Caves of Fire and Ice

Part One: The Lake of Fire

From The Mystery of Ramad, Book of Carriol. Signed Meren Hoppa. Written in Carriol some time after her escape from the caves of Kubal.

The battle of the Castle of Hape was ended, the Hape defeated and the castle burned to ashes and flame-blackened stone. Ramad of Carriol rode away from that victory surrounded by the wolves who had fought so fiercely beside him. He stood that night high on a cliff beside his supper fire as, before him, come out of Time itself, appeared the white-haired time-wanderer who called himself Anchorstar. But even as they spoke, Time warped again; and Ramad beheld the face of his true love, the face of Telien. He held her but an instant before they were whirled away on Time’s tide, flung far, one from the other, into Time’s ever-surging reaches. Lovers destined to wander forever apart upon Time’s dark unpredictable shores? Who could say? Perhaps no Seer could predict such a thing.

Many mourned Ramad, gone from his own time. And never would he return there. Skeelie of Carriol mourned him, the brother of her spirit, the lover she wanted but could not have, mourned him for three long days before she armed herself to follow Ramad through the barrier of Time. Determined to follow him, to find a way across that dark, capricious threshold.

Alone, she went into the high caves of Owdneet where lay buried secrets that might guide her across Time’s currents, and she carried the silver sword Ram had forged for her. Though he loved another, she would follow him; she could do nothing less. The misery without him was too great.
