In those few paralyzing seconds, standing in the door of her mother's bedroom, the whole of Karen's life had been turned upside down.

At first she couldn't believe the fantastic sight confronting her youthful blue eyes. She had frozen there in the doorway as if struck by lightning. Her mother was sucking like a madwoman on the stray German shepherd's thick red penis while the animal licked at her openly exposed cunt!

A combination of horror and… strangely… jealousy made her knees buckle, and she gripped the doorframe for support, frustrated sensuality raging like a forest fire through her pubescently sensitive loins. She couldn't believe it – her own mother's mouth working on that huge dog's penis. Sucking ecstatically with her throat full of husky guttural moans!

The nubile platinum blonde teenager shook out her long white-blonde hair, her ripely swollen breasts heaving with emotion. Every time the brute snarled, his powerful flanks pumping his cock furiously in and out of her mother's mouth, it sent a wild, flashing thrill shooting through Karen's nerves. Her mother's hungrily working lips and tongue made the animal whimper with lust, until finally his loins began jerking and spasming out of control, spewing out a scalding load as if from an inexhaustible source.

Karen watched hypnotized as stream after stream of the viscously gushing dog-sperm erupted into Georgia's ovalled mouth, filling her throat faster than she could swallow it. It seemed forever before the semen-drained cock slipped wetly from her mother's cum-filled mouth and she seemed to be groaning erotically through a really savage climax of her own…

Karen gasped and clutched her throat. She had to flee before she went stark raving mad, because watching her mother with that dog, in addition to everything else she'd seen that day, was setting her loins to stir in a furious turmoil of pubescent desire. She had to get away – and swiftly. Before she went out of her mind with lust. Because all she could think of right now was that bright red German shepherd cock and the way it slid in and out of her mother's mouth… and of how it might feel if it was being stuffed up her own hot, wet and willing young cuntal passage…

Racing down the hallway, her budding young breasts bobbing, their pert little pink crests becoming stiff with teenage desire, she finally made her way into the bathroom and shut the door behind her. Panting for breath, she slid gasping to the floor, one hand reaching up under her skirt to rub willfully at her seething young loins.

She had to get her head together – but how? Her own mother – God, it didn't seem possible. How could she do that awful thing, with that huge, obscene German shepherd? While it was true that the dog was desperately attractive… still she thought… It was quite one thing to catch a hellion like her Aunt Betty up to such a thing. Aunt Betty, after all, was a sophisticated, modern woman of the world. But her mother… It didn't seem real, somehow.

Karen shook out her long platinum hair, her dark eyelashes fluttering the way her belly was fluttering, filled with sexual butterflies.

Her mother had always been so respectable. If there was one word used to describe her, invariably that was it. She was a good, normal woman. And then to find her engaged with that dog…!

Or was there something that she was missing here? The thing was, her Aunt Betty and her mother were two women she had admired all of her life. If they had both independently chosen to be fucked by a handsome pair of German shepherds, then could it be all that bad? Adults were always keeping secrets from young people – perhaps this was one of those secrets, the fact that adult women took dogs, big good-looking dogs, for their lovers while their husbands were away. A secret that everyone knew? Excepting her?

Considering all this, the beautiful platinum-tressed child continued to run her fingers absent-mindedly into the soft, hair-fringed folds of her rapidly moistening young pussy, the elastic waistband of her panties gripping tight across her slowly moving wrist. The heated moisture from her vagina was increasing at a rapid pace, but Karen didn't seem to notice, she was so deep in thought. The fact that the clear sticky liquid was inundating her fingers didn't quite dawn on her.

But did all this mean that her mother loved her father any the less? Necessarily? They seemed happy enough. And as attractive as her German shepherd lover undeniably was, Karen still couldn't imagine anyone not loving her father, who was darkly handsome and probably wonderful with sex as well.

And didn't this free her now to love her father all the more? Knowing that her mother was not being faithful to him? She could make him happy, she was sure. They could all be happy.

