Dramatis Personae

It should be noted that in Chinese the surnamehere printed in capitalsprecedes the personal name.

The Tribunal

DEE Jen-djieh, Magistrate of Pei-chow, a town district near the northern border of the Chinese Empire, under the T'ang Dy­nasty. Referred to as "Judge Dee," or "the judge."

HOONG Liang, Judge Dee's trusted adviser, whom he ap­pointed Sergeant of the tribunal. Referred to as "Sergeant Hoong," or "the Sergeant."

MA Joong *


TAO Gan *

(* Judge Dee's three lieutenants.)

KUO, a pharmacist, also coroner of the tribunal.

MRS. KUO, nee Wang, his wife, also matron of the women's jail.

The Case of the Headless Corpse

YEH Pin, a paper merchant.

YEH Tai, his younger brother.

PAN Feng, a curio dealer.

MRS. PAN, nee Yeh, his wife.

KAO, warden of the quarter where the crime took place.

The Case of the Paper Cat

LAN Tao-kuei, a boxing champion. MEI Cheng, his chief assistant.

The Case of the Murdered Merchant

LOO Ming, a cotton merchant, died five months previously.

MRS. LOO, nee Chen, his widow.

LOO Mei-lan, her infant daughter.


LIAO, Master of the Guild of the Leatherworkers.

LIAO Lien-fang, his daughter who disappeared.

CHU Ta-yuan, wealthy landowner and leading citizen of Pei-chow.

YU Kang, his secretary, betrothed of Miss Liao Lien-fang.
