Chapter Twenty-Seven

I can’t wait to get home. Bone weary, Tony found his car in long-term parking and threw his bags in the trunk before getting in. He didn’t have the luxury of sleeping in a little that morning before his flight because of last-minute issues cropping up in the Denver data center. For a couple of hours, it was doubtful he’d even make his flight, until they finally got things straightened out.

Since it was just before midnight on a Sunday, he gave silent thanks there wouldn’t be any traffic jams to deal with on his drive home from Tampa.

Although it sucked knowing he had to go in to work the next morning. He had too many backlogged issues to deal with there to even think about taking time off.

When he looked over at the passenger seat, he froze. Shayla’s collar still lay where he’d left it that morning two weeks earlier, before he went to Denver. He’d forgotten to take it into his house.

He picked it up and fingered it. The lump welling in his throat surprised him.

Life had felt relatively empty since heading to Denver, and he wouldn’t deny it. It wasn’t due to the trip, living out of a suitcase in a damn hotel, or not having a moment of free time when he wasn’t working.

Leah’s harsh words to him over the phone played through his mind.

I am an asshat.

“Dammit.” He put the collar down and pointed his car south. He reached Sarasota a little over an hour later. Instead of getting off at his exit at Bee Ridge Road, he continued south, to Clark Road, which would lead him straight to her apartment. His original plan had been to call her first thing in the morning.

He couldn’t wait. He’d waited two damn weeks with his heart on hold, and he had to know, tonight, where he stood with her. Or if he even had a chance with her.

At the very least he had to apologize to her for not being in touch.

The complex lay dark and quiet when he pulled in and shut the car off. No lights shone behind the blinds in her unit, but her car sat parked in its usual spot.

He grabbed the collar, got out and locked the doors, and marched up to her door. She didn’t have a doorbell, so he knocked.

He glanced around as he waited, but there wasn’t any response despite his knocking sounding loud to him. He tried again, this time pounding on the door nearly as hard as his pulse thundered through his veins while he yelled her name.

* * *

Shayla awoke from a deep sleep and lay in bed, disoriented, trying to figure out what woke her. She’d rolled over and closed her eyes again when she heard the pounding on her door.

She grabbed her cell phone from where she’d left it, off and charging, on the bathroom counter. Grateful for the fact that she’d slept in a T-shirt that night, she silently padded out to the foyer without turning on any lights. A third round of pounding made her jump as she approached the door.

“Shayla! Open up, it’s me.”

She froze for a moment before scurrying to the door to squint through the peephole, since she hadn’t grabbed her glasses. Sure enough, Tony Daniels stood on her front stoop.

Her fingers fumbled at the locks, but she got them open and threw the door wide to stare at him in shock. He stepped in, forcing her back, and closed and locked the door behind him. Walking forward until she was pressed against the foyer wall, he stared down at her.

“I don’t want to end this,” he said.

She blinked, feeling the air rush out of her lungs. “What?”

He reached behind her, fisted her hair, and gently forced her head back so she had to look him in the eye.

“I’m sorry,” he softly said. “I got busy and that’s no excuse. I should have been texting you every day and calling you every night. I don’t want to end this. I do not want to lose you. I can’t lose you, because you’re the best damn thing to ever happen to me.”

Then he leaned in and kissed her, on the lips, devouring her with a hunger her soul instantly recognized and returned. Her arms clutched at him, afraid this was the dream and that she’d open her eyes to find herself alone again and suffering the effects of some crappy microbrewery swill.

When he lifted his lips from hers, she let out a whimper of protest, not wanting to lose the contact with him.

His gaze searched her face. “I’m not just talking about dating or being play partners. I’m talking I want you as mine. My slave. I want to own you. If you want it, too, I need to hear it from you. I won’t play games. I’m sorry I didn’t say anything sooner, but I didn’t want you to think I was pushing you. I didn’t want to change the rules on you and break your trust. I thought if you wanted to stay together you’d say something sooner, but Leah told me I apparently gave you the wrong impression. I do not think you are clingy. But I do need you to tell me if you want this or not.”

She nodded, so hard she thought her neck might break.

That damn, sexy smile curled his lips. “That’s not what I meant, pet.”

Her heart exploded at the term of endearment. Tears slipped down her cheeks. “Yes!”

“You have to say it. You have to ask me for it.”

“I don’t want this to end. Please, I don’t want to lose you.”

He didn’t reply, his brow eventually furrowing. It took her a moment that she blamed on being yanked from a sound beer-induced sleep to realize her mistake. “Please, Sir, I don’t want this to end. I don’t want to lose you, Sir. I want to be yours, Sir. In all ways. I want you to own me.”

That was when his entire face relaxed as if a huge weight had lifted from him. He released her hair and cradled her cheeks with both palms and kissed her on the lips again, gently, sweetly.


“My sweet, beautiful, pet,” he whispered. “God, I missed you.”

She realized he held something in one of his hands, and he quickly buckled that something around her neck.

She let out a relieved sob at the feel of the collar encircling her throat. She closed her eyes and buried her face against his chest, where they stood like that for several minutes until he silently led her to the bedroom.

He pulled off her shirt and studied her face in the dim light cast by the nightlight in the hall. “I love you, pet.”

“I love you, too, Sir.”

