SUE FISHER — Endicott Campbell’s confidential secretary at Corning Mining, Smelting and Investment Company, she was quick to see the difference between a hundred-dollar bill and a ten-dollar bill but she hadn’t learned that the hand is quicker than the eye
CARLETON CAMPBELL — Endicott Campbell’s young son, he wasn’t big enough to know that if the shoe didn’t fit he was better off not trying to wear it
ELIZABETH DOW — Carlton’s horsy, greedy, self-centered governess, she couldn’t wait for her ship to come in so she tried flying now and paying
AMELIA CORNING — Corning’s arthritic spinster owner, she knew that an apple a day didn’t always keep the doctor away but she also knew that every dog has his day
ENDICOTT CAMPBELL — The overbearing little manager of Amelia Corning’s business, a penny saved was too little earned in his books
PAUL DRAKE — Perry Mason’s tall, dark and handsome detective associate, he ran interference while Perry carried the ball
PERRY MASON — A fast man with a clue, the police could run circles around him but he still managed to keep one jump ahead of them
DELLA STREET — Perry’s secretary and long-time fiancée, she kept the spark alive by keeping just enough irons in the fire
KEN LOWRY — Manager of the Mojave Monarch mine, a loss in Amelia Corning’s books, he insisted a bird in the hand was worth two in the bush until he discovered that if you could sing it didn’t mean you could also fly
SOPHIA ELLIOTT — Miss Corning’s widowed sister, she wore the pants in the family without paying much attention to the fact that in such an outfit a good man was especially hard to find
ALFREDO GOMEZ — Introduced as Amelia Corning’s business agent from south of the Equator, one look at the slick, mustachioed gentleman made people beg, “South America, take it away!”
LT. TRAGG — The dour officer from Homicide, he was “for motherhood and against sin,” and he proved it by giving Perry a very painless break
FRANK GOLDEN — Proprietor of the We Rent M Car Company, he testified he had rented Car Number 19 at six-thirty and ten-thirty on Sunday the fourth, but there was some doubt that he knew his numbers
HAMILTON BURGER — Perry’s adversary at the bench, the district attorney was becoming more and more apoplectic with every day in court
CARLOTTA AMES JACKSON — A snippy nervous busybody, she was only a chambermaid in a hotel but she knew more than the desk clerk
CINDY HASTINGS — A not especially merciful nurse, she looked enough like Amelia Corning to be her sister but could she pay the same bills?