COUNTESS TERZKY (enters from a side room).

I can endure no longer. No!

[Looks around her.

Where are they!

No one is here. They leave me all alone,

Alone in this sore anguish of suspense.

And I must wear the outward show of calmness

Before my sister, and shut in within me

The pangs and agonies of my crowded bosom.

It is not to be borne. If all should fail;

If-if he must go over to the Swedes,

An empty-handed fugitive, and not

As an ally, a covenanted equal,

A proud commander with his army following,

If we must wander on from land to land,

Like the Count Palatine, of fallen greatness

An ignominious monument. But no!

That day I will not see! And could himself

Endure to sink so low, I would not bear

To see him so low sunken.