He pointed to the floor. She sank to her knees and kissed his feet, the backs of his hands, nuzzled her face against the front of his slacks where his cock bulged.

He held out his arms without another word. Instinctively, she stood and set to work unbuttoning his shirt and removing it. His undershirt, then his slacks after he’d kicked off his loafers. His socks and briefs. And while he was hard, when she tried to kiss his cock, he fisted her hair again and made her stand.

“No,” he softly said. “Not tonight. I need to sleep, and so do you. It’s nearly two o’clock and we both have to go to work in the morning.” He made her get into bed and crawled in behind her, spooning her, his arm draped over her.

“Go to sleep, pet,” he whispered against the nape of her neck. “We have the rest of our lives together.”

She felt his cock eventually soften from where it pressed against her ass as his breathing slowed and deepened. She thought there was no way in hell she’d be able to sleep as happy as she felt, but then a soft, gentle darkness overtook her.

* * *

She awoke before her alarm the next morning. When she felt the warm heat of Tony’s body pressed against her, the night’s events came rushing back with crystal clarity. Craning her head, she saw his eyes were already open.

“Good morning, pet,” he said.

She smiled. “Good morning, Sir.”

He rolled on top of her, his weight comfortably pressing her into the mattress. He found her hands and laced his fingers through hers, raising them above her head and pinning her there. She felt his cock harden against her as he stared down into her eyes.

“About last night.”

“Yes, Sir?”

“Do you still feel that way?”

She thought the smile might split her face in two. “Yes, Sir. I still feel that way. I want to be yours.”

“To me a collar means more than a wedding ring. If you ever decide you want to be free, you have to speak up and tell me. I’ll never force you to stay with me. But I’d be an idiot to let you go without telling you how I feel. Is this what you want, to be with me? To be owned by me?”

“Yes, Sir.”

He leaned down and nibbled on the side of her neck, sending heat coursing through her body. He needed a shave, and the long stubble on his cheeks, combined with his beard and moustache, chafed against her flesh in a pleasant way.

“I did vanilla the first time around,” he said. “It didn’t work. Our marriage will be that of a Master and slave dynamic. I will own you, and you will obey me. That doesn’t mean I won’t listen to your opinions or won’t let you make decisions. I will never force you to do something against your hard limits, although there might be times I push your boundaries for my own reasons. I will always respect a safeword if you say it. I’m not perfect, as the past two weeks prove, but I promise if I make mistakes, I will own up to them and rectify them.

“You will still work, if you want to. I won’t cut you off from your family and friends. But I will own you and you will obey me. We will have protocols in place that will be followed or you will be punished, and I will have the final word on some things even though there might be times you disagree with me. Understand?”

More heat, this time straight to her pussy and clit. “Yes, Sir,” she gasped.

“I need to hear you say it. I need to hear you ask me for it.”

She clutched at his hands, tightening her grip on his fingers. “Please, Sir, make me yours. I want to be your slave. I want you to own me. I want to wear your collar. I want to be yours.”

“I promise as your Master I will protect and care for you. I will never share you with anyone else. I won’t want anyone else, and I won’t top anyone else unless it’s while teaching a class and you’re okay with it. I will never abandon you. And if you decide you want to leave me, I won’t stop you. But if you want to be with me, those are the conditions you have to accept.”

“Yes, Sir. I want to.”

He transferred both her wrists to one of his hands. Then with his free hand he reached down between their bodies and found her pussy. Two fingers easily slipped inside her, making her moan. Before she could process it, he withdrew his fingers and replaced them with his cock, sinking hard and deep before falling still.

“My sweet pet,” he whispered against the side of her neck before biting down, not hard enough to break the skin but just enough that the pain sent more pleasure streaking to her clit. She moaned and squirmed against him, spreading her legs wider to give him better access.

“Who’s my good pet?”

“Me, Sir,” she whined, desperate for release.

“Can you come for me like this?”

“I…I’ll try.”

He chuckled. “Good girl.” He raised up on his arms with both hands once again pinning her wrists above her head. Looking down into her eyes, he smiled. “Try very hard, pet.” Then he slowly started moving.

Every stroke perfectly glided along her clit, feeling different and sooo much better than any of the toys ever had. Something inside her soul soared, no longer feeling adrift.

He wanted her.

He needed her.

He loved her.

“I love you, Sir.”

That damn smile. The one that could instantly turn all her “hell, nos” into “yes, pleases.” He smiled down at her. “I love you, too, pet.”

He slowly picked up the tempo, never breaking eye contact with her as he stroked his cock inside her. She wondered how long he could last like that when she felt the first tingles of her own release start.

Not nearly as powerful as the orgasms he’d forced out of her in the past with a vibrator or his hands, or even with his mouth, but it felt deeper and more fulfilling to her heart and soul. He must have felt her climax, because he moved faster, fucked her harder, his intense green gaze pinning her soul the way his body pinned hers.

There was a brief second of fear when she thought she’d lost the climb, that it wouldn’t happen, but then her climax washed over her, breaking like a gentle wave kissing the sand and soaking just as deeply through the center of her core. She felt the tears start and didn’t care. Her back arched as she thrust against him as hard as she could, reveling in the sensation and never wanting it to end.

“Good girl,” he whispered. His hands tightened on her wrists and she found herself delightfully helpless as he fucked her until he let out a soft groan of his own and fell still inside her.

