddenly realized something of the turn their relationship was destined to take. She felt him recoil from her hungry gaze, recoil in fear. She felt him trying to free himself from her gasp. She held his shoulder firmly.

"Now listen, Joey darling," Carol said intensely. "There's no point in denying that you heard me calling your name. Is there?"

The boy shook his head negatively. She thought he was about to break into tears of embarrassment.

"I have no intention of explaining myself to you, They. You must try to forget about this whole matter," she said in her best businesslike tone of voice. "Now you go right ahead and take that swim just as if nothing had happened, because, darling, nothing has happened! Nothing of any significance at any rate."

Even while Carol was speaking harshly to the boy, she felt her mind and soul melting with passion for the innocent young boy. She felt the warmth of his tender throat as she held it, saw the innocence of the boy's blue eyes as he gazed at her, felt his shirtless body close to her, trembling. She was suddenly conscious of her scanty attire, suddenly conscious of the fact that she must seem nearly naked to the poor defenseless nineteen year-old. She was conscious of the way her big tits swelled beneath her skimpy bikini top, which was little more than a wide green ribbon stretched over her luscious jugs. She became conscious, too, of her naked, slightly curved belly, so soft and delicate looking, so rich and smooth. She became conscious of her long lithe naked legs, legs that caught the hot rays of the sun and transmuted them into a light golden glow. And she knew that the boy was as conscious of her body as she was.

Unable to maintain her facade of coolness and strength for another instant, Carol turned abruptly

and went back to the house, barely able to restrain herself from running as fast as her lovely legs could carry her. She looked back over her shoulder and saw that young Joey was doing exactly what she had told him to do. She watched him jump into the pool and disappear in the blue water. She walked over to the bar and sat on a stool, pouring herself a drink for strength. She realized that a drink for strength was something she rarely needed. But this young boy was getting to her in a way she hadn't thought possible. She was burning up with the desire to fuck the kid.

She sat by the bar and watched the boy cavorting in the crystal-clear blue water. She watched the sun glistening on his bare back a he climbed out of the pool again and again and dived off the board. Joey had always wanted to be an Olympic diver. As Carol watched his form as he bounced off the end of the board, she realized that he would probably achieve his goal. But it was not only his diving form that interested her now.

She pound herself another drink, swiveling the stool until she was facing the patio door, crossing her legs and bouncing her foot lightly as she sipped her drink. The alcohol spread a soothing warmth over her, calming her fears, making her feel surer of herself, calming her but having no effect on the heat in her cunt. She watched the boy bouncing up and down on the end of the board and imagined how he would look without his tight red trunks, imagining how his butt would look in the hot summer sun. She felt her cunt twitching as she imagined herself swimming with him, swimming

naked in the light of day. She tried to control herself but to no avail. Her cunt was moistening again, moistening with the passion the young lad inspired in her.

Carol squeezed her legs together, as if by doing so she could control the blazing excitement that continued to build in her snatch. She couldn't help touching her pussy again, dipping her hand between her silken legs while holding her glass with the other. She barely touched her box at first, knowing what would happen if she did. But it was irresistible, this urge to diddle her cunt while she watched the secret object of her affection.

Once again she applied gentle pressure to her cunt mound, making little thrills race around inside her quim. She became more and more bold by the second, tossing her long golden hair behind her, and her cunt growing hot and juicy. Young They had blond hair, too. She might have had a young man like Joey, she thought. As the liquor had its effect on her body, she became increasingly aware of the heat. She wanted to go out and jump into the pool with the boy. It was out of the question now. Or was it?

She stood up and summoned all her strength, downing the last of her drink and casting off the last of her hesitations. She moved with grace and coolness, deciding not to let the boy detect the fears that remained within her. Joey didn't see her come from the house and stand by the pool.

The expression on the boy's handsome face when he climbed the ladder from the pool and looked up to find her standing over him was enough to make Carol suddenly sorry for him. She

had never seen a boy look so shocked and frightened. He froze in position, water running from his long blond hair, cascading over his well-formed young chest. She looked down on him comfortingly.

For Joey it was a moment to remember. Staring up between the long and curvaceous legs of such a beautiful woman as Miss Chambers was enough to give him wet dreams for months. He couldn't help staring at the crotch of her bikini, the bikini that barely covered her cunt. In fact the boy thought her bikini made her look more than naked. The bright-green, gauzy-looking material of her bikini swelled lightly in front of her. He had seen her cunt already that day and the sight of it remained etched on his memory. He wanted to see it again. He had never seen a woman's cunt before, not even his mother's. Some of the guys had told him what their sisters' cunts looked like, although the descriptions hadn't been nearly as interesting as the sight of Miss Chambers' blonde pussy. He was scared shitless, afraid that his interest in her snatch might make itself too obvious to the beautiful woman.

"What's the matter, darling? Aren't you going to ask me to join you? It's terribly hot, you know." Carol smiled down at him.

"Oh. Suit. Yeah. Wanna swim?" he rasped, his voice catching in his young throat.

"Oh, thank you," she said. "I thought you'd never ask."

The nervous boy backed down the ladder and fell backwards into the pool. Carol jumped in

head-first and swam around for a while, keeping her eye on the boy. He seemed to stay in one place, moving his feet in a station-holding stroke, afraid to join her in the aquatic romp. She swam closer to him.

"How long can you hold your breath, Joey?" she asked, laughing.

Joey shrugged his shoulders.

"Bet I can beat you!" Carol called. "Come on down!"

Carol went under and hovered just above the floor of the pool. Joey followed her, his eyes trying to avoid the crotch-grabbing beauty of her barely clothed body. Knowing. that she had the kid's attention, even though he was trying to avoid looking at her, Carol boldly reached behind her and untied the top of her bikini. She didn't know what made her do it. She would never have done such a thing in front of a young boy under any other circumstances. The heat in her cunt and the presence of the boy she wanted to fuck so badly had moved her to this brazen act of hot lust.

