After making sure the front door was shut, the young woman extinguished all of the lights except one on the ground floor and, candlestick in hand, walked upstairs protecting the wavering flame with her palm. The candle illuminated her pretty face from below and set two golden points aglow in the depths of her eyes, while the creak of the steps was the only sound to be heard throughout the house.

Once she reached her bedroom, she set down the candlestick on a table and, undoing the chignon that held up her long dark hair, went over to close the window which had been left ajar behind the curtains. She had started to undo the lacings of her dress when someone seized her from behind and placed a hand against her mouth.

“Don’t cry out,” murmured Marciac. “I won’t harm you.”

She nodded, felt his grip on her relax, and broke free with a vicious blow of her elbow. She rushed to her bedside table and turned around brandishing a stiletto.

Marciac, who suffered less from his painful ribs than from hurt pride, stretched out his hand in an appeasing gesture and, keeping his distance, said in a voice that he also hoped was calming: “You really don’t have anything to fear from me. On the contrary.”

He was worried that she might injure herself.

“Who… who are you?”

“My name is Marciac.”

He stepped cautiously to one side, but the young woman, on her guard, followed the movement with the point of her stiletto.

“I don’t know you…! What are you doing in my home?”

“I have been hired to protect you. And that’s exactly what I’m trying to do.”

“Hired? Hired by whom?”

The Gascon was willing to gamble here.

“The man who just left you,” he ventured. “Castilla.”

That name caused the wary gaze directed at Marciac to falter.

“Castilla…? He… he said nothing to me.”

“He was afraid of worrying you unnecessarily. He paid me and told me to stay out of your sight.”

“You’re lying!”

With a swift gesture, he reached out and seized the young woman’s wrist and, without disarming her, forced her to turn around against him. He now had her firmly in his grasp, but he was trying not to hurt her.

“Listen to me closely, now. Time is short. Some hired swordsmen are preparing to abduct you. I don’t know who they are. I don’t know exactly what they want with you. All I know is that I won’t let them have their way. But you must trust me!”

As he said these words, there was a sinister squeak of hinges, coming from the ground floor.

“Do you hear that? They’re already here… Do you understand, now?”

“Yes,” replied the young woman in a lifeless voice.

He released her, spun her around again, and, placing his hands on her shoulders, looked straight into her eyes.

“What’s your first name?”


“Do you have a weapon, other than this toy?”

“A pistol.”

“Armed and loaded?”


“Perfect. Get it, and put on a cloak.”

Without waiting, he left the bedroom and went to the stairs. He listened carefully, and could pick out the sounds of men coming up the steps in single file, as silently as possible. He waited until the first arrived on the landing and, emerging from the shadows, struck him a blow full in the face with a stool.

The man tumbled backward, knocking over his accomplices and provoking a debacle. Cries rose as the thugs struggled with one another on the stairs. For good measure, Marciac threw the stool down at them blindly and scored a hit, adding to the confusion.

By now Cecile was there with him, wearing a large cloak with a hood. He led her toward a window which he opened. It looked out over a side alley, less than a metre away from a balcony. The Gascon passed the young woman over to the other side before joining her. From the balcony, he climbed onto the roof just above, then stretched his hand down. Cecile caught hold of it and he brusquely pulled her up just as one of the swordsmen reached the window. The man attempted to seize her dress, but his fingernails only clawed at the fabric. The young woman cried out. Carried by the momentum of his violent heave, Marciac fell backward and Cecile collapsed on top of him.

“Are you all right?” he asked.


They picked themselves up.

One of the thugs had already leaped onto the balcony. He was climbing up when the Gascon surprised him with a powerful kick of his boot which smashed his jaw and sent him tumbling six metres to the ground below.

With Marciac keeping hold of Cecile’s hand, they fled together across the tangled maze of abutting rooftops. A shot rang out and a pistol ball crashed into a chimney as they disappeared behind it. They heard the assassins hailing one another and organising the pursuit-some on the roofs, some down on the streets. They climbed up to another roof, their figures standing out for a moment against the starry sky and offering a perfect shot to an eager marksman, but Marciac was able to get a general idea of their situation from this vantage point. He knew they would have to come down again eventually. Rather than wait until they were backed up against an impassable drop, he headed toward a deep, dark hole that marked the position of an inner courtyard.