Winded, he touched his forehead to hers, still not releasing her wrists. “My very good girl,” he whispered. “My pet.”

She closed her eyes and wished this moment would never end. “Your pet.”

* * *

Shayla wanted to spend all day in bed, but he had to go to work, as did she. He removed her collar before they showered together, taking their time as they kissed and caressed with soapy hands. She easily got him aroused again, but he wouldn’t let her make him come.

“No, pet,” he said, gently pushing her hand away from his cock. “We don’t have time. Tonight. And the rest of our lives.”

She was already horny again and knew she’d spend the day in a perpetual state of arousal as her mind replayed the morning over and over again.

As well as the night before.

He pulled her to him, her face buried in the crook of his neck as the water sluiced over them. “I’m sorry I didn’t text or call you,” he said. “I was so busy, but then I was afraid you didn’t want anything else to do with me. As Leah said, I was an asshat.”

“I’m sorry, Sir. I asked her not to call or text you.”

“No, don’t apologize. It’s okay. She e-mailed me the rough draft of the article last week. But I didn’t get it until this Friday night. That’s when I called her, and by then you’d turned off your phone.” He made her look him in the eyes. “And she’s right. I was an asshat.”

“I didn’t want you to think I was clingy.”

His thumb traced her chin and along her jawline. “I told you last night, I don’t think that about you, pet. I’m sorry I put you through that much distress. No more second-guessing. I love you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”

Had she ever felt this happy? She couldn’t remember it if she had. “I love you, too, Sir.”

“I’m going to have a crazy day at work today,” he warned. “I’ve been gone two weeks, and there’s a bunch of stuff I have to take care of. I probably won’t get out of there until late. So how about I just leave my bags here? I’ll come straight here after work and we’ll eat snuggled on the couch before we go to bed.”

“You haven’t even been home yet?”

“No. I knew I had to see you. I couldn’t let this go any longer.” He kissed her, taking her breath away. When he broke their kiss he touched his forehead to hers and cupped his hand firmly around the nape of her neck. “But, from now on, unless you’re on a plane or something, you never turn your phone off unless you ask me first and I give you permission. Understand?”

She breathed a sigh of relief. The freedom of knowing he was once again in control flooded her soul. “Yes, Sir.”

“Good girl.”

How had she got here? Where those two simple words from him could make her heart stand up and sing?

“So we’re good for that plan?” he asked.

“Yes, Sir.”

He stroked her cheek. “And yes, this is also a wedding proposal, pet. Although we can take our time planning that. Whatever you want to do.”

She felt heat in her cheeks. “It won’t be much. I can’t afford an expensive wedding.”

He made her look at him again. “I can. So what’s your answer?”

It felt good to be blinking back happy tears. “Yes!” she whispered.

She’d have to give that smile a name. His killer smile. His nuclear smile. Something, because it totally disarmed her.

“This weekend,” he said, “we’re going to the club and making the first part of it official. I will formally collar you in front of all our friends. Then I’m going to lay you across a bench and put my marks on you the way I’ve been wanting to. There will be no doubt in anyone’s mind who you belong to.” As his lips traced hers she let out a soft whimper. She wished tonight was already here.

When he broke their kiss, she gasped for breath. “Any special request for dinner, Sir?”

He grinned as he gently chucked her under the chin. “No, I don’t care what we eat. All I care about is that you answer the door naked except for your collar.”

* * *

He left a few minutes before she did. She felt like she couldn’t focus, couldn’t think beyond what she wanted to make for dinner. Maybe spaghetti. That’s fast and easy. No, maybe I should make pork chops. Argh!

It was a problem she didn’t mind having.

When Shayla got to work, she quickly ran through her accumulated texts and voice mails. James had called twice, and she deleted them as soon as she recognized his voice, before he said more than two words. Leah, Loren, and Tilly had all called to check on her. She saw where Tony had called once over the weekend, but hung up without leaving a voice mail.

She grinned, a little thrill running through her at the memory of the feel of his hands on her that morning, the way he’d pinned her wrists to the bed.

Owned her.

Her hand constantly fingered the amulet. She found herself unable to stop smiling.

Dreams do come true.

During the Monday editorial meeting, Bill Melling finally stopped what he was doing and looked at Shayla. “Is there something you want to share with the rest of the class?” he teased.


Kimberly laughed next to her and gently nudged her with her elbow. “You look disgustingly happy compared to how sad you’ve been the past two weeks. Did you get engaged or something?”

The barking laugh burped out of her so suddenly that she clapped a hand to her mouth as she looked around the table. Everyone let out a laugh.

“Well?” Bill said.

Shayla nodded as she pushed her glasses up on her nose. “He got back into town late last night and he proposed this morning.”

A round of cheers and congratulations went up throughout the room. Bill grinned. “Our congratulations to the bride-to-be.” He grabbed a dry-erase marker and wrote Exotic Wedding Ideas on the whiteboard. “Hey,” he said with a smile, “I’m not above using your good news to give us story ideas.”

Only after the meeting ended did Shayla text Loren. Guess what?

A few minutes later, she received a reply. What?

Tony’s home.

She giggled at Loren’s reply. Do I need to call Tilly to help us hold him down?

Noooo. :)

Loren called her seconds later. “What’s going on?”

