
Abinandan, T. A., 351

Accenture, 389

actors, turned politicians, 79–82

affirmative action, 194, 199, 446–447

Afghanistan, 397, 399–400

Africa, 345–347

agnosticism, 227

Ahmed, A. M. S., 44–46

Ahmedabad, 174, 316, 317

air pollution, 91–92

Ajanta cave temples, 353–354, 360–365

Akbar, M. J., 116

Algeria, 42

Ali, Chaudhury Rehmat, 426–427

Aligarh, 316

All-India Anna DMK (AIADMK), 80–81

All-India Congress Committee (AICC), 176, 185–186

All-India Radio, 442, 447, 467

alternative medicine, 325–331

Ambassador cars, 355, 442, 445

Ambedkar, Bhimji Rao, 191–194

American culture, 398

Amin, Idi, 345

Amin, Mohammed, 324, 346

Amritraj, Anand, 25, 62, 63

Amritraj, Ashok, 25, 62, 63–64

Amritraj, Vijay, 25, 62, 63

Amritsar, 443

Annadurai, C. N., 80

Annan, Kofi, 20

anti-Christian violence, 46–48

anti-Semitism, 21

Arab history, 229–230

Arabic names, 63–67

Arabic numerals, 217, 310, 311–312

Argumentative Indian, The (Sen), 225, 226–227

artistic tradition, 7

Aryabhatta, 217, 282, 312–313

Ashoka, 227, 443, 483

astrology, 301–302, 312, 444

astronomy, 312–313

Atharva Veda, 313

atoms, 313–314

Aurangabad, 354–355, 360–361, 364

authenticity, 73–75

Ayoob, Mohammed, 65–67

ayurveda, 325–331

Azad, Maulana, 177–178, 186–190

Babri Masjid tragedy, 13, 27–33, 50–53, 444

Bachchan, Amitabh, 79, 81, 442–443

backward castes, 446

Bahrain, 282, 343

Baig, Abbas Ali, 57

Bajrang Dal, 48, 73

Bamiyan Buddhas, 49–53

Bangladesh, 11, 41, 229, 427

Bardoli satyagraha campaign, 175

baseball, 99

Benares, 484

Bengalooru, 156

Bertini, Catherine, 142

Bevan, Aneurin, 128–129

Bevin, Ernest, 129

Bhagat, Chetan, 388

Bharatiya Janata Party, 17, 170

bharatiya sanskriti, 51–52, 72

Bhaumik, Mani, 392

Bhave, Acharya Vinoba, 46

Bhindranwale, Jarnail Singh, 209

Bhotmange, Priyanka, 149

bidis, 444

Bihar, 298–299

Birla, 444–445

black money, 445

Bollywood, 69–72, 89, 303, 398, 445

Bombay, 123–126, 154, 293–295, 337–338

brain drain, 347–352

Brand India, 409–411

Brecher, Michael, 203

British humor, 128–129

Buddhism, 193

bureaucracy, 445

buses, 446

Cabinet Mission Plan (1946), 44

Calcutta, 155, 266–267, 289–291

Calicut, 316

call centers, 387–389, 446

Campion School, 123–126

caste, 10, 125, 192–193, 446–447

caste consciousness, 192, 446

Catholic Church, 219–222

cave temples, 353–365

cell phones, 377–379, 447

censorship, 447–448

Chambers, William, 295–296

Chandra, Vikram, 150–151

chemistry, 313

Chennai, 155

Chetty, Shunmugan Nganasamantham, 255–258

childhood, 123–126

China, 133

Chinese culture, 398

Chowgule, Ashok, 31

Christianity, 12, 46–50


cultural assimilation by, 25

as Indians, 190

in Kerala, 281

violence against, 46–48

Churchill, Winston, 87, 129, 381

cinema, 69–72


lost heritage of, 159–162

renaming of, 153–158

Citigroup, 389

citizenship, eligibility for, 14

