Thelma Cassidy smiled for the photographers and kissed her son affectionately. She was secretly pleased that her daughter-in-law Sylvie was not present for the photographs, even though she had told the family that she was deeply insulted that Sylvie couldn't even get out of bed to see her.
"Cassidys don't get sick!" she told Tim, sternly, when he tried to explain his wife's sudden illness to her. "At least not when they're campaigning, they don't!!" she added.
Arlene stood nearby and thought she could not agree more. How Sylvie could stay away on this important day was more than she could fathom.
They would be leaving Cederton that night, and the bulk of campaigning was being done during the day. Thelma Cassidy had flown in with her own entourage, looking fit and hearty for a woman of her years, and the crowds gathered wherever they went, anxious to see all of the famous family together. Only Sylvie was absent, locked in the hotel room, complaining of fever and chills and producing thermometers to prove it.
By night time the entire group was exhausted, and when it came time to go to the airport, Tim and his mother waited in a limousine outside the hotel for his wife to come down.
Arlene had made sure that everything was packed and had helped Sylvie get ready.
As she watched Sylvie getting uncertainly to her feet, Arlene had to admit that her cousin did look sick. But not feeling very charitable toward her idol's wife and remembering the young senatorial candidate's stiff hard cock rising in her trembling cunt, scowled at Sylvie and inquired, "Such a sudden illness… what did you do last night to bring it on?"
Sylvie remained silent and tight-lipped. What on earth had ever made her think that she and Arlene were as close as sisters? Obviously there was no one in the entire world she could depend on… not even herself! She wondered vaguely if Arlene suspected that Erick had come to visit her, but then brushed it aside. No one would ever suspect the depths of degradation she had been dragged through by her evil brotherin-law!
"Probably screwing too much!" Arlene thought to herself bitterly, imagining herself as the chaste and efficient wife of Tim Cassidy. How much more suited for the job she was than her younger cousin! The comparison was almost embarrassing. Poor Tim, if only he knew. But once more, she reminded herself that she couldn't possibly do such a thing as tell Tim what she knew about Sylvie. She would have to suffer in silence while Tim went along believing his wife Sylvie to be a faithful and obedient wife!
"Well, let's go!" she said briskly. "You know if you'd travel with your maid, you wouldn't need me to do so many of these things for you!"
"Perhaps I don't need you to do anything for me!" Sylvie suddenly snapped back. Just how much abuse was she supposed to take from her cousin? She had brought her there to help her when she needed her most but the older girl's presence thus far had only served to aggravate things. She gathered herself up and walked straight and tall in front of the startled brunette. She began to call upon deep wells of courage inside her as she reached the elevator and knew that within moments she would be facing her eagle-eyed mother-in-law. She pushed Arlene to the back of her mind, she would have to deal with her later. Right now she needed all the strength she could muster.
Arlene followed in stunned silence and saw Sylvie into the limousine.
Then she went to the next waiting car and got in beside the two brothers, Ron and Erick. She saw Erick put something away in his pocket as she got in beside the two brothers, and she wondered what it was.
Obviously, the two brothers were talking about something that they did not want her to hear, for there was sudden silence as she got in.
"Sylvie any better?" Ron asked.
"Seemed much better," Arlene replied. "I think she'll be fine after another day's rest."
"She's got that speech at the Woman's Club in Grandville," Ron muttered darkly. "She'd feel better by day after tomorrow!"
In the front car, Thelma Cassidy turned toward Sylvie as they started off to the waiting airport and the two waiting private planes.
"Tim tells me this illness came on suddenly last night! You poor dear!
Don't trust these hick doctors. When you get back to Grandville, I'm sending Dr. Darling right over to you. He'll fix you up!"
"Right, Tim?" Thelma gave her handsome blonde son's hand a squeeze. Tim was looking out the window, thinking of how it would feel to pass these same bleak streets not as Tim Cassidy, D.A. of Grandville, but Senator Tim Cassidy.
"Tim needs you to be well for him, Sylvie," Thelma went on. "Remember … we Cassidys have a tradition to uphold. We are before the public eye, and the public is very demanding. Nevertheless, we will show our breeding and our backbone!
