
I should like to thank Heiko Antoniewicz for his advice and experience, for having read through and made corrections to the text, and for having produced recipes for these dishes. Thanks to Lathan Suntharalingam for his advice on all matters relating to the Tamil situation and Tamil culture. Thanks to my friend Prof. Dr Hans Landolt from Aarau Canton Hospital for the gruesome medical advice. Thanks to Frau Irene Tschopp and Herr Can Akrikan from the Office for Business and Employment at the Economic Directorate of Zürich Canton, Frau Bettina Dangel from the Migration Office of Zürich Canton, Herr Beat Rinz from Zürich Unemployment Office, the Commissariat for Police Authorizations at Zürich City Police, and the Zürich Food Safety Authority for their friendly and unbureaucratic answers to my questions. Thanks are due to Herr Simon Plüss, departmental head of export controls and munitions of the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), for the detailed and thorough information he provided. Many thanks to Frau Vera Markus for her help and her book In der Heimat ihrer Kinder, and to Frau Paula Lanfranconi and Frau Damaris Lüthi for their expert contributions to this work. Thanks also to Herr Andreas Weibel from the Group for a Switzerland without an Army (GSoA) for the insightful information on the situation relating to weapons exports from Switzerland.

I should like to thank my friend and reader Ursula Baumhauer for her assistance, which, as ever, was professional, purposeful and enjoyable. Thanks to my children Ana and Antonio for their small interruptions during my work on this book. Thanks to my wife Margrith Nay Suter for her unerring, precise and creative criticism. Thanks, finally, to Diogenes Verlag for their support at a difficult time.