The sweet, honeyish feeling in her loins escalated as the confused teenager daydreamed on and on. She imagined her father with all of his clothes off, his immense hard cock springing up dangerously at a sharp angle to his dark hairy loins, jutting out at her in lewd invitation. She could imagine herself with her legs spread widely, welcoming him, her pale soft pussy hair all wet and slick with her incestuous excitement, pointing right at his face.

And then he would move forward into the warmly scented circle up between her open legs, the soft rubbery end of his penis slowly parting the sparse platinum curls around her cuntal mouth before moving into the wetly glistening folds of pussy flesh.

But then, suddenly there was something else in her daydream – yes, the big dog that had been fucking her mother's mouth! His enormous pink cock was sticking out a mile and he was slipping it slowly through her eagerly rounded lips, stuffing it all the way down her throat, fucking her mouth just as her father's long hard penis had broken through her virginal hymen before going all the way down into the hungering depths of her vagina… so that man and dog were both fucking her at once in her two gaping holes…

Karen gasped and opened her eyes. Her cuntal hair was all soaked with a warm, pearl-colored cum. She drew out the fingers she'd been using to relieve herself and looked at them startled. Even as she stared at them, she saw her hand rising of its own volition to her mouth. A moment later she began sucking on them, swallowing all of her own tasty secretions. Her tongue licked lavishly around her fingers until she thought she would swoon from the heady, heavenly taste of her vaginal fluid.

I've got to get out of this, she thought tremulously. I'm doing all sorts of filthy things I've never done before. I've got to get my head together.

She staggered upward to her feet, her breasts heaving irregularly beneath the tight white sweater. Then, wiping her fingers on her skirt, the teenager moved toward the connecting door to her bedroom.

Once inside, she began swiftly stripping off her clothes. First came her snug cotton sweater, swinging up and over her head to reveal her resilient white mounds joggling within her brassiere. She pushed her hands in back of her and undid the hooks and eyes, watching herself carefully in the mirror on the vanity. She could see her long platinum hair floating all around her back. Her mother had combed it for her all her life, and never allowed it to be really cut, so that now it swam all around the top of her buttocks. Her hair was really what most men noticed first about her, although usually in combination with the firm upright thrust of her budding young breasts.

Now she removed her brassiere and let it fall to the floor. Her high-set white mounds, topped with their berry-like nipples and oversized pink crests, sprang into view. She gripped them in her hands, smiling slightly, and squeezed. Fluttery sensations burst through her chest and rippled downward to her wetly throbbing pussy.

Karen's nostrils flared as her hands dropped to her waist to fumble with the fastenings on her skirt until they came undone. A second later, her mini fell in a soft pool around her long lithe legs. The cotton of her skirt caressed her slender young ankles lovingly, and she shivered involuntarily from that soothing caress.

Now her thumbs hooked into the tight elastic waistband of her white nylon panties, and she drew them down, watching herself the whole time, even as her long blonde hair fell about her shoulders, and her fulsome young breasts swayed like ripe pears as she bent over.

The bright-eyed thirteen year old virgin could see all of herself now. Revolving, she put her hands on the moon-like dimpled mounds of her gleaming ass-cheeks and dug her fingers into their fleshy softness like the talons of a hawk. Her thumbs moved up between her buttocks, deeply into that hot hairless crevice, until she remembered the obscene way she had stuck her finger up inside her puckering little anus at her Aunt Betty's and, blushing with shameful remembrance, she steeled herself and forced her fingers to slide out again.

Then she was facing frontward again and cupped her ripened breast mounds to offer them erotically to her reflection in the mirror. These were what men loved to suck on, she knew, and her father should love hers especially. For wasn't she a loving daughter?

And then there was the fact of her sparse platinum pubic hair. She knew that this coloring was unusual, and she often doted on studying herself in the mirror this way. For what could be sweeter than a natural platinum blonde?

Karen smiled to herself. If her father ever saw her like this, he couldn't fail to love her! She stepped daintily out of her panties, breathing hard, and kicked off her loafers. If only dear Daddy was here now, to see her in all her loveliness!

