But if a cherry is an insignificant thing amidst the elegant trappings of a mansion, easy to lose in the winding corridors and high vaulted rooms, it is also a rare thing and hard to find.
When Claire Wintergreen looked at the fresh faced young maid, she knew right away that the girl was a virgin-or very close to one. Claire smiled and licked her lips.
"I hope I'm suitable, Ma'am," Dolly said, nervously.
"I'm sure you will Work out just famously, dear," Claire told her. "And I hope you will enjoy working here.
"Oh, I'm certain I will."
Claire showed Dolly her quarters. Dolly was impressed. The maid's room was almost as large and much more elegantly appointed than her apartment in town.
"You may have visitors, if you care to," Claire said.
"Oh. I don't.."
"You must have… admirers?" "Gee. I have a boyfriend."
"But he's a lout."
"Oh. Well, as long as he keeps to the servants' quarters. But never mind. Now I'm anxious to see how you look in uniform.
Claire showed Dolly where the uniforms were kept. Dolly expected the woman to leave, but Claire waited right there. Well, it didn't make any difference, Dolly thought, although she thought it strange that a rich woman would remain in the room while a common maid changed into uniform.
Dolly took her blouse off.
As usual, she wore no bra. Claire stared at her heavy, round tits, and Dolly was embarrassed.
Probably rich people always wear bras, she thought; she probably thinks I'm too poor to buy one.
She removed her skirt. As she bent to step out of it, her plump titties hung down like ripe fruit, ready to be plucked-succulent, fleshy fruit, ready to be eaten.
Dolly wore only her panties, and Claire's eyes were devouring the girl's nubile, curvaceous young body.
Dolly started to down the uniform.
"Oh, please… wear the French silk underwear," Claire said.
Dolly figured the rich woman didn't want common cotton panties worn in her presence. She slipped them off. Claire's eyes glowed as she looked at the young girl's bushy twat. Her long nailed fingers clenched, as if they wanted to touch something.
Dolly put the black silk panties on.
"Lovely," Claire said.
The panties were transparent, the black material serving only to shade her flesh, not conceal it.
"Gee, they're so smooth," Dolly said. She had never worn silk panties before.
"Are they?" Claire said.
Stepping closer, she stroked the silk where it was molded like a second skin to Dolly's pert ass.
"Oh, yes.. smooth," the woman said. Dolly thought: Golly! If she wasn't a married woman with a daughter, I'd think she was a dyke or something! But that couldn't be, not a married woman.
Dolly put the black bra on. It was cut low so that it did not cover the nipples at all, merely held her breasts up higher and deepened the cleavage.
"You're splendidly sexy," Claire said.
Her fingertips stroked down the upper slopes of Dolly's big tits, brushing the nipples. Dolly blushed, ashamed that her nipples had stiffened. The rich were, a lot more familiar than she'd thought they would be.
In confusion, she started sorting out the uniform, the lace blouse and short black skirt and the little lace cap. There were stockings and a garter belt, too-she had to put them on first. She felt very nervous and Claire wasn't helping by standing so close and looking so excited… looking, in fact, exactly the way a lesbian would have looked.
Dolly put the garter belt on and, sitting on the edge of the bed, began to draw the silk stockings up her shapely thighs. She had to raise her leg to do this, and she knew that her mistress was looking at her cunt. It was visible through the sheer panties, like the negative of a cunt. To her horror, Dolly realized that the crotchband of the panties was damp.
She sure hoped that Mrs. Wintergreen didn't notice that!
Claire was saying something about stockings being so much more sexy than pantyhose, but Dolly didn't pay much attention; she was trying to get dressed as quickly as she could. It wasn't unpleasant to have a woman stare at her body, especially a beautiful, wealthy woman like Mrs. Wintergreen, but it made her nervous. She was fumbling with the fastenings of the suspenders. This was partly because she was so nervous and partly because-a child of her age-she had never before worn anything but sexless pantyhose which, Claire was saying, make a woman's crotch look like the crotch of a latex doll.
"Let me help you, dear," Claire said.
"Oh, I can."
But the elegant woman had gracefully knelt beside the bed; she began to fix the suspenders to the tops of the stockings, her hands moving on Dolly's naked thighs.
She leaned closer, as if to see what she was doing. Her head was between Dolly's knees. Dolly just knew that her mistress would notice how damp the crotch of the panties had become. And she'd only had them on for a few seconds. She didn't understand, herself, why her cunt should be dripping. It wasn't as if there were an attractive man in the room.
But Claire, if she noticed, did not embarrass the maid by mentioning the creamy state of her crotch. Her hands seemed to be moving higher than necessary to attach the stockings.
