Cast of Characters

Jane Graven — Efficient and long-suffering secretary to Ralph G. Pressman, she got herself in a situation not covered by the office rulebook.

George Karper — Ruthless and self-assured, the owner of the Independent Acres Subdivision Company was convinced that every man had his price.

Hugh Sonders — A taciturn, hard-working rancher, he suddenly discovered that he would have to fight for what was already his.

Everett True — Crusading editor of the Petrie Herald, he faced more than he’d bargained for, after the hottest story of the year broke in his county.

Sophie Pressman — Beautiful and calculating, Pressman’s wife had a way of getting just what she wanted and sometimes more than she deserved.

Harvey Stanwood — Bookkeeper and auditor for Pressman, his matinee-idol looks masked a brain that worked as smoothly as the keys on a cash register — and with the same results.

Eva Raymond — Woman-about-town who knew that life was a gamble, she was willing to wager everything she had.

Frank Duryea — District attorney for Santa Delbarra County, too often he found himself one jump behind a certain lively gentleman.

Milred Duryea — The good-humored, understanding wife of the district attorney, she was the go-between when relations between her husband and grandfather became strained.

Gramp Wiggins — World traveller, celebrated cook, cocktail-maker supreme, and amateur sleuth, he found one clue enough to unleash the bloodhound in him.

Pete Lassen — Sheriff of Santa Delbarra County, he knew that the outcome of the violent happenings in his county could mean defeat for him.

Pellman Baxter — Young broker and family friend of the Pressmans, he had trouble explaining just whose friend he was.

Harry Borden — A big, cat-footed deputy sheriff, he discovered that shadowing an elderly gentleman could lead to surprising consequences.

Richard Milton — Fiery and eloquent opposition candidate for district attorney, he pulled no punches in his efforts to defeat Frank Duryea.
