
Little, Brown/Sphere — Jade Chandler for her great ideas and sensitive persuasion (especially about endings!). Iain Hunt for all the hard labor/labour in editing. Andy Hine, Kate Hibbert and Helena Doree for their mastery of foreign rights. Jo Wickham — publicity. Hollie Smyth — marketing. Nick Castle — cover design and direction.

LBA — Luigi Bonomi for his constant belief, expert advice and resilient good humour, Alison Bonomi for her eagle eyes and kind assistance.

Professor Guy Rutty MBE, Chief Forensic Pathologist, East Midlands Forensic Pathology Unit, University of Leicester, for his unique guidance and amazing thoroughness — any deviations from fact are down to me not him.

Everett Baldwin Barclay — Jack Barclay and team for the best company advice in the business.

Peter Robson — better known as Lundy Pete for all his help and patience with the scenes set on Lundy and its wonderful legends and history.

Last but not least, Donna, Billy, Elliott and Damian for being everything that matters in fact not fiction.