And then she heard it – the creak of the bedroom door opening slightly…

She looked at the door – startled and apprehensive – to find that big handsome brute of a German shepherd coming smoothly in through the open portal!

"You!" she cried reflexively. "What are you doing here?! Get out!"

But Wolf only snarled unintelligibly. He understood what the beautiful young teenager was saying, but he chose to ignore it. He had to ignore it, for the fiercely ruttish pounding in his genitals would not let him rest.

He had noticed the platinum-haired thirteen year old that morning, and had been disappointed when she'd left. With her long white hair and the sweet scent of her pubescent youth, she was totally the most attractive young human he'd ever seen. The redhead was a voluptuous woman, but this girl had such an essence of purity about her that the urge to slip his cock up through her trembling white buttocks and make it disappear through her virginally snug anal ring was fairly compelling – indeed overwhelming.

So that when he had heard and sensed her presence when he was finishing his scene with his redheaded mistress, he had scented keenly in order to keep track of her smell as she moved off down the corridor and about the house. Then when he had broken from the redheaded female, leaving her breathing brokenly in an exhausted nakedness, he took off after the young platinum blonde.

His keen nose had followed her to the bathroom, which had been closed, and he had waited there for some moments until he sensed her departing for the room next door. With this one, the door had been slightly parted, and he had been able to push it open further and ease his sleek body through the wide-spread portal.

Now they were face to face, she standing naked there in the center of the room, he with his eyes and nostrils devouring the total compelling magic of her scent.

He could feel his penis gradually filling with blood and sliding out through its softly furred container. He was all ready to go again – this girl was so enticing that he needed no further rest. He was becoming fully aroused at the sight of her glorious loveliness. He wanted to sink his rampant penis up into her belly and hump over her until that moment when, convulsively, his animal hunger was appeased.

"Get away! Get away, bad dog!" Karen cried, backing away, her long white hair flying around, her breasts quivering in fright. The big dog growled and moved closer toward her, its sharp canine teeth showing in a menacing snarl. This produced a blast of fear in the trembling young girl's loins, and the fright was in some way a more sexually exciting element than kindness.

"Get away! Leave me alone!" she moaned, backing off until she fell against the bed. But the big dog only growled in warning, making her loins cringe with primitive thrills, and she stumbled backward and up onto the bed as fast as she could.

Suddenly he leaped at her, landing right in front of the bed! Karen cringed and her voice came out in a piteous, helpless moan, "Please-what, what do you want of me? I'll do anything-anything you want." And oddly, as she spoke, the young girl realized she wanted him to do something… something naughty.

Wolf grinned evilly, showing his teeth, then suddenly jumped up on the bed and began nosing at her with his cold, wet snout. Trembling with fear and terror, Karen allowed herself to be nosed about and pushed around by him.

By now the heated flow in her wetly throbbing loins had become a perfume that was stronger than soap or cologne, she was terrified of this shaggy lover who could not be understood or implored, who only knew how to demand and force her to do his bidding.

But at the same time she found Wolf savagely exciting. There was something marvelously masculine about the way he terrified her into submission in a way that all females secretly love. The raging fire in her loins required satisfaction desperately now, and as he was obviously intent on forcing her to do his bidding, Karen had the perfect rationale for being compliant. This was rape! After her initial resistance, God could scarcely hold it against her if she was terrified and allowed herself to be mauled and pushed around by this magnetically dominating animal. She had done her best, after all. She was just an innocent virginal thirteen year old, completely pure, while Wolf was obviously a dangerous, brutal beast who had been trained to do this. What sort of competition was there in that? What sort of defense could a weak, delicate young thing like herself present?

"Please-please… what… what are you trying to do to me?" she continued to wail helplessly as he forced her to get on all fours on the bed, her long platinum hair streaming all over her neck, shoulders and back, her budding young breasts swaying and jiggling over the coverlet, her naked buttocks waving high in the air in back of her.

Wolf drooled as his eyes fastened on her fleshy white ass-cheeks. Growling low in his throat with desire, he got up on his hind legs and staggered forward awkwardly, his feet digging deeply into the softness of the bed, until he was able to clamp his forelegs firmly onto her smoothly muscled young back.