Sylvie set her teeth. "Yes, Mother Cassidy," she replied. "Yes, I know, Mother Cassidy." Back between her sore buttocks she still felt a horrible pain, a terrible memory of her evening with her husband's brother. The lips of her vagina were sore and raw, and so far the ointments she had applied had not helped at all. She ached all over. It had not been hard to fake the thermometers, and when the doctor had found her temperature normal, he'd declared that these things come and go rapidly. "Had three cases of this flu already this week, the only thing for it really is bed and rest. But I'll give you a shot, and you can get this prescription filled. Take the pills every four hours. I must say I've never seen such a famous patient. My little girls will be thrilled!"
"Take care of my boy, now Sylvie… I'm sending that darling, Dr.
Darling right over… he'll give you some of those special shots he gives me, and you'll be fit as a fiddle. Make sure that Tim gets some rest now. He looks tired, and oh, yes, I'll see you for certain before the big dinner at the governor's mansion." Thelma Cassidy headed away from them on the air-strip toward her own plane and her waiting entourage. She waved gaily to them after kissing them both goodbye, and paused to kiss her other two boys, Ron and Erick, who stood nearby. Her veils blew in the strong wind, and her still shapely legs moved briskly away from them. They all seemed to breathe a sigh of relief and then they moved toward the ramp of the airplane that would carry them home to Grandville.
"Sorry to leave you sick in bed, Sylvie." Tim looked at his wife's wan features as she lay propped on her own pillows in the family home. Got to go to talk with the district leader over in the south district. I may be late! Did Dr. Darling give you those shots?" Tim put as much faith in the family doctor as his mother did, and he was confident that his wife's sudden virus would be over in record time. It was not like Sylvie to be sick, and he was counting on her getting back into the swing of things right away.
"Yes, Tim, I'll be fine by tomorrow. Don't worry, I'll make that speech on highway beautification at the Woman's Club. I promise you, I won't cancel out," Sylvie told him just what she knew that Tim wanted to hear from her, and she wished that he would go and leave her alone. She had spent the entire day in her room, seeing no one at all. At midday she asked Frank to bring her up a little toast and broth, but that was all.
The older man, her husband's valet, had been surprised when she did not ask to see her maid Ella to perform that simple task, but he was more than willing to comply with Mrs. Cassidy's wishes.
"I… want… a girl… just… like the… girl… that married dear… old Dad!" Ron pushed the advance button on the tiny recording machine. "You ain't seen nothing yet!!" the female voice spit out.
Ron was listening to the carefully edited tape that Erick had made during his night with Sylvie at the Cederton Hotel. Across from him sat his younger brother, Erick, also listening to the lewd tape.
"Ooooooohhhhhhh!! Erick!! Erick!!" the voice cried out, and there followed the unmistakable sounds of intense love-making: "Fuck deeper! Fuck deeper deeper… deeper!!!"
Ron heard the tape through, his face growing redder and redder as the sounds of abandoned climax followed one tumbling upon another, and when the obscene recording was finally over, he groaned and sat back in his chair. He actually had only heard a part of the tape in the limousine, but now he knew the full story. It had been hard for him to believe that the woman on the tape was his brother Tim's lady-like wife, but finally, it was impossible not to recognize her voice, even though she was undergoing the stresses and strains of making love with his baby brother Erick.
He sighed and sat all the way back in his chair, staring into space in the direction of the book-lined library.
"What else was I to do?" Erick inquired. "Any man would have done the same. She seemed to want it so bad…"
"And you just gave her what she wanted…" Ron finished for him. "Do you expect me to believe that Sylvie has turned into some kind of nympho?" he continued, glaring at his brother.
Erick hadn't been able to keep his conquest of Sylvie to himself. His own motivation for letting his brother Ron in on it was uncertain. He had felt a real need to have someone else know how he had gotten into Sylvie's tight little blonde cunt, and the only person in the world he could tell was his middle brother Ron. Ron had asked him after all for a detailed account of Sylvie's problem, and he had done nothing more than what his brother had asked of him. It sewed Sylvie right, though, he thought, to have Ron think she was a nympho… maybe she was for all he knew… the way she'd been standing there on the dunes that day with her fingers in her cunt while he and Ella, the maid, were at it in the sand.