civic culture, lack of, 91

civic engagement, 315–318

civil conflicts, 315–318


Arab, 229–230

early Indian, 159–162

Islamic, 229–230

civil society, 384

“clash of civilizations” thesis, 17–18, 229–230

clubs, 448

Cochin, 155–156

Collective Choice and Social Welfare (Sen), 224

colonialism, 72

common good, disregard for, 91–92

communalism, 34, 41–42, 46–48, 57, 70, 181, 385

See also Hindutva movement

communal violence, 448–449

Communist Party, 16

conflicts, civil, 315–318

Congress, 449

Congress Party, 80, 176, 185

consumer goods market, 373–376

corruption, 83–87, 437, 449–450

Cousins, Norman, 171

cows, 297, 450

Cowsik, Shyamala, 73–76

cricket, 55–62, 95–103, 239–248, 405–407, 450

crime, 149–151

crowds, 450–451

cultural assimilation, 24–25, 62–63

cultural tolerance, 51–53


Hindu, 15–18, 24–26

hybrid, 7–18

Indian, 52, 398–403

Islamic, 15–16, 24–25, 311–312, 343

lack of civic, 91

popular, 69–72, 399–400

promotion of, abroad, 398–403

soft power and, 398

Westernization of, 131–136

youth, 115–117

dacoits, 451

da Gama, Vasco, 252, 281

dance, 451

Dantzig, Tobias, 310

Davos, Switzerland, 369–371

Delhi, 156–157


agreement in, 14–15

dangers to India's, 434

Hindu fanatics and, 32

Islam and, 230

literacy and, 140

Nehru and, 168–171

state of Indian, 83–87

demographic imbalances, 437–438

Deve Gowda, H. D., anniversary speech by, 9

development, politicalization of, 436

dhabas, 452

dharma, 37–40, 45, 259

Discovery of India, The (Nehru), 13

disinvestment, 452


in Hinduism, 14, 16–17

Indian, 7–10, 381–384

of languages, 12–14

of religions, 11–12, 14

doctors, who emigrate, 348–352

doodhwalas, 452

dowry, 452

Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK) Party, 80, 155

dualism, 40

Dubai, 96

Durant, William, 313

Durrani, Salim, 57

East Africa, 345–347

East Pakistan, 182–183

economic development, call centers and, 387–389

economic myths, 373–376

economic success, education and, 139–140

economists, 223–224


foreign trade and, 429–432

Indian, 369–371


in Kerala, 279

literacy and, 137–143

Nalanda University, 145–148

public schools, 475

of girls and women, 141–143

elections, 453

election symbols, 453–454

Ellora cave temples, 353–360

Elst, Keonraad, 189

Emergency, 454

Engineer, Asghar Ali, 24

English language, 13, 462–463

Englishman, 11

entrepreneurs, 391–393

environmental issues, 91–93

epic interpretations, 73–76

epic narratives, 234–237

Ethnic Conflict and Civil Life (Varshney), 315–318

ethnicity, 11

eve-teasing, 454–455

expatriates, 96, 337–352

doctors, 348–352

entrepreneurs, 391–393

in the Gulf countries, 342–345

in Kenya, 345–347

Fabian, K. P., 222

families, 89–93

family planning, 455

fasts, 455–456

fasts, personal, 456–457

federalism, 438

feminism, 131–136

Festival of India, 400–401