Then the door opened.
"Oh! I guess I'm interrupting something, huh?" said Amanda, the daughter of the house-although she sure didn't look it, Dolly thought, in her scruffy jeans and tee shirt.
Claire shot her daughter an annoyed glance.
"Sorry, Mom. I didn't think you'd be getting down to so soon," Amanda said, with the hint of a saucy grin.
"I'm simply helping Dolly dress."
"Oh. Sure."
Dolly didn't understand the undercurrents that she felt in the conversational exchange. She couldn't figure them out to save her life; she just sat there, feeling confused and helpless.
"What was it, Amanda?" Claire said. Her hands were still on Dolly's thighs but not moving now, as if she couldn't fasten the garterbelt and talk at the same time-or wanted privacy to concentrate on what she was doing.
"I wondered if I could borrow your dildo, Morn."
Dolly gasped. No, she couldn't have heard that right.
"What's wrong with yours?" Claire asked.
"The batteries are dead."
Claire made a clicking, chastising sound with her tongue. She said "You're simply fucking yourself too much with that thing, dear; altogether too much."
"Aw, Mom… I only do it two or three times a day. It's just that I linger over it."
"Well, you can use mine for now. It's in the dresser drawer in the master bedroom. Mind, you wash it before you put it back."
"I always lick it clean," Amanda said.
She went out, giggling.
Dolly was stricken. She gaped at Claire, her mouth open and her eyes glazed.
Claire said, "Yes?" Then she said, "Oh, don't be shocked by our style of speech, dear Dolly. The truly wealthy have no inhibitions about such things.
"But.. your daughter… I mean.."
"Most girls have a dildo or vibrator in this liberal, enlightened age," Claire explained.
"Gee, I don't," mumbled Dolly.
"The thing is, common people keep it a secret, while the aristocracy admits to it. It's quite simple."
"The rich sure are different."
"Yes. Dear F. Scott said that, didn't he?"
Dolly didn't know who F. Scott was.
"But do you mean to say that you haven't a dildo of your own, Dolly?" Claire said, as if she were surprised.
Claire had, in fact, been wondering what line to take with this innocent, simple minded but oh so sexy young girl. Not wanting to scare her by being too direct, Claire had intended just to stroke her a bit, under the guise of helping her dress, and then play it by ear. She figured it might take a week or two before she got around to making love to her. But now she saw, a line of seduction that hadn't occurred to her before.
One had to use the imagination when one had dealings with the commoners, she realized.
And her fiery, lusty imagination was working overtime at the moment, as she knelt there with her face so tantalizingly close to Dolly's crotch.
"Oh, no. I never use anything like that," Dolly hastened to tell her mistress.
"But whatever do you do then, dear? Surely you can't just rub yourself off with your hands day and night?"
"Err…" That was all Dolly could think of to say; it didn't require a great deal of thought. She said it again. "Err."
Claire suddenly looked shocked.
"Surely you don't let your gentleman friend.."
"Oh, no!" Dolly squealed.
"But I don't understand. What do you do, then?"
Dolly, who masturbated with a certain regularity, blushed and averted her gaze. She said, "I don't do much, really."
"You aren't frigid?"
Something in Claire's tone made Dolly believe that it would not be advisable to feign frigidity.
"Oh, no," she said. "I have a normal, healthy sex drive."
"I simply must get to the bottom of this. You'd better tell me just what your gentleman friend does to you."
"Lout friend," Dolly corrected her.
"Yes, quite."
Dolly would have gladly lied but she didn't know in which direction to stretch the truth. Which would satisfy this remarkable woman more purity or wantonness? Dolly had no idea and felt at a loss. Claire was waiting for an answer; Dolly decided that she had better stick to the exact truth. That would place her on some level between the extremes-sandwiched between prudery and depravity but leaning, in this liberal age, towards the former.
"Well, we neck and pet," she said.
She figured that was sufficient definition, but Claire, looking interested, said, "Yes?"
The rich probably don't use words like that, Dolly thought.
She said, "I'm a virgin, but my boyfriend and I well… we touch each other." She blushed deeply.
"I see," Claire said, without any hint of her feelings concerning this admission. Then she said, "I think we had better get to the bottom of this. After all, you are to be my maid and live in my home; I have every right to know what sort of girl I employ. I'm sure you agree."
"Oh, yes, Ma'am."
"Now…you touch each other… where?" "Oh, dear," Dolly said, flustered.
"I can see that you are bashful," Claire said.
"Perhaps we can figure things out without using words which you find hard to say and blush when you hear them. Let me see. Does your loutish friend touch you.. here?"