"Believe what you want!" Erick replied.
"Well, I don't believe it… something must have happened… something to make her act like that… did you do anything…???"
"Who me??" Erick hunched his shoulders innocently.
He suddenly felt angry. No one ever believed him. He was tired of getting kicked around by his two older brothers. It had been going on since he was a baby, and he felt just as rebellious against it now as he had then.
"If you don't believe me, I'll prove it to you then!" he declared.
"Well, I'm going to need more proof than that… If Sylvie's really sick going to have to get fixed up and fast."
"Meet me in her room in 2 hours. We'll talk to her together," Erick suggested, a sudden idea coming to him.
"Why 2 hours?" Ron inquired.
"Oh, I have some things to take care of first," Erick replied, breezily.
"All right, I'll go along with you." He looked at his watch. Two hours, that would make it 8:45 P.M.
"I'll be there." Ron watched Erick swing out of the door. Then he went over and locked the door carefully. He went back to his chair and turned the tiny pocket recorder on once more.
"This is dynamite!" he thought, realizing that he would have to destroy the incriminating tape of Sylvie's voice.
"It's good!!It's good!!" she cried out, and the background noises were of such an obscene nature that Ron couldn't help but be affected by it.
He pushed the rewind button and listened from the beginning, feeling his dormant penis begin to rise slowly but surely with each passionate groan that me small speaker emitted.
And to think that's Sylvie, he thought, over and over again. He had never been particularly fond of his brother Tim's wife, but he had always had to admit that she was one of the best looking women he'd ever laid eyes on… if not the best looking woman. Sometimes at night when finally he got to bed after a long day's and evening's work, he would think of her… especially in those early days when she and Tim had first gotten married, and he knew that they were screwing hell out of each other all of the time!
His own sex life was almost nonexistent, but it was rarely that he bothered to think about it. His life was consumed by other, more important things. He usually brushed away the little girls and the society women who wanted to throw themselves at any Cassidy, although from time to time he succumbed. Ron was thinking that one of those times was near. His body felt in sore need of release from the tensions it usually knew, and he was going to have to go out and find himself a woman. Nothing difficult about that… it was only annoying because it took precious time away from his other activities.
He tried to concentrate on just how he would have to deal with his sister-in-law's sexual problem… if it was a problem… he wondered if Dr. Darling would be knowledgeable and trustworthy enough to deal with this rather sensitive problem and be able to treat her? But he could not continue to think rationally as long as the tape was on. Yet, he continued to listen to its lewd contents, while his burgeoning cock stirred lustfully upright between his legs.
Ella backed away from Erick's roving fingers. He moved his thumbs against the tips of her nipples where they lay beneath the front of her uniform, pushing hard against them and pressing the soft firm breasts back against her chest. She backed up against the wall of the stable several yards away from the house, where Erick had asked her to meet him. It was dark and she was cold, the sea air rushing in over the land created a cool breeze that people stuck in the heart of downtown Grandville were not lucky enough to have on hot August nights. Ella looked up fearfully into Erick's face. She remembered what Sylvie Cassidy had told her about resisting Erick, no matter what. But she did not seem to be able to stop his fingers at her breasts, and how could she resist him, anyway? He was who he was, and she was who she was!
"I don't have to do what you say…" she muttered in an attempt at defiance. "You're not really my employer!" she gasped.
"Oh, but I am; it's the Cassidy Corporation that hires you, love, and I'm a major stockholder, not to mention a vice-president. So forget that little ploy." His hands moved along the teenager's quaking hips and thighs. His loins pressed forward against hers, and he felt her tremble as his hard cock pushed against her belly.
"All that is beside the point, anyway, sweetheart. I'm not going to fuck you again… not tonight, anyway… I just want you to do something for me. Take this medicine up to Mrs. Cassidy. The doctor just had it sent over. You tell her the doctor said to take two teaspoons right away. Stay there until she takes it."
Ella clasped the tiny brown bottle in her hand. She felt relieved, but also strangely let down. If that was all he wanted of her… she could easily do that.