festivals, 15–16, 119–121

film industry, 69–72

films, 457

See also Bollywood

foreign imports, 373–376

foreign trade, 429–432

France, 11, 398

free trade, 429–430

Friedman, Thomas, 374

fundamentalism, 17, 22, 39, 42–44

Gandhi, Feroze, 205–206

Gandhi, Indira, 127–128, 138, 205–210, 463–464

Gandhi, Mahatma, 127, 133, 165–171, 174–175, 179, 183, 193, 401, 456, 458

Gandhi, Rajiv, 208, 321, 458

Gandhi, Sanjay, 207–208

Gandhi, Sonia, 17, 18, 383–384

Gandhi-Irwin Pact, 177

Ganga River, 458

Garten, Jeffrey, 147

Gavaskar, Sunil Manohar, 239–248, 458–459

General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), 429–430

Geneva Cricket Club, 98

geography, 14

Germany, 11

gheraos, 459

girls, education of, 141–143

globalization, outsourcing and, 387–389

godmen, 459

God's Own Country (Tharoor and Husain), 278

Gopal, Sarvepalli, 127, 180, 182

Government of India Act, 177

Grameen Bank, 418–419

Great Bengal Famine (1943), 224

Great Indian Novel, The (Tharoor), 37–38, 40, 95, 108

gross domestic product (GDP), 370

“Group of 77,” 430

GTR Campbell (GTRC), 422–423

Gujarat riots, 27, 317, 318, 403

Gulf, The, 459–460

Gulf countries, 342–345

Habib, Shahnaz, 62–65

Haldane, J. B. S., 217

Harappans, 311, 314

Harijans, 192, 460

Hasnain, Syed Iqbal, 61–62

health, education and, 142

Healey, Denis, 129

Heller, Joseph, 260

Henriksson, Anders, 299

heresy, 20

Herzl, Theodore, 24

Hindi language, 9, 12, 460–461

Hindu chauvinism, 41

See also Hindutva movement

Hindu culture, 15–18

embracing of, by non-Hindus, 24–26

as uniting factor, 24–26

Hindu festivals, 15–16, 119–121

Hindu fundamentalism, 17, 22, 39, 42–43

Hinduism, 461

accomodationism in, 20

agnosticism in, 227

diversity of, 14, 16–17, 20–21

Hindutva movement and, 22, 26

Islam and, 15–16

as majority religion, 9–10, 15

merging of Islam and, 24–25

misuse of, 24

opposites and, 39

pride in, 31–32, 33–35

tolerance as tenet of, 20–24, 30, 49–50

as uniting factor, 24–26

Hindu-Muslim riots, 27–30, 32–33

Hindu myths, 15

Hindus, animosity of, toward Muslims, 44–46

Hindustani, 12

Hindutva movement, 15, 17, 33

communalism and, 46–47

Hinduism and, 22, 26

names and, 66–67

religious intolerance and, 33–35, 47–49

secularism and, 37

Sen on, 228

historical amnesia, 13

historicism, 13


Arab, 229–230

faith and, 30–31

of Indian science, 309–314

role of, 33

urban heritage, 159–162

Hogben, Lancelot, 311

holidays, 119–121

hospitality, 461

Hsuen-Tsiang, 145–146

human capital, 139, 438

human identity, multiplicity of, 228–229

Husain, M. F., 233–237, 278

hybrid culture, 7–18

Hyderabad, 425–426

IBM, 389


multiplicity of, 228–229

pluralism of, 7–18, 34

religious, 230–231

Identity and Violence (Sen), 228

identity politics, 27–35

Ignatieff, Michael, 14

IITs. See Indian Institutes of Technology (ITTs)