The feel of his forepaws on her bare back drove Karen wild with excitement. She could feel the saliva growing in her mouth, and her vagina was flowing copiously in heady expectation of some lewd behavior. But what? What was it she was expecting?

In back of her, Wolf's large cone-shaped hardness had emerged like a red hot branding iron, shining and wet. It jiggled and jerked in the air before the panting, slavering dog could finally locate the wetly heated cleft between Karen's buttocks. It slipped and danced in this tightly clenched portal, dredging gasps of pure amazement and terror from the voluptuous platinum-tressed teenager. The dog snarled menacingly to freeze her into position, and then began working the slimly pointed organ up toward her fearfully puckering rectal passage.

Karen felt as if she was going to faint. Wolf's was the first penis she'd ever felt in such a highly localized and personal portion of her virginal anatomy. Its touch sent instinctive waves of longing echoing through her sensually awakening loins and anal canal in a natural female reaction. She couldn't seem to help herself. Despite the fact that she was terrified of what was going on, there was still that feeling of primitive thrill and heady excitement that she couldn't seem to fight. It was pure instinct that made her buttocks squirm lewdly backwards in search of his penis, instinct for her body to want her sizzling anal passage filled. The swollen mounds of her breasts were by now throbbing with desire, her nipples had become elongated and erect. Her entire loins were aflame with obscene desire.

Suddenly she could hold herself back no longer. Uttering a savage little cry of pure desire and release, she reached around in back of herself and grabbed Wolf's long animal penis, pulling it forward so that the tip of it pressed snugly against her tightly clenched little anus.

The big dog slavered and gasped, its haunches still struggling for a firm position in the softness of the bed. His strong forelegs gripped tightly around her naked waist and hourglass hips, his slippery cock sliding effortlessly forward through her tight elastic anal ring!

"Aaarrgggggghhhhhh!" Karen groaned as the huge instrument began to push away her snugly fitting rectal walls like a destroyer shoving the waves away from its bow. In spite of the initial discomfort, she pushed her buttocks backward, trying to capture more of the delicious hard instrument. Although this was the first real sexual experience she had ever had in her life, she knew immediately that it was the most wonderful experience any girl could ever have. His long slender hardness seemed to fill up her very soul as it pushed its way slowly through her throbbing, softly resisting nether passage. The pleasurable shock of being filled up with Wolf's large, pulsating animal cock was like nothing she had ever experienced before. Her nibbling anal channel wanted instinctively to gobble it up until it disappeared up inside her belly with Wolf's soft stomach fur bouncing against the marble smoothness of her backside.

"Daaaaaarling," she whooshed, her breath coming in ragged gasps. "Daaaaaaarling."

She wiggled backward, trying to impale as much of herself on his wonderfully exciting penis as she could, but the twinges of pain she was beginning to feel forced her to back off of it again.

Wolf was relentless, however. Digging into her bare white back savagely with his paws, he grunted, barked, and yelped as he hammered his rigid animal hardness forward into her snug rectal passage yet one more inch.

Karen's long white hair hung down all over the bed, covering her panting, gasping face. Now that the thicker part of his enormous rod of shaft had entered her nether passage, the feeling was not near as sweet as it had been at first. There was some pain as he spread her tender nether channel with his gradually expanding penis. As moist and slick as it was, it was still throbbing with the hard ridges of his swollen veins, and she could feel every last iota of their savage pulsing pressure inside her futilely resisting passage.

She groaned as the dog rammed forward still further. Now it seemed as if he would split her right down the center. Her belly felt as if it were on fire. Still, though, she could feel surges of animal-like pleasure overlapping the agony of her anal channel being rent asunder. She wanted this, and at the same time she didn't want it. She couldn't make up her mind. It was agonizing, and yet within that agony was a fierce, soul-dissolving sort of pleasure that could not be denied.

