29 The Break Up

Glasses and bottles exploded above Purdue’s head as Lilith opened fire. He had to take a long dive in behind the bar counter near the hearth, because he was too far from Lilith to subdue her before she got to squeeze the trigger. Now he was cornered. He grabbed a bottle of tequila and swung the open bottle so that the contents splattered all over the counter. From his pocket, he pulled the lighter he had used to start the fire in the hearth and set the alcohol on fire to distract Lilith.

The moment the flames ignited along the bar he leapt up and came at her. Purdue was not as fast as always, with the impairment caused by his fairly new operation cuts. Fortunately for him she was a bad shot when skulls were not a few inches from her and he heard her clap off three more. Smoke billowed from the counter as Purdue tackled Lilith, trying to pry the gun from her.

“And I was trying to help you regain some interest in science!” he growled under the pressure of the struggle. “Now you have just proven that you are a cold blooded killer, just as this man said you were!”

She struck Purdue with her elbow. Blood coursed through his sinuses and spilled from his nose, blending with that of Masters on the floor. She hissed, “All you had to do was to complete the equation again, but you had to betray me for the trust of a stranger! You are as bad as Phillip said you were when he died! He knew you were just a selfish bastard that placed more value in relics and extorting foreign countries’ treasures than giving a shit for the people who admire you.”

Purdue decided not to feel guilty about that anymore.

“Look what caring about people brought me, Lilith!” he countered, throwing her down on the ground. Masters’ blood clung to her clothing and legs as if it was possessing his killer and she screamed at the thought. “You are a nurse,” Purdue huffed, trying to slam her gun hand on the floor. “It is only blood, is it not? Take your goddamn medicine!”

Lilith played dirty. With all her power, she gouged at Purdue’s fresh scars, evoking a cry of agony from him. At the door she could hear the security trying to get it, calling Purdue’s name while the smoke alarm went haywire. Lilith abandoned the idea of killing Purdue, opting for escape. But not before she rushed down the stairs to the server room to retrieve the last part of the data that was static on the old machine once again. She jotted them down with Purdue’s pen and raced upstairs to his bedroom to collect her bag and communication devices.

Downstairs, security slammed on the door, but Purdue wanted to catch her while she was near. If he opened the door for them, Lilith would have time to flee. With his entire body aching and burning from her onslaught, he hastened up the stairs to intercept her.

Purdue ran right into her at the entrance to the dark hallway. Looking like she had been in a fight with a lawnmower, Lilith aimed the Glock straight at him. “Too late, David. I just transmitted the last part of the Einstein Equation to my associates in Russia.”

Her finger started squeezing, leaving him no escape this time. He had counted her rounds, and she still had half a clip left. Purdue did not want to spend his last moments chastising himself for his terrible weaknesses. He had nowhere to dart to with both corridor walls flanking him, and security men were still storming the doors. Downstairs, a window broke and they heard the unit finally breach the house.

“Sounds like it is time for me to go,” she smiled through broken teeth.

From behind her, a tall figure appeared in shadow, his jab landing firmly at the base of her skull. Lilith collapsed instantly, revealing her assailant to Purdue. “Yes, madam, I venture to say it is high fucking time you do,” the rigid butler said.

Purdue screeched in delight and relief. His knees buckled, but Charles caught him just in time. “Charles, are you a sight for sore eyes,” Purdue mumbled as his butler switched on the light to help him to his bed. “What are you doing here?”

He sat Purdue down and looked at him as if he was crazy. “Well, sir, I live here.”

Purdue was exhausted and in pain, his house smelled like a furnace and a dead man decorated his dining room floor, yet he was laughing with joy.

“We heard the gunshots,” Charles explained. “I came to collect my things from my apartment. Since the security detail could not get in, I entered via the kitchen as I always do. I still have my key, see?”

Purdue was deliriously happy, but he had to get Lilith’s transmission device before he passed out. “Charles, can you get her bag and bring it in here? I do not want the police to give it back to her once they arrive.”

“Of course, sir,” the butler replied, as if he had never left.