"But…" she started. Erick's fingers moved upward toward the dark haired split of her hidden pussy, his forefinger slipping in under the elastic of her nylon panties, pushing forthrightly against the tip of her hidden clitoris.
"Uuuuunhh!" she gasped, her whole body remembering the day on the beach with the young lawyer. She had not even gotten a letter from her boy friend in Vietnam yet, but she'd read an article about how the soldiers carried on with Vietnamese girls. It made her feel better about the sinful way she kept thinking of young Erick Cassidy all the time.
"You take it right now, love. Hurry up!" Erick whispered into her ear.
"You and I will have our meeting soon enough!"
His finger made one last upward motion into the thin wet lips of her minuscule vagina, and then he whisked it out, spun Ella around, and, giving a pat on her tight little buttocks, sent her off toward the house.
Sylvie lay in bed, a light crocheted shawl that she had bought on her honeymoon trip to Italy tossed over her revealing silk nightgown. She had dutifully taken the medicine that Ella had brought up. It had a bitter taste, but Sylvie was sure that it must contain something special to make her regain her strength. Already, she seemed to feel a great deal better. Resting in bed all the long day had helped her a lot, and now she didn't feel in the least bit sleepy. She tried reading one of the many books she kept at her bedside, but, though she riffled through several of them, none seemed to strike the right chord. She could feel her mind as well as her body mending now as she managed to assimilate the horrible things that she had endured with Erick into the thoughts that seemed a bit more formulated. She felt that she had probably paid off her debt to Erick… the price had been terrible, but at least it was over. He could not help but be satisfied by what he had done to her. She would prove herself to be as strong as any Cassidy by getting over it… by carrying on with her life as though it had never happened. She had made a dreadful mistake, and her own body had deceived her, making her act in ways she had never dreamed of, but now, all desire was slaked from her system… she thought. What a relief to know some kind of peace from those inner torments.
Sylvie picked up the latest copy of WEEKLY magazine, and looked at her own picture on the cover. Her fine perfect features were as exciting as any movie star's, and for once, Sylvie felt a surge of pride as she remembered that she was more than a movie star… she was the wife of Tim Cassidy, a position that held the glamour of stardom, but also held all the importance of being the spouse of a man who was serving the country.
She put the book down and closed her eyes, thinking that she must somehow have strained them. The picture had suddenly blurred out of focus. She ran her fingers through the light weight of her long, beautifully brushed blonde hair, feeling suddenly warm all over, so warm in fact that she had to remove the shawl from her shoulders, and indeed she felt like removing her nightgown. Her tongue was thick in her mouth, and suddenly she felt completely parched. Sylvie jumped up and hurried into the bathroom, where she removed her gown, slipping on a shorter one that lay neatly folded in a chest. Then she drew herself a large glass of water and drank it down, noting it did little to make her feel cooler. She stepped under the shower and turned on the cold water. The feel of the water on her deep peach toned naked body began to inflame her. Each drop was like an obscene caress that stimulated her beyond belief, making her cry out in an acute agony of desire.
"What's happening… what's happening to me!!" she wondered aloud, hurrying from the shower and going to her medicine cabinet where she withdrew a small tin of salve. She dipped her fingers into the salve and then spread it onto her tingling and engorged nipples. Then she put a little bit down between her legs, rubbing upward into the cleft of her swollen and oddly stimulated pussy folds. Instead of soothing her as she had expected the calming salve to do, it had exactly the opposite effect, and she was startled to find herself rubbing against the velvet of her inner membranes with a pressure that became more and more furious "Oh My God!" she whimpered, "My God!!!"
Everything seemed to be coming apart. She felt light as a feather, one moment, and then she felt heavy and lethargic. When she tried to focus on something, it appeared to move and shift and she was forced to close her eyes tightly. Little shivers began to traverse her half-clad body and she ripped off the shorter nightgown and finally fell to the floor of her dressing room which gave onto the bathroom. She just had to get something inside her… something that would satisfy her!
Panic stricken, the thought entered her mind that she might die if she did not have surcease from the waves of shuddering lust that spread through her, she rolled nakedly over the deep pile rug, rubbing herself against the grain of the fiber, until she reached the wall and the intercom system. She knelt and pressed the buzzer that would sound in the servants' quarters. Frank answered almost immediately.
