This story is entirely fictional. Any similarities between the characters in the novel and actual individuals are coincidental. Occasionally, I have taken artistic liberties to change things for the benefit of the story. This includes the pre-press process of a fashion magazine, Swedish TV’s regional coverage, and a few other things. The settings used in the book are usually described as they exist in reality, although there are some exceptions.
Any errors that may have slipped into the story are mine alone.
First and foremost, I would like to thank my husband, journalist Cenneth Niklasson, who is my most important sounding board, for all his support and love. And my wonderful children Rebecka (Bella) and Sebastian, who are warm rays of sunshine in my life.
Also thanks to:
Sofia Åkerman, author and lecturer
Isabelle Kågelius
Lovisa Carlsson
Åsa Sieurin
Ankie Sahlin, Mando Anorexia Clinic, Huddinge Hospital
Maria Bejhem, supervisor, Capio Anorexia Centre, Löwenströmska Hospital
Magnus Frank, detective superintendent with Visby police
Martin Csatlos, the Forensic Medicine Laboratory in Solna
Johan Gardelius, detective inspector with Visby police
Ulf Åsgård, psychiatrist
Lena Allerstam, journalist
Johan Hellström, owner of Furillen
Jenny Mardell, agent and model scout, the Stockholm Group
Emma Sahlin, stylist, fashion editor, Damernas Värld
Haddy Foon, model
Lina Montanari, Grand Hotel
Lars and Marianne Nobell, Gannarve farm, Gotland
A big thanks to all the professional staff at Albert Bonniers Förlag – especially my publishers Jonas Axelsson and Lotta Aquilonius, and my editor, Ulrika Åkerlund.
Thanks to:
my media agent, Lina Wijk, and publicist, Gilda Romero
my cover designer, for the Swedish edition, Sofia Scheutz
my agents Emma Tibblin, Jenny Stjärnströmer, and Poa Broström
And thanks to all my wonderful author colleagues for support and encouragement and for all the fun that we have!
Mari Jungstedt
Stockholm, March 2010