[i] ‘That tickles!’ (Japanese).

[ii] ‘Stop!’ (Japanese)

[iii] A measure of weight equal to 3.75 kilograms

[iv] In Japanese, ‘tanuki’ means badger

[v] ‘Stop!’ (Japanese)

[vi] ‘Welcome’ (Japanese)

[vii] Company commanders, company commanders, company commanders! (Japanese)

[viii] ‘Speak! Who are you? Who sent you?’ (distorted Japanese)

[ix] ‘See this?’ (Japanese)

[x] ‘Masa, get Asagawa here, quickly!’ (distorted Japanese)

[xi] In the English style (French)

[xii] ‘You’re not going. I’m going alone’ (distorted Japanese)

[xiii] ‘To protect O-Yumi. Understand?’ (distorted Japanese)

[xiv] ‘Bring him’ (Japanese)

[xv] ‘In ten years, Tokyo is nothing. Real power is the provinces. Real power is Mr Tsurumaki. Japan is not Tokyo. Japan is the provinces’ (distorted English)

[xvi] ‘Rope’ (Japanese)

[xvii] ‘Let’s go!’ (Japanese)

[xviii] ‘Again’ (Japanese)

[xix] ‘Attack!’ (Japanese)

[xx] Hidden village (Japanese)

[xxi] In Japanese neko-chan means ‘little cat’

[xxii] Shinran (1173-1263), the founder of the Jodo sect of the school of the Way of the Pure Land

[xxiii] A unit of area (0.033 m3)

[xxiv] A unit of length (1.81m)