And reaching up, Claire cupped Dolly's fat tit, squeezing gently;
Dolly gulped. But she saw that the woman was right. She was far less embarrassed at having her tit touched than she would have been if she'd had to verbally express it. For some reason which she could not fathom, it even felt rather nice.
Dolly nodded shyly.
Claire said, "Yes, I can tell that your tits are used to being caressed from the way that your nipple stiffens against my hand when I rub, like this Claire rubbed Dolly's tit, and Dolly's nipple shot out like a launched rocket.
Holding her hand cupped to Dolly's mound, Claire slipped her other hand up the maid's inner thigh. Her fingertips brushed Dolly's cunt, along the damp silk crotchband of the French panties.
Dolly held her breath..
"And here?"
Biting her lip, Dolly nodded. Claire rubbed her cunt.
"Yes… it gets very juicy when I touch it," she said. "I can tell your crumpet is accustomed to being fondled. I suppose your friend puts his hand inside your panties, too… like this?"
She slipped her fingers inside the black silk sheath and they ran up Dolly's gash.
"Ooooh," Dolly said.
Why do I feel so sexy? the girl wondered. It's not as if a man were touching me-or even a lesbian or an affectionate girlfriend. It's just a nonverbal examination. So why is my cunt starting to cream? I hope Mrs. Wintergreen doesn't get the wrong idea about me! How terribly embarrassing that would be!
Claire was stroking her clit, and Dolly was trying not to squirm in reaction.
"Does he make you come, dear?"
"S sometimes," the confused girl admitted.
"And I suppose you jerk him off?"
"Yes," she said, in a tiny little voice.
"Well, that's very handy," said Claire. "I can find no fault with that. But… how do I know you're telling me the truth? How do I know you are a virgin?"
"Oh, I am!"
"Well, I'd better make sure of that.. just so I know what sort of girl I'm harboring. You don't mind?"
Dolly had no idea how the woman would find out if she was cherry, but she shook her head.
Claire pulled the French panties down.
"Spread your legs, dear," she said.
Dolly, flaming with embarrassment-and something else opened her lush thighs. Claire leaned closer to her crotch. She gently spread Dolly's cunt lips open, gazing at the foam streaked, darker inner flesh.
"Your cunt looks maidenly," she said; she was gazing rapturously into Dolly's open gash.
"I didn't know… it was so easy… to tell," Dolly said.
"There is one certain test," Claire said. She smiled mysteriously. Her eyes were smoldering jade, and she was leaning so close that her heated breath wafted up Dolly's open pussy.
"What's that, Ma'am?" Dolly asked, nervously. "Taste," said Claire.
"Of course. A virgin cunt tastes differently than a cunt that has been drenched in semen."
"I.. never knew that."
"Most people don't."
Dolly was squirming now; she couldn't help herself. And she was mortified. Whatever would the mistress think? She would surely get the wrong idea when she saw that Dolly's cunt was creaming and here clit was starting to stiffen. And Dolly couldn't understand it, herself. She tried to figure it out, though. It must have made me think of Duke.
That was it. She had wished that Duke would taste her cunt the day before, and now some connection had been made in her awareness-that explained it. Dolly had never had a mouth on her cunt and, naturally, the idea was stimulating. But she wished that it had been Mister Wintergreen who gave her the examination for virginity.
No, she didn't. Whatever was she thinking of? That would be sexual, he being a man; with his wife, it was simply a test of her purity.
Claire said, "You have no objections to allowing me to make this investigation?"
Dolly said, "I… guess not. I am… I am a virgin, I have nothing to hide."
Claire smiled. She opened Dolly's cunt lips wide and, leaning in, ran her hot tongue up the girl's sodden gash. She repeated the tongue stroke.
Dolly gurgled with the sensation, wriggling her hips and pushing her belly out. Claire paused fat a moment, her head tilted to one side, as if she were judging the virginal flavor on her tastebuds. She licked again, along stroke with her tongue cupped as it ran up the girl's flooded slot and across her tingling clit.
Again Claire paused, gazing speculatively up at Dolly's face. She smiled happily when she saw the maid's expression. She dipped her face back to the girl's crotch, and this time she pushed her stiffened tongue right up Dolly's hole, wriggling it around in the swampy tunnel. She began to tongue fuck steadily up Dolly's twat, while her lips parted and commenced to suck on the girl's cunt lips and clit. Dolly lost all control.
Her lush body rippled and she worked her cunt against Claire's face luxuriously. Claire, very satisfied at this situation, sucked and tongued with relish.