Meanwhile Wolf's saliva was dripping all over her nakedly hunched back, flowing down the indentations along her backbone and into the cleft of her buttocks. Some of it managed to lubricate his wildly pulsating penis, and trickling down that shaft it found its wet way into the crinkled mouth of her anus. As the dog drew back slightly, worming his penis around in her squirming hot passage, the pain seemed to let up and her backside became somewhat lubricated.

Then with one powerful thrust of his haunches, he savagely rammed his long hard penis up into her tightly resisting anus, burying his cock to the hilt in her warm buttery flesh.

"Aarrggggghllllhhll," she gargled throatily as his enormous blood engorged cock pushed forward into her softly yielding body. He was entirely inside of her now, and with an expertness born of long experience, he wormed his slippery organ around her nether passage to drag harsh, broken little cries of ecstasy from her passion-drenched lips.

That seemed to act as a cue for the passionately enraged German shepherd, and now he began squirming and fucking madly into the sex-crazed young teenager, ringing piteous whimpers of insane lust from her open and drooling mouth.

His long merciless cock seemed to be growing ceaselessly within her fire-filled belly, and for a moment the girl thought it was going to plunge in all the way and come out her gasping throat! The resilient flesh of her full, firm breasts rippled and jounced from each jarring impact of his barrage, their pebble-hard nipples rubbing excitingly across the satin coverlet of her bed. Overcome now with lewd desire, the helpless teenager found herself grinding backward with a mindless lust, pushing the wide-stretched moons of her helplessly upthrust ass-cheeks back onto his love-slick penis, its pleasure-bringing hardness skewering wildly up into her passion-inflamed anal passage.

By now almost all of the pain had subsided, and as her slavering animal master pressed forward the final inch of his masterful, all-subduing cock into her aching nether aperture, she found that she was again more happy than she was in pain. Indeed, the pain had evaporated until finally there was nothing but a wondrous feeling of joyous surrender spilling outward from her wildly tingling loins, a feeling of ecstasy and happiness greater than anything she'd ever known in her life! There was a dynamic pressure building in her hotly boiling anal channel that had a screaming, fluid urgency all its own… pressure pyramiding toward an incredibly high level of sheer, unadulterated bliss…

"Ahhhhhh… ooohhhh… ooooooooooh daaaaaaaaaarling. You're beautiful… Fuck me," she sighed, groaned, and gasped, straining sluttishly beneath her canine lover, wallowing in subjugation and bestial humiliation. His rampaging pink cock disappeared up into her, then came out again with her puckering anal lips clutching it like a child's lips around a lollipop. Then he thrust his throbbing hardness up into her tight little opening again, bringing sharp cries of ecstasy from her open mouth. She gurgled and gargled and thrashed beneath this inhuman, maddening fucking that had destroyed all her reason.

Karen was vaguely aware that she was straining her lewdly upturned buttocks back over his punishing cock in obscene cadence with his blissfully lewd pumping of the churning inferno up between her trembling white thighs. The thirteen year old was sure of little more than that, as she undulated her hips back toward him in small, pleasure-seeking circles… actually abandoning herself totally to the breath-taking fucking she was getting in her rectal passage. Her beautiful head flailed wildly, her long, disheveled platinum hair flying back and forth. Then she twisted her wantonly contorted face around in order to look back at his face, capturing the intense rapture their all-consuming bestial fucking was providing for him. For some reason this seemed to her the ultimate compliment, and she suddenly felt blissfully, wonderfully happy! The feeling in her loins was too great, too beautiful! Why had it taken her so long to find this wonderful moment! There was a tremendous, ever-expanding balloon in her belly that was blowing up with pleasure!

With growing ferocity, rasping and grunting savagely, the big dog continued to pump his wetly glistening penis in and out of her clasping nether passage, shoving her face sidewise down into the bed with every obscene forward push. Karen ground her teeth with a mixture of shame and happiness, yearning for him to empty at last his scalding animal sperm inside of her. Her desire-confused brain whirled with the absolute luridness of their situation, while her naked young body trembled in its subservient position to the overwhelming mind-bending sensations he had set blazing in her passion-incited loins. Then her glazed, lust-drugged eyes saw the reflection of their lewdly locked position in the vanity mirror, and she groaned happily at the provocative vision. The animalistic obscenity of the huge German shepherd straddling the spread white moons of her smoothly curved ass-cheeks sent a jolt of unbelievable lasciviousness burning through her erotically quivering flesh.