"Frank…get up here right away… I need help!!" she cried in desperation.
"Yes M'am!" Frank turned from the intercom and passing the curious Ella, he made his way toward the back stairway. He did not know what might be wrong with Mrs. Cassidy, but he was prepared to offer any assistance that he could, and he hurried up the stairs, panting at the untoward effort.
Frank entered the spacious bedroom that Tim and Sylvie Cassidy shared and seeing no one gravitated toward the dressing room. There he was stunned to see Sylvie Cassidy's flushed and naked body rolling and twisting spread-eagled upon the rug.
In her hands she held the thick phallus shape of a gilded candle; one of several that were placed about the white and gold dressing room for decorative effect. In desperation she was trying to fit the thick instrument up into her raging vagina. She twirled her entire body upwards and a little to the side, her legs wide-spread as the pointed end of the candle appeared to be stuck just inside her widely yearning pussy.
"Uuunghh!" Sylvie's terror-filled eyes turned to Frank who stood in the doorway, with an equally alarmed expression on his face.
She seemed to be imploring him with her eyes to come and help her get the large candle inside her.
" Frank… Frank… Frank…help… you've got to help me…I've got to ram it in…I've got to ram it inside… oh dear God… oh oh oh ohhh!"
Frank stepped hesitantly into the room. Nothing in his many years of experience with the Cassidy family had prepared him for this moment, and yet he felt that he had to rise to the occasion. He tried to mink of what was the best thing to do. He had been thoroughly trained in the fine art of serving, and this was a true test of his mettle. Finally his mind made up, he moved forward and grabbed hold of the candle, removing it from Sylvie's hands and with a sudden thrusting motion twirling it in the flooded pit of his employer's golden blonde fringed cunt and pushed it steadily until it began to slide with a lewd slippery noise into her rampaging cunt.
Sylvie felt the cold hard edged object entering her, filling her and with alarm she realized that it was making her cum, cum in an entirely different way than she had ever cum before. Her heavy well-formed breasts jiggled upon her chest, sprouting tiny orgasms of their own in the breasts that spread and electrified her entire body. Frank was pushing and pulling now, kneeling beside his climaxing mistress, hoping that he had made the right decision.
"More more more more more!" she commanded of Frank. The orgasm was not enough, she had to have another immediately. She twisted and turned against the rising candle between her thighs and then she knew that she would have to have something alive inside her.
"Frank… Frank!!!" she implored. You… I have to have you!!!"
Her fingers were already reaching out for the elegantly tailored front of Frank's trousers, where she found the buttons of his fly and began to undo them. "I can feel something in there, Frank, I know I do!!" she said wildly. "Frank…you have got a big hard juicy cock!" she cried triumphantly, withdrawing what was truly just as she said, a good sized penis of satisfactory hardness for Sylvie's purposes. The drugged young woman, moved the startled servant's thick uncircumcised cock with demanding precision, thrusting the foreskin back until the blood engorged head popped through.
"You… uh… Mrs. Cassidy!" The older man's face was flushed, and he could not quite get out the words he wanted to say, for Sylvie was pushing him down to the floor, and mounting him, and even if he had decided to resist, he would never have been able to get away from her determined hands pushing him down, and her strong legs spread on either side of his up-thrust cock.
Arlene pressed her ear to the study door, trying to figure out what the strange, tiny sounds were. Instinct told her she wanted to know more about just what Ron and his brother, Erick were up to.
Ron turned off the tape recorder and looked at his watch. Only 8:30 P.M. but he saw no reason why he should wait until 8:45 to meet his other brother Erick there, he could probably get to the bottom of the whole incident much better without the help of his bothersome brother.
As he stood up, he had some difficulty pressing down the thick bulge of his lust-hard cock, but he managed somehow and then placed the recorder in a niche in the wall of the library between two thick books. No one would be coming into the room until morning he knew, and he would return later that night to destroy the lewd message that lay within the coiled mechanism of the recorder. He left the room with a distracted expression on his face as he climbed the stairs, he hoped that his decision to let Tim Cassidy go alone to meet with the District Leader had been a wise one. There were times when he wished that he could be several places at once, and this was one of them. He couldn't very well have let this important thing about Sylvie go until later, though. Time was of the essence!
