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The Devils of Loudun

О книге

Добавлена в библиотеку 22.07.2013 пользователем Elleroth
Издание 2005 года
Размер fb2 файла: 1.33 MB
Объём: 351 страниц
Книгу просматривали 256 раз, оценку поставили 53 читателя


Aldous Huxley’s acclaimed and gripping account of one of the strangest occurrences in history

In 1643 an entire convent in the small French village of Loudun was apparently possessed by the devil. After a sensational and celebrated trial, the convent’s charismatic priest Urban Grandier—accused of spiritually and sexually seducing the nuns in his charge—was convicted of being in league with Satan. Then he was burned at the stake for witchcraft.

In this classic work by the legendary Aldous Huxley—a remarkable true story of religious and sexual obsession considered by many to be his nonfiction masterpiece—a compelling historical event is clarified and brought to vivid life.


“Huxley has reconstructed with skill, learning and horror one of the most appalling incidents in the history of witch-hunting during its seventeenth-century heyday. The Devils of Loudun is fascinating, erudite, and instinct with intellectual vitality.”

Times Literary Supplement

“Huxley’s analysis of motive, his exposition of the unconscious causes of behaviour, his exposure of the perversions to which religious emotion is subject, his discursions on the witch cult, on mass hysteria, on sexual eccentricity have the brilliance that all his writing has had from the very beginning.”


“One of Huxley’s best books.”


“His masterpiece, and perhaps the most enjoyable book about spirituality ever written. In telling the grotesque, bawdy and true story of a 17th-century convent of cloistered French nuns who contrived to have a priest they never met burned alive… Huxley painlessly conveys a wealth of information about mysticism and the unconscious.”

Washington Post

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