“Tony’s officially collaring me. And he proposed.”

“Shut. Your. Mouth. You better not be lying to me.”

“No! He really did!”

Loren let out a squeal of laughter. “Congratulations! What happened?”

“He showed up at my front door in the middle of the night after getting in from Denver. He didn’t even go home first. And he said Leah was right, that he was an asshat.”

She heard Loren sigh. “That’s one of the great things about him. He’s not afraid to admit he made a mistake. So give me details!”

“I don’t have a lot of details to give. We talked and cleared the air, he collared me, and he proposed this morning. I just wanted to let you know.”

“Can I spread the word?”

Shayla smiled. “Feel free. And I’ve been told we’ll be there on Saturday. That’s when he’s collaring me in front of everyone. I need to get back to work.” Shayla ended the call and knew within the next few minutes Loren would have their friends updated.

Sure enough, she was inundated with text messages in the next ten minutes from Leah, Tilly, and Clarisse.

After lunch, Tony called to check on her. “How’s my pet?”

She giggled, unable to help herself. “Good, Sir.”

“Just wanted to let you know I should be at your place by nine. If I’ll be any later, I’ll call. So plan accordingly. If you want to go ahead and eat and heat mine up when I get there, that’s fine. I don’t want to make you wait.”

“That’s okay, Sir. I’d rather eat with you.”

“How’d I get so lucky?”

She closed her eyes and pictured his face. “I’m the lucky one, Sir.”

She opted to bake a modified ziti casserole that she used to make a lot when she was in Ohio and had friends over. It wouldn’t matter what time he arrived. It kept well and made great leftovers.

She wrote her grocery list while she sat at her desk and tried not to nervously tap her feet. She added garlic bread to the list, along with dessert.

Although hopefully I’ll be the dessert.

She giggled.

The closer the clock crawled toward 5:00 p.m. the slower time appeared to drag. She made it to her car by 5:05 and smiled all the way to the grocery store. By six she was home, showered, and naked except for her collar—all the blinds closed, of course—and had started dinner preparations. She put together a salad and stashed it in the fridge for later. She’d throw the frozen garlic bread in the oven when Tony got there.

Now ready, with the pasta casserole in the oven, she texted Tony.

I’m ready, Sir.

A few minutes later, his reply. Good girl. I’m trying to finish, maybe there by eight if I’m lucky. I’ll text when I leave.

Her heart raced and she went to watch TV to pass the time. She couldn’t help reaching up to her collar, feeling it, reveling in it being buckled around her throat once again.

Remembering the feel of his lips on hers as he fisted her hair and kissed her when he came through the door.

Remembering the feel of his cock inside her that morning as they truly made love for the first time.

Owning her mind, body, and soul.

Finally, at seven thirty-five he texted her again. On my way. ETA 30.

She let out a squeal, then giggled when she read his next text. Be kneeling on the floor by the front door when I come in.

She felt her pussy throb. Her fingers trembled as she texted her reply. Yes, Sir.

A minute later, he texted back. Good girl.

She turned up the temperature on the oven to reheat the casserole and tried not to pace around the apartment. Twenty-five minutes later, headlights swept across her front blinds as a car pulled into the spot next to her car.

With her heart racing, she ran to the front door, made sure it was unlocked, and knelt in the foyer.

Her pulse pounded in her ears. It took every ounce of her will to slow her breathing to keep from hyperventilating from her excitement and anticipation.

She startled a little at the sound of his knock and she had to lick her lips before she could speak. “Come in,” she called out, then returned her gaze to the floor, hands on her knees.

The door opened. At first, he didn’t say anything.

The voice she heard made her let out a scream. “Um, Shay?”

She looked up, shocked to see James standing in her front door. “What are you doing here?” She jumped to her feet and grabbed the first thing her hand landed on, her rain jacket, and pulled it on.

He took a step in. “I…Jesus, Shay, is that a collar? I read your articles, but I didn’t think you wanted me to—”

“Get out!” She reached for her umbrella, but realized that wasn’t any cover at all and instead brandished it at him.

“I left you two voice mails the other day that I’d stop by—”

“Get out!”

“Look, can we please talk?”

She was aware of another car pulling up in front of her apartment, parking on the other side of hers. “No!” She thrust the umbrella at him. “Get out of here!”

“I just want to talk to you for a few minutes. Didn’t you get my voice mails? Are you naked for me?”

“No, none of your fucking business, and get the fuck out of here!”

Tony ran up behind James and pushed his way in. “What’s going on?”

She nearly sobbed with relief. “Sir, I thought he was you, I—”

“Sir?” James said, stepping closer to her. “Shay, will you please let me talk to you?”

“James, I told you, get out!”

Tony glared at the man as he stepped between him and Shayla. Tony took the umbrella from her.

“Pet, go to the bedroom. Now. And close the door.” His calm, even tone of voice brooked no argument.

Even though James called after her, she raced through the apartment and into the bedroom, where she closed the door behind her. She sat on her bed, the raincoat still clutched around her, as she listened to the sound of muffled voices. They grew in intensity and anger until she finally heard the front door slam shut.

Then, nothing.

She jumped when the bedroom door opened and Tony walked in. She stood and started to ask him what happened but he snapped his fingers and pointed at the floor.