Downstairs, Arlene slipped into the study and closed the door behind her.
There was no answer to his knock on Sylvie's door and Ron let himself in. Before he had reached the half-way point in the room he heard the loud grunting and groaning that came from the dressing room. Hurriedly he rushed to see what was going on and stood peering down at the strangest sight he had ever seen.
His brother's wife, Sylvie, bounced and gyrated nakedly over the valet's beet red cock, spearing her own tingling pussy with the rockhard penis as she lunged up and down upon it. Behind, Frank was attempting to thrust a gilded candle in between her flexing cushiony buttocks, to the encouragement of Sylvie's shrieking lewd words. "Push it in Frank…stick it in my asssssss!!!" she cried, tears streaming down her face.
Dutifully Frank pushed the candle in as hard as he could, worming it around as Sylvie's clawing fingers were instructing him to do. Gleaming wetness seeped down from her gyrating cunt as she rode the older gray haired man's rampant cock with faster and faster lunges. Her blonde hair flew all over her head as she worked, perspiring so freely that she inundated the valet with drops of her sweat.
Ron stood petrified for a long moment. All that Erick had said was true … and it was for worse than he thought. Nevertheless, Ron had to admit that he had never seen a lewder sight in all his life. It was very unusual and it sent shivers up and down his spine, and he could almost feel the hair on the nape of his neck rising. As for his thickly swollen cock, there was no doubt that the desire he was feeling was directed toward the silken blonde performer in the middle of the dressing room floor… his broker Tim's wife!
At that moment Sylvie looked up and saw him. She didn't recognize him, only saw a man standing there. "Who is it?" she said, and then added,
"Whoeverit is come… come and help me… help me!!!" The madness still swirled in her belly and in her brain and she felt like ants were crawling all over her, creating a tingling lusting state that only rubbing and fucking would help. With only a second's hesitation, Ron freed his thickly engorged prick from his pants and moved into the room. He would do it to her if she wanted, and after they would see what had to be done. But right now he would do it. He had to!!
Ron saw Frank trying to scramble out from under Sylvie's determined body, his eyes full of fear now that he had seen Ron enter the room.
With a groan, Ron told the older man that it was all right. Then he bent and lifted Sylvie up, and Frank stood up beside them. Sylvie clambered against Ron now, her legs trying to climb his, her arms wound around his neck, her tongue thrusting forward into his mouth. She pressed and pushed hard against him, begging him to take her.
"Tim… Tim… is it you… oh fuck me darling… Tim, fuck me… fuck me!!!"
Ron picked her legs up and bracing himself against the wall, thrust her gaping wide cunt hard down upon his exposed hardness. His speeding cock drove hard, up and up into her wide-held pussy as her legs clasped around his waist. He bumped his loins forward to start a hard screwing motion into her tormented cunt that made her keen and croon loudly.
"Don't forget the back… fuck me in the back too!!! Oh someone please do it in the back!!" she implored.
Frank had stood by uncertainly until this moment, and then he stepped forward. As a younger man, Frank had known many young women, but none who had made him feel what Mrs. Cassidy had. He was anxious now to please her as he parted her already wide-spread buttock cheeks, and finding that reddish brown little hole that had ached so for the feel of the gilded candle, he thrust his own cock upward into its open mouth.
"Aaaaaaaaaahhhhh!" Sylvie cried out. She could feel herself sandwiched between the two men, Ron in front and Frank the valet in back. She was shamelessly suspended between the two standing men as the two hotly churning pecks filled her vagina and her rectum, giving her at last something of the desire quenching relief that she sought. The drug had taken its toll coursing through her veins, spreading and continuing its evil work onrushing through her system and bringing her to new peaks of frenzy.
She yanked Ron's head to her and kissed his lips, his nose, his eyes.
Her tongue slavered over his face. She caught a glimpse of his blonde hair and once more inquired, "Tim, oh, Tim, is that you?" Oooooh let me cum again, just once more!!!" she cried out, but she couldn't seem to climax again… her body was left always at the edge of it, hanging on by a thread but the orgasm never came.
