Translator’s Acknowledgements

Some thanks are in order: to the founders and organizers of the Spycherpreis, the commune of Leuk and the canton of Wallis (especially Alex Hagen, Thomas Hettche, Carlo Schmidt and Hans Schnyder) for generously establishing me in a place where I have worked so happily for so many years; to Will Hobson — who improved my translation of The Radetzky March a decade ago (then it was synchronized page-turning over milky coffee, now — alas! — it is electronic ping-pong) — for kindly finding the time to help me with this sequel: it is a pleasure to be indebted again to his ear and resourcefulness and attention to detail; and to Philip Gwyn Jones, Bella Lacey, Aidan O’Neill and others at Granta for their noble commitment to this project; and to my friends Jana Marko and Peter Sokol for help and support.