Without thinking, she complied, shucking the raincoat and letting it fall to the floor as her questions died on her lips.

He stood there as she stared at his shoes and prayed she hadn’t just fucked things up.

* * *

Tony didn’t look at Shayla as she ran for the bedroom. When the man looked like he wanted to go after her, Tony stepped in front of him. blocking his way.

“You set one more foot in this apartment,” Tony told the guy, “and you’ll leave in an ambulance. She told you to get out of here.”

“Who the fuck are you? I just want to talk to her. She’s my fiancée, dammit!”

It didn’t take Tony long to put things together. “Wrong, asshole. She was your fiancée until you screwed things up. She’s my fiancée now. And I’m not going to do something as stupid as lie and cheat and steal from her.” The man’s face fell. Tony knew he’d hit the mark and then some. “What are you doing here?”

“I just wanted to talk to her. I left her messages over the weekend.” He drew himself up, still two inches shorter than Tony. “Look, she told me to come in when I knocked. She was obviously expecting me.”

It took every ounce of his being not to bust out laughing. Shayla had earned a spanking—for not verifying who was knocking on her door before allowing them to come in.

“She was expecting me. I’d just texted her that I would be here in a few minutes. Whatever you want to say to her, you say to me.”

“I have a history with her—”

“You’re damn lucky she didn’t have you arrested is what you are.” He took a step forward, forcing James back toward the door. “You’re also lucky I’m not kicking your ass right now.” From what little he’d heard about James, Tony suspected he wasn’t in as good a shape as he was, although a knit pullover shirt hid the guy’s physique.

“You’re the guy she wrote about, aren’t you? In the articles?”

Tony didn’t budge. “That’s none of your business. Her life is no longer any of your business.”

“I read the whole series.” He looked down at the floor. Tony tensed in case the guy was trying to throw him off guard. “I fucked up, man. I fucked up big-time. I know that. I didn’t think she’d ever want to do any of that stuff. I’d never tried it in real life before. And now she’s collared and calling you Sir?”

“Let me give you a piece of advice. Real men, regardless of whether they’re kinky or not, don’t go hurting their women the way you hurt her. They don’t lie to them, and they damn sure don’t run up fifteen thousand in debt in their name.”

James nodded. “I know.” He pulled an envelope out of his pocket and handed it to Tony. “Here.” It had Shayla’s name written on it.

Tony finally reached out and took it from him. “What is it?”

“I got a loan from my parents. I got rid of the apartment and moved back in with them to save money. It’s everything I owe Shay.”

“I’ll give it to her.” He stepped forward again, and now James was in the doorway. Tony put his hand on the door in preparation to close it.

“Can I say good-bye to her?”

“No. That’s not a good idea. In fact, unless she contacts you, I suggest you don’t ever contact her again. Not unless you want to deal with me.”

“Who are you trying to bullshit? You’ll order her not to have contact with me.”

Tony shook his head. “Again, it’s obvious you don’t have a clue what you’re talking about. I suggest you leave BDSM to people who have respect for their partners and quit thinking you have what it takes to be a Dominant. You can’t even control your fucking Internet perving urges. And you’re stupid enough to pay for porn? Seriously? And you’re slimy enough to steal from the woman who loved you and even gave you a second chance when you certainly didn’t deserve it? That’s just…wow.”

He slammed the door shut, forcing James to step back or be hit. Locking it, he stared at the envelope in his hand. It felt like there was more than just a check in it, like maybe a sheet or two of paper as well.

He didn’t contemplate opening it. Instead, he put the umbrella down, turned on his heel, and headed for the bedroom. He fought another urge to laugh when he saw the frantic expression she wore as she tried to speak. But when she immediately shut up and dropped to her knees at his signal, it hardened his cock.

She sooo needs a spanking.

Then again, he had told her to be waiting for him. He’d never expected anyone else to show up, and she certainly hadn’t.

And the smell of whatever she’d made deliciously filled the apartment, making his stomach growl.

He stood before her. “Greeting, pet.”

She immediately kissed his feet, the backs of his hands, and then nuzzled his cock where it strained through his slacks.

“Look at me.”

She did.

Who am I kidding? I’m in love with her. I can’t be mad at her. “In the future, pet, ask who’s at the door before telling them to come in. Especially if you’re naked.”

She nodded, so hard he thought her head might come off.

He held the envelope out to her. “He gave me this to give you.”

She looked at it but didn’t reach for it. “Are you mad at me, Sir?”

He took a deep breath. “No, of course I’m not mad at you, pet. I am upset that you let someone in without identifying who was at the door. I know it’s a coincidence he showed up tonight. He said he left you voice mail messages this weekend. Had I not arrived when I did, I’m afraid of what he might have tried with you.”

She nodded again. “I didn’t listen to them when I cleared them this morning. As soon as I heard it was him, I deleted them.”

“Aren’t you going to open it?”

She stared at the envelope without taking it, then looked up at him. “Would you please open it for me, Sir?” she softly asked.

His heart wanted to break for her. He held out a hand to her and helped her stand. He led her to the bed and sat her down on the end of it. Then he inserted his thumb under the flap and opened the envelope.

Sure enough, two sheets of paper wrapped a cashier’s check for $13,800. “He told me he got a loan from his parents,” he explained as he handed her the check. She gasped in surprise over the amount while he read the letter.