Ron's powerful young body smashed deep groans from his distraught sister-in-law as eagerly he levered up ramming his thickly engorged cock as deep as it would lunge upward into her hungrily clasping pussy.
Sylvie strained against him, wanting him deeper, into the insanely quivering cunt she possessed!
She ground her buttocks down onto the inward thrusting penis that speared her willingly open rectum. She felt hot sparks of desire tracing along its nether path between her trembling naked buttocks.
"Ohhhhhhhhghghdlghhh!" But still she did not cum. It was always a second away. The pupils of her large blue eyes were dilated as she felt Frank's plunging cock stiffen without warning, spewing its white hot juice far into the obscenely milking walls of her defenseless anus.
"Not yet not yet not…" she cried, but the older man's spending cock was already limp and exhausted from its call to duty, and behind her Frank felt the strong sensations of his climax diminishing as his limp prick slid wetly from between Mrs. Tim Cassidy's buttocks. He stepped back and tried to straighten himself out, and when he looked up from his buttoning, he saw Erick Cassidy standing in the room. He was laughing merrily, watching the buffeting forms of his brother and sister-in-law Sylvie as they furiously gyrated against each other, Sylvie's widespread legs clasping behind his standing brother.
"So you came early?" Erick said, pleased with the little scene that he himself had caused. The drug had done its work well. It was supposed to but Erick had never used it before. It had been given to him by the son of the Ambassador to Jabor, a tiny middle eastern country where the men often used such things to bring them mindless delights with unwilling women.
"Perhaps I could have a go too?" he inquired politely, brushing Frank away. The two brothers stared at each other for a brief second over Sylvie's shuddering shoulder, and then Sylvie's voice awakened them.
"Oh don't stop… don't stop!!! Fuck me you bastards… make me cum!!!"
His blonde hair dripping wet, Ron pulled away from the wall and pulling his older brother's adulterous wife with him, he lay down upon the rug.
His legs felt weak and shaky after holding up Sylvie's weight all that time, but he still felt a need to complete the intensely satisfying fucking he was getting, so he kept her smothering nakedness over him without releasing his cock from her tightly clenching pussy. Her smooth legs lay spread over him as he bucked upward into her squirming body.
Her tongue thrust mercilessly into his open mouth as behind them Erick lowered his half naked body. He had removed his pants and shorts and clad only in a sports shirt and his shoes and socks, he replaced Frank's cock inside Sylvie's burning rectum with his own.
"Seems to me I've been here before," he mused to himself, as once more he felt the tightly clenching rectal muscles massaging all around his surging prick, making it tingle with a fierce pleasure that sent him into a mindless ecstasy.
"Oooooooooohhhhh yesssss… this is the way… this is the way…
"Yesss!" Sylvie kept groaning. The torture was miraculously subsiding and the strange sensation of tingling joy was again seeping through her defenselessly aroused body. The outrageous debasement and subjugation that she was undergoing aroused odd masochistic delights that surged through her bloodstream rivaling the drug with their intensity. Her strong hips commenced rhythmic gyrating motions an abandoned harmony with the increasing speed of the two rising cocks of her husband's two brothers inside her… one spreading upward into her tight, slippery cunt, the other prodding high between her buttocks into her rectum. She lay writhing between them… Ron on the bottom, Erick on top, face downward, her naked breasts pressing into Ron's suit-clad body. He had not had time to undress, but it didn't seem to matter, as he gave himself up to the strange sensations of sharing Tim's wife with his other brother!
Sylvie thought of herself as a prisoner… a defenseless prisoner… the mental mechanism that would produce her orgasm worked swiftly inside her… she was trapped between tow battering lust-inspired animals. Her breasts were being pulled and twisted, her lips smashed against two mouths that fought for her favors. Never had she been so royally treated. She mewled and whined at them, shaking her buttocks backwards up at Erick and screwing her loins down onto Ron as the two rising cocks met and passed each other against the thin membrane of flesh that separated the drugged blonde's vagina from her rectum.
"Cock…cock… cock!" she moaned…Oooohhhhcock… cock…cock… cockkk!"