illiteracy, 137–143, 462


branding of, 409–411

contradictions in, 381–384

creation of new, 10–11

history of tolerance in, 51

hybrid culture of, 7–18

international perception of, 369–371

modernization of, 405–407

Pakistan and, 425–428

stature of, 395–403

threats facing, 433–438

uniting factors in, 11–18

Indian Administrative Service (IAS), 297–300

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (film), 413–416

Indian Constitution, 193–194

Indian culture, 52

See also Hindu culture

promotion of, abroad, 398–403

Indian democracy, 32, 83–87

See also democracy

Indian doctors, 348–352

Indian English, 462–463

Indian identity, pluralism of, 9–18, 34

Indian independence, 165–169, 173–178

Indian Institutes of Technology (ITTs), 309, 391–393, 461–462, 464

Indian middle class, 373–376

Indian Muslims

See also Muslims

minority status of, 62–68

nationalism of, 55–62

Indian National Congress, 167, 185, 188, 449

Indian nationalism, 10–11, 13–14, 37–38

Indianness, authenticity of, 73–75

Indian science, 309–314

India-Pakistan trade, 430–432

individual identity, submergence of, 7

Indonesia, 25

Indus Valley Civilization, 159–162

Information Age, 464

Infosys, 307–308, 388

intolerance, 15, 17, 27–29, 33–35, 46–50

irreligion, 37–38

Islam, 186–187

merging of Hinduism and, 24–25

misunderstanding of, 44–46

as part of India, 188–190

Islamic civilization, 229–230

Islamic culture, 15–16, 24–25

in Kerala, 343

mathematics and, 311–312

Islamic fundamentalism, 42–43

Italy, 10, 11

Jacob, J. F. R., 267

Jagannathan, Sakuntala, 260–261

Jallianwalla Bagh, 443

Janata (People's Front), 208

Japan, 133

Java, 25

Jewish Portraits, Indian Frames (Silliman), 266–267

Jews, 21, 50, 265–267

Jinnah, Mohammed Ali, 185, 186

jokes, 464

Junior Statesman (magazine), 115–117

Kagan, Robert, 230

Kalam, Abdul, 18, 145, 269–271, 384

Kama Sutra, 465

Kamdar, Mira, 384–386

Kao, Rameshwar Nath, 211–214

Kapoor, Chintu, 124–125

Kargil conflict, 465–466

Karunanidhi, M., 80

Kashmir, 426–427, 466

Kenya, 345–347

Kerala, 43, 50, 234–235, 273–287

business environment in, 421–424

heritage of, 281–284

Jews of, 265–267

natural beauty of, 275–276

openness of, to other cultures, 342–344

success of, 276–281

tourism in, 326–331

women of, 278–279, 284–287, 417–419

Khalistan, 466

Khan, Ansar Husain, 38, 259–260, 466

Khan, Imran, 247

Khan, Khafi, 24

Khan, Zaheer, 60–61

Khanna, Vinod C., 75, 81–82

Kochi, 156

Kolkata, 155, 466–467

Kops, Bernard, 125

Kumbh mela, 377

Kutty, Madhavan, 65


diversity of, 9, 13–14

English, 13

Hindi, 12

as uniting factor, 12–13

Lannoy, Richard, 38

law, 467

law enforcement, 149–151

Laxman, R. K., 85, 467–468

liberals, pandering by, to Islamic fundamentalists, 43–44

linguistic identity, 12–13

literacy, 137–143

Lloyd, Selwyn, 128–129

Lonar, 365

Luce, Edward, 382–384

Macmillan, Harold, 128–129

Madan, T. N., 39

Madras, 155, 269–271

Mahabharata, 15, 233–237

Maharaja, 468

majorities, separatism and, 42

Malayalam language, 275

Malayalis, 273–284

Mangeshkar, Lata, 467

mangoes, 468

Mankidiyan, Mariam Thresia Chiramel, 219–222

Manto, Saadat Hasan, 29

Mariam Thresia, Mother, 219–222

Maruti, 468

Masthi, N. R., 350

Masurekar, Narayan, 239

Mathai, M. O., 128

mathematics, 310–313

matrimonial ads, 468–469

Mehta, Suketu, 294

melas, 119–121

memory, 33

Menen, Aubrey, 75

Menon, V. K. Krishna, 201–203

MGR. See Ramachandran, M. G.

