Now Zack heard something else behind him: police sirens! The cavalry was coming!

Miss Spratling heard them, too.

“Back here!” Zack screamed. “Back here!”

“Zack?” yelled a voice, far off in the distance.

Zack, clutching that baby carrier, hurried over to the door.

“We’re back here!”

He heard something metal hit the floor. He twirled around.

The old lady had dropped the knife and was getting away through the back door.

Zack wanted to chase after her, but he still had the baby and Mr. Willoughby to worry about.

“Back here!” he screamed. “Hurry!”

“She got away!” Zack said when the police arrived two minutes later.

“Don’t worry, Zack,” said Sheriff Hargrove. “You did the right thing. Thanks to you, the baby is safe.”

“She’s in a silver Hyundai. The car that followed her to the crossroads every Monday! I saw her drive away!”

“Well, she won’t get far. We’ll catch her.”

“Where’s Judy?”

“We don’t know, son.”

“Is she safe?”

The sheriff shook his head. “We don’t know that, either.”
