‘Will you shut the hell up? You’re driving me crazy!’ Veitch ranged around the chamber, followed closely by Ruth.

‘I’m just trying to get you to see sense. We were a team once. Come back and work with us-’

‘I preferred you when you were ready to stab me in the back. At least you were quiet.’

‘I’m not saying I’ve forgiven you for what you did. Jesus, who could-’

‘You think that’s a good way to win me over?’

Ruth glanced at Miller, who urged her to continue. She chose her words carefully. ‘I know you’ve had some hard times. And it’s made you bitter. And you’ve done some … questionable things. But Miller is right. Existence wouldn’t have chosen you to be a Brother of Dragons if you weren’t inherently good. Screwed up, massively flawed — clearly, but good nevertheless.’

‘There you go with those compliments again.’ Veitch glared at Miller. ‘Should have realised this had your fingerprints all over it.’

‘No, this is me talking to you, Veitch. Ryan. From the heart. For old times’ sake. Don’t hand over the Anubis Box. Come back to us. Do the right thing.’

‘You really think I can wash all that blood off my hands just like that?’

Ruth remained silent.

‘Yeah, didn’t think so. Fact is, I’m the wounded party here. I’m the one who was led on — yeah, by you, right? Remember that? I’m the one who was abandoned by my mates and then screwed by Existence, left to rot until the Army of the Ten Billion Spiders gave me a leg-up.’

‘It wasn’t like that, and you know it! They used you, as much as those gods who manipulated you.’

‘And I’ve had enough of it. I’m bringing the whole fucking building down, and fuck the lot of you.’ He gripped the Anubis Box so hard, Ruth was afraid it would shatter.

‘It’s a childish gesture,’ she said. ‘Wreck everything just so you can stamp your foot and get back at everyone who’s hurt your feelings. And I so mean wreck everything — the whole universe! How insane is that?’

‘Yeah, well, I don’t do anything by half-measures.’ Veitch stared into the waters of the reflecting pool, deep in thought. ‘Okay,’ he said after a moment. ‘I’ll do it. I’ll come back and help you lot out.’

Ruth could barely believe her ploy had worked. ‘All right-’

‘All you’ve got to do is tell me you love me.’

Ruth’s mouth fell open. She could see in Veitch’s face that he was serious.

‘And mean it. I’ll know if you’re lying.’

‘I can’t do that.’

Veitch nodded slowly. ‘I know. Whatever you say, I’m not an idiot.’

The door swung open and Owein, Tannis and Branwen entered. Veitch was briefly puzzled by Etain’s absence, but then turned back to Ruth. The sadness in his face shocked her.

‘See, there’s no point in me doing the right thing.’

‘Of course there is. Do it for yourself.’

He shook his head. ‘I’m a lost cause, darlin’. You’re the only thing that matters, the only thing worth fighting for in this fucked-up world. For you, I’d do anything.’

Ruth was speechless.

As Veitch went over to the Brothers and Sisters of Spiders, Ruth sat down with Miller, touched and confused. ‘Why does he feel that strongly about me?’ Anger followed the confusion, but she didn’t know why.

The electric sound of Veitch drawing his sword demanded their attention. The black fire that leaped across the room was mirrored in his face. ‘Traitorous bitch,’ he snarled. Then, to Ruth: ‘Betrayed again, see? That’s what life is for me.’

‘I don’t understand. How did they communicate with you?’

Ignoring her question, Veitch replied, ‘Etain has brought that bastard Church here to get me when my guard is down. Only I’m going to get him first, and this time I’m not making any mistakes. He dies.’
