It should be noted that in Chinese the surname—here printed in capitals—precedes the personal name.
The Tribunal
DEE Jen-djieh, Magistrate of Pei-chow, a town district near the northern border of the Chinese Empire, under the T'ang Dynasty. Referred to as "Judge Dee," or "the judge."
HOONG Liang, Judge Dee's trusted adviser, whom he appointed Sergeant of the tribunal. Referred to as "Sergeant Hoong," or "the Sergeant."
MA Joong *
TAO Gan *
(* Judge Dee's three lieutenants.)
KUO, a pharmacist, also coroner of the tribunal.
MRS. KUO, nee Wang, his wife, also matron of the women's jail.
The Case of the Headless Corpse
YEH Pin, a paper merchant.
YEH Tai, his younger brother.
PAN Feng, a curio dealer.
MRS. PAN, nee Yeh, his wife.
KAO, warden of the quarter where the crime took place.
The Case of the Paper Cat
LAN Tao-kuei, a boxing champion. MEI Cheng, his chief assistant.
The Case of the Murdered Merchant
LOO Ming, a cotton merchant, died five months previously.
MRS. LOO, nee Chen, his widow.
LOO Mei-lan, her infant daughter.
LIAO, Master of the Guild of the Leatherworkers.
LIAO Lien-fang, his daughter who disappeared.
CHU Ta-yuan, wealthy landowner and leading citizen of Pei-chow.
YU Kang, his secretary, betrothed of Miss Liao Lien-fang.