Quick as a flash, sheíd lifted the latch and swung the cage door open.

Iím not a cuddler, on the whole. But I wasnít going to put my pride before a rescue. I didnít muck about. I simply jumped straight into Ellieís arms and purred and purred and rubbed and rubbed, and did all those soppy and embarrassing things some hungry cats do when they donít have the guts to give you the cold blank stare that means, ĎGeton with it, then.Feed me.í

ĎSee?í Ellie said. ĎTuffyís not vicious at all. He is a wonderful, gentle, clever pet. And you canít have him.í

[ ŗūÚŤŪÍŗ: img_23]

Arif was going to argue. But just at that moment Ellieís mother panted up behind and said, ĎYes! That is definitely our cat. And he was stolen over a week ago. We put up photos all over town. Ask anyone you like.í

Ellie squeezed me even tighter.ĎSee?í she told Arif. Then she slid off my fancy jewelled collar and dumped it on the table. ĎBut you can keep the collar and the cage.í

I owed her one, and so for once I didnít struggle. I just gave Arif the look that says, ĎAnd you and your friend the vet can both go and boil your heads!í

Then, after Ms Whippy admitted down the phone that she had practicallykidnapped me only a few days before, Arifdid give up arguing, and I let Ellie and her mum take turns in carrying me home in triumph.


My Precious, Wonderful, Amazing Tuffy!

The moment we got near to our front door, I wriggled out of Ellieís arms. (No point in letting the child get into bad habits.)

Then, acting super-cool, I strolled back into the house. As I passed underneath a brand-new spray of glossy, waving leaves, I nodded companionably.ĎLooking good, Pot Plant!í

I waved at Frying Pan and PianoĖ ĎHi, fellas! Iím back!í Ė and went upstairs, planning to say hello to Alarm Clock and Bedroom Slippers. Ellie was chasing after me, carrying my old collar. ĎOh, Tuffy! Iím so glad youíre back!í She slid it over my head. It was still damp from all her weeping, but I thought I could be gracious about it. After all, the child had saved me from worse.

[ ŗūÚŤŪÍŗ: img_24]

I let her give me the most gentle squeeze. She buried her face in my fur.ĎOh, Tuffy!í she said. ĎMy precious, wonderful, amazing Tuffy! The Tuffy I love so much and always have and always will, for ever and ever and ever! Thank heavens youíre home and safe!í

I let her squeeze me one more time before I shook her off and went downstairs to check on Frying Pan. (After all, Ellie and her mother were both outside when that rude vet was going on about how fat I was. And I was peckish.)


ĎYou Promised Youíd Never Forget Me.í

Tiger and Snowball and Bella were having a laugh playing see-saw on the wobbly drain cover a few houses down.

ĎHi,í I said, stepping onto Bellaís side to even the game up a bit. ĎItís me. Iím back.í

ĎWhoís this?í asked Tiger.

ĎDo we know him?í Bella asked.

ĎNo one I know,í said Snowball.

ĎOh, come on, guys!í I told them. ĎYou promised youíd never forget me!í

[ ŗūÚŤŪÍŗ: img_25]

So they knocked off the teasing and we mucked about. I told them all about my great adventures and my narrow escape. They helped me get the collar off.

ĎLook at thestate of it,í said Tiger. ĎSodden! Mind you, Iím not surprised. Ellie has spent an awful lot of time these last few days howling her head off.í

ĎThatís right,í said Snowball. ĎHer mother kept on trying to cheer her up by offering her a fluff-ball kitten just like Tinkerbell.í

Tiger finished the story.ĎAnd all she did was howl louder.í

Good stuff to hear.

We played quoits with the collar for half an hour or so while it was drying. Then the gang helped me put it on again. I think Iím safer wearing it, just for a while, until the hue and cry has all died down and Ms Whippyís found herself another mouser and flown off to Spain.

Yes. Safer here till then.

And nicer too.

At my real home. With Ellie.