Carol saw the boy's face turn red and she knew that it wasn't because he was trying to hold his breath. He couldn't keep his eyes off her now. There was no pretending. He had never seen a woman's tits before and the sight of Miss Chambers' magnificent set of boobs was too much for him. All the air poured out of his mouth as if he had been hit in the stomach. He flew to the surface, coughing and sputtering.

"Is that any way for a future Olympic diver to hold his breath?" Carol teased as she floated near

him on the surface.

"But I… I can't help it! Your tits!" the boy gasped, staring wide-eyed at her blatantly exposed set of knockers.

"Oh, darling, if that bothers you, I can always put my top back on. I just thought I'd get more comfortable, darling. This heat is dreadful!" she smiled. "Do you want me to put my top back on, Joey?"

Joey couldn't say much under the present circumstances. Carol watched his Adam's apple bobbing up and down in his young throat as he swallowed nervously. She knew that his throat was as dry as cotton even after he had swallowed so much water. She felt sorry for him, but there was nothing she could do now. She had to go even further with her seduction. She was seized by the urge to expose herself to him and the urge was stronger than she was.

Carol knew that no one could see them in the pool, the neighbors' houses being far removed from her own and the fence being high. She had nothing to fear from the boy, only the possibility that he might flee in fear of her powerful feminine charms.

"Haven't you ever seen a woman's breasts before?" she asked the nervous boy, reaching out and grabbing his shoulders.

"Oh, goddamn! No! Never!" he rasped.

"Not even your mother's?" Carol said with mock surprise.

"God no! She'd never let me.." the boy whimpered.

"Never let you what? Look at her breasts? Your

own mother? I'm surprised that Joyce is so prudish." Carol smiled. "You can look at mine all you like, Joey darling. Do you like looking at my tits?"

"Crap yeah!" the kid said, feeling butterflies in his stomach.

"Why don't 'e go underwater again? I'll show you something else!" Carol purred, feeling the boy's shoulders trembling under her fingers.

"Something else? Christ almighty! What're you talkin' about?" the boy almost cried.

"You'll just have to come under and find out for yourself, darling Joey!" Carol said, splashing water in the kid's face.

The boy followed her down all right. And when she saw that he was willing to obey her, she nearly fainted with excitement. Perhaps he wouldn't run away! Perhaps she had found in the boy exactly what she had always secretly wanted, a young willing partner, a partner in pleasure who couldn't hurt her when they fucked, who couldn't remind her of the wickedness and cruelty of her rapist father.

She untied the laces that held her green gauzy bikini around her ass and let the garment float away from her. She was totally naked now in the cool clear water. She felt naked, too, felt as if she had discarded the last remaining restrictions to her rape of the innocent young Joey. She knew perfectly well that the spectacle she was making of herself was wrong, knew perfectly well that she was behaving like a wanton. Her sense of the wrongness of her actions made them all the more


They almost pissed his trunks when he saw the filmy garment float away from the naked woman's lovely body. He had never even imagined that a woman could be so beautiful that way. He hadn't seen such curves, except in pictures he had managed to smuggle into his room, and hadn't seen such things as cunts or tits. And he certainly hadn't seen a smile like the one that Miss Chambers had on her face. She looked like she could see right through him, like she could see under his trunks, like she could see the hard-on that he was slowly getting in spite of his attempts at self-control.

lacy knew that she would notice his cock rising under his tight red trunks. There was no preventing it now. He had jacked off a hundred times imagining how a real flesh-and-blood woman would look naked. But never had he dreamed that he would ever see Miss Chambers in such a state. And she was just letting him look at her, as if she did things like that all the time!

Carol had indeed noticed the rising hard-on inside Joey's tight trunks, and it was the sight of the growing cock bulge that made her beckon him towards her. She knew exactly how exciting she looked, her golden hair flowing all around her head in the water like an aura, her luscious, firmly uplifted jugs buoyed up by the water, bouncing slightly as she moved, the golden down of her cunt moving in the water like sea moss. How could he resist her? She drew him to her by the strength of her will, by the strength of the mysterious feminine power that had lured men to women

since the dawn of time. Carol felt lusty and in complete control of her body and mind for the first time in her whole sexual life. She knew. that whatever direction this taboo affair took, it would be she who did the directing.

The bay swam towards her and stopped before her, afraid to move until he was given some sign. Carol cupped one of her huge boobs in her hand and lifted it without batting an eye, lifting it as an offering to him. She had a wicked look in her eye, the look of cunt-moistening lust, a look that melted the boy's young will and made his cock hard as a rock. Carol knew how badly the boy wanted to feel her offered tits. He looked at her searchingly, trying to see in her eyes if she really wanted him to do it, to. touch her boobs, where he hadn't touched a woman before.

She nodded and reached out to take the boy's hand. She almost brought the kid's hand to her tit but suddenly decided to tease him. She moved backwards through the water and suddenly rose to the surface, leaving him staring after her. She swam away from the boy, who followed her fast although he had no idea what he would do when be caught up with her. He saw the downy patch of her sexy cunt as she swam in front of him, saw her moist, soft-looking buttcheeks as the water rolled over them in waves.

Carol shuddered with excitement when she felt the boy's hand on her ankle. He was already a stronger swimmer than she was and he had caught her easily. She felt his hand let go instantly, as if he had suddenly realized what he had done, as if he

had suddenly felt the warmth of her flesh and realized how nasty it was to touch a woman old enough to be his mother. He had a long way to go before he could freely give himself to her. She would enjoy teaching the boy the ways of fucking.
