A SLOW, ARROGANT SMILE FORMED ON NOAH’S lips. “Gauntlet thrown.” He drew away and unlocked his door. “I do so love a challenge.”

“Shame it isn’t the only one.”

“Agreed.” He tipped his head toward the hallway. “Come on.”

I rose, but before leaving his room, I grabbed the book. “Can I borrow this?”

“You can,” he said, holding his door open for me. “But I should warn you that I fell asleep on page thirty-four.”

“I’m motivated.”

Noah led me down the long hall, our footsteps muffled by the plush Oriental rugs beneath our feet. We turned several corners before he finally stopped in front of a door, withdrew something long and thin from his back pocket, and then proceeded to pick at an old-looking lock.

“That’s handy,” I said as it clicked.

Noah pushed the door open. “I have my uses.”

We stood before a small room that actually seemed more like an enormous closet. There were stacks of temporary shelving and boxes that lined the walls.

My gaze slid over the piles. “What is this stuff?”

“My mother’s things,” Noah said, pulling a cord that hung from the ceiling. An antique milk-glass light fixture lit up the space. “Everything she owned is somewhere in this room.”

“What are we looking for?”

“I’m not sure. But she left the pendant for me, and your grandmother left the same one for you—maybe we’ll find something about it in a letter or a picture or something. And if there’s a connection between your ability and your grandmother then perhaps . . .”

Noah’s voice trailed off, but he didn’t need to finish his sentence because I understood.

There might be a connection between his mother and him. I could tell he hoped it was true.

Noah opened a box and handed me a sheaf of papers. I began to read.

“What are you doing in here?”

I was startled by the unfamiliar English-accented voice. The papers fluttered to the floor.

“Katie,” Noah said, smiling at the girl. “You remember Mara.”

I certainly remembered Katie. She was equally as gorgeous as her brother—with the same dark mane, shot through with gold, and Noah’s fine boned, elegant features. Lashes and legs for days. Arresting was the word that came to mind.

Katie gave me a slow once-over, and then said to Noah, “So that’s where you’ve been spending your nights.”

His expression hardened. “What is wrong with you?”

Katie ignored him. “Aren’t you in a mental hospital or something?” she asked me.

I was speechless.

“Why are you being like this?” Noah asked sharply.

“What are you doing in here?” she volleyed back.

“What does it look like?”

“It looks like you’re digging through Mom’s shit. Dad’s going to kill you.”

“He’d have to come home to do that, though, wouldn’t he?” Noah said, his tone disgusted. “Go eat something, we’ll talk later.”

She rolled her eyes. Then waved at me. “Lovely to see you again.”

“Wow,” I said once she was gone. “That was . . .”

Noah ran his hand roughly through his hair, twisting the strands up. “I’m sorry. She’s always been a bit snotty, but she’s been insufferable these past few weeks.”

So that’s where you’ve been spending your nights.

“You’ve been away a lot these past few weeks,” I said. Maybe I wasn’t the only one who needed Noah around.

He ignored the implication. “She’s been spending a lot of time with your best friend Anna these past few weeks. It’s not a coincidence,” Noah said tonelessly. “She’s not acting out because I’ve been with you.”

But I felt a twinge of guilt anyway.

“My family . . . isn’t the same as yours,” he said.

“What do you mean?”

He paused, measuring his words before he spoke. “We’re strangers who happen to live in the same house.”

Noah’s voice was smooth, but there was an ache behind the words that I could feel, if not hear. However he felt about his family situation, it couldn’t be helping that he was gone so much. And no matter what he said, we both knew that I was the reason.

“You should stay at your house tonight,” I said.

He shook his head. “Not because of that.”

“You should stay here for a few days.” It cost me, but I didn’t want to admit it.

Noah closed his eyes. “Your mother won’t allow me to stay over during the week once Croyden starts up again.”

“We’ll figure something out,” I said, though I didn’t quite believe it.

And then I heard an all-too-familiar voice call me from downstairs.

“Ready to go, Mara?” my mom shouted.

I wasn’t, but I had no choice.

My mother was quiet on the ride home, which was immensely frustrating because for the first time in a long time, I actually wanted to talk to her. But each question I asked earned me the briefest of answers, verbal and otherwise:

“Did Grandma ever leave me anything besides that doll?”

A head shake.

“Did she leave you anything when she died?”


“What about . . . stuff?” Didn’t want to be too obvious.

“Only the emerald earrings,” she said. “And some clothes.”

And the pendant I left with Noah, that my mother didn’t seem to know anything about. “No letters or anything? Notebooks?”

Another head shake as she stared at the road ahead of us. “No.”

“What about pictures?”

“She hated pictures,” my mother said softly. “She never let me take any. The one in the hall is the only one I have.”

“Of her on her wedding day,” I said, an idea dawning.


“When she married my grandfather.”

A pause. “Yes.”

“Did he really die in a car accident?”

My mom inhaled sharply. “Yes.”


“When I was little,” she said.

“Did you have any aunts or uncles?”

“It was just my mother and me.”

I tried to imagine what that would be like. Lonely was the word that came to mind.

It was strange, realizing how little I knew about my mom’s life before us. Before Dad, even. I felt guilty for having never really thought of her as anything but Mom. I wanted to know more—not just because of the weirdness with my grandmother, though that was the catalyst.

“We’re strangers who happen to live in the same house,” Noah had said about his family.

My mother felt a bit like a stranger too. And right now, I didn’t want her to be.

But when I opened my mouth to ask her another question, she cut me off before I could.

“It’s been a long day, Mara. Can we talk about this stuff another time?”

“Okay,” I said quietly, then tried changing the subject. “What did you think of Noah’s stepmother?”

“They’re . . . sad,” was all she said, and left it at that.

I was impossibly curious, but she was clearly not in a sharing mood. The obscenely heavy New Theories in Genetics crushed my lap; I tried to start reading it in the car, but grew nauseous. It would have to wait, but that was okay.

Everything felt okay, oddly enough. Yes, Katie was rude. Yes, the necklace thing was weird. But Noah and I kissed.

We kissed.

He wouldn’t spend the night, but I’d see him tomorrow after Horizons. And then it would be the weekend, and we could spend it looking for answers together.

And also maybe kissing.

When we pulled onto our street I almost missed John walking a terrier mix down the block. Seeing him made me feel even lighter.

Jude wanted to scare me, and he had, but that was over now. He’d have to find something else to occupy his second life.
