I sit on the beach, waiting for One to emerge from the water. When she does, her wet suit dripping, surfboard slung under her arm, I stop the memory. Then I loop backward a bit further, watching her surf a wave and then return to the beach again.

This is the memory I chose to return to. I replay the scene over and over, unsure how many times I watch her come out of the water, until eventually ghost-One appears beside me. She looks surprised to see me here but sits down on the beach next to me. For a while, we don’t say anything; we just stare out at the ocean, watching Number One surf through one of her last happy days. Part of me wishes I could grab a board and go out there with her, but that’s not the way this works. This moment will have to do.

“I’m sorry you died,” I blurt out, meaning it.

“Yeah,” answers One. “That sucked.”

I think back to the floating vision of the solar system. What will happen when my people commence their invasion on Earth? Will this beach look like the ones on Lorien must now?

“I don’t understand why any of this has to happen,” I say.

“Maybe you should ask your pops. He’s got all the answers, right?”

I nod my head slowly, even though the thought of bringing these feelings to the General makes me feel nauseous. One is watching me, a small smile forming at the edges of her mouth.

“I’m going to,” I say, feeling suddenly resolute. “I want to know why.”

“Good,” replies One, and she squeezes my hand, even though I can sense that part of her is still sort of repulsed by me.

A shiver goes down my spine, and without quite knowing why, I quickly pull my hand away.

“What happens now?” I ask One.

“Now,” she says, “you wake up.”