middle class, 373–376

milk, 452

minorities, 469

all Indians as, 9–10, 14, 17

intolerance of, 15

Muslims as, 62–68

Misra, R. S., 39

Miss India contest, 51

Mistral, Gabriela, 139

modernity, Western attire and, 131–136

modernization, 405–407

moksha, 38–39

monsoons, 470

Moor's Last Sigh, The (Rushdie), 57

Mother Teresa, 470

Mukesh, A., 339

multinational corporations, 389

multi-religiousness, 16

Mumbai, 154, 337–338

Murphy, George, 79

Musharraf, Pervez, 425, 427–428

music, 470–471

Muslim fundamentalists, 42–44

Muslim League, 168, 185–186


animosity toward, 44–46

contributions of, 61–62

cultural assimilation by, 24–25, 62–63

in government, 41–42

nationalism of Indian, 55–62

as part of India, 32, 188–190

Naidu, Sarojini, 128

Nair, Prema, 285–287

Nalanda University, 145–148

name changes, 153–158, 301–304, 478

names, 10, 25

Arabic, 63–68

of cities, 153–158

Nandy, Ashis, 95

Narayan, Jayaprakash (JP), 465

Narayanan, K. R., 195–199, 278

national identity, pluralism of, 7–18

nationalism, 10–11

of Hindutava movement, 26

Hindu vs. Indian, 42, 48–49

of Indian Muslims, 55–62

nationalization, 471

national language, 9

National Museum of Kenya, 346–347

nation forming, 11, 13

nationhood, religion and, 48–49

Nazir, Prem, 82

negative numbers, 311

Nehru, Jawaharlal, 10–11, 13, 44, 127, 128, 410, 458, 471–472

on communalism, 41, 48–49, 180

contributions of, to science and technology, 309–310, 392–393

leadership and legacy of, 165–171

Patel and, 173–183

policies of, 188

soft power and, 401

Nehru-Liaquat Pact, 182–183

Nel, André, 405–407

Neo Sports, 111–113

nepotism, 472

Netravali, Arun, 391

New Delhi, 333–335

Nilekani, Nandan, 307–308

Nimbus Communication, 111–113

nonalignment, 472

Non-Resident Indians (NRIs), 337–352

nonviolence movement, 165–166, 175

Noorani, A. G., 41

Nowrojee, Pheroze, 347

NTR. See Rao, N. T. Rama

Nye, Joseph, 395–402

oblivion, 33

obsolescence, 441–442

Olympics, 105–109

One Night @ the Call Center (Bhagat), 388

opinions, 472

outsourcing, 387–389

overpopulation, 435, 450–451, 455

paan, 472

Padamsee, Pearl, 124, 261

Paes, Lander, 108–109

Paithan, 364–365

Pakistan, 32, 41, 229

arguments for creation of, 46, 49

creation of, 168

defeat of, 56–57

relations with, 425–428

trade with, 430–432

Pakkar Koya, A. M., 42–44

Palghat, 275

Paradox of American Power, The (Nye), 397

Parameshwar, Tharoor, 252–255

Park, Michael Y., 55

Parliament, 83–87

Partition of 1947, 14, 45–46, 181–182, 427–428, 473

debate over, 185–189

Gandhi and, 168

Muslims after, 32

Parvati-bai, Rani Gouri, 279

past, weight of, in present, 13, 27–28

Patel, Sardar Vallabhbhai, 173–183, 187

Pathan, Irfan, 58–62, 68

Paz, Octavio, 33, 52

per capita income, 142–143

Persian Gulf states. See Gulf countries

photocopying, 486

physics, 313–314

pi, 311

Planet India (Kamdar), 381, 384–386

pluralism, 7–18, 33, 44–45, 402–403, 433–434

police, 149–151

political culture, secularism and, 40–42

political elections, 453

political humor, 127–130

political parties, 473–474

political science, 315–318


problems with, 83–87

religious beliefs of, 19–21

Stephanian, 319–324


actors in, 79–82

of development, 436

Hindutva movement. See Hindutava movement

of identity, 27–35

pollution, 91–93, 474–475

popular culture, 69–72, 398–400

population, 475

population control, 455

poverty, 370–371, 434–435

poverty alleviation programs, 417–419


hard, 395

soft, 395–403

Prabhakar, Ron, 417–419

Pravsai Bharatiya Divas, 337–342

Prince, Antony, 422–423

privatization, 475

Prussia, 398

public schools, 475

Puttaparthi, 305–308

Qatar, 344

queues, 476

Quit India movement, 177, 185

Quran, 45–46

racist ads, 111–113

railways, 476

Rajeevan, Thachomn Poyila, 284–285

Ramachandran, M. G., 80–81

Ramakrishna Rao, K. S., 46

Ramanujan, Srinivasa, 215–217

Ramayana, 73–76

Ram Janmabhoomi temple, 27–33

Ram Lila, 15

Ram Sila Poojab campaign, 27

Ranganathananda, Swami, 38

Rao, N. T. Rama, 79–82

Rath, Vishwa P., 350

Ravana, 73–74

RAW, 211–214

Ray, Satyajit, 476–477

Raza, Rahi Masoom, 15–16

Reagan, Ronald, 79

Reliance, 477

religion, 477–478

as basis for nationhood, 14, 48–49

