Now onto the additions to this collection. The Tor-beast’s Prison was first published in Graeme Hurry’s excellent Kimota (issue 13, 2000), is an off-shoot of Cowl, but not the novel, the novella that came before it. I guess I have always liked time travel ever since hiding behind the settee when Dr Who was running away from those mobile dustbins. In a story-telling context, I love the self-referencing logic of it all and how very often the story arc can be tied into a loop. And now, proving that truth is sometimes stranger than fiction: I wrote Cowl (the novella) with its tors and its tor beast, before any publisher called Tor had even impinged on my consciousness. Strange how I am now being published in America by Tor and in Britain by Macmillan’s Tor UK imprint. A bit loopy really.