In the long, rambling, handwritten missive, he asked for forgiveness, explained he was in therapy, and begged for a second chance. Including that he’d move to Florida to be with her and would agree to any terms she wanted.

He stopped midway through the first page. “Do you want me to read this to you, or summarize?”

“Summarize, please, Sir. Although I bet he’s groveling and begging for another chance.”

“My smart pet. Yes, among other things. I haven’t finished it yet.”

She took a deep breath, then slowly blew it out again. “I don’t need to hear anything else. You don’t have to finish it.” She looked up, meeting his gaze. “You’re my Sir. If that check clears, which I guess it will, I don’t need to have anything else to do with him. Ever.”

“You don’t want me to finish reading it?”

She shook her head. “No, Sir. Not unless you want to.”

“Do you want to keep it? Maybe to read later if you change your mind? I don’t have a problem with that.”

She shook her head. “No, Sir. I’m not changing my mind about you.”

He smiled. “I meant changing your mind about reading what he has to say.”

She shrugged. “I don’t care what he has to say. I can’t ever trust him again and have no desire to be friends with him.”

“No desire to have closure?”

She shook her head. “He burned his bridges with me. He’s lucky I didn’t press charges against him. The only closure I need is when that check clears and I can pay off all the cards and close them. Please, just tear it up.”

He nodded, then ripped the papers into small pieces before taking them into the bathroom and flushing them down the toilet. He returned to the bedroom and pulled her to her feet, sliding his hands down her back to her ass. He dug his fingers into her ass cheeks and pulled her hips tight against his so she could feel how hard he was.

“I think I’m going to give you five good, hard swats for letting someone in without checking first. Not fun—punishment. Any problem with that?”

She shook her head. “No, Sir. You’re right.”

“Good girl.” He ground his hips against her. “Dinner smells delicious. Is it ready?”

A smile finally broke through the look of consternation on her face. “I just have to go put in the garlic bread.”

He turned her around and delivered a playful swat to her ass. “Then I suggest you go do it. I’m starving.”

* * *

Shayla hurried out to the kitchen. She shoved the check into her purse before she removed the casserole from the oven and got the garlic bread ready to put under the broiler. It wasn’t until she had the frozen pieces laid out on the cookie sheet and had it in the oven that she realized she was crying.

She leaned against the counter and closed her eyes, wishing she could control her emotions.

I’m free.

For the first time in the months since she discovered the true depths of James’ treachery, she felt like she could breathe without the pain of stress and loss weighing her down.

The check was actually a little short of what he owed her. There were several hundred dollars in fees and interest that had accrued in addition to the original amount he’d charged in her name, but she wouldn’t quibble over that. It was well worth the price to finally be free.

She’d never have to have contact with James again.

When Tony slipped his arms around her waist, she jumped, startled, then turned to face him.

“Talk to me, pet.”

She shook her head and cried against him, relishing the feel of his hands stroking her back.

“It’s okay,” he softly said. “I’m here now. I’m not going anywhere.”

When the timer went off, she extricated herself from his arms and removed the garlic bread from the oven. She was well aware of Tony’s eyes following her every movement as she worked to plate their dinners.

Before she could pick up the dishes to carry them out to the living room so they could eat on the couch, he caught her hand and drew her close again. He feathered his lips along her knuckles, gently squeezing her hand.

“Talk to me now, pet.”

She blinked at him. “I’m free,” she finally whispered.

He smiled. “Do tell.”

She realized how it sounded and laughed. “I meant free from him. From the whole nightmare. In a couple of days, all the debt will be paid off. I’m free.”

He pulled her close. “And what about me? How do you feel when you’re with me?”

She draped her arms around his neck and stared up into his green eyes. “I’m even freer when I’m with you, Sir.”

“Even as my slave?”

“Especially as your slave. I can let go of everything else, every other worry, and focus only on you. I never knew how freeing being a slave would feel.”

That damn, playful smile of his. She felt moisture pooling between her legs.

“Welcome to the irony inherent in the lifestyle, pet.”

* * *

Dinner was interrupted again by her cell phone ringing. She started to ignore it when she realized it was her parents’ home number.


Her mom. “I just received an interesting phone call from James.”

Shayla groaned and pinched the bridge of her nose. Tony walked over, brow furrowed, obviously wanting to know what was wrong. “I don’t want to know what he wanted,” Shayla said.

“When I get a nearly hysterical call from your ex-fiancé, claiming you’re being held hostage by a guy who’s treating you like a slave, I think as a parent I should at least make a phone call to find out what’s up.”

She groaned again. “Mom, look. James showed up here—”

“I don’t want to know anything about you and Tony’s sex life,” her mother said, cutting her off. “I read the articles. I suspect I know what’s going on between you two. I’m not an idiot. But are you okay?”

She tried and failed not to snicker as Tony nibbled his way up her shoulder toward her neck. “Yes, Mom. I’m fine. I didn’t know it was James at the door. I thought it was Tony.”

“He seemed like a very nice guy. We both really liked him when we met him.”

“I hope you’re talking about Tony.”

“I am.”

She bit the bullet and closed her eyes. “Good, because he’s going to be your son-in-law.”

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the line. Finally, her mother said, “Seriously?”

“Yeah. Seriously. He proposed this morning.”

