Brandon arrived just before ten o’clock, short-tem-pered, exhausted, and in no mood for foolishness. He was dirty and sweaty, there was a thin cut across his forehead, and cobwebs flew from his hair in long strings. They had found no sign of the assassin at all. His only news was that preparations for Peter’s coronation were going full speed ahead in the Plaza of the Needle, under the direction of Anders Peyna, Delain’s Judge-General.

His wife told him of Dennis’s return. Brandon’s brow darkened. He went to the door of his son’s room and rapped not with his knuckles but with a closed fist. “Come 'ee out here, boy, and tell us why you come back with the ash bucket from your master’s study.”

“No,” Dennis said. “You come in here, Dad-I don’t want Mother to see what I’ve got, and I don’t want her to hear what we say to each other.”

Brandon barged in. Dennis’s mother waited apprehensively by the stove, expecting it was some sort of semi-hysterical foolishness which the boy had thought up, some ill-advised monkeyshine, and that very soon she would hear Dennis’s wails as her tired and distraught husband, who must begin today at noon to buttle not a prince but a King, took out all his fears and frustrations on the boy’s backside. She hardly blamed Dennis; everyone in the keep seemed hysterical this morning, running around like crazy people just let out of bedlam, repeating a hundred false rumors, then taking them back in order to repeat a hundred new ones.

But there were no raised voices from behind Dennis’s door, and neither of them came out for more than an hour. When they did, a single look at her husband’s white face made the poor woman feel like fainting dead away. Dennis scurried along at his father’s heels like a scared puppy.

Now Brandon was carrying the ash bucket.

“Where are you going?” she asked timidly.

Brandon said nothing. It seemed that Dennis could say nothing. He only rolled his eyes at her and then followed his father out the door. She saw neither of them for twenty-four hours, and became convinced that both were dead-or even worse, that they were suffering in the Dungeon castle.

Her dire thoughts were not so unlikely, either, for those were a terrible twenty-four hours in Detain. The day mightn’t have seemed so terrible in some places, places where revolt and up-heaval and alarms and midnight executions are almost a way of life… there really are such places, although I wish I didn’t have to say so. But Detain had for years-and even centuries-been an ordered and orderly place, so perhaps they were spoiled. That black day really began when Peter was not crowned at noon and ended with the stunning news that he was to be tried in the Hall of the Needle for the murder of his father. If Detain had had a stock market, I suppose it would have crashed.

Construction on the dais where the coronation was to take place began at first light. The platform would be a jury-rigged affair of plain boards, Anders Peyna knew, but he also knew that enough flowers and bunting would cover the rude spots. They had had no warning of the King’s passing, because murder isn’t a thing that can be predicted. If it could be, there would be no murders, and the world would almost certainly be a happier place. Besides, pomp and circumstance wasn’t the point-the point was to make the people feel the continuity of the throne. If the citizens got the feeling that everything was still all right in spite of the terrible thing that had happened, Peyna didn’t care how many flower girls got splinters.

But at eleven o’clock, construction abruptly ceased. The flower girls were turned away-many of them in tears-by the Home Guards.

At seven that morning, most of the Home Guards had begun dressing in their gorgeous red ceremonial uniforms and their tall gray Wolf-Jaw shakos. They were, of course, to form the cer-emonial double line, an aisle down which Peter would walk to be crowned. Then, at eleven, they received new orders; strange, unsettling orders. The ceremonial uniforms came off in a blazing hurry and their dull, dun-colored combat uniforms went on instead. The showy but clumsy ceremonial swords were replaced with the lethal shortswords which were everyday equipment. Impressive but impractical Wolf-Jaw shakos were cast aside in favor of the squat leather helmets that were normal battle dress.

Battle dress-the very term was distressing. Is there such a thing as normal battle dress? I do not think so. Yet soldiers in battle dress were everywhere, their faces stern and forbidding.

Prince Peter has committed suicide! That was the most common rumor which went flying about the castle keep.

Prince Peter has been murdered! That one ran a close second.

Roland was not dead; it was a mistaken diagnosis, the physician has been beheaded, but the old King is insane and no one knows what to do. That was a third.

There were many others, some even more foolish.

No one slept as darkness stole over the confused, sorrowing castle keep. All the torches in the Plaza of the Needle were lit, the castle blazed with lights, and every house in the keep and on the hills below showed candles and lanterns, as frightened people gathered to talk about the day’s events. All agreed wild work was afoot.

The night was even longer than the day. Mrs. Brandon kept watch for her men in terrible loneliness. She sat at the window, but for the first time in her life, the air was rife with more gossip than she wanted to hear. Yet for all of that, could she stop listening? She could not.

As the small hours of the morning stretched out endlessly toward a dawn that she felt would never come, a new rumor began to supplant all the old ones-it was incredible, unbelievable, and yet it was asserted with more and more assurance until even the guards at their posts were repeating it to one another in undertones. This new rumor terrified Mrs. Brandon most of all, because she remembered-too well!-how white poor Dennis’s face had been when he had come in with the prince’s ash bucket. There had been something inside, something that smelled sick and burnt, something he wouldn’t show her.

Prince Peter’s been taken in custody for the murder of his father, this awful rumor went. He’s been taken… Prince Peter’s been taken… the prince has murdered his own father!

Shortly before dawn, the distracted woman laid her head in her arms and wept. After a bit, her sobbing faded as she fell into a troubled sleep.