Karen gasped as she glimpsed as well the breath-taking sight of his long moist cock emerging from between her whitely quivering ass-cheeks, then plunging back inside again. Wolf's whimpering sounds also served to thrill her lewdly as his forepaws struggled to hold onto the smooth curves of her naked waist. With a low throated moan of ardent surrender his thirteen year old love-slave ground her hungrily tremoring buttocks backward over his fiercely punishing hardness, her feverish passion driving her wild!

"Fuck me! Oh! Yes! Fuck me!" she wailed, heedless of all morality.

Wolf grunted lewdly and in response humped forward heavily, his sperm-gorged balls slapping into her nest of soaked pussy hair up between her thighs. The long spear of his thickly hardened canine penis moved deeply upward into the hungrily squirming orifice of her backside.

Karen's eyes bulged as she watched his furious attack in the mirror, watched his scarlet penis slithering upward into her rectal channel with a fierce wet rush, burying itself to the hilt in her well-stretched passage. She saw and felt his sperm-laden testicles in their taut furry sac bouncing against her quivering pussy flesh, and the sight almost drove her out of her mind with a lewd desire that knew no bounds.

"Oh! Oh! OH!" she cried, her wide blue eyes gaping unseeingly as her wildly panting dog-lover fucked all the more frantically into her slavishly kneeling body. Her head felt like it would explode with every savage, breast-rippling thrust, as his long scarlet hardness pistoned into her without mercy and she tried desperately to match his cadence.

Unprecedented sensations of animal lust filled her entire nervous system until she wanted to scream out loud. Wolf battered her virginal young helplessness with a ferociousness born of his bestial lust, his painfully huge penis sinking to its immense full length, a relentless shaft of slippery joy filling her sensuously squirming belly with all of its wonderful hardness!

The young girl rotated her buttocks desperately over his powerful instrument with uncontrollable whimpering mewls, clenching and unclenching her hotly clinging rectal walls over the entire length of his heavily ridged cock with a masochistic cry of wanton passion.

And then suddenly she could feel her first cock-inspired orgasm come spiraling upward from the depths of her abdomen, sending jolt after jolt of wildly ecstatic sensations surging through her loins. In the mirror her passion-glazed eyes could see Wolf's long red penis vanishing like a reddened broom handle between the rotating cheeks of her naked gleaming buttocks. His furious fucking was frenetically jerky and swifter than her addled brain could cope with! And then… and then…

"Oh! Oh! Oh!" she wailed breathlessly. "Oh! I'm cummmmming!"

Her clasping anal flesh clung like a tightened fist in a rubber glove to his huge hardness as the big dog suddenly began jerking and shuddering, its deeply buried instrument squirting hot gushes of animal semen to slosh around like liquid fire in the hungry bowl of her helplessly trembling young belly. Her rectum clasped hungrily around his cum-slickened rod as she felt spasms of unbelievable delight rippling through her teenage flesh totally unlike anything she'd ever felt before. Her nether passage sucked and milked on his madly spurting penis while the little teenage blonde writhed through her own rapturous climax, uttering sharp little cries of amazement and happiness, her flawless white flesh breaking out with sweat as her rectum swallowed all of Wolf's animal cum and then sucked upward on it to get more.

"Oh! Oh! Oh! Oooohhhhhhhh!" she wailed, her vagina and rectum both gushing out their liquid passion all over his sharply pistoning cock, his rapidly emptying balls and lower belly, and flowing down the rounded cheeks of her trembling young ass, down her inner thighs, to fall onto the red satin coverlet below.

And, in fact, she was so lost in her delirium of licentious desire and orgasmic lust, that she didn't even notice the tall figure standing in the bedroom doorway, seeing everything, witnessing all of her vicious animalistic depravity…