Her lips pulled on Dolly's parted slit and her tongue slithered in and out, like a churn whipping the heavy cream within that hot bowl. Cunt juice ran onto her tongue and lips and she slurped it merrily up and sucked for more. Her hands cupped Dolly's ass, and she tilted the girl's pelvis up as if it were a chalice from which she was draining the precious nectar of passion. She rubbed her whole I face around in the girl's slippery crotch and ran her tongue up in long, fiery strokes that extended from Dolly's asshole to her pubic mound, passing through her slot and over her clit on the way.
Dolly's eyes were closed, her lips parted; she was panting heavily and punctuating that panting with little gasps of pure lust. The girl's reaction to this cunt sucking-her obvious pleasure-seemed to in spire the cunt starved woman every bit as much as the delicate flavor of cunt juice, and she went suck crazy on Dolly's hot pussy, She pushed three fingers up the girl's hole and sucked on her clit as she did so. Streamers of thick cunt juice poured onto her lips and she slurped them into her mouth, letting the savory oil run over her tastebuds for a moment, then gulping it down and sucking another hot trickle out. Her face moved from side to side; she rubbed her mouth up and down; her tongue flashed and flared. She was working on Dolly's cunt like a terrier shaking a rat.
Opening her voracious mouth as wide as she could, Claire slapped her lips over Dolly's whole crotch, taking cunt lips and clitoris and perineum all into her mouth and sucking like a sump pump. The hot cream was flowing from Dolly's snatch in a turbulent stream, pulsing steadily into Claire's eager mouth.
Dolly was coming.
She threw her head back and tossed her face from side to side as her loins opened and the cunt juice gushed out. Claire slurped it up with relish. She spooned it up with her curled tongue; she pulled it out with her lips; she worked her fingers in and forked the creamy juice to her mouth.
Dolly's firm thighs pressed around the cunt crazed woman's face and she rocked back and forth spasmodically. She had never come like this before, had never known such a deep thrill. She cried out with the joy of the sensation-the ecstasy of coming.
Then she was drained.
She slowed her rocking minion, gradually subsiding; her heavy panting turned to little whimpers and the mask of lust on her face changed to a smile of contentment.
Claire continued to suck her pussy until she was sure she had milked the girl to the dregs. Then she drew her lips back a little and, using her hot, nimble tongue, lapped Dolly's cunt sparkling clean. She sat back on her heels, smiling with creamy lips, her amber eyes glazed with satisfaction.
Dolly looked down at her mistress, smiling; then, realizing what had happened, Dolly looked amazed.
She had come! She had come in a woman's mouth! And not just any woman, but her mistress!
Dolly was mortified.
But then she realized that Claire was neither angry nor disgusted, and it dawned on her that the woman did not realize that she had had an orgasm. Why should she? She wasn't a lesbian, so how could she be expected to know when a girl creamed in her mouth? It seemed logical-sort of.
Claire said, "Oh, your pussy is delicious that is, I mean to say.. virginal."
"I told you so," said Dolly.
Claire stood up. Cunt juice gleamed on her lips and chin. Her own cunt was on fire and she gazed at the maid for a moment, wondering if she might get sucked in return. But she figured it might be a bit too soon to expect that. Dolly was so succulent that she didn't want to risk losing her; there would be plenty of time to work her gradually up to that. The girl was obviously innocent and stupid-but her cunt was delicious.
"Yes, I'm satisfied… with your purity," Claire said. "You may dress now."
Claire turned and hurried from the room, bent on satisfying the fires of her own crotch before she positively ignited!
Dolly sat there, stunned.
Of course, the mistress had no idea that the maid had come in her mouth, Dolly figured, none at all, that Dolly had come just as if it had been a sexual, rather than investigative, act. Dolly was shocked at herself for her reaction. It was shameful and sinful, she thought.
But it had felt so wonderful!
And despite her misgivings, Dolly found herself wondering if the mistress would want to check out her virginity very often. Had it been a one time thing, not to be repeated now that her purity had passed the taste test? Or-she thrilled to the thought-would Mrs. Wintergreen feel the need to reaffirm her chastity every time she came back from her day off or entertained a visitor in her quarters?
The thought of having that woman's tongue and lips pull an orgasm from her cunt with regularity caused Dolly to squirm and tingle. It was wicked, she knew-but she couldn't help that.
And it wasn't so very bad. It wasn't as if either of them were lesbians, she told herself. It wasn't as if she had lost her virginity. Her climax had merely been a wonderful side effect of an act that was perfectly natural, although she had never realized that before, and was therefore no worse than rubbing herself off.
As long as Mrs. Wintergreen never learned the truth!