Chapter Forty-three

“I’m going for the guns,” Natalia shouted, Rourke shooting a glance toward her—he smiled. She had ripped away the scarf that had covered her hair, shaking her head now, freeing her hair like a wild animal, something untamed, might shake itself at the first taste of freedom. She smiled at him—they both understood what she had done. Death might be imminent.

Behind them, motorcycle/sidecar combinations were rolling, headlights bouncing as the vehicles accelerated, their noise loud in the cold night air through Rourke’s open window.

“Before you get the guns—burn these—” and Rourke fisted the papers in his overcoat pocket, making sure he had them all, handing them across to Natalia.

“Right—” She bent to the floor as he looked at her, lighting them with her cigarette lighter—the papers were on fire.

He turned his attention to the road—an auto-mobile—with Chicago Police markings obliter-ated by a red star. It was moving diagonally across the highway, cutting them off. He could hear Na-talia stamping her feet— “Nothing but ashes.”

“Now get us some guns—we got friends comin’ up on the left.”

Rourke started steering right, the police car cut-ting them off. Natalia—at the edge of his periph-eral vision he could see her going over into the back seat to start getting the weapons. The blue and white car was too close— Rourke cut the wheel hard left, shouting over the wind of the slipstream, “Hang on—collision!”

The right front fender—he could see it, hear it, feel it as it smashed against the right rear fender of the police car, the sounds of metal twisting, tear-ing, the bumper of the police car twisting up to where it was visible over the LTD’s hood, the Ford straining, dragging at the police car, Rourke accel-erating, another tearing sound, louder than be-fore—the LTD shot ahead.

In the rearview mirror he could see the police car, making a high-speed reverse, flick turning, the twisted bumper breaking off, the blue light flash-ing from the roof. There was the rattle of assault rifle fire, Rourke shouting to Natalia, “AKMs—keep low!”

The rear windshield shattered out, Rourke swerving as more gunfire poured toward them, Rourke hearing it pinging against the body of the Ford. He cut sharp right, onto a ramp—he didn’t know where he was heading, no time to look and Chicago streets and expressways not that recent a memory. He fought the wheel, shouting, “Natalia—are you all right?”

The rear end of the Ford was fishtailing as he curved the entrance ramp at nearly fifty, sideswiping the guardrail, the Eisenhower Expressway opening up before him—the post office inter-change coming up fast—they were passing the post office now, Rourke shouting again to Natalia as he picked up more blue lights in the rearview mirror.


“Yes—I’m all right—I almost have them!”

Rourke cut the wheel hard left, shouting, “Hang on!” a police car starting toward them going against the direction of the lanes—but there was no traffic, just abandoned cars flanking the ex-pressway in both lanes on both shoulders. Rourke stomped the accelerator to the floor, shooting an intersection, into the Loop now, the police car on a collision course with them.

Gunfire—from behind him, the police car sud-denly swerving, its windshield shattered, another shot, the police car accelerating, Rourke cutting a sharp right to miss it, in the rear view seeing Nata-lia, holding one of her revolvers, and the police car crashing into an underpass abutment behind them. Rourke started to edge left, turning toward State Street. “It was made into a shopping mall—it could be cut off,” Natalia shouted.

Rourke cut back right— “Back seat driver,” tak-ing the next left—Wabash. Police cars—four abreast—were coming down Wabash, against him, he cut left at Jackson Boule-vard—heading against the flow of traffic had there been traffic—a one-way street, the signs half down but still visible.

“Just as well,” he shouted to her— “High speed on Wabash with the elevated train platform—sui-cide.”

And he stomped the gas pedal, crossing State, Dearborn, heading west, the city empty, ghostly, one out of every ten or so street lights burning—Rourke guessed the Russians had gotten power restored at least to parts of the city. But the street lamps were mostly shot out or otherwise shattered, it seemed, as he sped under them.

Natalia was back beside him now— “The rest of our gear—it’s in the back seat—here,” and she handed him a pistol—one of the little Detonics stainless .45s—she knew what he liked, he thought.

“Chamber’s loaded, hammer down,” she advised.

Rourke rammed the pistol into his belt, ripping open the overcoat buttons, swerving to avoid the body of a dead dog—and suddenly, behind him, there was a pack—the animals running after the car, the police cars two blocks back not frightening them off—Rourke swerved close to a curb to avoid a wrecked car in the middle of the street—he almost lost control of the Ford as a huge dog leapt out toward the car from the roof of an abandoned car—it was on the hood, snarling, foam dripping from its mouth— “Shoot it, for God’s sake,” Rourke shouted to Natalia.

He looked to his right—already she was leaning out the passenger side window, one of her revolvers in her right hand, the dog snapping at the wind-shield, somehow balancing itself on the hood. There was a loud shot—felt in his right ear. The dog’s head seemed to explode, the animal’s body flopping to Rourke’s left, blood and gray material that was brain splattering the windshield. The body slid from the hood of the car as Rourke swerved right.

He found the windshield wiper switch—only one wiper blade—in front of the driver’s side. The other was bare metal. He punched the washer but-ton on the wiper control switch—nothing— “Aww, shit,”

Rourke rasped—the blood and brain matter were smeared now like grease, all but ob-scuring the windshield—he kept the wiper blade going, hoping to at least scrape some of the mess away. More police cars—closing from the streets he crossed, falling in, almost like a formation, be-hind those already in pursuit.

Wacker Drive—Rourke turned right, accelerat-ing, police cars behind him now but still nothing ahead—the Civic Opera House—he had given a lecture there once, he recalled—police cars now blocking the street ahead of him.

He shouted to Natalia, “Did you ever block out underground Wacker Drive?”

“No—we couldn’t leave workers down there—the Brigands—some of their bodies—they were eaten partially—arms cut off and legs—and our pathologists said they weren’t dogs who had done it—people.”

Rourke looked at her, sucked in his breath, rasping, “Reach into my pocket and find me a ci-gar—soon as I do this,” and Rourke cut the wheel hard left, half bouncing over a lip of concrete curb, turning sharp right, fishtailing, skidding, his lights making bizarre patterns as he drove into the velvet blackness of the underground.