Now her mother sounded strident. “And you didn’t call us?” she shrieked, making Shayla pull the phone away from her ear.

Her eyes popped open. She met Tony’s gaze. He was struggling not to laugh and had stopped mid-kiss. “I was going to call you tomorrow. Tony was out of town for two weeks. It was like after midnight when he got here this morning. We haven’t even had time to eat dinner yet tonight. He just got here from work.”

“When’s the big day?”

“Mom, our dinner’s getting cold.”

“Screw your damn dinner! I get put through this tonight by your ex-asshole, I deserve a little forewarning. When’s the wedding?”

Frustrated and knowing her mom wouldn’t be happy without an answer, she looked at Tony. “She wants a date,” she whispered in his ear.

He smiled. “We’re eloping,” he whispered back.

“You said my choice.”

His smile widened to a grin. “Yes, I did.” He kissed her and took the phone from her. “Hi, Karen. How are you?”

Shayla giggled and rested her head against Tony’s chest as he looped an arm around her shoulders and held her close. She reveled in the warmth from his body pressed against hers.

“Yes, ma’am. He showed up here at her apartment unannounced. I took care of him. He didn’t take kindly to it… Yes, I proposed this morning.” He looked down at Shayla. “I love your daughter and I’m not about to let her go… No, I don’t spend money on porn, and yes, I’m still gainfully employed.”

“Mother!” Shayla yelled as she reached for the phone.

He wouldn’t let go of it and arched an eyebrow at her in warning. “Yes, she did seem a little perturbed by that question… James did leave her a check paying her back in full though… Yes, next time the little bastard calls you, feel free to tell him to go screw himself. It’s a cashier’s check… No, I don’t think he can stop payment on it.”

Shayla clapped a hand to her forehead, certain she’d just dropped into the rabbit hole for good this time.

“Yes, she’ll call you back tomorrow morning with more details… No, we haven’t set a date yet. Haven’t thought that far in advance… Thanks, Karen. I appreciate that… Okay, thank you, Mom.” He kissed Shayla. “You, too. Good night.” He ended the call and placed her phone on the counter.

“Did she really call him a little bastard?”

He grinned again. “No, she called him a little fucker. I thought I’d show some restraint and not repeat that back to her. I don’t want Mom to start thinking poorly of her son-in-law before we’re even married.”

* * *

After dinner he helped her clean up the kitchen before leading her to the bedroom. He kicked off his shoes before standing with his arms outstretched.

She needed no prompting. She quickly set to work undressing him, carefully folding his clothes and laying them on the dresser. When he was naked, he pointed to the floor.

Her knees folded without hesitation. She rested her forehead on his feet, a soft sigh escaping her.

This is where I want to be. I don’t care why anymore. It feels right.

“How’s my pet?”

“Better, Sir. Now that you’re here.”

“Good girl. Before we can have fun, you owe me five.”

“Yes, Sir.” Already she felt her pussy clenching, growing wet. It’d be running down her legs in seconds, no doubt.

“Over the bed, feet on the floor.”

She stood and turned to assume her position bent over the bed, her clit throbbing, on fire, aching to feel the first stinging slap across her ass.

He sat next to her on the bed and curled his fingers around her collar, pinning her facedown on the bed. His other hand caressed her ass. “Feet wider, pet.”

She scooched her feet farther apart.

“Good girl.” His hand stilled on her ass as heat built inside her, waiting to be unleashed.

“You’re wet, aren’t you?”

“Yes, Sir,” she whispered, her face aflame at the admission.

“Such a good girl you are,” he whispered, leaning in close, his breath in her ear. “I warned you I would rewire your brain. You were such a good girl to let me.”

The silken rumble of his voice flowed through her body, only serving to make her crave his sadistic touch that much more. “Thank you for training me, Sir.”

He chuckled. His hand continued caressing her ass. “It was most definitely my pleasure, pet. I look forward to many more long training sessions with you throughout the years.” He leaned in even closer, his lips pressed to her ear now, his voice barely a breath. “My next goal is to train you to come just by verbal command. How would you like that, pet?”

She fisted the covers and let out a mewling whine. “Yes, Sir. Please.”

“How would you like to feel me fucking your reddened ass, clamps on your nipples and clit, begging me to take them off and then I make…you…come.” On the last word he delivered a hard, stinging blow to her ass, probably hard enough to make his hand sting.

She let out a cry that was partly pain, but a good deal of pleasure, too.

“Answer me, pet.”

“Yes, Sir!”

“Or we could be in the middle of a scene. Imagine me using a riding crop on that sweet ass of yours and taking you just to the verge of coding and keeping you there. And then I turn the crop onto your vulnerable little clit and begin slapping it until you’re ready to code…and I make you come!” The second blow, every bit as hard as the first, made her gasp with pain.

But his words also made her clit throb.

“I will train you in the fine art of orgasm control, pet. You will get to the point where you won’t be able to come without my command. I’ll be able to torture you for hours, keep you begging for relief, making you crave the pain as much as the pleasure so you can come.” She was glad she didn’t have any paddles at the apartment. Blow number three brought tears to her eyes, yet she didn’t even consider begging for mercy.

She wanted it. Needed it.

Craved it.

“Is my poor pet horny?” he asked, speaking into her ear, her neck still pinned to the bed.

“Yes, Sir!”