diversity of, 11–12, 13–15

as factor in identity, 230–231

misuse of, 20–21, 24

place of, in Indian society, 37–38

politics and, 19–21

religious conversions, 46–49

religious intolerance, 27–35, 46–50

religious sites, destruction of, 27–33, 50–53

religious tolerance, 51–53, 188–190, 227–228

renaming phenomena, 153–158, 301–304, 478

Renan, Ernest, 11, 13

respiratory diseases, 92

rice, 478–479

Rig Veda, 312, 393


civic engagement and, 316–318

Gujarat, 27, 317, 318, 403

Hindu-Muslim, 27–30, 32–33

Riot (Tharoor), 27

Rithambhara, Sadhvi, 34

Rosenberg, Tina, 50

Round Table Conference, 176–177

Rowlatt Act, 167

rural development, 417–419

Rushdie, Salman, 7, 29, 57

Sai Baba, Sathhya, 305–308

sainthood, 219–222

Saint Thomas, 48, 281

Samajwadi Party, 79

sanghas, 193

Sapre, Madhu, 106

saris, 131–136, 479

Satanic Verses, The (Rushdie), 7, 29

satyagraha, 166, 175

Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 79


future of, 391–393

prehistory of Indian, 309–314

sectarianism, threat of, 26

secularism, 16, 37–46, 62, 227–228, 479–480

Sen, Amartya, 25–26, 41, 140, 223–232, 284

separatism, 42

sexism, 131–136

Shakespeare, William, 121

Shankaracharya, 281

Sharma, Shankar Dayal, 89

Shastri, Lal Bahadur, 170

Shaw, George Bernard, 223

Shivaji, 24

Sibal, Nina, 258–259

Silliman, Jael, 266–267

Singapore, 96–97

Singh, Kanwar Natwar, 320

Singh, Khushwant, 480

Singh, Manmohan, 18, 338

Singh, Neera, 392

Singh, Raj, 392

Sinha, Shatrtughan, 82

Smith, Wilfred Cantwell, 43

soap operas, 89, 93

socialism, 91, 480–481

Society for Rural Improvement (SRI), 417–419

“soft power,” 395–403

South, 269–271

Spielberg, Steven, 413–415


cricket, 55–62, 95–103, 239–248, 405–407, 450

Olympics, 105–109

square roots, 311

Sreesanth, Shantakumaran, 405–407

Stephanians, 319–324

Stephen, C. M., 378–379

St. Stephen's College, 319–324

Sulba Sutras, 311

superstition, 301–302

Surat, 317

svabhava, 314

Switzerland, 11, 97–99

Tagore, Rabindranath, 29, 140, 481

Taj Mahal, 481

Taj Mahal Hotel, 295–296

Taliban, 50

Tamil Nadu, 269–271

Tampi, B. J. K., 37–39

Taparelli d'Azeglio, Massimo, 10

Tata, Jamsetji, 295

Tata dynasty, 481–482

technology, 314

cell phones, 377–379

future of, 391–393

Technopark, 423–424

Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI), 379


popular culture and, 399–400

racist ads on, 111–113

soap operas, 89, 93

Telugu Desam, 79–80

Tendulkar, Sachin, 482

Teresi, Dick, 310, 311–312

terrorism, 402

Thackeray, Bal, 60–61

Thailand, 11, 25

Tharoor, Chandran, 249–252

threats, 433–438

tigers, 483

tolerance, 51

cultural, 51–53

Hinduism and, 20–21, 22–24

religious, 50–51, 188–190, 227–228


ayurvedic, 325–331

at cave temples, 353–365

traffic, 483

truth, 166

Uganda, 345

underdevelopment, 483

unemployment, 435–436, 483–484

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), 256–257

United States, 11

cricket in, 99–103

Indian doctors in, 348–352

Indians in, 391–393

soft power and, 397–399

universities, 145–148

untouchables, 192–194, 195, 446–447

urban heritage, 159–162

Urdu language, 12

U.S. Technologies, 423–424

Uttar Pradesh, 484

Vajpayee, Atal Behari, 47, 170, 425, 427–428

Valentine's Day, 51, 52

Valiachan, 252–255

Varanasi, 15, 484

Varma, Pavan, 400

Varma, Raja Ravi, 282

Varshney, Ashutosh, 315–318

Vedanga Jyotisha, 311

Vedic civilization, 310, 311–314

vegetarianism, 484–485

Vidyarthi, Sudhi, 346, 347

Vietnam War, 126

villages, 485


anti-Christian, 46–48

civic engagement and, 316–318

communal, 448–449

Gujarat riots, 27, 317, 318, 403

in society, 86

Vivekananda, Swami, 22–24

weddings, 485–486

Welch, West Virginia, 349–350

West, parochialism of, 229–230

Western attire, 131–136

Western Europe, Christianity as uniting factor in, 12

Wilde, Oscar, 97


education of, 141–143

of Kerala, 276, 277, 278–279, 284–287, 417–419

World Economic Forum, 369–371

world leadership, 396

world trade, 429–432

World Trade Organization (WTO), 429–430

Xerox, 486

Yadav, D. M., 364

yes-men, 486

Yesudas, K. J., 9

youth culture, 115–117

Yugoslavia, 11, 317

Yunus, Muhammad, 418

Zaidi, Mohamed, 392

Zaidi, S. Akbar, 431–432

zero, invention of, 310
