Chapter 8

But rebuffed gallantry was never mentioned at the trial, and Iris Innes wasn’t called. It wasn’t necessary, since they could show that Frimm had made free with the exchequer of the Bynoe Rehabilitation Fund to the tune of more than a quarter of a million, and since Cramer justified Wolfe’s rating of his talents and resources by discovering how and where he had got the needle and the poison.

If you would like to see the plant of flamingo-pink Vanda, ring me and if I’m not too busy I’ll arrange it. It has a spot all to itself on a bench up in the plant rooms. It came in addition to Bynoe’s check in payment of Wolfe’s bill for services rendered. I have no proof that Wolfe dropped any hints to Bynoe about the Vanda, but I wasn’t with him when he visited Bynoe’s greenhouses, and I am entitled to my opinion.

And if you have some little confidential chore you would like to hire Tabby for, I might be able to put you in touch with him, but I warn you not to offer him too much. It goes to his head.