“I can tell. I can smell how wet you are. Did you come while I was gone?”

“No, Sir.”

“So this morning was the first time since three Saturdays ago?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Aww, my poor pet.” Slap!

“One more, pet. One more hard one, and then I’m going to play with you until I’m ready to finish you off. Ready?”

“Yes, Sir.”

She barely had the words out of her mouth before he smacked her one last, hard time. She sobbed, relieved it was over and wishing it wasn’t.

He nibbled on the shell of her ear. “Playtime, pet.” He didn’t let her up. He slid the hand on her ass lower, between her legs, and fingered her pussy. “Just as I thought. You’re a very wet girl.” He lightly slapped her pussy, making her gasp.

“Keep those legs spread,” he sternly ordered.

She did, bracing herself. He was more playful than sadistic, however, keeping his slaps on the lighter end of the scale. Relentless, he worked back and forth, between her clit and her pussy, until her whole body was on fire and she began begging for relief.

“Please, Sir,” she sobbed.

“Please what, pet?”

“Please make me come!”

“Try coming for me like this, then, pet.” His strokes grew more regular, the tempo and force slowly increasing until she wasn’t sure she could take it anymore.

Then subspace kicked in. Endorphins flooded her system. She rocked her body in time with his strokes, gasping as she felt her release closing in.

“That’s my dirty little pet,” he said. “You can do it.”

She arched her back, crying out as she hit the perfect angle for his whole hand to make contact with both her clit and her pussy at the same time.

And then it happened. A slow boil that erupted before she realized it. She buried her face in the covers and screamed in relief even as he built to a crescendo that pushed her harder and farther over the edge. When he stopped, she gasped again, startled as the last echoes of her release still rippled through her.

Then, with a hand still on her collar, he stood and stepped between her legs. He lined up the engorged head of his cock with her wet cunt, rubbing the head back and forth between her swollen labia and coating it in her juices.

“Look what my pet did. My pet came from having her pussy slapped.” He slammed his cock home, hard and deep and drawing a cry of pleasure from her. He pulled her head up with the collar. “Fuck yourself on my cock, pet. Show me what you’ll do for me.”

She did, grunting as he bottomed out inside her with every stroke. He released her collar and grabbed her hips. His fingers dug deep into her flesh as he took over and brutally fucked her.

“You are my pet,” he said, his voice a deep, harsh growl. “Who do you belong to?”

“You, Sir!”

“That’s right.” He slapped her ass. “Who does this ass belong to?”

“You, Sir!”

“Who owns your orgasms?”

She sobbed, feeling another climax building inside her and wishing it’d break free. “You, Sir!”

He fell still, pinning her to the bed with his body. He reached around her and found her clit. “Come again for me, pet. Come hard.” He roughly stroked her clit. She was so swollen and sensitive already, combined with his sexy, throaty growl, that she immediately fell over the edge. The feel of her cunt squeezing his cock inside her only intensified the feeling for her and she tried to fuck herself on him but couldn’t because of his weight pressing down on top of her.

“Not yet, pet,” he said. “One more from you.” He bit down on her shoulder, hard, as his hand sped up.

I can’t…I’ll never… Those thoughts faded away as another climax ripped through her, the almost painful pleasure making her cry out again.

“Good girl!” He grabbed her hips again and fucked her hard and fast, coming in just a few strokes before falling still on top of her.

They both lay there in silence for a moment until he stood and pulled her up, helping her onto the bed where he curled his body around hers. “Rest, pet.”

“Yes, Sir.” She closed her eyes.

* * *

“Oh, peeeetttt.” Shayla’s eyes fluttered open. Tony looked down at her with a smile on his face.

She let out a yawn.

He laughed. “You fell asleep on me, silly pet.”

“I’m sorry. What time is it?” She realized the bedroom TV was now on when it hadn’t been.

“After midnight. That’s okay. I figured you needed the rest.”

She snuggled closer to him and pressed the length of her body against his. It felt so good to stretch out naked next to him.

It felt so right.

“I missed you so much, Sir,” she whispered.

He touched her chin. “I missed you, too, pet. I’m sorry you thought I didn’t care.” He kissed her. “And this isn’t exactly the way I planned tonight to go.”

“Sorry, Sir.”

Stop. Stop apologizing.” He kissed her again, on the lips, deeply, sweetly, tasting warm and sweet and so, so good. “I got you something on my lunch break today. Stay here.” He left the bed and grabbed his slacks, pulling them on and nothing else. She heard the jingle of car keys, the front door open, then the beep of his car as he unlocked it with the fob.

A moment later he returned, stripping before getting into bed with that damn, sexy smile on his face.

“Close your eyes, pet.”

She did.

She felt him take her left hand and he slid something on her ring finger. “Open them, pet.”

She looked down, the diamond and amethyst ring winking at her in the light from the TV. Her birthday was February twenty-first, hence the amethyst.

Stunned, she stared up at him. He laced his fingers through her hand and kissed them. “Will you please marry me, pet? I know we settled this, but I realized my proposal the first time around wasn’t the best. I’d actually planned to go down on one knee for you after dinner.”

She squealed, delighted. “Yes, Sir. I’ll marry you and wear your collar and take your spankings and anything else you want me to do.”

He grinned and rolled on top of her. “I do believe you are the perfect pet.”