There they found an immense scaffold, the vestiges of an abandoned work site, attached to the three storeys of a condemned building. As Marciac lowered Cecile and let her drop onto the temporary framework a swordsman appeared out of nowhere. The Gascon drew his sword and a duel ensued. The combatants confronted one another on the ridge of the rooftop. As they crossed swords, they moved back and forth to the rhythm of their strikes and counterstrikes between the sky and the waiting depths. The tiles which they dislodged with their feet fell in a cascade and bounced against the scaffolding before shattering in the courtyard, fifteen metres below. At last, parrying a cut and seizing his opponent by the wrist, Marciac attempted to throw him over his shoulder by pivoting suddenly. But his hold was poor and he lost his balance, dragging the thug who still held him along as he fell. The two men rolled and toppled off the roof. Before Cecile’s eyes-who stifled a cry of horror-they crashed through the highest catwalk of the scaffold and landed on the next one down. The impact shook the entire structure, which swayed for a long moment. Boards and beams groaned. Cracking noises could be heard, indicating further sinister developments to come.

Although he was still tottering, Marciac was the first one on his feet. He searched for his rapier, realised that it was now at the bottom of the courtyard, and, with a kick beneath the chin, finished off his adversary when he had barely begun to rise. Then he told Cecile to join him by sliding down the catwalk that had broken in the middle. He took her hand again, reassured her with a glance, and, together, they climbed down several flights of shaky steps, fearing that the old tormented scaffold would come down around their ears at any second.

Finally on the ground, they discovered that the courtyard had only one exit: a shadowy passage from which three thugs suddenly materialised. One of them pointed a pistol at the fugitives. Marciac immediately clasped the young woman by the waist and turned his back to the shooter. The detonation rang out. The ball gashed the Gascon’s shoulder, and he clenched his teeth and pushed Cecile behind a cart filled with wine barrels. He rushed over to his rapier which was lying in the mud and, just in time, turned to face his assailants. Concentrated and relentless, he fought without ceding an inch of terrain or letting himself be outflanked, for fear of exposing his young charge to danger. Then, when he seemed unable to press home his advantage against one swordsman without another forcing him to break off his attack immediately, he initiated a lightning counterattack. He slit the throat of his first opponent with a reverse cut, struck the second with a blow of the elbow to the temple, kicked the third in the crotch, and then planted his rapier in the man’s chest, all the way to the hilt.

He hoped that it was finished, but Cecile called out to him, pointing to the last floor of the rickety scaffold: with rapiers in their fists, two men who had come down from the roofs were venturing onto the platform with cautious steps. At the same time, a latecomer was emerging from the dark passageway and the entire neighbourhood was starting to awaken. Tired and wounded, the Gascon guessed that he was no longer in any condition to eliminate three additional opponents. Would he have the strength and the time to vanquish one before the other two arrived?

He retreated toward Cecile and the two-wheeled cart behind which she had sought shelter. Impassive, he waited as the first swordsman advanced and his two accomplices reached the second storey of the scaffold. Then suddenly, raising his rapier high with both hands, he struck with all his might at the stretched rope which, passing through rings rooted in the paving stones of the courtyard, kept the cart horizontal. Cut clean through, the rope cracked like a whip out of the rings. The cart leaned sharply, lifting its shafts into the air and freeing its pyramid of barrels, which rolled out like an avalanche.

The swordsman in the courtyard hastily backed up and was brought to bay beneath the scaffold, although he managed to avoid being crushed by the barrels. Some of them burst against the wall, releasing floods of wine. But others slammed into the unstable beams that propped up the enormous framework. These beams gave way and the entire three-storey structure collapsed with an incredible racket which drowned out the cries of the unfortunate souls doomed by the huge falling wooden beams. Pieces of masonry were torn off the facade along with wide plaques of plaster. Thick clouds of dust rose into the air, swallowing the entire courtyard and swelling until they climbed up past the surrounding roofs…

… and then they fell back onto a courtyard which was turned completely white with dust, and to silence.

Marciac was still for a moment, contemplating the disaster. As the neighbourhood began to fill with worried calls from its residents, he sheathed his sword and walked toward Cecile. Covered in dust like him, she was curled up in a corner.

He squatted, turning his back to the wreckage.

“It’s over, Cecile.”

“I… I… Those men,” stammered the young woman.

“All is well, Cecile…”

“Are they… dead?”

“Yes. Here, take my hand…”

She seemed to neither hear, nor comprehend.

He insisted in a gentle voice. “We need to leave, Cecile. Now…”

He was going to help her up when he read a sudden terror in her eyes and realised what it meant.

One of the swordsmen had survived.

He could feel the killer’s presence behind him, ready to strike. He knew he didn’t have time to stand and turn, and still less to unsheathe his rapier.

He looked deeply into the young woman’s eyes, praying that she would understand, even thought he saw her give a very slight nod… And then he dove to one side.

Cecile lifted her pistol with both hands and fired.
